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Also, seems there's no S supports for Alear. Though that might not necessarily bust romance being in this game...

On enemies with multiple life bars: I wonder if they'll get more dangerous as health bars get depleted, like monsters did in 3H... 

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So, if lance fighter branches into Halberdier and Royal Knight... are we going to get an unrevealed character who starts as a lance fighter? Currently no one fits the bill. 



Even if we reasonably assume that the playable Four Hound, Mauvier, is a royal knight, he'd surely be a late game prepromote, not an early-mid game growth unit.


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These new videos solidified me into getting the game Day 1. I’m glad Engage is heading back to its roots, at least according to what the reviewers say.

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I'm kind of divided on the voice acting, tbh. Nearly every else (except the story) is made out to be something extravagant or something and the only thing that's stepping up to the challenge is the gameplay and the customizability going on in floating castle. And there's also the music, I guess.

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Are the previews all in easy mode? The maps look like a walk in the park so far. Hortensia does 0 damage to engaged Alear...

I might go for maddening on my first run... I usually wait for the second one.

Anybody else worried about the lack of challenge?

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14 minutes ago, Taho said:

Are the previews all in easy mode? The maps look like a walk in the park so far. Hortensia does 0 damage to engaged Alear...

I might go for maddening on my first run... I usually wait for the second one.

Anybody else worried about the lack of challenge?

I remember there's at least one video that says he plays on hard mode, with sub 100 hit and respectable damage, so I'm not too worried about Hard difficulty at least

Normal are usually tailored for first timer and casuals anyways

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One detail I am worried about: We now know for a fact that reclassing depends on Emblems, as they are the ones to grant proficiencies. However, emblems seem to have varying availability. Around half of them seem to be surprisingly late, in fact. It's not clear how inheriting proficiencies works (Micaiah has been seen granting daggers, even though she doesn't have them), but if Emblems have set proficiencies they can give, there's a chance some weapon types will be a lot harder to reclass to than others.

That'd be a bit wonky. Reclassing has never been practical, for the most part. Of course, sometimes you find units who are better off reclassed, but the system overall is there for people who want to have some fun and do more outlandish things with their army. Restricting the freedom to do in this arbitrary so would be rather counterproductive, I feel. What if I want to give, say, Etie martial arts but the punching Emblem only arrives in the late-midgame?

Again, the Micaiah thing might mean they've accounted for this, but I'm just a little worried.

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1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

One detail I am worried about: We now know for a fact that reclassing depends on Emblems, as they are the ones to grant proficiencies. However, emblems seem to have varying availability. Around half of them seem to be surprisingly late, in fact. It's not clear how inheriting proficiencies works (Micaiah has been seen granting daggers, even though she doesn't have them), but if Emblems have set proficiencies they can give, there's a chance some weapon types will be a lot harder to reclass to than others.

That'd be a bit wonky. Reclassing has never been practical, for the most part. Of course, sometimes you find units who are better off reclassed, but the system overall is there for people who want to have some fun and do more outlandish things with their army. Restricting the freedom to do in this arbitrary so would be rather counterproductive, I feel. What if I want to give, say, Etie martial arts but the punching Emblem only arrives in the late-midgame?

Again, the Micaiah thing might mean they've accounted for this, but I'm just a little worried.

If that helps a bit, that sounds like the kind of liberty new game plus could provide. I'm fine with having to adapt meself, part of the fun.

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Our favourite preview account N1-UP has dropped the full Engage opening and title screen. Not that we haven't already seen it all already but I said I'd post it here anyways



The song is extremely cheesy, very Saturday morning monster-of-the-day cartoon/Power Rangers and I love it

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16 minutes ago, Cysx said:

If that helps a bit, that sounds like the kind of liberty new game plus could provide. I'm fine with having to adapt meself, part of the fun.

Hey, don't get me wrong, it's not going to be a HUGE problem for me. I'd just be sad if I couldn't make Vandad punch things haha. Fair point on NG+ tho.

4 minutes ago, Azz said:

Our favourite preview account N1-UP has dropped the full Engage opening and title screen. Not that we haven't already seen it all already but I said I'd post it here anyways

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The song is extremely cheesy, very Saturday morning monster-of-the-day cartoon/Power Rangers and I love it

I simp Madlear.

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5 hours ago, Azz said:

Our favourite preview account N1-UP has dropped the full Engage opening and title screen. Not that we haven't already seen it all already but I said I'd post it here anyways

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The song is extremely cheesy, very Saturday morning monster-of-the-day cartoon/Power Rangers and I love it

That was... certainly unexpected! lol Kind of catchy, but not the sort of theme one would usually expect of a FE game. 

The big question I find myself wondering now is if that will be the theme that starts playing in the inevitable "New Heroes" Trailer for FEH when Engage characters get added... That would likely catch a lot of folks off guard! XD

Edited by Namero
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5 hours ago, tipperthescales said:

Another video under the spoilers that shows off the majority of Ch1 and 2:

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That's like 3-4 pre rendered cutscene for chapter 1 only. I'm positively impressed

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9 hours ago, tipperthescales said:

Another video under the spoilers that shows off the majority of Ch1 and 2:

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Vandad doesn't one-round things as early as the prologue? That's a very good sign of this game's difficulty, and Vandad's design as a Jeigan. Finally, after so many years, we got an earlygame crutch that doesn't solo the game. Still hoping he can be made to work long-term with a demotion or something like that, though. I want him in my endgame team.

Also I love how they have that epic moment with Alear engaging for the first time, and then Vandad is the MVP anyways.

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10 hours ago, tipperthescales said:

Another video under the spoilers that shows off the majority of Ch1 and 2:

Huh, has the game leaked already?

And as I thought, its certainly Deku who's voicing Clanne. Now I kinda think he and Douglas should have a chat when Clanne gets into Heroes. 

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3 minutes ago, Etrurian emperor said:

Huh, has the game leaked already?

I'm not sure. This Video Chums thing seems to be a really tiny vlog about videogames. But I'm fairly certain the game hasn't been leaked, otherwise we'd already have gotten summaries of everything there is to know about it. I actually see this with a good number of games, these really small vlogs and channels somehow get their hands on preview copies, don't ask me how.

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1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Vandad doesn't one-round things as early as the prologue? That's a very good sign of this game's difficulty, and Vandad's design as a Jeigan. Finally, after so many years, we got an earlygame crutch that doesn't solo the game. Still hoping he can be made to work long-term with a demotion or something like that, though. I want him in my endgame team.

Also I love how they have that epic moment with Alear engaging for the first time, and then Vandad is the MVP anyways.

I suspect Marth!Vander or Sigurd!Vander are going to be really strong still. The only thing limiting him is his speed, and no one can replicate his mobility. Also now that we know that breaks cannot happen if one takes zero damage, axe users may be at a bit of an advantage, since sword damage is the lowest of the main triangle to begin with.

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11 minutes ago, Cysx said:

I suspect Marth!Vander or Sigurd!Vander are going to be really strong still. The only thing limiting him is his speed, and no one can replicate his mobility.

...Oh yeah, that's a good point. You can just slap Marth on Vandad and make him Seth. In theory. Really hoping there's more strings attached. I don't want to feel bad about using Vandad.

11 minutes ago, Cysx said:

Also now that we know that breaks cannot happen if one takes zero damage, axe users may be at a bit of an advantage, since sword damage is the lowest of the main triangle to begin with.

I suppose it depends on how strong the triangle is. Do we know that yet? If the boosts are pretty robust, they could pierce through even the mighty Vandad's defenses.

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9 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I suppose it depends on how strong the triangle is. Do we know that yet? If the boosts are pretty robust, they could pierce through even the mighty Vandad's defenses.

To our knowledge there's actually no stat boost at all. The triangle is exclusively about breaks this time around.

... though I mostly spoke in theory, on higher difficulties making enemies deal 0 damage to you is probably going to be very demanding.

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1 minute ago, Cysx said:

To our knowledge there's actually no stat boost at all. The triangle is exclusively about breaks this time around.

... though I mostly spoke in theory, on higher difficulties making enemies deal 0 damage to you is probably going to be very demanding.

I suppose the only way to find out for sure is to wait out the remaining... uhhh, 13 days.

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13 hours ago, tipperthescales said:

Another video under the spoilers that shows off the majority of Ch1 and 2:

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Oh wow, they weren't very good at the game, letting Vander getting all the kills lol 

The game looks gorgeous, so many cutscenes and art, the presentation is top notch.

Map wise, we're already seeing major difficulty differences. We've seen two different unit layouts for Lumera's map, presumably the one in the video is normal mode and the other layout where Lumera is at the top and there are more enemies is hard and maddening. I'm assuming where we've seen Hortensia without Lucina in chapter 7 is normal mode. I guess I'll be playing hard mode.

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59 minutes ago, Azz said:

Oh wow, they weren't very good at the game, letting Vander getting all the kills lol 

One thing I noticed is that they did seem to absorve the lessons taught to them by the game. They tried to fight in thickets when possible, prioritized removing the ranged threat pointed out by Vandad, broke the axe guy before beating on him with Framme, used Clanne to soften Lumera up from a safe range while ignoring her own thicket bonuses...

Only thing is, the game seems to have never told them that Vandad's not meant to kill things. It's obvious to veterans like us, but a completely new guy's just going to see two characters to use, nothing more. Until (if) they notice the discrepancy in experience gains, a complete newbie is just going to throw Vandad at everything lol

The older games always made sure to tell the player that these more powerful guys are supposed to be used sporadically, and that everyone else should be trained as well. Usually in the form of a house in one of the first chapters or even in dialogue. But it seems they've gone so long without a real Jeigan that they've forgotten to do it haha.

56 minutes ago, Azz said:

The game looks gorgeous, so many cutscenes and art, the presentation is top notch.

I think my favorite animation is the way light infantry units fly backwards when hit, but then instantly recover with an impossibly slick combat roll. It's so fun to watch.

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2 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

One thing I noticed is that they did seem to absorve the lessons taught to them by the game. They tried to fight in thickets when possible, prioritized removing the ranged threat pointed out by Vandad, broke the axe guy before beating on him with Framme, used Clanne to soften Lumera up from a safe range while ignoring her own thicket bonuses...

Only thing is, the game seems to have never told them that Vandad's not meant to kill things. It's obvious to veterans like us, but a completely new guy's just going to see two characters to use, nothing more. Until (if) they notice the discrepancy in experience gains, a complete newbie is just going to throw Vandad at everything lol

The older games always made sure to tell the player that these more powerful guys are supposed to be used sporadically, and that everyone else should be trained as well. Usually in the form of a house in one of the first chapters or even in dialogue. But it seems they've gone so long without a real Jeigan that they've forgotten to do it haha.

I think my favorite animation is the way light infantry units fly backwards when hit, but then instantly recover with an impossibly slick combat roll. It's so fun to watch.

True, I do tend to forget that. Honestly, I can't say much cause I will also be giving Vandad many kills to use him as much as possible lol

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