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Do you like Camilla?


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Back in the day I remember the common sentiment being she "doesn't match the aesthetic of Fire Emblem". That she stands out in a bad way. That she clashes with Fates' otherwise interesting/practical armor designs on the Nohr side (this was before we got jump scared by the rear view of female cavaliers). Throw her in Engage though? Perfect fit. That universe should be worshipping her instead of Alear.

Edited by Zapp Branniglenn
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18 minutes ago, Zapp Branniglenn said:

Back in the day I remember the common sentiment being she "doesn't match the aesthetic of Fire Emblem". That she stands out in a bad way. That she clashes with Fates' otherwise interesting/practical armor designs on the Nohr side (this was before we got jump scared by the rear view of female cavaliers). Throw her in Engage though? Perfect fit. That universe should be worshipping her instead of Alear.

I heard Mekkah say a similar thing about her in Warriors, that she's a perfect fit for Warriors' cheesy nonsense.

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I dislike her voice more than anything else (just like Selena’s laugh being the one reason to let her die as soon as possible.) Then I dislike the sick devotion trope that was given to her.
About her aesthetics, she does not fit within her siblings but she could perfectly be a villain of any other Fire Emblem game. And she looks better than any of Engage’s travesties.

Since I do not use her in the game nor do I face her (in Conquest), she is more irrelevant than irritating to me.

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Design would've been cool in a game without battle panties. Deep dekolleté on a battle armour is silly on its own, too, but eh.

Can't stand her character.

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Camilla is probably Fire Emblem's single biggest waste of potential. They had, in the Nohrian royals in general and in her specifically, a character that they could have used to explore the realistic side of the stereotypical FE gimmick of 'lol child soldiers,' including the long-term effects that sort of thing would have on someone(Camilla seems more casual than normal for even FE about killing, which I get is just kind of how Nohr in general is portrayed but they had a real chance to explain how messed up she really is). They also had a character that would allow them to explore the idea of what children will do for love or how children whose need for love was abused see love, with, you know, any of her potential Supports, but I would especially say Niles - Niles talks about how royalty know nothing of pain or hardship, so having Camilla explain to Niles exactly what she's had to do and how she did all of it and more because she wanted the love of her parents would have been a phenomenal way to approach this topic in a setting where it made sense. We also see more evidence of her being messed up when she rubs it in Hinoka's face that, to quote, "He chose me over you. Deal with it." The woman is on her knees contemplating near-certain execution, and Camilla's just like ha suck it (censored) onii-chan loves me instead of you.

What did they do with all this potential?


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I grew to like her.  I still think she is ridiculous, but ever since Heroes and Warriors it's got to a point where she crosses the line twice. She's so silly and such troll character, I just find it entertaining. 

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I wouldn't say I'm a fan exactly, but I do like her well enough. I'm not put off by her personality or smothering nature like others are, and I do like her design (not like that), so while I'm not the target audience for her character I can appreciate her existence. Not enough to have been excited for her to be an Emblem (especially when her title makes no sense, though I know that's a localisation matter), but enough that I was pleased to see her once the initial surprise/slight disappointment had passed. 

That said, I haven't played Fates since I was fairly young, so I wouldn't be surprised if refreshing my memory of her could change my opinion in either direction.

Edited by Digi
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She's not my least favorite character in the entire franchise or anything, but no, I'm not a fan of Camilla. I don't care for her design all that much and her character is one of the biggest wastes in Fire Emblem history. They could have had something truly interesting, but they completely fumbled the ball.

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I think Camilla would have been a lot better if the game had focused on her more interesting aspects rather than ignoring those in favor of fanservice. There are some supports like with Niles that go into her childhood, but most supports and dialogues are more focused on ''How can I get into Corrin-kun's pants'' 

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2 hours ago, Armchair General said:

And that's an bad thing?

Yeah man, inflaming the lusts of the flesh is bad.

Camilla is really, really strong. Ignoring all character and gameplay integration, I'm not sure whether I hate how that affects the gameplay or not.

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3 hours ago, Armchair General said:

And that's an bad thing?

I mean when you can't appreciate her without getting shamed for it by your family, or without having people automatically assume that you prefer characters with that level of design intellect, yes, that would be a bad thing. It's the same reason I can't just say Sakura is my favorite Fates royal - people just automatically assume I mean as a waifu character, then start making assumptions, I have to clarify every time I say she's my favorite that it's from the perspective of a sibling character. Camilla is a similar problem.

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I wasn't a fan of any of the Fates characters. As a Fire Emblem fan that began with Path of Radiance, one thing I thought I could always look forward to was an interesting set of characters, and Fates couldn't even provide that. They weren't characters; they were either gimmicks or plot devices. It was really disappointing.

As for Camilla specifically, I was part of the group that, when the trailer that revealed all the royal siblings showed her, thought that her design was so blatant and outrageous that it was off-putting rather than appealing. My opinion of her did not improve. There's a potentially interesting character somewhere, but it's buried under a pile of terrible writing and shallow fanservice. She was useful in gameplay, and that's about it.

I probably would've largely forgotten about Camilla by now, if not for the fact that she just keeps appearing in celebration games (and we all know the only two reasons why that is). I'm tired of it; Corrin I understand since they're the protagonist of Fates, and, since Azura is the deuteragonist of Fates, I would understand her appearing in crossovers and celebrations (she never does, but I'd understand it if she did), but the royals should've been forgotten by now, but instead, they keep coming back; Camilla most often of them all, and they take spots away from actually interesting characters.


22 minutes ago, Fabulously Olivier said:

I'm largely indifferent. No hatred for the character herself, but plenty of negative feelings over her repeatedly getting into celebration games over better characters. 

You said in two small sentences what took me three paragraphs to say.

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no, i don't like her at all, and whenever she pops up or opens her mouth in any game she's featured in, she generally takes me away from whatever the game's trying to do or tell, striking me as a mere "corrin worshipping bot" rather than a fictional character with her own personality, preferences, fears and so on

i do agree that she fits Engage's aesthetic and tone perfectly, though, also shoutouts to the 18+ art pieces of her, as that's what she was clearly made for to begin with

Edited by Yexin
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1 hour ago, AnonymousSpeed said:

Yeah man, inflaming the lusts of the flesh is bad

Well, it's better to expand that energy over an fictional character than over an actual person. We're all going to Hell, anyways.


1 hour ago, SoulWeaver said:

I mean when you can't appreciate her without getting shamed for it by your family

Well, in all fairness, there's an handful of other characters from the franchise that are equally as bad in terms of character design. 


1 hour ago, SoulWeaver said:

or without having people automatically assume that you prefer characters with that level of design intellect, yes, that would be a bad thing. It's the same reason I can't just say Sakura is my favorite Fates royal - people just automatically assume I mean as a waifu character

Honestly, I really don't expect most people to have an understanding of what goes on in an lot of games, but one's character design can send out quite an few messages an lot faster than it takes to read an few excerpts from the game.

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Nah, not much of a fan. I always tend to dislike characters that worship the protagonist, especially when the character worshipping the protagonist look a lot older compared to him/her, it's just straight up creepy and kinda annoying at some points. I also hate it when a character's design is just built on sex appeal and horniness, plus her outfit is just looks bad compared to the rest of the cast, the ridiculously large bazongas aren't helping matters either. Overall, she's mediocre at best and creepy at worst. She's forgettable too, but a lot of the cast in Fates are forgettable so that isn't strictly a Camilla issue.

Edited by Orpheus Telos
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I think she's a pretty good character, it's obvious she's meant for eye candy but when they actually try to flesh her out, it's pretty good and her supports show it too. She's basically the mama bear to her other siblings since Xander never really had time to spent time with Corrin, Leo or Elise and I think it's really sweet, she isn't perfect and that make that clear. Warriors really showed how funny she can be too so I think she deserved the popularity she has gotten up to this point.  It really goes down to who you're asking, no matter how much someone hate this character, she's gonna keep coming back because the casuals know her at this point. 

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