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Special Heroes Silhouette - April 2023

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RIP everyone who thought this kid banner would be either Three Houses or Valentia (I personally thought it would be the former).

I suppose Blazing Blade does make sense in a way. It actually has been quite some time since Hector's last alt (2019 to be exact, and even his Resplendent was an early 2020 one).

Oh, and if I don't know why I'm saying "if" Lyn is here too then she's up to 8 alts.

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The girl looks like Rebecca more than Faye, mostly because of the thing on her head (I forgot what it's called). Faye doesn't have that.

The boy honestly looks more like Ike than any of Alm or Eliwood or Hector, even though I know that's impossible.

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It does look like Rebecca the one on the right, yeah. Specially if she's keeping the bandana.

Ah, ninja'd. But yeah.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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3 minutes ago, Florete said:

Might we finally see the Mani Katti in FEH? I know it wouldn't technically make sense, but they probably don't care about that.

At best, Lyn would get something like "War God's Katti" assuming they continue the "Thorr loves making child soldiers" sub plot.

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They'll add Mani Katti with Glass, mark my words.

I wonder. EHL trio would be a given, and we have Rebecca... I wonder who else could they add. Maybe even one of the dragon siblings...? Or both, since this is a Duo banner? Young Eric as a curveball?

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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You know, one reason using Blazing Blade makes sense is the year it came out. It came out in 2003 in both Japan and the United States, and it even came out in April in Japan. This year is that game's 20th Anniversary.

Edited by Fire Emblem Fan
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Another Lyn could mean another source of Godlike Reflexes, which would be appreciated.

On the other hand...


...There's a non-zero chance of a Ninian/Nils duo and my wallet isn't ready for it.

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I definitely think this has to be either The Blazing Blade or Gaiden/Echoes: Shadows of Valentia Banner. I wanted to say Faye on the right, but it looks very round like a hat on, it might be Rebecca.

Also, since if it's going to be The Blazing Blade as children, I do think it's going to be Eliwood, Rebecca, Lyn, and Hector. But I have no idea about a Duo Hero part for the The Blazing Blade child banner since they did showned the Eliwood and Rebecca.

Edited by King Marth 64
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Today's arena freebie pull was Faye. A sure sign that this is not Faye.

I have no memory whatsoever of how the villagers looked in the prologue anyway so it didn't even cross my mind that Valentia was even a remote possibility. And I still don't think it is.

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That's Rebecca on the right. The left could be just about anyone. That said, wouldn't it be cool if this was an Elibe banner, not just a FE7 banner? Like, that could be young Rebecca AND young Wolt. Maybe we'd get young(er) Nino and young(er) Raigh and Lough, too. (Lots of green hair, now that I think about it.) But parents as kids interacting with their kids as kids could be just so gosh dang sweet. 🙂

Anyway, that's probably Eliwood on the left and Rebecca on the right, yeah. Could it be that we'll be getting Hector and Uther as a duo unit, then, since Eliwood may not be duo-ing with Hector?

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8 hours ago, Florete said:

Might we finally see the Mani Katti in FEH? I know it wouldn't technically make sense, but they probably don't care about that.

I hope so.

7 hours ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

You know, one reason using Blazing Blade makes sense is the year it came out. It came out in 2003 in both Japan and the United States, and it even came out in April in Japan. This year is that game's 20th Anniversary.

Ooh, good catch.

6 hours ago, Some Jerk said:

Another Lyn could mean another source of Godlike Reflexes, which would be appreciated.

On the other hand...


...There's a non-zero chance of a Ninian/Nils duo and my wallet isn't ready for it.

Now that you mention it, they do seem like the most notable additions after the lords. They both got attention last year, but it still wouldn't be too strange.

Would certainly make Rebecca the odd one out, though.

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6 hours ago, Some Jerk said:

Another Lyn could mean another source of Godlike Reflexes, which would be appreciated.

On the other hand...


...There's a non-zero chance of a Ninian/Nils duo and my wallet isn't ready for it.

4 minutes ago, Othin said:

Now that you mention it, they do seem like the most notable additions after the lords. They both got attention last year, but it still wouldn't be too strange.

Honestly... I can see Ninian & Nils as the Duo Heroes of this banner, being a seasonal version of Legendary Ninian.

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2 hours ago, Mercakete said:

That said, wouldn't it be cool if this was an Elibe banner, not just a FE7 banner?

Nooooo, they need to let FE6 and 7 stand on their own, not mix them together all the time. They already had to share their Valentine's banner and their summer one. It isn't like Tellius where 90% of the cast is the same in both games. 90% of the cast is entirely different.

26 minutes ago, Diovani Bressan said:

Can we please no have Lyn? I am tired of her already. FEH is making me dislike the character already.

These child banners started as a celebration of Fire Emblem's anniversary, and if I'm right that they're doing Blazing Blade's 20th Anniversary, then this is the one banner Lyn really should be on.

11 minutes ago, Othin said:

Would certainly make Rebecca the odd one out, though.

I'm thinking Rebecca will end up as the freebie unit and the banner will likely consist of Eliwood, Lyn, Hector, and a Duo Ninian & Nils.

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4 hours ago, Mercakete said:

But parents as kids interacting with their kids as kids could be just so gosh dang sweet. 🙂

I got the feeling that may be the reason Rebecca was chosen. We might indeed see parent-child (but the children are still their normal ages) interactions with this banner in the Forging Bonds or so.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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2 hours ago, Dylan Corona said:

Am I crazy to think that this is Roy and Sue? With her dad's bandana?

Rath ties his bandanna in the back, whereas Rebecca ties it on both sides. This one is tied on both sides.

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11 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

Rath ties his bandanna in the back, whereas Rebecca ties it on both sides. This one is tied on both sides.

Yeah, that's true. Maybe it's wishful thinking, but if Rath's was too big for her she would maybe have to tie it on the sides.

But nah, it's probably Rebecca haha.

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8 hours ago, Othin said:

I hope so.

Ooh, good catch.

Now that you mention it, they do seem like the most notable additions after the lords. They both got attention last year, but it still wouldn't be too strange.

Would certainly make Rebecca the odd one out, though.

To be fair, Rebecca would only be as odd as Ilyana and Mia from last year. And Rebecca actually needs something modern with good art, unlike both Ilyana and Mia - one of whom I still feel should've been kicked off the banner for Elincia.


10 minutes ago, Dylan Corona said:

Yeah, that's true. Maybe it's wishful thinking, but if Rath's was too big for her she would may have to tie it on the sides.

But nah, it's probably Rebecca haha.

Sue doesn't have braids. The silhouette looks like it has two braids and hairstyle rarely changes even for the young alts.

Edited by Sunwoo
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16 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

To be fair, Rebecca would only be as odd as Ilyana and Mia from last year. And Rebecca actually needs something modern with good art, unlike both Ilyana and Mia - one of whom I still feel should've been kicked off the banner for Elincia.


Sue doesn't have braids. The silhouette looks like it has two braids and hairstyle rarely changes even for the young alts.

Like I said, wishful thinking. I'm sure it is Rebecca, I just think having a young Sue would be cute.

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Also, not sure why it didn't click with me until now that Lyn has a good chance of being on this banner.

If this banner was always going to be young Elibe, they should've just not put her on the Flame Tribe seasonal banner. Not like there was any special reason to put her on it anyway over anyone else.

It's not like number one male character Ike has anywhere near as many alts as she does. Or even half the variety.

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20 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

Also, not sure why it didn't click with me until now that Lyn has a good chance of being on this banner.

If this banner was always going to be young Elibe, they should've just not put her on the Flame Tribe seasonal banner. Not like there was any special reason to put her on it anyway over anyone else.

It's not like number one male character Ike has anywhere near as many alts as she does. Or even half the variety.

Has a good chance or doesn't have a good chance?

I mean, I'd love another Lyn alt, cause I love her. But I'm unsure if they'd make another one so soon. Which is a shame.

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