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Feh Channel - August, 2023

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Well, can't say I'm surprised that the Thief theme wasn't given a second chance. Also, I have my next Grail project. Tailtiu getting an alt actually has me hyped.

Ferdinand's new English VA is the guy who voiced Pandreo in Engage. I'd say that's a good recast, but it's incredibly unfortunate that Ferdinand had to be recast in the first place. Billy Kametz was taken from this world far too soon.

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I did saw the post ending announcement that Choose Your Legends is coming.

By the way, I do like the new Tea Party Banner with Fodlan and Judgral characters since Intelligent Systems are still making new Seasonal Banners. I did saw Ferninand got in and saw that the same VA who did Pandreo is now voicing Ferninand, it's really too bad that Billy Kametz passed away too soon due to the Stage 4 Colon Cancer he had got.

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>Tea party banner


Also, it's hilarious that half of Sigurd's alts use magic. I think he's the only dude who's canonically a physical-only unit who branched out into magic in Heroes. At least this banner gives characters who haven't had alts some alts.

Did not expect Lilina and Regina to get yeeted out of the legendary/mythic banners though. I guessed up to Freyja.

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Reginn's refinement and remix should be in February, since that's the month Fjorm, Eir and Peony got theirs

Since Lilina and Reginn were also moved to Remixes, that means Embla is not alone in August's Legendary banner and Lilina's rerun in January is probably her remix.

Both Seliph and Freyja got some nice upgrades. Waiting for the refinement now.

The Tea Party theme looks nice, but that's a skip anyway. Desperation 4 exists now. I wonder if that 1 damage at start of turn that Lysithea took is from her weapon or from Desperation 4.

Hero Fest looks nice. The only one I don't care much about is Alear.

10 free 5* Seasonals is welcomed, and those daily maps are also great. 

Overall, a decent FEH Channel. August Channels are usually okay, but this one was a little better than what we usually get. And of course a reminder at the end, that later this month we are getting a CYL Channel.

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I just noticed that Ferdinand is the second flying male magic unit since Soiree Reinhardt.

And they're both green.

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I'm a fan of the maid/bulter class so there's a chance I'll pull on this, but not including a staff unit lowers my interest.

there's probably some overlap with the CYL banner so I won't need to rush

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Well, it looks like I can ignore the sparks on all of the rerun banners and focus only on the Hero Fest banner because I still need more copies of Grima.

I can also skimp out on the Special Heroes banner a bit, which is nice given that I need to save gacha budget for too many things that are coming up in the next month. I don't really have any reason to pull for a +10 Ferdinand when it looks like he's just a watered-down version of Harmonized Tana, who I already have at +10, but I might see if I get lucky with Ayra pulls since Genealogy is one of my weaker Resonant Battle single-game scoring line-ups (which is relevant now that we have both TMS and Engage as scoring dead weight).

Also, what in the ever-loving fuck is Ayra's Canto effect? That's 4 movement after Canto activated from a 3-move action.

Remix thoughts are over in the remix thread so that I don't have to copy them over here.

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Wow, I never thought I'd become completely and utterly unexcited for a seasonal banner just by the THEME ALONE before a single unit on it could even be teased, but they did it!

Well the most notable part of this Feh Channel for me was the additions to the 4* special pool. Unfortunately I don't believe many of these guys are offering too much in the way of notable inheritable skill additions, mainly just Shinon's Deadeye and the Duel 4 skills offered by Erinys and Azelle (B Duel Flying and R Duel Infantry respectively), otherwise it's just a bunch of units who are now waiting for refines to make them relevant again.
Otherwise this is just announcing a bunch of events for cool free stuff, a banner I immediately hated, and some miscellaneous small changes plus the next remix info.

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48 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

I can also skimp out on the Special Heroes banner a bit, which is nice given that I need to save gacha budget for too many things that are coming up in the next month. I don't really have any reason to pull for a +10 Ferdinand when it looks like he's just a watered-down version of Harmonized Tana, who I already have at +10, but I might see if I get lucky with Ayra pulls since Genealogy is one of my weaker Resonant Battle single-game scoring line-ups (which is relevant now that we have both TMS and Engage as scoring dead weight).

Engage, unlike TMS, should actually get more content at all a Harmonized unit at some point though.

In fact, I'll be pretty surprised if we don't get Alear (probably Female specifically) + some other dragon (like Idunn) on the October Special Heroes banner.

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- Banner: the Tea theme doesn't really mean much to me, but I would take just about anything over the Thief theme - at least, as long as we're talking about the silly showy thieves trope. What's with the glut of super premium sword cavalry though? Feels like there's been a lot of them this generation.

- Hero Fest: It's a pass for me. Can't afford it, and even if I could, the lineup is unappealing for me with two armours present, one of which (BK) I already have. Of the others, I could use a Byleth to fix up my horrible one, but not really important. My Alear is +1 and already perfect.

- Grand Hero Party: Hans and Cornelia are certain projects so that's great. Lumera and Murdock are decent bonuses too. Don't give a stuff about the others.

- Miscellaneous rewards: I like the 4*SHSR tickets and appreciate the Forma. Besides that, meh.


All in all, about expected for a bog-standard semi-anniversary event. Might be a good time to take a step back again and take it easy until the full anniversary event.

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Looking forward to the CYL results in the next announcement! As for this one... I love the tea party theme, but the character picks are just ones I can't resonate with. That said, Ferdinand's regular attacking art, with the tea pouring and such, is extremely well composed. If Mercedes was by herself, I may have summoned for her. Dang those teatime treats look good, though... I hope they repeat the event with other characters in the future! (Also, missed opportunity to include Askr as a surprisingly refined bull in a china shop...though, since that's not a phrase in Japanese (I think), it's not surprising.)

Looking forward to the tickets for summoning 4* special heroes, too! And the pool refresher is nice. Maybe I'll finally manage to pull a Flayn someday. 😛

Ah, and I don't have the orbs for it, but maybe I should go for Freyja in that remix event. I recently got Eitr and Nerpuz, am trying to get Freyr, and have had Summer Freyr for a while. May as well keep collecting goats.

Edit: Oh, also, any free pulls I get on that herofest banner will be colorless. It'd be nice to finally get the arcane dragonstone.

Edited by Mercakete
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Unfortunate, I liked the thief theme give me my thief Leon IS. I also like tea, but the the banner is a bit... well yeah, boring. At least the thief banner was interesting. I'm glad for the Tailtiu and Sigurd alt tho, FE4 deserves some love.

My Lumera will be +10 at long last. The others... Maybe I'll build some of them at one point, but down on feathers and time for now.

Hero fest, just did the free pulls, got nothing. Oh well, not going to waste orbs on it. Was hoping for Byleth for arena, but not having her won't be what keeps me awake at night.

4*SHSR is awesome tho, going for all blue and hopefully will get dancer Shigure after going for him basically every time he was featured, and still not having him. If I won't get him now either, I'll just give it up and accept the fact that I'll never have him.

Other than that, nothing really. I feel like the game is getting boring with no real new content added. I feel like it's basically about PvP modes now, where it's really hard to score good with non-premium units, so even if I have my favourites built decently, it requires luck not to get matched with a team that counters 80% of the units. Anyways, was hoping the update would bring something new, not exactly sure what, but it definitely didn't.

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Ferdinand's new VA does a great Billy Kametz impression and I'm thankful for that, though of course a new Ferdinand alt was always going to be an awkward proposition in the West. Also, after all the concern that Ayragate killed any hope of her getting an alt, I'm happy for her fans now that she has one.

As someone who wanted to merge up Lumera and Vigarde, I'm happy we got both of the GHB reruns. The Hero Fest has... a ton of good fodder, but of course CYL is right around the corner so that's going to be a hard sell if only I still had Orbs.

I talked about the remixes in their own thread but I'm happy for my Freyja and don't have Seliph so can't say too much about him other than saying I know he was considered pretty underwhelming until now.

And again, CYL! I'm excited for that! The new "Birth of Feh" structure looks cool too. Nice reference too xD

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 Oh, I'm kinda disappointed that they're not doing the Phantom Thieves' banner again, but I really liked this one so whatever (and what a timing to get FE4 characters, I just started to watch a playthrought of the game). About the units here:

  •  Seems like Lysithea is getting Desperation 4, cool, I hope it get a better HP trigger condition.
  •  Ayra looks like she has something akin to a Desperation+ too AND a special that might or might not be a prf, but if it's not will denifitively be locked to infantry melee units but beasts (also I found it hella amusing that Ayra has a fancy cake knife as a sword);
  • Sigurd has a new prf special as well, and after slowing down the video to 0.25 and pausing on the absolute last frame of Sigurd's part, I can confirm that Chilvaric Aura does indeed give "unit can move 1 extra space" to Sigurd and all of his allies after activating (unfortunately, I had to rewind the video enough times for Feh's slowed down horrible voice saying "wHo dO yOu tHinK tHe sEcoNd cUp iS fOr???" to get burned in my brain... God, I hate this owl so much), so it'll probably be a pumped UP version of Holy-Knight aura and not a nerfed version (how much you wanna bet that it gives DR?).
  •  Ferdinand is perfect to be here. It'd be nice if Hubert had been here as well, I like their interactions.


 Also, good that they're rerunning GHBs because I forgot to fight on some of the past ones as I have not been playing the game so frequently later (because I hate to play it on my computer and it's SLOW so sometimes I don't have the patience), so now I can save my grails (not that I really need to, I guess, but it's better to not spend it if I can get 'em for free).


 I didn't read any of the previous responses yet because I absolutely have to sleep (I was just going to watch the video, but then I quickly wrote the post because I was excited) so apologize in advance if I wrote something that has been already said or anything, I'll comeback and it read the previous posts of the thread tomorrow or on the day after.

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21 minutes ago, ARMADS!!! said:

if it's not will denifitively be locked to infantry melee units but beasts

Ayra is a cavalry, so it certainly won't be infantry locked.

And that fact is probably why if I do go spark this banner (which I will do if I buy FEH Pass to pop both Summer sparks this week) it'll be that extreme version of Canto that sells her. Wonder which slot the Canto is tied to. Could it even be the special, which remains charged?

If she was infantry I'd surely be going for Sigurd, even if he's the standard screwed-over-by-incomplete-kit unit of the banner. Lysithea's mobility looks to be unexceptional (looks like standard Oath teleport plus a small Canto) so it seems unlikely I'd be interested. And thank goodness for that, not overly fond of the art or her as a character or the prospect of going back to grey hell.

(I have no strong feelings about Ayra as a character, though I can see how she's tainted by the year one Ayragate incident. Don't like Mercedes but she's irrelevant here in terms of my decisionmaking.)


21 minutes ago, ARMADS!!! said:

"wHo dO yOu tHinK tHe sEcoNd cUp iS fOr???"

Turns out it's for Tailtiu, we got jebaited.

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21 minutes ago, ARMADS!!! said:

Seems like Lysithea is getting Desperation 4, cool, I hope it get a better HP trigger condition.

Given that Lysithea has a start-of-turn effect that deals 1 damage to herself, Desperation 4 almost certainly has its condition as 99% HP or lower.


22 minutes ago, ARMADS!!! said:

Sigurd has a new prf special as well, and after slowing down the video to 0.25 and pausing on the absolute last frame of Sigurd's part, I can confirm that Chilvaric Aura does indeed give "unit can move 1 extra space" to Sigurd and all of his allies after activating (unfortunately, I had to rewind the video enough times for Feh's slowed down horrible voice saying "wHo dO yOu tHinK tHe sEcoNd cUp iS fOr???" to get burned in my brain... God, I hate this owl so much), so it'll probably be a pumped UP version of Holy-Knight aura and not a nerfed version (how much you wanna bet that it gives DR?).

It looks like a weaker version, having all of the effects of Holy-Knight Aura except for the start-of-turn effect.

It deals 16 damage in the trailer, which is 25% of Sigurd's Atk stat and matches the damage of Holy-Knight Aura. It also grants +6 Atk and +1 movement after combat, which is also identical to Holy-Knight Aura.

And we see that he has only 3 movement range before combat, so it's definitely missing the start-of-turn effect.

There's a chance it has an additional effect, but it's on-brand for corresponding melee and ranged skills to differ by 1 movement somewhere and be identical everywhere else (see Moonlight Bangle and Moonlit Bangle F, Trace skills, and Reginn's Canto effects on her melee and ranged weapons).

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37 minutes ago, Humanoid said:

(I have no strong feelings about Ayra as a character, though I can see how she's tainted by the year one Ayragate incident. Don't like Mercedes but she's irrelevant here in terms of my decisionmaking.)

What incident are you talking about?

The new Special Heroes banner leaves me three for three with disappointment. We’re not getting Phantom Thief Julian as a 4-star/Tempest Trial character to complement Rickard, and the phantom thief banner is not returning at all. Like with the phantom thief banner, a tea party banner is something I predicted would happen a while ago. However, the lack of Jakob or Felicia leaves me hollow. How is it that Felicia is a major character who has been in the top 100 of CYL every year and has one alt and no Resplendent?

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14 minutes ago, Magenta Fantasies said:

What incident are you talking about?

October 2017, we got this FE4 New Heroes banner introducing Sigurd, Deirdre and Tailtiu. Ayra was shown on the battle map at the end of the banner (the video is embedded in the first link), but not otherwise mentioned. So people speculated whether she'd be a free unit or whatever. Instead, and without warning, IS went and put her on the Tempest Trials banner that followed a few days later, colour sharing with an old unit in Eldigan.

People were furious for various reasons: because they had spent orbs on Sigurd and were now broke, because of the colour-sharing, the weird extra BST she and Sigurd got, and just other general scumminess regarding the secrecy.


P.S. When IS next tried to pull a similar stunt, which I believe was for Rhajat in December that yet, they were at least transparent about it. She was left off the banner that introduced Siegbert, Soleil and Shiro and instead appeared on the VG banner that released around the same time (actually earlier now that I've checked the timeline).

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1 hour ago, ARMADS!!! said:

Seems like Lysithea is getting Desperation 4, cool, I hope it get a better HP trigger condition.

I will guess that the condition will be "if unit's HP<100%". So as long unit is not at full HP, they will have Desperation. Lysithea is inflicting Spd-10 Res-6 on foe during ocmbat, so I will guess that Desperation 4 also inflict Spd-4 on foe during combat.


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6 minutes ago, Diovani Bressan said:

I will guess that the condition will be "if unit's HP<100%". So as long unit is not at full HP, they will have Desperation. Lysithea is inflicting Spd-10 Res-6 on foe during ocmbat, so I will guess that Desperation 4 also inflict Spd-4 on foe during combat.

I don't know when they started doing this, but it looks like the localization team is now using the accurate condition wording in skill descriptions for more recently released skills, specifically "≤ 99%" instead of "< 100%". (Brash Assault 4 uses this wording.)

Most of the time, this distinction doesn't matter because HP caps at 99, so taking 1 damage will always put the unit strictly below 99% HP, but it technically can come into play in Rokkr Sieges (but only if your damage output is low enough to deal less than 1% damage).

It's worth noting that all stat comparisons in this game technically use "greater/less than or equal to" instead of "greater/less than" because they are written in prose instead of as mathematical expressions and use the phrase "~以上" (ijō, "~ or higher") or "~以下" (~ ika, "~ or lower").

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I don't think people mentioned it here, so... does Ayra has a 1 Cooldown special, and that becomes a permanent Zero Cooldown because of the slaying effect on her weapon?

She triggered the special against that foe, but her special counter didn't change... it stayed as fully charged. And it doesn't look to be a Special Spiral effect situation.

By calculating her special damage, looks to be 40% of her Spd, which is the same as Regnal Astra. So is Supreme Astra just Regnal Astra but being 1 CD instead of 2 CD?

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I get why Sigurd is there but thematically the male Jugdral slot should probably have gone to someone more attached to the girls. Either Azelle/Lex because of Tailtiu, or baby/daddy Shanan because of Ayra. 

So what were the sales data for the pirates and thieves banner? IS retiring both of them rather quickly carries some implication about that. 

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1 hour ago, Etrurian emperor said:

So what were the sales data for the pirates and thieves banner? IS retiring both of them rather quickly carries some implication about that. 

From my understanding, the Pirate banners actually did pretty good. It was the Thief banner that apparently did pretty poorly for a Special Heroes banner.

And I mean, I could easily believe that. That Thief banner last year probably had the worst character lineup ever in terms of star power. Lysithea, by herself, is probably more popular than all of those characters featured last year combined.

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