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Feh Channel - CYL 2023

Fire Emblem Fan

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Yeah...yeah, there's some power-creep with this batch of CYL units, and some special effects I'm not looking forward to facing. And the selection of character for the GHB accompanying them annoys me. When will the bias for that game end? Oh, never.

Edited by Fire Emblem Fan
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Well, I'm just glad that Robin (the only one I care about) looks great and that f!Corrin is not associated with Hoshido in any way. Still taking my free Robin and not bothering with this banner though.

Also, it's kind of ridiculous that every CYL gets so OP while the characters from the earliest CYLs (you know, the actual most popular characters) are super underpowered and the runner-ups don't even have any prf skills despite being obviously more popular than later CYL winners. I am convinced now more than ever that CYL Lucina, Roy, Veronica, Ephraim, Eliwood, Camilla, Lysithea, and Claude should get something. Also, previous winners should get their skills updated to be, um, not shit.

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23 minutes ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

When will the bias for that game end?

Spoiler: the Fodlan spam will never end.

Cyril wasn't even the highest ranked "missing from FEH" character in CYL7. That went to Touma (36th overall to Cyril's 58th) from TMS. At this point, IS might as well take all of the TMS characters off of the CYL ballot if they're just going to keep ignoring how certain characters from that game (namely Tsubasa, Itsuki and Touma) keep placing very high.

Also, what even was the point of that "Rising Hero" thing? Desaix would've been so much better than Cyril, but I guess IS didn't want to immediately hand us an armored GHB with the post CYL7 base stat total.

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I'm actually kinda okay with Cyril, despite not giving a shit about him as a character (or unit). He's playable in 3H and his inclusion may free up a slot for one of the other male 3H units to get on a banner. Also, for anyone that likes him, this was his best opportunity to get added into the game. Personally, I would've been happier if it was Tormod or some other unit I actually want, but I also was really dreading that Desaix was going to happen and I'm pretty relieved he's not.

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The terrain stuff seems pretty cool and a way to expand the game in cool ways in the future. Going Gullvieg for my free and attempting to get as many copies of the two ladies as I can.

Also on the art front they continue to play safe with all the designs.

Edited by vikingsfan92
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Damp squib of an event for me, plans might change but it's looking likely that I'll just grab Gullveig as my freebie and ignore the rest. I'll wait for the PM1 simplified skill breakdown to know for sure, but between an armoured dragon, an infantry mage and an infantry sword, the other three are a very hard sell regardless.

Art is just a pass for all four as well. Fine, but uninteresting.

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I was expecting a Tellius GHB again, but I guess IS just can't let a CYL go by without a Fodlan unit anymore. Anyway, 4k Dragonflowers is a nice bonus, is that new for a Forging Bonds?

I'll save my full thoughts for the banner thread, but in terms of kits the biggest surprise is Robin having a regular sword. Weirdly enough I figured Soren would be a Sage from the get-go but after seeing so many want him to use Ragnell or a wyvern I started thinking about those too.

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Anyone know what Robin's clothes are inspired from, my memories of awakening are fading, and the closest I can think of is Laslow, but he's not far off from a generic nohrian mercenary, which wouldn't involve Robin

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4 minutes ago, Lemmy said:

Anyone know what Robin's clothes are inspired from, my memories of awakening are fading, and the closest I can think of is Laslow, but he's not far off from a generic nohrian mercenary, which wouldn't involve Robin

His outfit seems to be a more intricate version of his default clothes with some extra accessories. The cloak being swapped for a cape is new though, it really makes the whole thing pop!

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...I swear to god if next month has even ONE Fodlan character in it AT ALL I'm uninstalling the game and deleting my Serenes Forest account, but not before uploading a video of me smashing my copy of Three Houses with a hammer.
Can't have been enough to hijack an entire Summer banner, nope also have to hijack an entire seasonal banner with a theme that can ONLY have had Fodlan inspirations, but can't even stop there because now the GHB has to be from Fodlan as well? Oh and what is this, the annoying little shit comes with a Prf bow, and somehow it is giving him +10 to all stats, on top of having an offensive statline almost on-par with freaking Alcryst?

Wow, I am absolutely triggered right now. Fine sure the choose your legend people this time round all look good, obviously they do, and of course they all have new toys to play with. I dunno who I'll be free summoning, can't go wrong with any of them. But you cannot expect me to ignore this.

...obviously I'm joking by the way. I'll only uninstall the game and exchange my copy of TH for Gamestop credit. I don't even go to Gamestop anymore, not since they went into NFT's...

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4 minutes ago, Humanoid said:

There are 8 red infantry archers, 5 blues ones, and 2 green ones, so obviously Cyril has to be ...red?

To be fair, all of those red infantry archers are 5 star locked.

We also haven’t gotten a demote or Grail red bow unit until now.

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Really enjoying this bonus story. It's like a visual novel, except that you can see how all the segments are connected, and you don't have to access them sequentially (like, you can jump from Robin's story point A to Soren's story point 1B (as long as you've unlocked it.)) I love seeing all the interaction and such here. 🙂

Edit: Oh right! Also, finally Cyril's in the game! Yay! 😄

Edited by Mercakete
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I remember being hella salty after last year's CYL feh channel (tbh it was mostly out of very high expectations, and after less than a day I was already not salty anymore), I thought that I was gonna be somewhat salty this year too, at least for some hours, but in the end I was not at all. The units are very solid and the only thing I think that was genuinely a waste was to not give Corrin a fancy dance skill in the name of Azura (specially since the alt is based on Valla).

 Hell, even for Soren (who I was crazily waiting to be based on Ike, or at least on one of the sides of his heritage, and thought I'd be PISSED if he was a green infantry mage based on his archsage self) I was happy, actually so much that he's gonna be my free pick.


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32 minutes ago, Mercakete said:

Really enjoying this bonus story. It's like a visual novel, except that you can see how all the segments are connected, and you don't have to access them sequentially (like, you can jump from Robin's story point A to Soren's story point 1B (as long as you've unlocked it.)) I love seeing all the interaction and such here.

Is anyone else having trouble getting choices to register? Advancing text is fine but whenever a prompt comes up I have to hammer a button several times before anything changes.

Speaking of, Anna only gets Gullveig involved by saying it'd be a favor to the summoner, so I guess she still has the sense of obligation to them that Seidr did? I'd rather not call it affection or anything romantic if I can help it.

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2 minutes ago, DefyingFates said:

Is anyone else having trouble getting choices to register? Advancing text is fine but whenever a prompt comes up I have to hammer a button several times before anything changes.

Speaking of, Anna only gets Gullveig involved by saying it'd be a favor to the summoner, so I guess she still has the sense of obligation to them that Seidr did? I'd rather not call it affection or anything romantic if I can help it.

Seidr is a quiet Kiran fangirl, and I'm pretty sure the nature of that is romantic, but it's true that that hasn't been overtly stated...exactly. Just strongly, STRONGLY hinted at. Still, nothing you could really use in court, I don't think.

Anyway, yeah, there's severe lag when selecting an option. I found the best thing to do is select and wait. It does take a while, and I'm not 100% sure why that is (it doesn't seem to be server lag to me) but hopefully it gets fixed. Still, I made it through all the available story with patience, determination, and multitasking.

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9 hours ago, DefyingFates said:

Anyway, 4k Dragonflowers is a nice bonus, is that new for a Forging Bonds?

They did that to last year's CYL Forging Bonds as well. They add these dragonflowers as extra rewards in Forging Bonds without taking the others rewards away.

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