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To Become an Elitist [Playlogs FE1-5] [currently playing: Thracia 776]


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47 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Oh I will. It never ceases to amaze me how SoV managed to take a story with like, a single page of script per act, and made it worse.

Gnip: "So here's act 3. Alm has 14 STR and Force is-"

Ruben: "Who in the bloody Spain thought Conrad was a good idea?"

Funny Bone Man: "Celicia didn't say anything here in FE2. She's the best version ever!"

50 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Glad to hear you would use Endgame Ready Beard. I know there are some people out there who bench him even though he's like, the best-designed unit in the game. Pah.

There's a woman that literally everyone that plays this game loves. I expect you'd be the one to break the trend, though. After all, this is you:

You'd know based off my Ruben Blade and le Engage team exactly what my TRS and Berwick team would be before I even know them.

It was funny in an endearing way when you excitingly hyped me up over Lindon and Saphir as I approached the chapters, knowing I'd love them. Yeah I was hesitant because my team was full, but you jist knew I'd make room. You went crazy when the trailer (or leak?) showed off Saphir. Twas a good day for us, and my brother just showed me yesterday that a video showing off all units in all classes had Lindon vid with the lowest views. Nobody cares about reclassing him. Sadge.

57 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

What did I just say?

This just in, Ruben wants to kill all the Japanese.

58 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Yes, well, call me when Riff is in the game.

On second thought, when you're not busy, you should lp Shadow Dragon Fates. Maybe we're missing out on the real Archanea all this time.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I try, but you don't always make it so easy.

Most things aren't easy for you.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Okay, I see where this is going. 


Let the poor thing have ONE dread fighter. You couldn't even get past it with them, unless you did soldier only. Its FE2. The challenge is your PC not overheating from 800% game speed.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I hate her. Unlike Badass Genny, she's godawful at combat, and unless you hyper focus her, she quickly becomes a completely useless liability. Except the spells she learns from the hyper focus are vital to combat the more horrid maps later on, so you really really want to hyper focus her. This makes me hate her, and her game. Why couldn't she be more like Genny, who is ready to roll.

Is this where I just list every woman in FE2?

Except Mathilda. She isn't drawn for Kaga to wank off to in this one.

29 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

What a Chadarros.

I wish I remembered the poem I made when Darros used to be my sig. It would've been perfect here. 

We should all drink in celebration! For ChaDarros! Tonight we sail!

30 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

think it'd be a bit unfair after having insisted on Deen over Sonya.

I wanted to use Deen, but I accidentally fought him...again.

Yes I made this mistake twice in Echoes. I always choose them under the assumption that I'm recruiting them. Its not quite as bad as my biggest fuckup in Gaiden, which I'll get to later. 

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30 minutes ago, Shaky Jones said:

Who in the bloody Spain thought Conrad was a good idea?

Yes, exactly.

30 minutes ago, Shaky Jones said:

You'd know based off my Ruben Blade and le Engage team exactly what my TRS and Berwick team would be before I even know them.

I wonder. You'd probably like Clifford and Faramir. Would need to see if Best Girl manages to get through to even you.

30 minutes ago, Shaky Jones said:

It was funny in an endearing way when you excitingly hyped me up over Lindon and Saphir as I approached the chapters, knowing I'd love them. Yeah I was hesitant because my team was full, but you jist knew I'd make room. You went crazy when the trailer (or leak?) showed off Saphir. Twas a good day for us, and my brother just showed me yesterday that a video showing off all units in all classes had Lindon vid with the lowest views. Nobody cares about reclassing him. Sadge.

Trailer? Hah! They kept those two far, far away from all the promotional material. Even massive motherfucking spoiler Mauvier slipped into one of those mechanic advertisement twits. They were more careful to keep Saphir and Lindon a secret than the fucking spoilerman.

No, what got me acting up was a leak. And what a leak it was, too. It got me to venture into 4chan, of all places, looking for more!

30 minutes ago, Shaky Jones said:

On second thought, when you're not busy, you should lp Shadow Dragon Fates. Maybe we're missing out on the real Archanea all this time.

I've seen that it gives Wrys Paragon. So that's already pretty cool. I might wait to see if they get an art update, though.

30 minutes ago, Shaky Jones said:

Okay, I see where this is going. 


Let the poor thing have ONE dread fighter. You couldn't even get past it with them, unless you did soldier only. Its FE2. The challenge is your PC not overheating from 800% game speed.



EDIT: okay I could be convinced to settle for one soldier, but come FE3 Gnip must bench Malicia/Mallesia/Marisha/whateher her name is this time of year and use Yumina instead.

30 minutes ago, Shaky Jones said:

Is this where I just list every woman in FE2?

Except Mathilda. She isn't drawn for Kaga to wank off to in this one.

To outkaga Kaga, it takes some talent.

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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16 hours ago, Punished Dayni said:

I feel like Camus is Camus'ing it up and claiming the credit to have Marth fight him.

Did he know he'd die for sure?

Correction, he thought he'd die for sure.😜

16 hours ago, Punished Dayni said:

I mean, we have the war wagons from the Hussites, though those are early 1400s (early Renaissance FE can't come soon enough if you ask me),

I did read of those once. And yeah FE could go Renaissance.

16 hours ago, Punished Dayni said:

My question is would they treat them as just individual units or would there be units inside who could exit, defend it if someone tried to walk in, etc.

I think it depends. Are we talking mobile heavy artillery, or premodern armored personnel carrier?

My notes say they began as supply wagons, that then became carriers of up to 18 men during battle, which could with large heavy shields placed between the wagons forms a spur-of-the-moment defensive formation protecting those soldiers. And then later they were modified to be armed with cannons, and if a on hill, used to hurl rocks down on the enemy.

In the case of (Super) Famicom Wars and Valkyria Chronicles, modern APCs are armed with some light weaponry, albeit merely machine guns compared to the cannons of tanks. So war wagons replacing APCs could be similarly ferrybots capable of self-defense and decently resistant of lighter attacks.


4 hours ago, gnip said:


Those GIANT pauldrons, no wonder Generals can't use lances.

4 hours ago, gnip said:

Question to the audience - is it worth raising his Str to 20 or does that not do all that much for him?

20 Str is needed to cleanly 3HKO Medeus without a crit. Not sure if you'd care about that.

4 hours ago, gnip said:

I'm leaning towards Chiki, actually, since I don't think the @Interdimensional Observer has made any other character requests for this run, and having somebody to nuke Manakete can't be a bad thing on the last two maps.

You don't have to take my request. It's all up to you.😀

4 hours ago, gnip said:

Turn Kliff into an Archer. I really didn't like Python - Gaiden hit rates are notoriously bad, bows in particular don't have good accuracy, and Python's Skl is all kinds of awful. In contrast, Kliff is both fast and (relatively) accurate, so he might be able to make good use of the Steel Bow that you get early on Alm's route.

Seems reasonable?

I haven't played Guy-ee-den, but in the absence of SoV's Hunter's Volley, Kliff is probably a better archer than Tobin. Aura and Saggitae/Arrow are both so heavy they're probably rarely worth using with magic Kliff anyhow (and Aura ought to come rather late).


3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Joke I get it, but you saying "Soldier" three times makes me wish that this game with Greek visual trappings had bonuses for Soldiers adjacent to Soldiers.

The famed Classic Greek Hoplite was a spear infantry. Stand shoulder to shoulder with fellow Hoplites, aspis shield in one hand, doru/dory spear in the other, raise the shield against projectiles, stab anything that comes close. That's the Greek Phalanx, that's how Hoplites from Sparta to Athens to the Sacred Band of Thebes to the most obscure of city-states, fought. The only time you don't do this is when your spear or phalanx broke, then you grabbed your xiphos sword and fought more desperately.

I know Berwick had a pair of Doru, but that's really underselling the old phalanx.

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

EDIT: okay I could be convinced to settle for one soldier, but come FE3 Gnip must bench Malicia/Mallesia/Marisha/whateher her name is this time of year and use Yumina instead.

...No exception for the two Khadein chests demanding the Thief staff? Otherwise this barely amounts to a difference. Hammerne denial aside.


2 hours ago, Shaky Jones said:

Its FE2. The challenge is your PC not overheating from 800% game speed.

If you want slow 8-bit strategy.

Go ahead.

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9 hours ago, Shaky Jones said:

You know what? How about my request just be that you not have a single Ram archer, thereby forcing you to use Python? He's based, and awful hits are the Gaiden experience. Don't you just love 1 RN? 

9 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:




No offence, but those are boring. Spiteful at best. "I really didn't like using X" - "USE X!!!" - "And also make everybody the class that you already have two characters of!"

I'd just end up not using any of those units, so, er, nope.

8 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:



EDIT: okay I could be convinced to settle for one soldier, but come FE3 Gnip must bench Malicia/Mallesia/Marisha/whateher her name is this time of year and use Yumina instead.

I guess I could turn Grey into a Soldier and then proceed to never use him. Or I could try actually using Force, while having somewhat of a varied cast.

Yumina > Mallensia is more reasonable...

5 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

...No exception for the two Khadein chests demanding the Thief staff? Otherwise this barely amounts to a difference. Hammerne denial aside.

...I'll just field field Malisonstwie for Thief/Hammerne as needed. I wanted to use Yubello anyway, since I've never used Mage!Yubello before, so why not go for the full twin experience.

9 hours ago, Punished Dayni said:

I think it'd be a bit unfair after having insisted on Deen over Sonya.

Ruben requested Luthier and Jenny and then turned around and demanded three Soldiers. I think you'd have to come up with something drastic to appear entitled by comparison.

5 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

You don't have to take my request. It's all up to you.😀

With Ruben and Shaky making spiteful requests for Gaiden, I feel entirely justified to spite them back. And what could be possibly more spiteful to them than giving three stat boosters to Chiki instead of Maji?

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9 hours ago, Shaky Jones said:

I wanted to use Deen, but I accidentally fought him...again.

I wanted to use him for the Teehee run, then the pegasi were lost because Catria was suicidal and Genny was too far away to heal her.

6 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

My notes say they began as supply wagons, that then became carriers of up to 18 men during battle, which could with large heavy shields placed between the wagons forms a spur-of-the-moment defensive formation protecting those soldiers. And then later they were modified to be armed with cannons, and if a on hill, used to hurl rocks down on the enemy.

In the case of (Super) Famicom Wars and Valkyria Chronicles, modern APCs are armed with some light weaponry, albeit merely machine guns compared to the cannons of tanks. So war wagons replacing APCs could be similarly ferrybots capable of self-defense and decently resistant of lighter attacks.

I'd figured it'd probably be preferable to have them separate from units, but I realise the execution would require making them a separate type of thing altogether that could be a destructible object which could be interacted with and move after someone takes the reins while also being able to transport and potentially fire back.

And this is how we'd get callbacks to "Hehe, eat rock"

6 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Joke I get it, but you saying "Soldier" three times makes me wish that this game with Greek visual trappings had bonuses for Soldiers adjacent to Soldiers.

The famed Classic Greek Hoplite was a spear infantry. Stand shoulder to shoulder with fellow Hoplites, aspis shield in one hand, doru/dory spear in the other, raise the shield against projectiles, stab anything that comes close. That's the Greek Phalanx, that's how Hoplites from Sparta to Athens to the Sacred Band of Thebes to the most obscure of city-states, fought. The only time you don't do this is when your spear or phalanx broke, then you grabbed your xiphos sword and fought more desperately.

I know Berwick had a pair of Doru, but that's really underselling the old phalanx.

Truly the most close of formations.

SoV calling the armour overclass Spartan and giving it a skill called Phalanx that neutralised damage from enemies (And increased chances with adjacent allies), but not making it look the part is just IS top to bottom.

6 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I haven't played Guy-ee-den, but in the absence of SoV's Hunter's Volley, Kliff is probably a better archer than Tobin. Aura and Saggitae/Arrow are both so heavy they're probably rarely worth using with magic Kliff anyhow (and Aura ought to come rather late).

Aura is pretty much after promotion, so it'll be late for sure unless you grind it out.

That being said, the lower levels for Thunder and Excaliber make him easier to use than in SoV (Says the guy who still uses Mage Kliff in SoV), while Arrow has power to make up for how slow it is.

21 minutes ago, gnip said:

Ruben requested Luthier and Jenny and then turned around and demanded three Soldiers. I think you'd have to come up with something drastic to appear entitled by comparison.

Didn't really say anything on Alm's side huh?

Alright, Merc Grey because otherwise I know nobody will say it. Force also did well for me in Gaiden (Admittedly Speed Ring helped) even before I kept getting real Forsyths to be reckoned with.

If I wanted to be horrible I'd ban Zeke and Tatiana

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FE1 Chapter 22: Wyvern Knights


But the ambitious Misheil opposed his sisters and supported Durhua.
He led Macedonia's Wyvern Knights to attack many lands and instill fear in the people.
Now he has gathered his soaring army to fight a final battle with Mars...


Thanks to the walls so high that nothing can fly over them, you start pretty far away from any enemy. Always a bit of a minus for a map, although since the enemies consist of exclusively high-movement classes, it's not too bad.

I do like how the map still grants flyers extra mobility, thanks to the cliff (?) tiles. It means that your own flyers have to help out protecting your squishies, while also being able to stay out of the enemy Horsemen's range.


Pictured: Kain, after eating a crit and taking on a number of additional Paladins and Pegasi.


Mars drawing some fire was still appreciated, though.


Oh, and it turns out that Excalibur is considered a regal weapon and thus cannot be Hammerned. How nice. I guess it makes sense, given the name, but still, I considered that to be enough of a dick move that I rewound in order to restore the Hammerne charge.

...which is probably pretty irrelevant, given how many charges you get, and how the superpowered weapons all cannot be repaired. But it's about the principle of the thing. Lena ended up repairing Wendell's Warp staff (which was down to 1 use) and Boah's Thoron tome this map.


With the thief approaching, Wendell warped Mars onto the village (before Lena repaired it). He can't visit just yet, since Sheeda is still doing Gradivus things, but the idea was that he'll draw the Horseman away from Sheeda and Minerva, after Minerva missed one of her attacks.


Didn't work, because I didn't realise that one of the Paladins was carrying a Javelin...


...but the Horseman politely attacked Kain, anyway.


Misheil himself doesn't join the initial charge, which ultimately makes him pretty non-threatening. Sheeda would've been able to just one-round him with the Gradivus (38 Atk vs. 34 HP / 18 Def)...


...but some old-fashioned chip damage allowed for a more narratively satisfying conclusion. Micheil is running around with a Javelin, so he's rather non-threatening, really.


Well then, time to wrap up things.


The secondary boss gets triangled...


...Wryf gets starlit...


...and Est gets wh-- no, wait, that would come across wrong.


Next time, we can win against Gharnef.

The Team:

	Lv  	   HP  Str Skl WLv Spd Lck Def
Mars	20.00	   35   17  11   7  18  20  16	(+3 Def, +4 Mov)
Roshe	12/11.02   34   16  15  15  19   5  15	(+3 Def, +4 Str, +6 Spd)
Minerv	11.52	   28   12   9  14  14   7  17	(7 Res, +6 Spd)
Boah	5.32	   22    4   7  10  16   4   6

Kain	18/8.98	   41   15  17  20  20  15  12
Wryf	11/1.84	   31    3   5  10  20   2   8	(+9 HP, +6 Spd)
Sheeda	12/5.46	   24   18  17  18  20  19  15	(+8 Str)
Est	12/1.16	   28   11  14  15  16   5  14

Katua	3.45	   base	
Paola	11.09	   27    9  10  13  14   5  10
Darros	20.00	   37   20   7  10  18   6  10	(+8 Str, +6 Spd, +5 Skl)
Thomas	10/10.33   30   14  10  17  17  11   9	(+4 Str)

Marich	17.41	   31    1   9  17  13  12   8
Wendell 6.76	   26    3   2  14  16   5   8
Chiki	6.04	   25   12   4   9  10   1   5	(+8 Str, +6 Spd)
Lena	3.00	   base
  • Next chapter's secret shop sells promotion items, so I guess Paola can swap her ride, too.

FE1 Chapter 23: The Dark Pontifex


"A pity that, to secure my grasp on this world, you must die."
"Hahaha... as I control Mediuth, there's nothing to fear."
"As long as I have the Falchion and Maph, even he cannot oppose me..."
"Well, Mars. You must do battle with my images!"
"The Falchion will be yours if only you can defeat the real me!"

I think "only if you can defeat the real me" might be more accurate? I interpret "if only" as "i wish this would happen", although I'm not a native speaker.


This map has a simple, if narrow, path to the room of many Gharnefs, which most units take. Julian went west to grab the (completely unguarded) treasure; Boah barriered up Roshe and Chiki so that they can deal with the flank of mostly magical enemies coming from the east.


To speed things along, Boah barriered, then warped Wryf ahead -


- and then past me puzzles present me by healing Mars. Who had eaten a crit, so yes, he was low on HP, but Wryf could've just blocked the fake Gharnef's path instead.


I could pretend that I didn't know that staff users actually equip whatever staff they use, but that would a lie. Just a silly mistake.


It delayed the whole thing by a turn, although that luckily didn't screw me over in any way.


(Gharnef has a more death quote that probably would've required Kaga to have more prophetic knowledge than the average person has, so I suspect this is a small liberty of the translation patch)


Despite my fuck-up, I was still fast enough to go through with my plan: block four of the six reinforcement spots. Like chapter 21, this map only has a single wave of reinforcements, so this more or less puts a pin on that.


Mars kills the Gharnef guarding the throne...


...Paola opens the door to the Secret Shop and gets a Dragon Whip...


...and Mars seizes.


I really want to make a pun here, but I shall resist the temptation.


This phrasing feels a bit too specific, I think - it's not like the player is going to revive somebody specific (like, I dunno, Mars and Elice's father...), so "the important one" seems a bit off.

The Team:

	Lv  	   HP  Str Skl WLv Spd Lck Def
Mars	20.00	   35   17  11   7  18  20  16	(+3 Def, +4 Mov)
Roshe	12/12.97   35   17  16  15  19   5  15	(+3 Def, +4 Str, +6 Spd)
Boah	5.32	   22    4   7  10  16   4   6
Kain	18/10.10   43   15  19  20  20  15  12

Wryf	2.77	   31    3   5  10  20   2   8	(+9 HP, +6 Spd)
Sheeda	12/6.75	   24   18  18  18  20  20  15	(+8 Str)
Est	12/3.90	   30   13  16  17  17   5  14
Katua	3.45	   ...

Paola	11.09	   27    9  10  13  14   5  10
Darros	20.00	   37   20   7  10  18   6  10	(+8 Str, +6 Spd, +5 Skl)
Chiki	7.29	   26   12   5  10  11   2   5	(+8 Str, +6 Spd)
Julian	14.02	   37   12  13   7  18  15   6	(+9 HP, +5 WLv)



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13 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Joke I get it, but you saying "Soldier" three times makes me wish that this game with Greek visual trappings had bonuses for Soldiers adjacent to Soldiers.

The famed Classic Greek Hoplite was a spear infantry. Stand shoulder to shoulder with fellow Hoplites, aspis shield in one hand, doru/dory spear in the other, raise the shield against projectiles, stab anything that comes close. That's the Greek Phalanx, that's how Hoplites from Sparta to Athens to the Sacred Band of Thebes to the most obscure of city-states, fought. The only time you don't do this is when your spear or phalanx broke, then you grabbed your xiphos sword and fought more desperately.

I know Berwick had a pair of Doru, but that's really underselling the old phalanx.

I wouldn't have remembered the Doru if you hadn't brought it up yourself, that's how undersold it is.

13 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

...No exception for the two Khadein chests demanding the Thief staff? Otherwise this barely amounts to a difference. Hammerne denial aside.

Fuck Malicia.

7 hours ago, gnip said:

No offence, but those are boring. Spiteful at best. "I really didn't like using X" - "USE X!!!" - "And also make everybody the class that you already have two characters of!"

General army is boring?


7 hours ago, gnip said:

I guess I could turn Grey into a Soldier and then proceed to never use him. Or I could try actually using Force, while having somewhat of a varied cast.

You say I was being spiteful, but honest to God, that's the best I can come up with. That's the thing about FE2. You can't suggest units for a team, because there's only one team. Choices are strictly limited to the villagers. When I say "use Luthier and Jenny", that doesn't mean anything because you were always going to do that. You have to, the entire army is always deployed. You'll only ever have one team.

It doesn't really make much of a difference to me which of the three wonder boys you make into the viable classes. So, I have nothing else. Sorry.

7 hours ago, gnip said:

Yumina > Mallensia is more reasonable...

You had better listen, if you're going to deprive me of an army of generals.

7 hours ago, gnip said:

With Ruben and Shaky making spiteful requests for Gaiden, I feel entirely justified to spite them back. And what could be possibly more spiteful to them than giving three stat boosters to Chiki instead of Maji?

Oh c'mon.

9 minutes ago, gnip said:


Interesting way to avoid calling him Cat in Spanish. The Spanish fanslation went with Gateau.

11 minutes ago, gnip said:


...and Est gets wh-- no, wait, that would come across wrong.

I mean.

...I don't know, maybe she likes it? It doesn't strike me as characteristic of her, but who knows really. We'd have to ask Abel.

11 minutes ago, gnip said:

I think "only if you can defeat the real me" might be more accurate? I interpret "if only" as "i wish this would happen", although I'm not a native speaker.

Gharnef is Griss in disguise.

13 minutes ago, gnip said:


His phrasing here implies he could potentially be beaten down by someone without weapons.

Alas, if only this game had brawling.

14 minutes ago, gnip said:


(Gharnef has a more death quote that probably would've required Kaga to have more prophetic knowledge than the average person has, so I suspect this is a small liberty of the translation patch)

...Yeah, that's a liberty. And now I'm wondering how much of the stuff that has puzzled us throughout were also liberties.

15 minutes ago, gnip said:


This phrasing feels a bit too specific, I think - it's not like the player is going to revive somebody specific (like, I dunno, Mars and Elice's father...), so "the important one" seems a bit off.

"The important one."

Biraku, who died in his join chapter from a stray crit

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7 hours ago, Punished Dayni said:

Truly the most close of formations.

Especially for the Sacred Band of Thebes, considering it consisted of 150 pairs of male lovers.👬 Which managed to defeat the MANLY! Spartans after they won the Peloponnesian War against Athens thereby end their hegemony over Greece. But then Phillip II of Macedon -Alex the Great's daddy- crushed the Thebans in turn a couple decades later.

7 hours ago, Punished Dayni said:

SoV calling the armour overclass Spartan and giving it a skill called Phalanx that neutralised damage from enemies (And increased chances with adjacent allies), but not making it look the part is just IS top to bottom.

I wasn't aware of this.😆

Let's see, three natural Soldier lines, three Pitchforks, four natural male Villagers, four natural Merc line characters. 14 potential Spartans, although that'd be overkill, the dungeon deployment limit is 10 right? A 3x3 square would give the corners a chance = Def of negating damage, the center edges a 1.5*Def chance, and the center unit 2*Def chance. Considering the skill doesn't say anything about applying to physical attacks alone, actually sounds pretty awesome, a worthy implementation of the formation of Hellas.

Considering hoplites were citizen-soldiers summoned for the occasion, not professional full-time warriors, it'd actually make more sense for the Villager loop to happen with Baron than Dread Fighter perhaps. Or since DF is some kind of ninja, equally viable for a return to civilian life at least. Considering it takes plenty of grinding to abuse, maybe all SoV classes should have been able to loop, less DF biased that way.

7 hours ago, Punished Dayni said:

Says the guy who still uses Mage Kliff in SoV)

So did I.

7 hours ago, Punished Dayni said:

while Arrow has power to make up for how slow it is.

Neither Excalibur nor Sagirrow have flier effectiveness, despite both wind magic and bows having it in normal FE. I feel like SoV should've given one of them flier effectiveness, though maybe not both. They have the same number of learners (one less for Arrow in Fami Gaiden), often the same learners. Excalibur is a learned a little sooner, has lower Wt, more Hit and crit, so maybe not it? But then Sagirrow has 16 Mt, which would be too good for Gargoyle-slaying? Dracozombies too. Serangel wouldn't be happy.


17 minutes ago, gnip said:


Misheil himself doesn't join the initial charge, which ultimately makes him pretty non-threatening. Sheeda would've been able to just one-round him with the Gradivus (38 Atk vs. 34 HP / 18 Def)...

...Really? How disappointing. 

Shame there is only one Gradivus yet two young menemies would like it.

17 minutes ago, gnip said:


...and Est gets wh-- no, wait, that would come across wrong.

You chose to promote Est. Well, Palla and Catria aren't angry, given the two games that lay ahead.

17 minutes ago, gnip said:

(Gharnef has a more death quote that probably would've required Kaga to have more prophetic knowledge than the average person has, so I suspect this is a small liberty of the translation patch)

For shame!😝

17 minutes ago, gnip said:


...and Mars seizes.

I take it using Ohm requires the user's immune system be acting up, because her face looks like she's allergic to shellfish.

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Well, actually. Thinking about it, @gnip I do have one thing.

Mage Atlas. I used him in Echoes and he was pretty fun. His power was out of this world. I don't remember how magic works in Gaiden, though - if it's like FE1 it'll just make his strength go to waste.

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1 minute ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Interesting way to avoid calling him Cat in Spanish. The Spanish fanslation went with Gateau.

Which is French for cake. :lol: Well, gâteau, but details, shmetails.

5 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Oh c'mon.

Just making sure everybody gets at least some requests fulfilled 😇

5 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

...Really? How disappointing. 

It's remarkable just how strong Mercurius (18 Mt) and Gradivus (20 Mt, 1-2 range) are compared to Silvers (12 Mt). Even without the Power Rings, Sheeda would've had 29 Atk (30 with the one Str proc she got after promo), which is as strong as Silver!Mars (29 Atk), who's actually the character with the highest natural Str on the team. ...except that he can't use Silvers because of his bad WLv, so we'd have to compare Sheeda to Kain (27 Atk w/ Silver).

6 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Well, actually. Thinking about it, @gnip I do have one thing.

Mage Atlas. I used him in Echoes and he was pretty fun. His power was out of this world. I don't remember how magic works in Gaiden, though - if it's like FE1 it'll just make his strength go to waste.

See, that one is stupid and fun. Atlas can only use Fire until Lv. 16, where he learns Arrow/Saggitae, but it will be very stronk Fires.

(yes, Str/Mag does increase magic damage in Gaiden. Healing, too, but there's no "+10" in the formula, to make sure that it's still really weak)

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7 minutes ago, gnip said:

Which is French for cake. :lol: Well, gâteau, but details, shmetails.

The Gotoh is a lie?

Oh, if only. Hate that bastard...

6 minutes ago, gnip said:

Just making sure everybody gets at least some requests fulfilled 😇

Nah yeah, all jokes aside, I don't want to hog the whole thing like I did with Shaky's FE12 LP. I would just request that you take my suggestion to use Bantu alongside her into account, if you find the room. Observer agreed it'd be cool, remember?

8 minutes ago, gnip said:

See, that one is stupid and fun. Atlas can only use Fire until Lv. 16, where he learns Arrow/Saggitae, but it will be very stronk Fires.

(yes, Str/Mag does increase magic damage in Gaiden. Healing, too, but there's no "+10" in the formula, to make sure that it's still really weak)

That was my logic when I made him a mage, yeah. He may not have the best list, but he hits with the force of a rocket launcher. And let me tell you, when he learned Saggitae he became ultra dumb. I recall him one-shotting other mages, like holy shit.

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13 minutes ago, gnip said:

It's remarkable just how strong Mercurius (18 Mt) and Gradivus (20 Mt, 1-2 range) are compared to Silvers (12 Mt).

*Genealogy laughs*

13 minutes ago, gnip said:

See, that one is stupid and fun. Atlas can only use Fire until Lv. 16, where he learns Arrow/Saggitae, but it will be very stronk Fires.

Boey has 8 Atk base, same 30% growth. Similar growths elsewhere except for Def where Boey is a strange 40 (highest in the game outside of Est) to Altas's 20.

Boey does get Arrow at 12, and Excalibur at 17, but his primary advantage over Atlas will probably be 1-3 Thunder tickling. Very useful for sure I'd imagine, but it'd still leave him with -5 Atk compared to Atlas.

Hitting Res and ignoring Gaiden terrain I take it could make Mage better for Atlas than sending him into the longer-ranged but less accurate, Def-targeting Archer line. And ofc, Merc is already loaded for Celica, Soldier is junk, and Cav ...she doesn't have one, but neither does she really need one between sand and swamp. So Mage can't be a bad choice.

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1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

...Yeah, that's a liberty. And now I'm wondering how much of the stuff that has puzzled us throughout were also liberties.

The liberties I deliberately took are tiny and few and far between, mostly censorship for personal reasons or just as a little treat well, except for maybe the one you're about to see 😛 Anything else is just me goofing up with the translation. Your feedback is very helpful if/when I go back to revise my translation.

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1 minute ago, Polinym said:

The liberties I deliberately took are tiny and few and far between, mostly censorship for personal reasons or just as a little treat well, except for maybe the one you're about to see 😛 Anything else is just me goofing up with the translation. Your feedback is very helpful if/when I go back to revise my translation.

Oh, please don't misunderstand, I'm not trying to accuse you of anything. It mostly just brought that one time Mannu refered to himself as Salamander back to mind.

1 minute ago, Polinym said:

well, except for maybe the one you're about to see 😛

...Oh dear.

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34 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Nah yeah, all jokes aside, I don't want to hog the whole thing like I did with Shaky's FE12 LP. I would just request that you take my suggestion to use Bantu alongside her into account, if you find the room. Observer agreed it'd be cool, remember?

FE3!Bantu has been discussed and suggested as early as page 1, so he's definitely on the radar. We'll see how he holds up in Book 1 in particular, but I also have the Observer's shard suggestion for B2 noted.

27 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Boey has 8 Atk base, same 30% growth. Similar growths elsewhere except for Def where Boey is a strange 40 (highest in the game outside of Est) to Altas's 20.

Boey does get Arrow at 12, and Excalibur at 17, but his primary advantage over Atlas will probably be 1-3 Thunder tickling. Very useful for sure I'd imagine, but it'd still leave him with -5 Atk compared to Atlas.

Speaking of Boy, I do want to use him (or rather prioritise over Mae) alongside Celica this time. I used Mae on my unfinished run and getting to Aura gave her satisfying big numbers and all, but Boey's more Knight-like growths is something you just don't see on any other FE Mage. Plus, changing things up is never bad.

I never used Atlas for the reason you mentioned - Merc is the only (physical) class that "makes sense", since it's the only way for him to overcome his awful Skl and Spd, but Sabre and Kamui have such a significant level lead on him. So that's good reason for me to try out Mage!Atlas, too, even with Boey and Celica sitting in the same / a similar class.

4 minutes ago, Polinym said:

Your feedback is very helpful if/when I go back to revise my translation.

Glad to hear it :):

Oh, one small thing that I keep making screenshots of but then forget to mention:


The menu entry for visiting Anna is "Staff", which I assume is a mix-up.

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16 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Trailer? Hah! They kept those two far, far away from all the promotional material. Even massive motherfucking spoiler Mauvier slipped into one of those mechanic advertisement twits. They were more careful to keep Saphir and Lindon a secret than the fucking spoilerman.

IntSys when they spot an elderly man:


17 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

EDIT: okay I could be convinced to settle for one soldier, but come FE3 Gnip must bench Malicia/Mallesia/Marisha/whateher her name is this time of year and use Yumina instead.

Get Macringa the heck outta here. 

I mean I don't know why you care so much about Yumina, but you do you.

14 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

20 Str is needed to cleanly 3HKO Medeus without a crit. Not sure if you'd care about that.

Or you could have enough to barely leave him alive at 3 HP, then finish him off with Maji.

14 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

...No exception for the two Khadein chests demanding the Thief staff? Otherwise this barely amounts to a difference. Hammerne denial aside.

Most FE12 runs nowadays, I'll bring her along for 2 chapters solely for hammer usage, but I have done a lunatic run once completely ignoring her existence, which mostly amounted to rescue-less hell given this was also on the No Kris-Arran Emblem run. One of my favorite runs so far.

8 hours ago, Punished Dayni said:

Catria was suicidal


8 hours ago, gnip said:

No offence, but those are boring. Spiteful at best. "I really didn't like using X" - "USE X!!!" - "And also make everybody the class that you already have two characters of!"

Bro discovered YouTube comments

8 hours ago, gnip said:

I'd just end up not using any of those units, so, er, nope.

Fair enough

8 hours ago, gnip said:

With Ruben and Shaky making spiteful requests for Gaiden, I feel entirely justified to spite them back. And what could be possibly more spiteful to them than giving three stat boosters to Chiki instead of Maji?


Society if Gnip listened to Saint Rubenio and Shaky Jones.

1 hour ago, gnip said:

...and Est gets wh-- no, wait, that would come across wrong.



1 hour ago, gnip said:

...but some old-fashioned chip damage allowed for a more narratively satisfying conclusion. Micheil is running around with a Javelin, so he's rather non-threatening, really.

It's funny how when I was first playing FE, I mostly also did narrative kills, but now I never do, even when it's my first time playing. It's not even exclusive to FE. I will just simply not do what the norm is. It's rarely intentional too. 80% of the time, it's because I find it boring and way more fun to have creativity (I trained Meg to have her go crazy, not Ike, RD...), and 19% is when the game is forcing it so hard that I actually get mad and don't do it out of spite. Only 1% of the time will I actually care about what feels natural. FE is not one of those times.

1 hour ago, gnip said:


This is the greatest thing I've seen from the NES.

1 hour ago, gnip said:

Mars kills the Gharnef guarding the throne...

Imagine a buncha tiny Gharnef siblings. That'd be adorable.

1 hour ago, gnip said:


...and Mars seizes.

Why does she look like that?

1 hour ago, gnip said:
Darros	20.00	   37   20   7  10  18   6  10	(+8 Str, +6 Spd, +5 Skl)

While I should be disappointed as the Maji Minister, as the dignitary of the Darros Department, I am satisfied nonetheless.

Just use Maji again in book 1.

Also I'm not really as talkative about Archanea chapter design here because I stopped playing fairly by now, so there isn't much for me to say. I hope they're not awful.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Fuck Malicia.

Fuck Malicia.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

General army is boring?


Hold Ruben, hold! Not everyone uses an army of generals and great knights when playing games, or hacks. You're getting lost in the sauce. 

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

...I don't know, maybe she likes it? It doesn't strike me as characteristic of her, but who knows really. We'd have to ask Abel.


1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I take it using Ohm requires the user's immune system be acting up, because her face looks like she's allergic to shellfish

That's what I'm sayin!

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Mage Atlas. I used him in Echoes and he was pretty fun. His power was out of this world. I don't remember how magic works in Gaiden, though - if it's like FE1 it'll just make his strength go to waste.

I've already verified this. It's a good class for him. Do it.

1 hour ago, gnip said:

See, that one is stupid and fun.

Nothing is more stupid than Celica map design.

Archer Atlus will miss everything. Merc Atlus, sure but you're boring. Cav Atlus, I don't even need to fuckin say anything. Mage just works. Not counting merc because literally everyone is good as that, mage is a genuinely good and fun class for him. He was tanky enough for me to dish out powerful fires and 1RKO most enemies with HP to spare, and he can actually afford the HP cost of his strong spell.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Nah yeah, all jokes aside, I don't want to hog the whole thing like I did with Shaky's FE12 LP. I would just request that you take my suggestion to use Bantu alongside her into account, if you find the room. Observer agreed it'd be cool, remember?

In your defense, one of the first picks was fucking Catria. Not even reclassed Catria. They just wanted me to use Catria. And then someone tried to pick Malicia! Man, you fought that person to not include her. What a day that was.

I could easily finish that run whenever I want, but I really messed up trying to add lore to my LP. No way I can go back now. Maybe I'll silently finish it and just show you screenshots of endgame Frost and Bantu, and Sheema. Matthis was already capped anyways. Then again, I might do Frost again on lunatic in my actual DS when I support hunt. Hmm.

53 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

*Genealogy laughs*

I love poor game design.

13 minutes ago, gnip said:

FE3!Bantu has been discussed and suggested as early as page 1, so he's definitely on the radar. We'll see how he holds up in Book 1 in particular, but I also have the Observer's shard suggestion for B2 noted.

I somewhat joke of Cord B1 (since he's not in B2, bastard Kaga), but if I had to choose between Cord and Arran gaming across both books, I'd probably go for the ladder. He's just so cool. Unless Ruben already locked that in. I'm forgetting already. Man, the idea of letting Arran kill Medeus on both books would be really cool. It would be Ruben's wet dream. 

Fun FE2 Fact: Mila = Man I love Arran

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1 hour ago, gnip said:


Thanks to the walls so high that nothing can fly over them, you start pretty far away from any enemy. Always a bit of a minus for a map, although since the enemies consist of exclusively high-movement classes, it's not too bad.

I do like how the map still grants flyers extra mobility, thanks to the cliff (?) tiles. It means that your own flyers have to help out protecting your squishies, while also being able to stay out of the enemy Horsemen's range

Funny that this wall funnels the enemies, forcing one path for everyone.

Unless you warpskip

1 hour ago, gnip said:


Oh, and it turns out that Excalibur is considered a regal weapon and thus cannot be Hammerned. How nice. I guess it makes sense, given the name, but still, I considered that to be enough of a dick move that I rewound in order to restore the Hammerne charge.

...which is probably pretty irrelevant, given how many charges you get, and how the superpowered weapons all cannot be repaired. But it's about the principle of the thing. Lena ended up repairing Wendell's Warp staff (which was down to 1 use) and Boah's Thoron tome this map.

It forced a use despite not being able to fix it.

Thanks S. Kaga., I agree with the rewind.

1 hour ago, gnip said:


...but some old-fashioned chip damage allowed for a more narratively satisfying conclusion. Micheil is running around with a Javelin, so he's rather non-threatening, really.

Minerva: Kin-Kingslayer

1 hour ago, gnip said:


...Wryf gets starlit...

The real Star Lord has arrived.

1 hour ago, gnip said:


...and Est gets wh-- no, wait, that would come across wrong.

Est gets a Wyvern whose rider just deceased.

1 hour ago, gnip said:

"A pity that, to secure my grasp on this world, you must die."
"Hahaha... as I control Mediuth, there's nothing to fear."
"As long as I have the Falchion and Maph, even he cannot oppose me..."
"Well, Mars. You must do battle with my images!"
"The Falchion will be yours if only you can defeat the real me!"

I think "only if you can defeat the real me" might be more accurate? I interpret "if only" as "i wish this would happen", although I'm not a native speaker.

I'd assume if only is not intended here.

1 hour ago, gnip said:


(Gharnef has a more death quote that probably would've required Kaga to have more prophetic knowledge than the average person has, so I suspect this is a small liberty of the translation patch)

I'm curious about the not-meme quote.

1 hour ago, gnip said:


Despite my fuck-up, I was still fast enough to go through with my plan: block four of the six reinforcement spots. Like chapter 21, this map only has a single wave of reinforcements, so this more or less puts a pin on that.

The classic trope.

1 hour ago, gnip said:


This phrasing feels a bit too specific, I think - it's not like the player is going to revive somebody specific (like, I dunno, Mars and Elice's father...), so "the important one" seems a bit off.

Weird that the alters to use Aum are based in Dohlr Doluna Durhua

1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Let's see, three natural Soldier lines, three Pitchforks, four natural male Villagers, four natural Merc line characters. 14 potential Spartans, although that'd be overkill, the dungeon deployment limit is 10 right? A 3x3 square would give the corners a chance = Def of negating damage, the center edges a 1.5*Def chance, and the center unit 2*Def chance. Considering the skill doesn't say anything about applying to physical attacks alone, actually sounds pretty awesome, a worthy implementation of the formation of Hellas.

Considering hoplites were citizen-soldiers summoned for the occasion, not professional full-time warriors, it'd actually make more sense for the Villager loop to happen with Baron than Dread Fighter perhaps. Or since DF is some kind of ninja, equally viable for a return to civilian life at least. Considering it takes plenty of grinding to abuse, maybe all SoV classes should have been able to loop, less DF biased that way.

Niche usecase, but potentially 80% attack neutralisation sounds like a mad stat.

They probably should have, DFs being ninja reads weird with the setting it's in

1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Neither Excalibur nor Sagirrow have flier effectiveness, despite both wind magic and bows having it in normal FE. I feel like SoV should've given one of them flier effectiveness, though maybe not both. They have the same number of learners (one less for Arrow in Fami Gaiden), often the same learners. Excalibur is a learned a little sooner, has lower Wt, more Hit and crit, so maybe not it? But then Sagirrow has 16 Mt, which would be too good for Gargoyle-slaying? Dracozombies too. Serangel wouldn't be happy.

This is early FE to begin with on effectiveness, though Excailber did get Flying effectiveness late on. Sagittae being light could explain why it doesn't have flying effectiveness and the weird shit in 3H, so Excalibur would be my choice.

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36 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

Niche usecase, but potentially 80% attack neutralisation sounds like a mad stat.

Invincible cluster swarms do sound fun. Reminds me I need to get back to my third run of SRWJ for the unhittable Brain Powered 8-unit (endgame 10-unit) squadron. Haven't been in the mood since melancholy started hammering me this month.

43 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

This is early FE to begin with on effectiveness, though Excailber did get Flying effectiveness late on.

The weird thing is FE3 gave Shaver and Excalibur flier effectiveness, but then Genealogy took it away from wind magic, only for Thracia to bring it back. Then Binding leaves the effectiveness on Aircalibur, but then Blazing doesn't give it to Gigascalibur (localized as Excalibur) yet gave it to its Double Dash bonus Wind Sword. And it takes us until Sacred Stones to get consistently-effective windiness.

...Which leads me to want to imagine that, if SS had the separated Anima Trinity of Magic, I wouldn't make Frelia land of the pegs the wind mage specialists. Considering Excal is of Jehanna, I'd create a caveat to the "country relies on mercenaries" lore bit, and brush in an elite non-mercenary royal guard/small army of sorts, and fill it with wind mages. Giving wind mages to the country with the impeding terrain would be a good counter to a would-be invader's terrain-counter of fliers. Grado has dark, Rausten light, Renais can have.... fire? And Frelia can have thunder by process of elimination, or fire, or none, since Renais has both a fire lance and a thunder sword.

38 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

Weird that the alters to use Aum are based in Dohlr Doluna Durhua

And only usable during the penultimate battle, in the case of FE1 and Book 1.

Staffs ala FE3 lore come off as an invention that dragons didn't really use. Although being able to make them and actually using them are two different things.

I'm going to guess, without any evidence, that Om/Aum (the primordial sound of: creation, the universe, the divine (be it an almighty deity or the ultimate reality the Brahman), and or the soul aka Atma(n) in Indic religion; a sacred sound/word/phrase known as "mantra") was a post-Gotoh invention for humanity (perhaps Gotoh himself made it from the Lifesphere). But that resurrection magic is really difficult, and the Dolhr shrine is an ancient dragon-built shrine made specifically to make the miracle of resurrection more feasible, which they would've carried out without the Aum staff.

30 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

Funny that this wall funnels the enemies, forcing one path for everyone.

Although it does make it look like a realistic citadel, looming high on hill/rocky outcrop. No zigzagging slopes or anything, but still a good old fortress on high. If Michalis had gone heavier on FE3/11/12 Ballisticians and loaded up on javelins/rocks for his flier monopoly to rain down below, and had he wanted to go defensive, I'm sure he could've held out for a looooooong time. (Not like he could expect any support from Gharnef or Dolhr though, and distant ally Grust lay in ruins.)

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FE1 Chapter 24: Mamkute Kingdom


All began with the revival of the Earth Dragon Midiuth here.
Akaneia has been ruined from endless warring. Many tragic tales born and destroyed.
But time flows fast. Mediuth's ambitions of Mamkutes ruling the world must finally end.
Just as Mars's long journey is ending.


Honestly, there's a few maps in the series that whisper, "You don't have to play me". This one shouts it from the rooftops, offering free passage for your air force to the boss and even including a traversable path if you don't have any warps for Mars left.


I'd understand it if the chest in the bottom center had the Ohm staff in it - a bit of a challenge if you want to revive somebody - but it doesn't. I guess the secret shop is an incentive, but... I mean, a blind player probably won't notice, even though the "hole" in the mountain is a bit of a giveaway.

So, basically all that happens is a bit of item management, two promotions (and Marich grabs the third Warp staff in preparation for the final map)...


...and then a scuffed boss kill because Est misses two Triangle Attacks. Good showing there.


Boah still warps Mars in, to make sure that the nearby Snipers can't shoot anybody down, and he survives the enemy phase with, well, a few HP to spare.


Sorry if I disappoint any expectations, but this map always felt very weird to me. To actually engage with it, you have to move away from the goal, with the only secondary objective worth mentioning being the secret shop... which isn't even in the direction where things are happening.

The Team:

	Lv  	   HP  Str Skl WLv Spd Lck Def
Mars	20.00	   35   17  11   7  18  20  16	(+3 Def, +4 Mov)
Roshe	12/12.97   35   17  16  15  19   5  15	(+3 Def, +4 Str, +6 Spd)
Boah	5.32	   22    4   7  10  16   4   6
Kain	18/10.10   43   15  19  20  20  15  12

Sheeda	12/6.75	   24   18  18  18  20  20  15	(+8 Str, 7 Res)
Est	12/4.51	   30   13  17  18  18   5  14
Katua	3.45	   ...
Paola	11/1.19	   27    9  10  13  14   5  14

Julian	14.02	   37   12  13   7  18  15   6	(+9 HP, +5 WLv)
Marich	17/1.41	   31    3   9  17  14  12   8
Wendell	6.76	   26    3   2  14  16   5   8
Minerv	11.52	   28   12   9  14  14   7  17


FE1 Final Chapter: The Chosen Ones



Gatoh: "In the past, I thought humans to be a foolish lot, and cut off relations with them. But after seeing you, I see humans are not a lost hope. I am no match for Mediuth, but this old man can handle his lackeys. Go forth, chosen ones! Aritia's prince of light! Send the Earth Dragon Mediuth back to the darkness once again!"

Well, realistically, Gatoh can handle casting Fortify every turn.


This map, of course, also encourages liberal Warp usage, but it's not as simple as a quick skip. Since you can't control in what groups your characters spawn, and since you can't just fomortiis him on turn 1, it's a bit tougher to keep everybody alive. Especially when all your flyers spawn together close to a Wyrmslayer Hero, a Ballistician, and a Mage Dragon.


Mars and Gatoh spawn alongside Boah, Kain, and Roshe, and without a Door Key because I didn't think of grabbing one with Mars in the previous chapter. At least Boah has enough Warps left to get everybody else out - starting with Roshe, who he warps into Mediuth's room to dispose of one of the Snipers. He precisely one-rounds with Silver, which is always very satisfying.


Without a Warp is the group in the top right - Minerva, Darros, Chiki, and Wryf - and they basically just defeat the nearby enemies and then chill for the rest of the map. Bit disappointing that Darros, Chiki, and Wryf all don't get a big finale.

And finally, the group in the location that attracts the most enemies is...


...Julian, Wendell, and the newly promoted Marich. How nice.


Wendell actually warps Marich out and to the flyer squad in the top left - they can use some magic firepower, and I could do with Sheeda throwing Gradivii elsewhere. I'm sure Wendell and Julian will be fine.


(they are, in fact, fine)

The Paladin does have a Javelin, but he can't outdamage Gatoh's Fortify. Sorry about the brute force spoiler removal


The Pegasus sisters can easily triangle the Mage Dragon, and the door between them and the Ballistician just closed at the start of the turn, so Marich warps Sheeda into Mediuth's room, too...


...and so does Boah with Mars, so that the two can almost kill the Mage Dragon blocking the way to Mediuth.


I think that about covers everything outside of Mediuth's room - everybody's safe and sound, so Mars starts his epic duel with Mediuth. Just the two of them... and Mars's healing squad. Mediuth's equivalent came down with a sudden case of death, caused by Kain (freshly warped in) and Roshe.


Mars is, as has been interdimensionally observed, just shy of beating Mediuth in two rounds of combat.


But that, of course, doesn't make much of a difference, unless you're an LTC nerd.

"The Aritian Prince, whom light preserves... One day... ...one day..."
"When evil consumes the hearts of men, my incarnation will apear [sic @Polinym].
"The heart... As long as there is light, darkness will never fade..."


Aaand epilogue! This is still supposed to be more playlog than Let's Play, so I'm not going to record it all here. Play it yourselves, ya goofs. Nyna gives Mars her little "Jesus, just confess already" speech...


...and it's happy end. Kind of. Is this a sequel hook? Because the events leading to the Turban Wars don't really come into motion until...


...right now. Right.

The character endings do all have this graphic error, I have to report.


Again, not showing every slide - just the one that really matters. Truly, we will not see Darros again in this thread, nor a man that would come close to his greatness.

To finish, the sixteen Chosen Ones:



I didn't use Mars too much for most of the game - not that I purposefully kept him out of combat, but I think he saw less action than the "regular" units I was fielding. He then powerleveled up to 20 once I got the Miracle Rapier and the Star Orb, and ended up with really great stats, considering he only got a single Dracoshield (and the boots) to boost them.


Roshe first trolled me by getting to Paladin Spd base right before he promoted, and then gained a more expectable total of One point of Spd in 12 levels as a Paladin. He needed more help to get where he ended up - +4 Str, +6 Spd, +3 Def, to be precise - but he was still more decent than I expected. It does help that he can use swords (for speed) and lances (mostly for more readily available Silvers, I didn't use Ridersbanes as much as I could've).


Didn't gain a ton of XP, but that's to no small part because (a) he would set up kills more often than take them himself, and (b) staff utility is pretty good. I didn't have him carry the run, but he was useful very consistently.


No stat boosters needed for these stats. Honestly, I suspect that Mars belongs at the top of tier lists because of his "Provoke skill", but I'd put the Xmas cavs right alongside him. They (assuming Abel works similar to Kain) are basically among your best units from start to finish, which no other character can boast.


Sheeda starts strong because she can double with lances, including Jeigan's Silver, then falls off when everybody can double stuff because her Str is arse, and then becomes good again when she can promote. She still needs some help (like, this is her with +8 Str, and her HP is still really low), but capping Spd as early as she does, as well as an excellent crit rate, still make her pretty good in my eyes.


This is Est with some effort put into raising her, and without any stat boosters. Honestly, she seems pretty good, low availability or not. Once she gets a few levels under her belt, she can pull her weight and snowball a bit from there.


Katua enabled some Triangle Attacks and helped a lot with item management. Which is actually quite useful. Hadn't I avoided giving her any XP, I'm sure she would've been fine, but I can only repeat myself and say that she looks like a more shaky long-term prospect than Est. Her base level is the lowest between the pegasus sisters, and her Str growth is... well, it's not bad, as high as Abel's, in fact, but Abel starts growing his Str in chapter 1, and Est has a +30% advantage over Katua in the stat, so...

I mean, I don't think Katua is bad, but she just doesn't really fit into a role as well as her sisters.


Speaking of, this is Paola with minimal investment. Three levels before promotion, none after, so it's no surprise that her stats aren't too impressive. I'd expect her to turn out fine if you invest in her, if a bit shaky in the Spd department.


He had his moments, but he just didn't find enough combat to gain more levels than he did. I don't regret using him as a combat unit, although I think I would've thrown the first Angelic Robe at somebody else in hindsight.


Excalibur/10 for large parts of the game, but he turned into a pretty solid combat mage in the end. Promoted in order to do one warp. In a more "efficient" playstyle, I'm pretty sure he's the best recipient of the first Bishop Ring, since he can also start staff-botting afterwards, but he was absolutely useful as a pure combat unit, too.


Did more combat than Boah, but still not a ton. I do have to mention that he got +3 Spd in six level-ups, off a 20% growth. Not bad. Still, I used him as a staff bot a lot, so he didn't make as much use of it as he could have.


I do like bulky flyers. Minerva was good simply because of that feat, although her offence is somewhat shaky. It got better when she got her +6 Spd boost, but her Str isn't actually that amazing, either. Not a superstar, but a very good roleplayer, I find.


Leveled up to 10 in chapter 3, then vanished in relative obscurity. Unfortunately, I lost my +3 WLv Wryf, so he couldn't use Physic before promotion, but he was still around and useful as a staff bot. Killed Gharnef after promoting, and saw a bit more combat than the other Bishops in general.

The sad truth is that Lena basically could've done exactly the same things as Wryf, plus use Physic before promotion. In a way, using Wryf hampered Wendell and Boah a bit, because they needed to do the remote healing instead.


He sails.

It's a really funny detail that Hammers are one point lighter than Iron Axes, and allow Darros (and Saji) to double all the 0 AS enemies in the earlygame.

And, of course, it's insane that Darros gained 5 points of speed, as opposed to the 1.7 he would've been expected to get. It's unfortunate that there's no Silver Axe in this game, but Darros still managed to be useful beyond just bonking Knights on the head. Definitely the black horse of the run.


Unlucky spawn on this last map, so she didn't actually get to fight any dragons this entire game. Too bad, since she's rather underwhelming otherwise, despite her great Def (and incredible growth rates).


He used Fortify a few times.

It's funny how the Gotoh archetype is named after somebody who's really not that powerful. Like, sure, he's functional and would've done great things had he faced any enemies, but Athos just points and laughs at Gatoh's performance.

It's interesting to note, however, that he isn't level-capped, and also that he has 7 Res.


Well then - off to Valencia. Or Valentia. I'm not sure what the translation patch used.

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3 minutes ago, gnip said:


Honestly, there's a few maps in the series that whisper, "You don't have to play me". This one shouts it from the rooftops, offering free passage for your air force to the boss and even including a traversable path if you don't have any warps for Mars left.

Even in the FE11 runs where I tried not to warpskip, I still warpskipped this. It's such a skippable map.

3 minutes ago, gnip said:


You can tell Medeus is a big deal because he has a piece of furniture in his portrait.

4 minutes ago, gnip said:


There's the liberty, I'm pretty sure.

4 minutes ago, gnip said:

Bit disappointing that Darros, Chiki, and Wryf all don't get a big finale.

Dammit, Gnip. This was Riff's chance...

5 minutes ago, gnip said:


...and it's happy end. Kind of. Is this a sequel hook?

Probably just a generic "the adventure's just begun" kind of ending line. Book 2 was blatantly not planned in FE1, as you can tell by multiple endings that contradict the book 2 state of affairs - most notable, Lorenz, who apparently settles down as lord of a small village. Instead of, y'know, exploding.

7 minutes ago, gnip said:


Roshe first trolled me by getting to Paladin Spd base right before he promoted, and then gained a more expectable total of One point of Spd in 12 levels as a Paladin. He needed more help to get where he ended up - +4 Str, +6 Spd, +3 Def, to be precise - but he was still more decent than I expected. It does help that he can use swords (for speed) and lances (mostly for more readily available Silvers, I didn't use Ridersbanes as much as I could've).


I'm so glad I suggested him.

8 minutes ago, gnip said:


Leveled up to 10 in chapter 3, then vanished in relative obscurity. Unfortunately, I lost my +3 WLv Wryf, so he couldn't use Physic before promotion, but he was still around and useful as a staff bot. Killed Gharnef after promoting, and saw a bit more combat than the other Bishops in general.

The sad truth is that Lena basically could've done exactly the same things as Wryf, plus use Physic before promotion. In a way, using Wryf hampered Wendell and Boah a bit, because they needed to do the remote healing instead.

Yes, but see, Lena isn't as epic as Riff.

9 minutes ago, gnip said:


He used Fortify a few times.

It's funny how the Gotoh archetype is named after somebody who's really not that powerful. Like, sure, he's functional and would've done great things had he faced any enemies, but Athos just points and laughs at Gatoh's performance.

He suffers from FE1's magic system keeping him from standing out compared to the other mages, and the final map's design not being friendly to him. Too bad for the old fuck.

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14 minutes ago, gnip said:

Honestly, there's a few maps in the series that whisper, "You don't have to play me". This one shouts it from the rooftops, offering free passage for your air force to the boss and even including a traversable path if you don't have any warps for Mars left.

This is the map you grind on for last minute growths if you really want to see your units have "lvl 20" on their stat sheet.

15 minutes ago, gnip said:

Sorry if I disappoint any expectations, but this map always felt very weird to me. To actually engage with it, you have to move away from the goal, with the only secondary objective worth mentioning being the secret shop... which isn't even in the direction where things are happening.

You must be really excited to play Gaiden.

17 minutes ago, gnip said:

...Julian, Wendell, and the newly promoted Marich. How nice.

So it's the best team possible. Lucky you.

18 minutes ago, gnip said:


(they are, in fact, fine)

I remember one of my sides was nearly screwed because my worst units were in the same team. Can't remember who they were, but it was stressful, in a fun way though.

This is one of the more interesting endgames imo, which is great to say considering that this is the first one. It only gets downhill from here. That's the Kaga promise!

20 minutes ago, gnip said:


Mars is, as has been interdimensionally observed, just shy of beating Mediuth in two rounds of combat.


But that, of course, doesn't make much of a difference, unless you're an LTC nerd.

Or you enjoy good final kills.

21 minutes ago, gnip said:

Aaand epilogue! This is still supposed to be more playlog than Let's Play, so I'm not going to record it all here. Play it yourselves, ya goofs. Nyna gives Mars her little "Jesus, just confess already" speech...

Anyone here haven't played FE1 yet?

It does feel odd that endgame was just thrown alongside a bunch of other chapters. Now I'm too lazy to write a spiel about my thoughts on FE1. Was expecting a short essay about FE1. Smh, fake poster.

In seriousness, reading the not LP did give me a little more appreciation for FE1, and the banter was entertaining. I am curious to hear your overall ranking when you presumably finish all 5 games and list your favorite to least favorite. Maybe even give us an FE tierlist now impacted by gaining knowledge of FE's origin and core structure through the old titles.

24 minutes ago, gnip said:


Sheeda starts strong because she can double with lances, including Jeigan's Silver, then falls off when everybody can double stuff because her Str is arse, and then becomes good again when she can promote. She still needs some help (like, this is her with +8 Str, and her HP is still really low), but capping Spd as early as she does, as well as an excellent crit rate, still make her pretty good in my eyes

I know I'm Shaky Jones, but I do genuinely believe she sucks in FE1. The silver lance is Jeigan's, and that arse STR makes a good chunk of the game a pain to use her in. By lategame, you'll have many units who will have good strength, and there's the whitewings that can use the dragonwhip. Then a few chapter later you get the secret shop, so strength stops mattering entirely. Although I suppose I'm the guy that hates early game fliers and doesn't understand the hype that elitists give them, and to my knowledge Ruben is the only other person who shares these beliefs, but I'm sure he'll make an exception for Sheeda for no reason.

28 minutes ago, gnip said:


This is Est with some effort put into raising her, and without any stat boosters. Honestly, she seems pretty good, low availability or not. Once she gets a few levels under her belt, she can pull her weight and snowball a bit from there.

[insert "Est is best" jpeg here]

29 minutes ago, gnip said:


I do like bulky flyers. Minerva was good simply because of that feat, although her offence is somewhat shaky. It got better when she got her +6 Spd boost, but her Str isn't actually that amazing, either. Not a superstar, but a very good roleplayer, I find.

You just reminded me how shit her FE1 portrait is. I didn't even notice. Thank goodness FE11 didn't just replicate it.

30 minutes ago, gnip said:


Leveled up to 10 in chapter 3, then vanished in relative obscurity. Unfortunately, I lost my +3 WLv Wryf, so he couldn't use Physic before promotion, but he was still around and useful as a staff bot. Killed Gharnef after promoting, and saw a bit more combat than the other Bishops in general.

Ruben now owes you. Congratulations.

30 minutes ago, gnip said:


He sails.

It's a really funny detail that Hammers are one point lighter than Iron Axes, and allow Darros (and Saji) to double all the 0 AS enemies in the earlygame.

You should totally put this in your sig.

30 minutes ago, gnip said:


Unlucky spawn on this last map, so she didn't actually get to fight any dragons this entire game. Too bad, since she's rather underwhelming otherwise, despite her great Def (and incredible growth rates).

I like how you gave her boosters and chose to skip the one chapter she's incredibly useful in.

31 minutes ago, gnip said:


He used Fortify a few times.

It's funny how the Gotoh archetype is named after somebody who's really not that powerful. Like, sure, he's functional and would've done great things had he faced any enemies, but Athos just points and laughs at Gatoh's performance

Any sage with 20 speed is a good unit, at least with thoron.

FE11 Gotoh is just a clown. Swarm is good, but why would I keep that on you? His magic is ass. Speed's good, but not enough to double on H5, and he's certainly still getting 1RKO'd. Even on lower difficulties, he'll be inferior to whoever your mage is, at least I've never had Gotoh stand out in any of my runs.

33 minutes ago, gnip said:

Well then - off to Valencia. Or Valentia. I'm not sure what the translation patch used.

I hope you're ready for a lot of rants.

23 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Even in the FE11 runs where I tried not to warpskip, I still warpskipped this. It's such a skippable map.

I point and I laugh.

24 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:
34 minutes ago, gnip said:

Bit disappointing that Darros, Chiki, and Wryf all don't get a big finale.

Dammit, Gnip. This was Riff's chance...

You might be able to get people to acknowledge the good units, but giving them the respect they deserve is a burden we must carry alone. Didn't even bring Maji to endgame...

Welp, guess Gnip owes us all soldiers in FE2. Get to it.

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3 hours ago, gnip said:


Honestly, there's a few maps in the series that whisper, "You don't have to play me". This one shouts it from the rooftops, offering free passage for your air force to the boss and even including a traversable path if you don't have any warps for Mars left.

I don't blame you for taking the easy way out. This one reminds me of PoR 17-4 in this regard, a good Marcia/Jill can flutter over some trees and watch the wretched sack of lard very quickly.

3 hours ago, gnip said:


...and then a scuffed boss kill because Est misses two Triangle Attacks. Good showing there.

More inaccurate Triforce Attacks? Seems a like a recurring issue on this run.

3 hours ago, gnip said:

It's funny how the Gotoh archetype is named after somebody who's really not that powerful. Like, sure, he's functional and would've done great things had he faced any enemies, but Athos just points and laughs at Gatoh's performance.

38 HP 15 Def 7 Res, maximum Spd and near-max crit with 13x2 Atk that nobody can resist isn't good enough for you?

Athos simply has a map where he can do stuff (lots of little rooms with elite foes), and capping stats isn't quite so easy, and Luna.

3 hours ago, gnip said:


I think that about covers everything outside of Mediuth's room - everybody's safe and sound, so Mars starts his epic duel with Mediuth. Just the two of them... and Mars's healing squad.

Medeus befittingly looks good for a Famicom final boss. And Marth is elegant in his backflipping.

3 hours ago, gnip said:


...and it's happy end. Kind of. Is this a sequel hook?

"one of the legend of Falchion", hm. Reminder that Kaga's original intention was Falchion and Gradivus in every game -but not the Fire Emblem.🤨 Should've called the franchise Falchion then, and come to think of it, his original moniker for Genealogy was Holy Sword Elm Kaiser, before it became Sword Emblem, and then a Fire Emblem game.

Anywho, congrats and onwards you go!

4 hours ago, gnip said:

Well then - off to Valencia. Or Valentia. I'm not sure what the translation patch used.

Actually it's Barentsia, turns out Awakening got it completely and totally wrong and the land of Gaiden is supposed to be in the far north. Kept warm and habitable solely by the power of the gods. (Ahem, check where the Barents Sea is.)


3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

You can tell Medeus is a big deal because he has a piece of furniture in his portrait.

...I see, a chair?🪑

I have this franchise in my brain and on my ears at the time I'm writing this, and my posts further from the forest are also laden with it.

You know whose artwork I want dragged up and photoshopped with Medeus's (1 or 3 or 11, I don't care) mug on it.😛

3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

There's the liberty, I'm pretty sure.

Hey! Don't assume that!😜 We never learn the last name of Marth's dynasty, and like every IRL dynasty had one, so it's weird that Fire Emblem for the longest time rarely gave us any, or defaulted to the ruling territory for the name (Seliph Baldur Chalphy, Elincia Ridell Crimea). 

3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

most notable, Lorenz, who apparently settles down as lord of a small village. Instead of, y'know, exploding.

He still exploded, there was a great famine and he turned himself into a rain of fish to feed his people.🌧️🐟 After which he returned to Valhalla b/c anyone with half a brain knows old man with an eyepatch = Odin in disguise. Hail the king of the gods!


3 hours ago, Shaky Jones said:

Anyone here haven't played FE1 yet?


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9 hours ago, Punished Dayni said:

I'm curious about the not-meme quote.


Basically the same thing, except he's waiting for you in "jigoku", otherwise known as "hell". Whenever I'd see the line in Monshou, I'd always joke about how him saying "in Book II" would be so much funnier. Come time to translate the line for FE1, I decided to er on the side of funny rather than debate over whether it'd be considered a "swear" here. On further reflection, it's more than likely reference to theological eternal punishment, so maybe I'll change it back. Regardless, SNES is still funnier. 🙂

4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

There's the liberty, I'm pretty sure.

Heehee... 🙂 Looks like Gnip missed it in his rush to skip the level. The real one is pretty obvious.
Nope, "Lowell" is just a treat. The original Japanese equivalent to that part of the line is just "Mars." I added "Lowell" to match the anime localization (in my opinion, the best version), and so players could be aware that he has a last name.

Oh, and congratz on beating FE1 to @gnip! I'm so glad my translation didn't crash on you. 😛

Edited by Polinym
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9 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

You can tell Medeus is a big deal because he has a piece of furniture in his portrait.


One of... four bosses with a unique portrait? Camus, Misheil, Gharnef, Mediuth. Five if you count Chiki.

9 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Dammit, Gnip. This was Riff's chance...

You're right, I should've had him fight Mediuth. Or the Mage Dragon guarding him. That would've gone really well.


8 hours ago, Shaky Jones said:

So it's the best team possible. Lucky you.

I guess...


8 hours ago, Shaky Jones said:

I know I'm Shaky Jones, but I do genuinely believe she sucks in FE1. The silver lance is Jeigan's, and that arse STR makes a good chunk of the game a pain to use her in. By lategame, you'll have many units who will have good strength, and there's the whitewings that can use the dragonwhip. Then a few chapter later you get the secret shop, so strength stops mattering entirely. Although I suppose I'm the guy that hates early game fliers and doesn't understand the hype that elitists give them, and to my knowledge Ruben is the only other person who shares these beliefs, but I'm sure he'll make an exception for Sheeda for no reason.

Eh, she's good early because doubling with lances covers up her bad Str, you can then bench her once she's lv.10, and then start using her again once you get the first Dragon Whip. Not the same tier as Kain and Abel, for sure, but she seems pretty decent.

8 hours ago, Shaky Jones said:

Any sage with 20 speed is a good unit, at least with thoron.

5 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

38 HP 15 Def 7 Res, maximum Spd and near-max crit with 13x2 Atk that nobody can resist isn't good enough for you?

A door key in his inventory would've been nice.

Being able to even just tickle the two most important enemies on the map would've been nice. As is, his skill set isn't super to begin with, and Mars's spawning location doesn't exactly get swarmed by enemies, either. Spamming Fortify genuinely seems like the most useful thing for him to do.

5 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Actually it's Barentsia, turns out Awakening got it completely and totally wrong and the land of Gaiden is supposed to be in the far north. Kept warm and habitable solely by the power of the gods. (Ahem, check where the Barents Sea is.)

Then why are there no vikings? Checkmate!

I like the idea that Mila is the antropomorphic (well, draconomorphic) personification of the gulf stream, though :lol:

4 hours ago, Polinym said:

Oh, and congratz on beating FE1 to @gnip! I'm so glad my translation didn't crash on you. 😛

Thanks! And also thanks for your work on the translation! :): 

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9 hours ago, gnip said:


Honestly, there's a few maps in the series that whisper, "You don't have to play me". This one shouts it from the rooftops, offering free passage for your air force to the boss and even including a traversable path if you don't have any warps for Mars left.

Maps telling you to skip them, ah classic FE.

9 hours ago, gnip said:

I'd understand it if the chest in the bottom center had the Ohm staff in it - a bit of a challenge if you want to revive somebody - but it doesn't. I guess the secret shop is an incentive, but... I mean, a blind player probably won't notice, even though the "hole" in the mountain is a bit of a giveaway.

I'm sorry what?

*Checks the chest

It gives a Devil Sword. That's the opposite of what should be there!

9 hours ago, gnip said:


Oh look, it's the thing, from the anime

9 hours ago, gnip said:


But that, of course, doesn't make much of a difference, unless you're an LTC nerd.

Ah, good old NES and making sections of sprites disappear as the boss falls. That or Marth is about to get cut to bits by Medeus learning from the Yellow Devil

Oh, and it's done. Good on ya.

9 hours ago, gnip said:


Again, not showing every slide - just the one that really matters. Truly, we will not see Darros again in this thread, nor a man that would come close to his greatness.

He has done it.

He became sail.


9 hours ago, gnip said:


No stat boosters needed for these stats. Honestly, I suspect that Mars belongs at the top of tier lists because of his "Provoke skill", but I'd put the Xmas cavs right alongside him. They (assuming Abel works similar to Kain) are basically among your best units from start to finish, which no other character can boast.

Kain and Abel really are busted for this game, with being able to hit these numbers so easily.

9 hours ago, gnip said:


Did more combat than Boah, but still not a ton. I do have to mention that he got +3 Spd in six level-ups, off a 20% growth. Not bad. Still, I used him as a staff bot a lot, so he didn't make as much use of it as he could have.

The power of hat apparently, for Wendell to be as blessed in Spd.

That being said, this does seem like an FE where you could use a bunch of mages at once, if of course you're fine risking crits rates.

9 hours ago, gnip said:


I do like bulky flyers. Minerva was good simply because of that feat, although her offence is somewhat shaky. It got better when she got her +6 Spd boost, but her Str isn't actually that amazing, either. Not a superstar, but a very good roleplayer, I find.

Kinda weird to know she would naturally have 8 Spd without the stat booster, that's kinda unfortunate.

9 hours ago, gnip said:


He sails.

It's a really funny detail that Hammers are one point lighter than Iron Axes, and allow Darros (and Saji) to double all the 0 AS enemies in the earlygame.

And, of course, it's insane that Darros gained 5 points of speed, as opposed to the 1.7 he would've been expected to get. It's unfortunate that there's no Silver Axe in this game, but Darros still managed to be useful beyond just bonking Knights on the head. Definitely the black horse of the run.

10/10, no notes.

8 hours ago, Shaky Jones said:

Anyone here haven't played FE1 yet?

Never intend to finish, I put myself through Gaiden before SoV came out and when I tried SDatBoL I just found it too much to put myself through the whole of it.

5 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I don't blame you for taking the easy way out. This one reminds me of PoR 17-4 in this regard, a good Marcia/Jill can flutter over some trees and watch the wretched sack of lard very quickly.


Why didn't I think of that when the birds show up? I was panicking to get to him first and barely managed.

Then again, I'd benched Marcia and Jill wasn't exactly impressing either

5 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

"one of the legend of Falchion", hm. Reminder that Kaga's original intention was Falchion and Gradivus in every game -but not the Fire Emblem.🤨 Should've called the franchise Falchion then, and come to think of it, his original moniker for Genealogy was Holy Sword Elm Kaiser, before it became Sword Emblem, and then a Fire Emblem game.

That's why Gladius is in Gaiden! Dammit Kaga.

Yeah, interesting to note that Falchion was intended as the recurring weapon. I wonder what that alternate timeline where Tyrfing is Falchion, alongside whatever other titles would have happened under Kaga would have been like.

5 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

After which he returned to Valhalla b/c anyone with half a brain knows old man with an eyepatch = Odin in disguise. Hail the king of the gods!

Ah yes, the classic "Old man with seven birds around him" that some players decide to kill anyway-

Wait that's Bahamut.

Lorenz having the plot info in his eyepatch and then proceeding to fake his death to return to his place in Asgard would be more fitting for Archanea than any other FE.

4 hours ago, Polinym said:

Basically the same thing, except he's waiting for you in "jigoku", otherwise known as "hell". Whenever I'd see the line in Monshou, I'd always joke about how him saying "in Book II" would be so much funnier. Come time to translate the line for FE1, I decided to er on the side of funny rather than debate over whether it'd be considered a "swear" here. On further reflection, it's more than likely reference to theological eternal punishment, so maybe I'll change it back. Regardless, SNES is still funnier. 🙂

Thank you.

Gharnef shouting about seeing you in hell sounds about right from him, but I get having some fun with it.

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