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Sucks that you'll miss deadline, but you should leave a vote anyway. Your vote won't be the most educated one, but it's better than forfeiting your say in the lynch entirely. Not just for you, but for all of us.

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Finally eclipse giving SB the lenience does not look too good for me. Sure this is SB's second game, but in SFM he wasn't THIS aggressive when it came to suspecting players. Last time he just went with everyone's opinion of me( where I was the doc and was thoght of as scum for agreeing with Scum!BBM, to those curious.) This time, he's agreeing with other players, but his first post against me looked like he was trying to incriminate me. Not looking good at all. If we do end up lynching him, and he flips scum, I might have to think more about eclipse.

Part of the reason I changed playstyle is that we're in a different kind of game. We also don't have a town leader, we're unorganized and sitting there mostly lurking last game sort of bored me so I want to try and actually contribute outside of my role, even if I don't do it as well as I could be.

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Ok, after ISO'ing Impy's posts and Subieko's, my priority is still Impy. And here's why:

Subi's posts actually have some decent content on them, and although the post I mentioned before gives me the feeling she's trying too hard to enforce a Shinori lynch, Folgore Pink did the same think, With Similar reasoning, after what Subi posted. On top of what very little she's contributed, and the fact that she has run out of suspects, suggests that she's mafia trying to find someone to jump upon. Really, I advocate her lynch for this phase, and hence my votes stays. Also, I found Excellen prodding her

It was said to Kay and now I'm saying it to you as well, there's been more than enough discussion going on for you to form opinions on people. If you still can't you seriously need to rethink your reading strategy.

Thank You Mr.Hypocrite. Now please bring something new to the table instead of saying I'm scum.

Part of the reason I changed playstyle is that we're in a different kind of game. We also don't have a town leader, we're unorganized and sitting there mostly lurking last game sort of bored me so I want to try and actually contribute outside of my role, even if I don't do it as well as I could be.

Honestly I don't think town leader was a legit reason. Although learning the ropes sorta sounds reasonable enough.

Your waffle between Blitzy and I still doesn't look good though, and eclipse's "I'll give him a second chance" sorta sounds similar to GSM, where I was being totes scum and she defended me by saying "I was forgettable."

Finally, I too won't be around for end-phase, sorry.

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Honestly I don't think town leader was a legit reason. Although learning the ropes sorta sounds reasonable enough.

Shinori pretty much took control of the vote every day, it was less about thinking for yourself and more like follow orders or be lynched, while trying to get information.

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eclipse - yeah but you could just address everybody at once and vote who you think is scummiest instead of waiting until each player defends themself. The way you're approaching your issues with people looks like you're leaving alternate suspects as a fallback option if you can't get a lynch on one.

I'm going to request that Naglfar only post his most important points or make them easily accessable like I did so that I have some incentive to not skip a majority of his posts. #296 doesn't have this problem but I'm not voting eclipse over meta, that looks like a rep.

Lots of mini wagons but no large ones. Gonna run out of time soon, people voting players who there's no interest in lynching should consolidate on somebody with more votes for a better lynch. would support a Subi wagon should the eclipse wagon not take off. Also annoyed with Subi because that's the exact same bad play that got scorri mislynched in Higurashi.

Kay is forgettable, I'll ISO her, check the context then post thoughts.

Bananas, Subi, Psych need votes.

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I ISOd Pink and nearly every single one of his posts involved meta of some kind. First about Excellen and Marth, and then about Shinori. The extent of his scumhunting that didn't involve comparing someone's behaviour to past games has been that Kay needs to post more, Psych needs to give better reasons for his vote against me, and Shinori is scummy for overreacting. And only of those three things were actual points. He'd be my #2 lynch target after Eclipse.

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I'm getting the feeling her 'new aggressive playstyle' is an easy out of her simply being scum and trying to excuse her efforts.

hi prims

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anyway I'm having a hard time concentrating but let me see

meta meta meta but that's kind of Pink's playstyle? I would suggest a huge increase in content though and the same thing with Kay because I don't like it when she posts little and they're few and far in-between. (although yeah I've been doing that too so I can't really say anything)

I'm going to ISO Subie really quick

I was going to continue my string of posts in a moment

I think the thing is that (look at me being a hypocrite) some of the walls of text are intimidating and a lot of them earlier in the day phase don't even mean a lot and I keep getting lost in them u_u

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A lot of what bothered me with Manix though was his pushy aggressiveness that seemed a little forced to me in a way, especially when he voted Marth. I don't know if that's changed, but from what I saw he was nipping at people a lot and it seemed like a really paranoid attitude and it was making me uncomfortable

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Lol BBM, I'm a girl.

Anyway, my playstyle relies more heavily on meta than much else because believe it or not, I'm still a newb to mafia games. I don't even know what RVS stands for, but I know what is because of the context it's used in whenever someone refers to it.

I'm playing a really shitty game right now, and I'm not even going to deny it. After re-reading the thread a million times to try to get better reads, I'd like to know what's going on with Eclipse. Like, I'm getting slight scum vibes from her, nothing too much, but back when RVS was going on, you were really pushing for people to not talk about stages, and you gave a reason why, but I don't know. It just felt out of place to me because votes and stuff were already going on, and more than half of the players weren't there yet because of the game starting at an ungodly hour. Hell, the majority of the Marth wagon happened in that window.

I might just be a little skeptical about that, but I don't know. That's what's sticking out to me right now with Eclipse. I know that she's not feeling well though, so I'm not going to really talk much about it. It's just something I observed.

Marth is still being Marth, no surprise there. I still say that his wagon was stupid and that he was stupid for encouraging votes on him, which wasted the town's time. He's starting to come back onto my scum radar, but, I'll wait and see what he does next. By the way Marth, I wasn't trying to push a lynch on Shinori. I voted for him because I honestly thought that he was being scummy. And yes, I repeated what everyone else said. I was beaten to the punch, like I said. It's not an excuse, and I'm not trying to play it off as an excuse, but that's what's going on right now. After Shinori explained himself and claimed (which I don't think was the greatest move, but hey, I understand why he did it), I removed my vote.

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Dislike my claim all you want and all of you people saying I'm scummy for claiming should check past games. I'm pretty sure any game I have ever played that I claimed openly early on, I was town. Higurashi and SFM are two prime examples of this. And if we wanna talk meta that would mean I'm town, but at the same time I'm just being same old Shinori since I constantly look scummy as all fuck on day 1. Check like every single game I've ever played. I've gotten wagons on me in the majority of my games on day one as well as the fact that I've been lynched a few times day one as well. Meta doesn't explain everything. I posted once before, I think in Higurashi mafia about how i was trying to develop a more aggressive play style in mafia so that I could actually scum hunt better and it would work both if i was scum or town, since I look scum all the time this way would give me an easier way of finding scum so I look town when I am town.

In response to one subieko's questions off the top of my head, I only remember this one at the moment, I didn't answer your question on if i think marth is scum or not because I specifically said I don't know what I think he is. Marth is being marth and he's being scummy but that's also him so he could roll town. Current scumdar is Kay at the moment followed by subi and then if i had to pick a third it would most likely be marth, after that I don't have any definite reads. I need to ISO eclipse since she seems to be getting attention at the moment

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Take everything I said about how I feel yesterday and add nausea. If I start snapping, I would appreciate it if someone whacks me over the head. Don't want to take this out on you guys.

Finally eclipse giving SB the lenience does not look too good for me. Sure this is SB's second game, but in SFM he wasn't THIS aggressive when it came to suspecting players. Last time he just went with everyone's opinion of me( where I was the doc and was thoght of as scum for agreeing with Scum!BBM, to those curious.) This time, he's agreeing with other players, but his first post against me looked like he was trying to incriminate me. Not looking good at all. If we do end up lynching him, and he flips scum, I might have to think more about eclipse.

In SFM, Banana's MO was to vote the town leader, then vote for someone who really didn't warrant a vote. That was OC, and I was out of it that phase, so I have no idea WTF was running through his head. For all I know, someone in SFM gave him shitty advice on how to play mafia.

Okay I did not explain myself clearly enough then. You said that Manix using past tense in saying that he didn't know other people would Marth after he, Manix, did was a slipup; however it is not, because it happened in the past. At the time he made the Marth vote, he didn't know others would follow suit; now that it's happened, obviously he knows it happened. So it doesn't make sense to say that him saying that means he thought he could control other people's voting.

You know that entire tense thing? That was in regards to Banana's vote, not Marth's. I extremely dislike it when people tell me that they know better than me when it comes to what I say. I wouldn't mind a lynch on you, but damn if I'm gonna have a repeat of Higurashi.

eclipse - yeah but you could just address everybody at once and vote who you think is scummiest instead of waiting until each player defends themself. The way you're approaching your issues with people looks like you're leaving alternate suspects as a fallback option if you can't get a lynch on one.

If I do people one at a time, I have an easier time finding their response in the thread by ISOing my own posts; this isn't as easy when I ask for everyone to do it at the same time, and I'd rather not ISO a bunch of people for one response if I can help it. It's tedious.

How can I tell you why when I had no control over it?

Why do you not like Excellen? I think that'll suffice for now.

##Unvote, Vote Eclipse

I'm getting the feeling her 'new aggressive playstyle' is an easy out of her simply being scum and trying to excuse her efforts.

Try "the perfect storm of things that could've possibly gone wrong with my body, with the natural precursor being the day before". I don't think I need to gross you out with details.

I'm playing a really shitty game right now, and I'm not even going to deny it. After re-reading the thread a million times to try to get better reads, I'd like to know what's going on with Eclipse. Like, I'm getting slight scum vibes from her, nothing too much, but back when RVS was going on, you were really pushing for people to not talk about stages, and you gave a reason why, but I don't know. It just felt out of place to me because votes and stuff were already going on, and more than half of the players weren't there yet because of the game starting at an ungodly hour. Hell, the majority of the Marth wagon happened in that window.

I might just be a little skeptical about that, but I don't know. That's what's sticking out to me right now with Eclipse. I know that she's not feeling well though, so I'm not going to really talk much about it. It's just something I observed.

Stage talk doesn't make for a good opening to RVS; it means that people are gonna be paying less attention to voting/behavior, and that kind of defeats the purpose of RVS.

All you're doing is talking, without voting. Here, let me help.


##Vote: Folgore Pink

On refresh: Can we not lynch Shinori? Just like Higurashi, I get the feeling that's gonna be a mislynch.

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Shinori's probably going to be a mislynch.

I don't want to start voting willy-nilly because that's going to make me look even more scummy than I am looking right now, Eclipse. The last time I voted, I got called out for repeating everyone else. You barely look scummy to me, and now that you cleared up what I called out on you, you aren't a blip anymore.

Shinori, I never said that you were scummy for claiming; I just think that the mafia is going to keep their eyes on you now because you have a role that can be potentially harmful to them.

The only person I have in mind right now is Kay, because she's blowing more hot air than I am right now. That can be construed as scummy behavior.

##Vote: Kay.

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Gonna be honest here, I don't see the scumminess in Eclipse that it seems like a lot of you are seeing. I saw it way early in the phase when her posts were all like advice fluff and not really good discussion and opinions, but she really isn't acting like that anymore. Maybe she noticed her play was off and changed it because shes scum, or maybe she was just not playing right early on. I'm leaning towards the latter option myself.

Also, I don't think Folgore Pink has given one opinion that wasn't already expressed by someone else. I have a hard time believing the reasons she is finding people scummy are actually her own, because they definitely appear to just be the same things others have said over and over. And with her recent Eclipse thing not only has it been said before, she second guesses herself multiple times within it. So not only do her opinions not seem original, they aren't strong either.

And for Kay, so far she has done literally nothing from the time of my vote to now to make me think she is any less scummy, so unless something happens there, she is my bet for best lynch option, even with Pink's lack of original opinions.

As for Subieko, I think I might need to read more what she has posted. She has posted more since last time I gave an opinion on her and I didn't have all that strong of a read in either direction.

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A small request:

Stop typing up goddamn large posts if you're not going to be telling anyone anything new. I'm looking at you TinyImp and various others!

It's seriously a hassle that I have to read through so much fluff nonsense to get to the stuff that's actually worth reading.

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Why did I tell you to think of it as an RVS vote? Because I was annoyed and with all the " Oh shit you don't have reasoning" and decided to be sarcastic. Besides, it would help you guys accept I'm not scummy, right? :rolleyes:

That did not look like sarcasm to me.

Also, is there anyone you don't consider suspicious?

We need 13 votes for a lynch. There's almost no way we're getting that many people to agree on something.

Hell, we haven't even gotten close. The largest wagon we had was 5 people, so yeah, I think I'm correct when I say we're likely NLing today.

Even if that was the case, how the heck would you voting for a NL possibly help? Did you think a random person would be lynched if we didn't NL or something? Why not put your vote to use reducing the chances of a NL, if only by a little?

Kay: Her posts just feel hollow. This is already scummy on its own, and correct me if I'm wrong but I think this is what scum!Kay does. She has very few opinions, her vote is currently being put to use trying to get Psych to talk more, and she's "extremely suspicious" of Shinori but apparently that's not enough to support his lynch.

Didn't I explain why I didn't wanna lynch Shinori? His claim can be proved/disproved easily enough, we may as well at least wait to lynch him.

Straw, what question of yours did I not answer?

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also I think that some people are jumping on saying I'm inactive just because it's easy and they're scum. No ideas who, it just seems probable and I'm just putting this here since hopefully if I'm lynched someone will think about it.

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When is deadline because more shit came up /:

I'll be back online in a few hours

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I ISO'd Kay and apparently she has not made a single vote that was not a prod. Would lynch for not scumhunting.

Prims kind of seems to be doing the opposite, if he would lynch me why is he not voting for me? (unless I missed something?)

anyway ##Unvote (Psych), ##Vote: Eclipse because Eclipse is just who I feel most comfortable lynching even though like half of this game is scummy.

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Straw, what question of yours did I not answer?

Anyways, on the subject of Kay I found it interesting how she said there hadn't been much to discuss. Especially considering there has been discussion on stages, discussion on the discussion of sages, discussion on RVS, discussion on Blits, discussion on Marth, discussion on Excellen, discussion on Subieko, discussion on Shinori, discussion on Eclipse, brief discussion on numbers, discussion on Bananas, and probably other things that I'm missing. Also this thread has been quite active for the most part. And you admit that you only really have opinions on two people which by now there should be a good list of players that strong opinions should have been able to have formed about(oh god terrible wording here sorry). It seems to me like you aren't putting effort into other areas of discussion, and I wonder why.

It probably wasn't worded well and clear as a question, but I was hoping you'd address it.

also I think that some people are jumping on saying I'm inactive just because it's easy and they're scum. No ideas who, it just seems probable and I'm just putting this here since hopefully if I'm lynched someone will think about it.

I don't think I've seen many/any players vote you for inactivity specifically. I know thats not my reason and I don't recall it being Nags, Pink's, or Shinori's either.

ohp, and sorry Excellen, that probably includes me too.

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