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Super Smash Bros Universe Mafia


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Given that it's a new page and there were a few changes at least...


[2] Subieko - Iris, Proto, eclipse

[0] Naglfar - eclipse, Blitz

[0] Iris - Subieko

[4] San - Shinori, Strawman, Naglfar, Folgore Pink

[0] Helios - Subieko, Psych

[1] SeriousBananas - Manix, Subieko

[4] eclipse - Prims, BBM, Psych, San, Bluedoom, Strawman

[0] Cap'n Flint - Naglfar, Bluedoom, Serious Bananas

[0] BigBangMeteor - Manix, Prims, Psych

[2] Folgore Pink - Bluedoom, eclipse

[0] Psych - Blitz, Subieko, StSS, San

[0] Shinori - Folgore Pink, Blitz, Proto, Naglfar, Subieko

[0] Daigoji Excellen - Psych, Blitz, Manix, eclipse

[1] Elieson - Blitz, eclipse

[1] Manix - Bizz, Psych, Excellen, eclipse

[2] Bluedoom - Elieson, Excellen, Manix, Shinori, Naglfar

[0] No Lynch - Psych

Not voting - Serious Bananas, Subieko

If I listed something wrong, please let me know.

Day ends in 9 hours, 24 minutes. Remember to choose a stage for the night in your Role PMs.

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right along to proto

Hmmm, how about discussions on which stages we should be going to? Would that be a good idea?

page 2, fluff

idk, Blitzy, I wouldn't want players to pick their stages and then when we agree on the optimum strategy with stage picks, a lot of players may have already ruined that.

Not that I know what the "optimum strategy" would be, but I think separating the players evenly to the stages might be a good start. iirc it was the stage system (and the fact that Mafia fakeclaims were spotted as soon as the Mafia character structure was deduced) that allowed the Town to slaughter the Mafia. I'm not sure how well it would work now, with the game being NOC, but at the very least, I don't think it's wise to have everybody on the same stage.

page 2 also I believe, also fluff

To see how he plays, observing him... I'm not sure how that relates to voting him.

I never thought of using square root before but I just realized that it applies to a lot of games...


Anyways, so far, I find it quite suspicious how the Blues bandwagon started. I think Naggy and Excellen were overreacting when they voted for Blues simply because he voted without explaining his reasons. I mean, come on, when you don't explain your reasons for voting for someone, it most likely isn't a situation of scum trying to score a mislynch, because Blues did not even attempt to get others to vote for him but rather, he refused to explain his reasons.

##Vote: Shinori

Voting for him when he had four votes already? Simply because he voted without explaining himself? I find it scummy how you were willing to lynch him for that. Why exactly did you want him to spill his beans?

first fluff and then trying to make me, naglfar and shinori look scummy by offering a misinterpretation of the truth and then using scare tactics and hollow arguments to cement his "opinion". Seriously proto, what are you doing? you should know better than this.

Except she made that post really early on, when there weren't much stuff to post thoughts on. Anyways, I still think there were some Mafia members involved in the Blues bandwagon, and Shinori still seems the most suspicious from among them.

Shinori, here's a question. Why do you want to pressure Blues? If he has some info that makes him find Blitzy scummy, why do you want him to reveal it? The fact that he has a reason to find Blitzy scummy does not make him look scummy as well. Him revealing his reasons why is throwing free info to the Mafia for no good reason.

His vote for Blitzy does not seem scummy at all. Refusal to give reasons shows that he has no intention of getting others to vote for Blitzy, so he most definitely was not trying to score a mislynch as a Mafia would. As far as I can see, the only reason he was being voted for is because he implied that he knew something but refused to share it. I see absolutely no reason for him to reveal it.

Shinori, do you think anybody that has info that makes someone seem slightly scummier than usual should immediately announce it to everyone so that the Mafia can guess their roles? Blues wasn't even pushing for a Blitzy lynch, so why were are you still pushing for a Blues lynch?

Let me explain what I think was going through proto's head while he was making this post: I want to state again that I think there were some mafia members in on the marth wagon, to try and imply these people as scum. Let me just immediately imply that marth has a pro town role by having information on other players and finish it off by using a hollow point about giving the mafia easy info. In a NOC game. The vote for blitz doesn't seem scummy at all, by the way. Because by not giving information he was clearly showing he didn't want anyone else in on the vote.

Psych, have you lost your mind? I'm the guy that always supports No Lynch at Day One (remember Draft Minimafia?) and even I think it's a really stupid idea. We have so many lynch options right now, that No Lynch would be the stupidest move atm. I probably might have voted for you for bringing up such a ridiculous idea, but well, we have better people to lynch than you right now (further proving my point).

So far, I'm leaning towards Subieko for the lynch. Subieko does indeed sound like someone trying too hard not to antagonize anybody (I can't remember who brought that up, but I agree with it), which sounds very much like what a Mafia member would do. Particularly one that lacks the experience to ensure that they play the same way for either alignment. I'm against a Clipsey! lynch right now, and I think Blues is Town so I definitely don't want him lynched. Actually, my top three suspicious people are Subieko > Excellen > Shinori. We probably shouldn't lynch Shinori because Redirector is awesome.

##Unvote: Shinori

##Vote: Subieko

Fluff. He wants to lynch subieko for reasons unknown? Get real. I's obvious subieko has trouble finding topics to talk about but trying to fit in is a moot point because everyone and their mother tries to fit in. Town as well as mafia. And of course you're not backing it up with quotes or whatever.

current other opinions:

would lynch: proto, for his string of posts which basically scream I AM TRYING TO CONFUSE TOWN AND SPREAD DISSENT.

Would lynch: Marth, for playing a not town game. Placed an in his own words random vote on blitz and then incited people to vote for him, for no real explanable reason or benefit. Defended himself by implying the people who voted him are mafia and attacking various other people, comes back and suddenly magically tells us why he thought blitz was being scummy even though he previously so adamantly refused to tell (and it didn't really amount to anything to begin with)

Would consider a lynch on: BBM. Defended marth hard, and in pretty much the same way as proto did, with spinning lies and using half truths. Mixed with some townish posts here and there, though so right now BBM is less of a target than proto and marth.

currently have mixed opinions on: everyone except levity, prims and eclipse.

I believe I have built a decent enough case against proto, so without further ado


##Vote: luster purge

Note: I will not be around for phase end, probably, and I definitely won't have the time to read up on all that has been said so for all intents and purposes this vote is final.

Finally I will not disclose on which stage I will place myself.

Good night.

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So my post kept exploding whenever I tried to type it up on this stupid ipod by randomly refreshing page, it was about Sub if you're curious but a lot of the stuff you say there makes sense and proves the point with a lot more solid evidence than mine did.

##Vote Luster Purge

Not here for the deadline and I'm going to sleep in a few minutes.

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So I have a new vote on me with no justification and the dude above me just sheeped a vote. I love how this game is going. ;/

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Eclipse, I don't feel like you really responded to the points that were against you, other than to say that you were sick. Yeah, you were sick, and that's bound to affect both how you play and the quality of your play, but something just feels off.

TIMP, sorry about the gender confusion. :/ I guess everyone has different playstyles, but one that is based purely on something as easy to manipulate as meta doesn't sit right with me. Also, if you're new, how can you use meta effectively, as it requires you to have played/read many games? If you've read or been part of enough games to know how most of the people in this game play, than I'm not sure you can pull off the newb card.

I was kinda iffy about SB at first, but this lsat post looks pretty bad. He says he was going to make a post detailing why Subi was scummy, but then he just decides to sheep Excellen and vote for Proto instead? I don't like that at all, and I know you're new SB, but just reading the thread should tell you that that level of unoriginal thought is unacceptable.

I'd be fine with lynching any of Eclipse, Tiny Imp, and SB.

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The points against me are being more aggressive than normal (let's see how well you play mafia after someone goes to town on your midsection with a baseball bat) and my approach in regards to the Marth wagon (for my convenience). Anything else you want?

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Okay, having looked at the Votals (still need to read like two pages), I have concluded that no one has any idea of what's going on. ;/ We only have ~8 hours left, so...

By the way, I won't be here for deadline like many others since I don't feel like staying up until 4 am.

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Have a feeling most scum are off the two biggest wagons.

Would lynch eclipse over Kay, eclipse looks actively scummy while Kay just looks lazy. I don't like eclipse's excuse too much because her methodical one-at-a-time pressure slows down the day, inconveniencing everybody as opposed to just her. Finding responses isn't actually that difficult.

Also get town reads from this Kay post because town hijacker is stronger than scum hijacker as it can target Scum A and redirect Scum A's nightkill to Scum B, killing one scum and confirming the other. Don't think scum would point out incorrect facts to save a town power role they could be lynching and don't regard a buddies possibility as likely.

If you read her posts, Kay has been telegraphing an eclipse suspicion since before I even started that wagon so the wagon hop is actually pretty reasonable too.

So yeah, not as interested in lynching Kay as I thought after further reading.

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Also if your vote has been on a wagon with only one vote for a significant amount of time, fix that ASAP if you want to help town lynch scum, because that probably shows a lack of interest.

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I'm not mad about the gender confusion. :P

I still consider myself to be a noob because I'm horrible at scumhunting; I try my hardest for form opinions, but when I find something out I'm beaten to the punch. I'm not as good at meta as you're giving me credit though; I know Marth and Excellen well because they have done this in every game I've been in with them. I try to take a more analytical approach to my posts but sometimes (read: my entire playstyle in this game so far) I just do a really shitty job.

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Still awake, argh.

Excellen's points were better than mine and sticking to an outdated point is a bad idea so I switched. If I live I'll post what I would have said about Sub tomorrow.

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Why can't you just give a summary of what you were going to say about Subi today? What if you get lynched/nightkilled? Your point against Subieko might be extremely helpful and we could be missing out on it.

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Part of the reason I changed playstyle is that we're in a different kind of game. We also don't have a town leader, we're unorganized and sitting there mostly lurking last game sort of bored me so I want to try and actually contribute outside of my role, even if I don't do it as well as I could be.

BTW, we're in NOC, and Town Leaders don't really work that way. :/ NOC and OC play a little bit differently, so IDK who taught you to play NOC this way.

Still awake, argh.

Excellen's points were better than mine and sticking to an outdated point is a bad idea so I switched. If I live I'll post what I would have said about Sub tomorrow.

Excellen isn't even like super pro-town or anything, and sheeping is generally bad. And if you think Subieko is scummy why didn't you vote her -- that wagon definitely had a chance at existing. :/

I don't like what Bananas is doing at all, but I don't think he's too scummy.

Also, Imp seems more like a really disinterested player than mafia, but I'm not too sure, but wouldn't really lynch her right now.


I'm still definitely feeling the Subieko lynch, even if she has Internet failure - which is quite tragic and I don't really think she's lying about it. Anyways, it appears you guys aren't, so I'll be on for a few more hours, and I'll switch if need be (which is likely), but I need to ISO both, since I'm not sure who I'd rather lynch of the two, yet.

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I don't want to be part of another last-minute lynch. We need to start consolidating. Out of the current wagons/suspicions that I see (Eclipse, Tiny Imp, Subieko, SB, Proto, Kay) who would everyone like to see get lynched today?

I've been thinking, and I'm willing to give Eclipse's lackluster play a pass this phase, on grounds of being sick. So I'd rather lynch Tiny Imp over her. She still hasn't given a single satisfactory post, IMO. I'd say Tiny Imp > Eclipse > SB > Proto > Subieko > Kay.

##Unvote, ##Vote: Folgore Pink

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Would lynch eclipse over Kay, eclipse looks actively scummy while Kay just looks lazy. I don't like eclipse's excuse too much because her methodical one-at-a-time pressure slows down the day, inconveniencing everybody as opposed to just her. Finding responses isn't actually that difficult.

Or perhaps you're not happy because you didn't think of it first? I don't see how it slows anything down, unless you're using me to find scum for you. Everyone else is free to talk while I'm doing things.

Now kindly start tunneling elsewhere, unless this is your none-too-subtle hint that I should claim.

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So my post kept exploding whenever I tried to type it up on this stupid ipod by randomly refreshing page, it was about Sub if you're curious but a lot of the stuff you say there makes sense and proves the point with a lot more solid evidence than mine did.

##Vote Luster Purge

Not here for the deadline and I'm going to sleep in a few minutes.

Wha... okay, this is just bad. I'd have half a mind to vote you if I wasn't already. But since there is almost no interest in lynching SB anyway...

Ugh. Opinions on wagons:

Would not lynch Shinori, mostly because of claim

Might lynch Kay, for not doing a lot and being quite forgettable

Might lynch Clipsey, because something wasn't right ever since she started the crackdown on the Marthwagon.

Would not lynch Subi, because of okay enough contributions

Other people that are also forgettable: BBM and Iris, although Iris less so (because of Subi tunneling). :/

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Okay, I just saw Shinori on irc. And he NEVER shows up on irc when all the games are NOC unless he's scum. idk if this is considered breaking the rules (acquiring info from outside the game thread) but I really think he's scum now. This has happened before btw.

For those who want to keep him alive because he claimed Redirector... I honestly don't see how Redirector can be considered good as Town. You don't prevent the Mafia from killing people and you outright mislead investigative roles (at least a Roleblocker would make them get nothing). One would say it could be useful by getting the Mafia to kill/block each other, but unlike Roleblockers, you have to correctly predict two Mafia members instead of one to achieve that. No matter how I look at it, Redirector seems like a scummy role. That, combined with the suspicions I already had on Shinori, incites me to

##Vote: Shinori

The fact that I'm voting for someone who isn't being bandwagoned does NOT mean I want to start a bandwagon on him. You guys can lynch whoever you want but I want to make my opinions clear. I'm AGAINST the Clipsey! lynch, and I'm unsure of Kay. I should be here at phase end, so should this result in a tie, I'm willing to break the tie and lynch Kay, if only to save Clipsey! Otherwise, it'll stay on Shinori until somebody becomes scummier than him.

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Haven't even read your whole post yet proto but figured I would state, lately I've been hanging around IRC quite a lot, you can ask others. People yell at me all the time for not responding because I leave IRC logged in.

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Okay, I just saw Shinori on irc. And he NEVER shows up on irc when all the games are NOC unless he's scum.

I wouldn't consider that a scumtell, he hangs out on IRC quite often by default these days

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Okay, I just saw Shinori on irc. And he NEVER shows up on irc when all the games are NOC unless he's scum. idk if this is considered breaking the rules (acquiring info from outside the game thread) but I really think he's scum now. This has happened before btw.

For those who want to keep him alive because he claimed Redirector... I honestly don't see how Redirector can be considered good as Town. You don't prevent the Mafia from killing people and you outright mislead investigative roles (at least a Roleblocker would make them get nothing). One would say it could be useful by getting the Mafia to kill/block each other, but unlike Roleblockers, you have to correctly predict two Mafia members instead of one to achieve that. No matter how I look at it, Redirector seems like a scummy role. That, combined with the suspicions I already had on Shinori, incites me to

##Vote: Shinori

The fact that I'm voting for someone who isn't being bandwagoned does NOT mean I want to start a bandwagon on him. You guys can lynch whoever you want but I want to make my opinions clear. I'm AGAINST the Clipsey! lynch, and I'm unsure of Kay. I should be here at phase end, so should this result in a tie, I'm willing to break the tie and lynch Kay, if only to save Clipsey! Otherwise, it'll stay on Shinori until somebody becomes scummier than him.

Most investigative roles such as cop or something would show that X player is X role. Not. You found out he is X.

WRT second bolded part, it sounds like you don't want to be held responsible for me being lynched if it comes down to that. This also brings up the fact that I earlier stated i think one of the people on my original wagon was scum, ARE YOU SCUM!PROTO? You basically just re-voted me for a pointless reason that can be proved by asking other people on if I have been around on IRC more recently, which I have, also then you stated that you do not want to start a wagon on me, if you truly think I'm scum, why not? It sounds as if you know what I'm going to flip and you reallly don't want to be held accountable for it when it happens if the wagon had started with you.

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It's not just IRC, Shinori. I had my vote since before you claimed Redirector, and that claim seems really scummy to me right now. And like I said, I'm against a Clipsey! lynch.

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