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Chilean Musician Mafia [Game Over]


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Okay, yeah, Shinori is town. Shinori: Please write "I WILL NOT CLAIM A POWER ROLE UNLESS I HAVE AN INCRIMINATING RESULT ON ANOTHER PLAYER, AM AT L-1 WITH SOMEBODY THREATENING TO HAMMER ME, OR AM AT L-1 WITH DEADLINE APPROACHING RAPIDLY" on the chalkboard like a million times. At the very least you should have kept it at "I'm important and need to claim early for reasons I can't explain, please don't lynch me" but not have mentioned being doc.

This made me lol pretty hard.

I agree with your opinions on Elieson, but the reason why I decided to give him a pass for now is just because he's feeling ill and probably isn't able to focus on the game as much as normal. Same with Scorri. This kindness will probably bite me in the ass later though, but I think it's best to give them a little time.

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Meesh (1): Manix, Shinori

Manix (1): Prims, Elieson

SEG (0): Rein

Scorri (0): Shinori

Shinori (2): Meesh, Kay, Paperblade, Manix

Boron (0): Elieson

Prims (0): Helios

Kay (2): Helios, Boron

Mancer (1): BBM

Helios (1): Paperblade

Elieson (1): Prims

About 68 hours left in the day

I feel like I got some stuff wrong lol

Edited by Sentamos
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Okay, this is my attempt at making a content post. Please bear with me if I suck through this.

Firstly, I think that Prims's vote on Manix is actually more of sarcasm than of wanting to vote for a Survivor. I have a feeling, from the interactions, that Prims already knew that Manix was lying about the Survivor claim. This can be evident when Prims talks about scum or SK being able to claim Survivor to get a free pass:

Leaving thirds alive is really shitty since even if you say you'll do your best to help town you'll still hammer with scum in LYLO if you're playing to your wincon.

Also one of these days scum or SK is going to realize they can claim survivor D1 for a free pass.

We're not letting the claimed ITP live though. See Trainwreck for why this is a bad idea. This is a policy I will enforce whenever possible.

On the other hand' date=' I think Manix was trying to get a reaction test from the other players, trying to see how they would react to a Survivor claim. Her response to Prims corroborates this:
And you just walked right into it. Good job.

Please enlighten me; lynching a survivor claim D1 means town wastes time on it and mafia gets ahead (tip: not wise), and mafia shouldn't kill them because of mentioned joint at LYLO. How is lynching a survivor D1 productive to town again?

If I'm being scummy, then sure, go for it. But at this point, its a really weak reason to try and get me lynched for a vest majority of the game has not even had a chance to say anything.

Gut check on Prims for this, thanks for the reaction.

At this point, it is hard to say whether Prims is town or mafia, mainly because of the fact that Prims is talking about the situation from a more pro-town point of view. This post makes her slightly more townish as well:
Because Survivor is effectively a scum traitor as far as numbers are concerned. Scum sure as hell isn't going to kill you' date=' but by lynching you we make LYLO happen later. Plus D1 is actually the best time to lynch a survivor if a vig isn't going to take care of it for us.

You've claimed non-town and that's literally the scummiest anybody can be at this point. You can try to mudsling if you want, but right now my vote is better placed on the guy who is gonna joint with scum in LYLO (because play2win) than RVS tripe.[/quote']Prims is definitely town in my book, just from page 1 interactions.

I will post up more content soon, so wait a little bit please. Thank you.

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I actually find Boron worse than Mancer since her Kay vote looks like a question. It's like she's really scum!BBM. Also, why do you have time to read Kay and Mancer but not Meesh? Agree with BBM on Helios and Elie and probably just in general right now, haven't done much more than skim page 5 though. Also Helios' reactions read super Okarin instead of Nidoking :meta: so not actually too concrete on that, prefer Elie and Kay lynches.

To be completely honest, I've been feeling like shit and I've had concentration/vision problems for nearly a week now. I was able to read through Kay's posts because she had only three of them and they were rather short. I also feel that she hasn't contributed anything meaningful yet.

Mancer, while his posts are longer and he has a lot of them, I can actually understand what he's saying even if I dislike his waffling and fixation on Shinori. Meesh, I feel like she had a lot of unnecessary stuff in her posts and I was trying to pick out the relevant stuff there. I still don't understand the Meesh/Shinori argument very well. I can barely even read the screen right now without squinting. So forgive me if I'm not exactly in the best condition to scum hunt right now.

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Prims, you mention that you would have voted Kay, and mention that you wouldn't mind wagoning her, but your argument against Kay seems a lot more lackluster than anything else in your post.

Also, I didn't know I had any scum meta other than horrible fakeclaims, lol.

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Frankly the whole argument about lynching a survivor is stupid and is wasting time and is usually scummy because I feel it falls under the same speculation as talking about an SK. Which means even if I had dismissed it, which I didn't because I obviously made my stand on it, that shouldn't matter because we shouldn't be talking about it.

FoS on Meesh.

I actually have a feeling that there is an SK (no, I have no backing on this) and it could be that Manix is an SK who is going to save his kills and kill at the last moment to win

obviously, this is just a hunch and I have yet to finish reading the thread (why are there so many pages so early on D1???)

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My favourite part about Mancer's last post is how he said that it's difficult to tell if Prims was town or mafia, and then said that he was most definitely pro-town in the next line. >_>

Blitz, you were in the midst of posting for so long that I was sure you'd caught all the scum already. :P: But yeah, this is Bizz's game- there probably is a SK and he probably is overpowered and she probably will cancel the game if he dies. Also, I'll let you finish reading, but Manix is probably not the SK.

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Well, my thoughts on Kay are as follows: I think that the points she makes are valid. I can understand where she is going with them. I'll try to explain them then let her confirm if that is what she meant.

Manix' date=' do you actually think Prims is scum? I mean, if he is, he'll know you're nonscum, so you don't have that much reason to lie. If he does suspect you of being a town power role, he can kill you and claim vig. If he wants you around, that's not necessarily a scummy position to take.

So, if you're survivor and Prims is mafia, would he really want to push for your lynch?[/quote']

Scum knows who each other are, right? They have Quick Topic chat too. So, if scum knows each other, then, if Prims was scum, he would be able to tell, from the list of scum players, whether or not Manix is scum. Prims will not be able to tell whether Manix is Survivor or not in this way (since both Survivor and town are not scum). Thus, Prims might suspect that Manix is an important power role that is trying to deflect attention from scum by claiming to be a Survivor. This explains Prims suspecting Manix of being a town power role. In this case, Prims can actually kill Manix, and claim to be a Vig that shot the claimed Survivor. He could hide out and pretend to be a town player like that. Using the whole example stated here, I believe that Kay meant that if Prims were indeed scum, he would definitely find it more beneficial to lynch Manix. In fact, Kay meant that scum would want to lynch or kill off Manix in the game. Thus, if Prims does want to keep Manix in the game, through an inverse relationship, it shows that Prims is not necessarily scummy.

I think from that, Kay was actually trying to make sense of and help Manix in her reaction test to see if Prims was scummy or townie at that point in time.

Would this change any of your reads on Kay? Comments and thoughts please.

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My favourite part about Mancer's last post is how he said that it's difficult to tell if Prims was town or mafia, and then said that he was most definitely pro-town in the next line. >_>

Blitz, you were in the midst of posting for so long that I was sure you'd caught all the scum already. :P: But yeah, this is Bizz's game- there probably is a SK and he probably is overpowered and she probably will cancel the game if he dies. Also, I'll let you finish reading, but Manix is probably not the SK.

That was after I read the next post Prims made. I'm reading and commenting on the posts as I go down the page, so forgive me if my reads change a little drastically.

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Scum only know who scum are- they don't know who's town and who's ITP (generally). And if Prims was mafia, shot Manix, and then fakeclaimed Vig, the real Vig would shoot him. That theory is also really confusing and I don't understand it, so let me give you some advice. If you're town, it's generally best to not suggest possible theories that could explain why something has happened to someone who looks scummy. If they're scum, they'll latch onto what you're saying and pretend that that's what they were doing the whole time, when it wasn't.

Also, Mancer, we don't really care about who you think is town, especially if that person is not really in any danger of being wagoned/lynched. All that does is give the mafia the names of people they know they won't be able to push a mislynch against (so, good nightkill targets). We want to know who the people are whom you think are scum. If you don't have much time or are having trouble deciphering things, focus on things that are more helpful to the town rather than less.

I also need to reread Kay's posts, but I don't really understand the suspicion against her at all.

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I also need to reread Kay's posts, but I don't really understand the suspicion against her at all.

I can't speak for anyone else who's voting Kay right now, but in my case I might have actually just been misunderstanding her. When I was reading through the thread, hers and Meesh's posts came off as being the most incoherent to me and I didn't feel like Kay has done much. But ... urgh, I'll give the thread another look at a time when I'm in a better condition to do so.

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Unrelated: I'm gonna go on record and say I don't like this board very much, formatting-wise. I'm still figuring things out but if anyone can tell me....

How can I make it so that I see code when I'm typing instead of the simple result? For example, when I'm typing I would love to see

[b]bob the builder[/b]

instead of seeing bob the builder all bolded and stuff.

And when I tried quoting Shinori, it took out the whole quote where he inserted his responses into what I'd said. Made everything a real pain. Ended up copying/pasting and had to edit all the regular html out of there as a result.

Bah. XD

regarding the bold bit

don't use Ie and use a good version of FF/GC

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okay guys

right now I can only really type with one hand so posting will be slower (liquid nitrogen straight onto a wart stings like the dickens and makes it hard to use)

I will probably just sit back and take mental notes for a bit (I also have an exam to study for welp)

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Scum only know who scum are- they don't know who's town and who's ITP (generally). And if Prims was mafia, shot Manix, and then fakeclaimed Vig, the real Vig would shoot him. That theory is also really confusing and I don't understand it, so let me give you some advice. If you're town, it's generally best to not suggest possible theories that could explain why something has happened to someone who looks scummy. If they're scum, they'll latch onto what you're saying and pretend that that's what they were doing the whole time, when it wasn't.

Also, Mancer, we don't really care about who you think is town, especially if that person is not really in any danger of being wagoned/lynched. All that does is give the mafia the names of people they know they won't be able to push a mislynch against (so, good nightkill targets). We want to know who the people are whom you think are scum. If you don't have much time or are having trouble deciphering things, focus on things that are more helpful to the town rather than less.

I also need to reread Kay's posts, but I don't really understand the suspicion against her at all.

Urgh... Sorry.... I'll go read more.....

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Ugh, I'm really sorry about this guys, but I'm not feeling any better. I have a really bad headache and eyestrain and I'm having a hard time keeping up right now. I'm not in the best condition to contribute right now, so I'll post stuff when my thoughts are more coherent.

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Yeah, I'm definitely not seeing how anything Kay did was worse than anything Paper did. Yet nobody who finds Kay scummy is seriously finding him scummy too. Also, although Mancer's posts haven't really improved, his latest ones have had a... sincerity? to them that makes me think he's prooobably not scum. And while staying on his case for the rest of the game would probably help him become better, it probably wouldn't help us win this game.


Going to re-read my FoSes to see whom I should vote for next.

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Also Helios' reactions read super Okarin instead of Nidoking :meta: so not actually too concrete on that, prefer Elie and Kay lynches.

Can you elaborate on this?

Also I'm really not seeing "Kay posts are unclear"

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I kinda suspect that Manix and Prims could be scumbuddies, honestly. Also I don't like Shinori's accusation of Meesh or him saying we shouldn't be talking about basically the only thing that had happened at the time.

##Vote: Shinori

I'm wondering if anyone noticed this. I'm not sure if it's a scumtell, but Kay said that Manix and Prims could be scum then votes Shinori just for not liking his accusation when it would actually be much better to vote a person that you think is scum. Unless you're scum in which case it would make sense.

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Again, me saying that "Kay's posts are unclear" is likely a result of me just feeling plain terrible right now and not understanding them. (If anyone else besides me said that, then you'll have to ask them.) I'll read through the thread again and post content when I don't feel like crashing.

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I'm wondering if anyone noticed this. I'm not sure if it's a scumtell, but Kay said that Manix and Prims could be scum then votes Shinori just for not liking his accusation when it would actually be much better to vote a person that you think is scum. Unless you're scum in which case it would make sense.

Well, generally when you say that someone is doing something you don't like, as Kay did in that post, it's implied that you think they're scum.

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