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Well, my only probable scumread right now would be Paperblade for his slightly aggressive, way too decisive and strict tone that I had highlighted earlier. I am not sure if this counts as a valid reason for thinking that he is scum though, and if it isn't, well, I'll probably just be called for waffling again.

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don't hold your vote back

as such

##Vote: Mancer

you really need to stop saying you don't have scumreads, etc. get to work and actually find some instead of filling the thread with posts that don't contribute (ie: active lurking)

off memory; Paper's earlier post I didn't like, although I may need to remind myself of the remainder of his content

Shinori is still blah although doc claim makes me hesitant to lynch him

people have mentioned Helios and I honestly don't remember anything from him (ie: looking into it when I can be bothered)

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Fine, in that case, I shall lay down my vote.

##Vote: Paperblade

for his post that is too aggressive which seems to me to be an overreaction to Manix's false Survivor claim.

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I hope there's no hard feelings to that vote, since Manix and Eclipse are both asking me to lay my vote.

what do you exactly mean by hard feeling?


Vote : SEG

start existing


@BBM, my thoughts so far

BBM, your reaction was good, leaning town

Prims also leans townish

Shinori is most likely town but not saying anything else about it

Manix's later posts also look townish

since so many people seems townish, I am going to assume they (excepting Shinori) are all slightly townish

I had no reads on Scorri so, nothing to say there

Helios is scummy and as for Mancer, I will save my thoughts for him after he answers

SEG really needs to exist

Meesh likes to mess around with people and I can't decide much about her

well, that is about all the reads I have about people in question and I have hardly any other reads

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Well, my only probable scumread right now would be Paperblade for his slightly aggressive, way too decisive and strict tone that I had highlighted earlier. I am not sure if this counts as a valid reason for thinking that he is scum though, and if it isn't, well, I'll probably just be called for waffling again.

This is what I mean. None of this "I'm not sure if this is correct" nonsense. All that does is give me the impression that you don't want to be held to your word later. There's no need to tunnel, but on the same token, there's no need to be indecisive. However, that vote has some logic behind it, so it's more memorable than everything else you've posted so far. Now, then. . .


##Vote: Cap'n Flint

The only thing in my notes on you is a vote for BBM. I'm doing this while you're still here.

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my thoughts exactly


let's have a look see here. you do realize that you should always be held accountable for what actions you take in a game (I say should because sometimes people forget >_>). you seriously cannot expect us to say "oh, he said not to blame him if Paper is lynched, sounds legit." that just won't happen.

basically what you are trying to do is shift off responsibility for starting a wagon that might go wrong, and it almost sounds like you know if it is going to go wrong already. I don't like that.

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Umm, sure Manix.

I believe I've already explained why I hesitated to vote Paperblade earlier, I mentioned that it was mostly gut or paranoia that made me feel his tone was too aggressive. I only strengthened my read and placed a vote on him since Eclipse thinks that Paperblade is too aggressive too.

I believe I've stated enough about this.

I think someone should start something that can get out a whole bunch more of reactions out of everyone.

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This flu is killing me.

Out of what I can manage to grasp, I think mancer, and to a slightly lesser extent, BBM, look quite scummy. Mancer for just giving into peer pressure and voting when he wasn't comfortable throwing one down, and also the quick topic thing seemed shady as all heck. BBM for throwing fingers of suspicion at over 1/3 of the players in the game (assuming he doesn't find himself scummy, leaving 14 players to sift through). This over paranoia seems more flip floppy "I can't read people for sure so I am going to grasp grasp grasp" and it seems like something someone would do when unable to generate a real read.

##Unvote Manix

##Vote Mancer

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I looked up friendly neighbor this morning too. I didn't know what it was when Manix had claimed it and didn't know how it was provable, but I see now how it is.

This is why I took my vote off Manix. I just misunderstood his claim.

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I agree that I need to focus down a bit, but I think it's better to have more scumreads than less, because it's much easier to narrow down and choose the scummiest person to vote for out of a bunch of scummy players than it is to choose the least townie person to vote for out of a bunch of townie players. And if you think that my scumreads are grasping, which ones? Just reading a lot of people as suspicious doesn't mean that my reasons for finding them suspicious are bad. I mean, they might be, but if they are, then you should point that out instead of keeping it general like that.

Hosts, can you provide votals? There must be at least 5 or 6 votes on Mancer right now, and I don't want him to get accidentally hammered.

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Huh, nvm, there are only like 3 people voting for Mancer... I could have sworn that a bunch of people were already voting for him.

Anyways, to echo Eclipse, Blitz's last post was off. Most of his reads were town, and then instead of voting for one of the few scumreads he did have (Helios/Mancer), he voted for an inactive?

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Hi bbm.

You picked boron and I out for stuff like playing off when I openly declared I was medicated and boron said she is unwell. Shinori case was rather weak from the getgo and as I said earlier , he didn't deserve votes. Scorri has shit going on and now she jumped game. I Rvs'd because the miller and survivor conversation was going nowhere and the only thing I got from it was a shifty read on Prims, which I sort of agreed with (only sort of). Your Mancer case you dropped because he is "sincere". The only case you have that makes any legit sense is on Helios.

So 3 suspicious cases on "off" posting where your reasoning includes claimed irl issues. And you so strongly believe them to be without a doubt Suspicious. Ok cool. If that isn't grasping, I dunno what is.

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I'm supposed to give people a free pass because they're busy or not feeling well? I did that in SSBU against Eclipse, and she turned out to be scum. And yeah, I'm not unaware of the fact that all three of you claimed to be busy/sick. If you'll notice, I noted that in my post replying to Blitz. It's why I simply put you three in my list of scumreads instead of actually voting for any of you. I'll repeat, someone being in my list of scumreads does not mean I think that they are 100% scum. It means I think they are more likely to be scum than others.

And if you yourself claimed that Shinori was acting anti-town, how is the case that was against him at that point suddenly weak? You're also acting rather aggressive.

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Good morning!

Listposting with questions for people to make up for my lack of anything.

Not Lynching Today

14. Manix - Obvious town due to Friendly Neighbor claim, would not lynch.

7. Shinori - Obvious town due to Doctor claim, would not lynch.

13. Rein - Rein doesn't strike me as the type of person to fakeclaim Miller as a gambit so he's probably legit (that or the mod gave Miller as a safeclaim, which would be weird). I don't support policy vigging him unless people find him actually scummy since IMO millers can still be read normally. Just throwing this out there since Paperblade wanted him dead.

9. Paperblade - Can't tell your thoughts on anybody other than Helios even though you've been around for the recent Mancer argument which is sorta a problem.

15. eclipse - Not buying "Paperblade's first post is overly aggressive", it's not any more aggressive than he usually is regardless of alignment. It looks like you're doing that thing where you're biased against somebody because you don't like their tone or whatever... which you usually do as town, so. But yeah pls elaborate. Actually thinking about it I can't even tell if you were implying he was scummy or not, context made it seem like you were saying you didn't like him but thought it was better than Mancer doing nothing

5. BBM - Have a slight gut check on him since he doesn't seem as solid as he usually is as town (word ratio is definitely higher, though that might just be due to game size). Actual content is fine, though I question how Helios has been tunneling Kay when Kay hasn't even been around to respond. To respond to your question, Kay is an ED1 scumread, would lynch her but don't have a large body of work to read her on so it's not top priority.

12. Mancer - Unsurprisingly your posts make no damn sense but I'm agreeing with BBM that they have "town honesty". I dunno, not scumreading this dude, because he seems to jump on the opportunity to point out whatever he can to be helpful, even in a situation where it wouldn't help him get a lynch or look townier (read: what scum want). Seriously though Mancer, step back, clear your head, explain why Paperblade is being "too aggressive" instead of just aggressive, and talk about some important people so we know you're not trying to avoid sharing opinions what counts (the other current wagons are a really good place to start).

2. Meesh - Thought she looked pretty town at first but disagree with her continuing to cling onto the Shinori read after the doctor claim. Meesh, most of your ISO is squabbling with Shinori, but it's obvious his lynch is not happening unless somebody presents a reason to believe he's not the doc. Do you have any other scumreads? Would you be interested in supporting any of the current wagons (Mancer, Helios, etc)?


3. SEG - Probably flaked, RIP

4. Blitz - Yeah you're wasting your vote right now. Which wagons would you actually support? Mancer responded, is he scummy? Which of Helios / Mancer is the better lynch and why? Also, no thoughts on Elie?

11. Kay - Where Are You? #31 reads RVS STRONG scummy, speculating I'm buddies with the survivor claim I'm trying to lynch is totally unfounded and seems like paranoia. Although your second point on Shinori was valid, disliking how he was accusing Meesh was something that should have been explained instead of a sidenote. I think that you were saying more than you actually had to say which is potential padding. Again, would have voted you if I was around for earlygame but there's far juicier stuff now; will judge further once you've posted more content.

8. Helios - Some weird stuff here. You unvoted me because I wasn't going to be around, okay. Why did you switch your vote to Kay, then, when she's also been lurking it out? Voting people who are AFK isn't a big deal if they're scummy, but your explanation for your priorities seems to be a double standard. That said your response to BBM fits the typical town-Helios meta of "make questionable posts but then produce content and look really townie once pressed" (see: Okarin) sooo I'm not fully sold on this read yet.

1. Boron - Mainly find you suspicious for being too damn forgettable. You said you still needed to read Meesh even though you were capable of reading her at the time, but you've never really produced a read on her and seemed touchy in response to her scumreading you. I would place you above Kay at this point since most of your posts are you re-asserting your scumread with few other clear stances. I also doubt you and Kay are buddies.

10. Elieson - Opinion of you hasn't changed. I looked at your two recent posts and you're aggressing BBM but your vote's on the easier target who you're barely talking about. ????


I don't object to any of the main wagons except for Mancer. Helios and Kay need to give more to work with before I feel comfortable judging them.

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It's weird that I was the only person that thought Shinori was town based off his interactions with Mashed Potatoes. Being uncharacteristically aggressive that early is not Shinori's meta, and more importantly scum wouldn't do that so early in the game.

I'm neutral on Meesh right now since I'm not sure if her natural playstyle is the cause of her being a little unnecessarily defensive over Shinori's posts. Otherwise I don't remember her posting anything else other than defenses. Meesh, what's your current thoughts on what's been happening in the thread?

@Manix: All I can ask is why you caused this shitstorm, since you've done nothing but give yourself negative attention. Not smooth broseph.

##Unvote (Prims)

My question to him has become basically pointless now since Manix isn't actually a survivor. Would like to hear from him when he comes back from school or whatever about his current thoughts.

##Vote Kay

I think that your Shinori/Manix scumbuddy idea has no backing to it, your vote for Shinori in general was pretty weak, and discussing role speculation doesn't really seem protown to me. What do you have to say to this?

"Scum wouldn't do scummy things" is a bad argument.

It's her first game here. She doesn't know the playstyle here, it's more reasonable than sometimes to be defensive.

Helios, my idea was Manix/Prims, and yeah, there's not much to it, it was the very beginning of D1. I wanted to see how they'd react to it, I figured no harm in posting a theory without a whole lot of justification. Okay Helios, what would you have been discussing at that time?

I'd still say Kay. I've reread her (two) posts over and over again, and I am STILL not understanding what she's trying to say or what her entire point is. Mancer needs to be more decisive. Kay, on the other hand, needs to be coherent and more clear. I don't feel like she's contributing anything worthwhile.

I'm saying I felt like Shinori was trying to shut people up. Is that clear enough?

This basically says that "as long as there's talking it's okay". But isn't it more important to post QUALITY over QUANTITY? I got the rolespec part wrong (I think I read someone say that and it messed with my thoughts) though so take that part out of my reasons to vote Kay. I don't agree with the quantity>quality logic though.

Yes, this is true. But at that point in the game, quality wouldn't be happening, not much of it. That's the only reason I'm saying people should discuss things like that, because there's hardly anything else to discuss.

I actually have a feeling that there is an SK (no, I have no backing on this) and it could be that Manix is an SK who is going to save his kills and kill at the last moment to win

obviously, this is just a hunch and I have yet to finish reading the thread (why are there so many pages so early on D1???)

For example, at this point, it's more like pointless role speculation. Need to see what else Blitzy says.

Aaand that's as far as I've read and I gotta dash, sorry.

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@ BBM, Mere sentences later I called him town.

And in the grand scheme, the majority of your reads are on people who you yourself acknowledge as ill or whatever. It is like you have a fallback if your reads change.

Had you not even brought up the poor-play excuses, I'd see more validity in your arguments. But you have fallbacks and doubts within the majority of your scumreads.

Mancer, I can't really say anything else on. His wishywashy reads and reluctance to vote scream scum to me. I'd elaborate on it further, but that is it really.

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