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1. I think Paperblade has been very aggressive in looking to build a wagon, he switched around as often as Mancer early, always to somebody with votes already. A lot of his posts have had implicit accusations, to see if others agree with him and change their vote.

2. His defense of Lucina is strange to me, given she targetted a player with a similar, albeit cruder, strategy, and in his first post he implied he'd jump on it once he'd analysed a few more people. If he was just objecting to the wagon itself, I think he'd have condemned it earlier.

BBM: I do have other reads, I listed them in my post. I decided to focus on my strongest read in the first post, since it's the one I'm most interested in hearing a rebuttal to.

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Ok. Lets see. Thoughts on things that have happened since my last post:

BBM: what exactly about my reasons for voting people do you not like and how do they make me worse than other people?

Even with that, I feel like BBM is acting fairly town in the short time he's been here, so that's a thing.

Moving on past that, I still don't like Neko like I said earlier. His defense against people voting him consisted largely of sarcasm and echo reasons. He claims that he doesn't switch votes off of people just because of criticism, but it's easy to say something's your reason for switching even if it's not. I just found it highly convenient that as soon as someone started calling out people on the Lucina wagon, he jumped right off it onto the person who was calling that wagon out. I'm not voting him simply for his vote on Paper, that was just kinda that final push.

(As a side note here, Neko I would actually really appreciate it if you stopped using sarcasm in your posts. While it was obvious in that one, it isn't always which can cause confusion. In addition, it will often end up confusing my reads since it's really easy to hide behind sarcasm. Just because you think people's reasons for voting you are bad doesn't mean you need to resort to sarcasm. There are other ways of showing that and those can often be more effective.)

I'm really not understanding the Paper votes. He's not reading to me as scum!Paper and I think a lot of his reasoning has been valid. Looking back at Shinori's posts, I'm starting to see what Paper was saying.

Then Baldo appeared, and eventually when pushed gave a list of reads. I'm not sure why he finds Prims to be mafia, but that might be a joke? If it's not, then he really needs to give some reasoning for that. I'd like to see more from you and also from Bal since both of you are complete null reads in my mind right now due to lack of content.

Current lynches I'd support: Neko and probably Shinori. Elie too, but I don't think I have anyone else agreeing with me on that one, so.

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Looksie here. This is crazy. Couldn't paper be accused of active lurking just as I supposedly am? >.>

I kinda just feel like claiming.

Like my vote on paper because he keeps dodging stuff and i don't like that. He never even answered Neko's questions/accusations from earlier.

Waitin' for Manix content post.

Still feel fine with mancer lynch frankly.

Kaoz and kay both only have one post. ;/ Where'd SB go?

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Obviously that's what I'm saying.

Oh wait it's not. ;/

When did I say you weren't active lurking. I see your posts as active lurking because you really haven't done much but prod people.

Apparently other people don't see you as active lurking and don't see why I voted you or why other players voted you, yet they see the reasoning for your vote on me supposedly. So some people supposedly think I'm active lurking, yet don't see that in you when you are acting in general the same way, So what I'm saying is that If I AM active lurking, then how are you not?

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I've stated my thoughts and I've pushed on my top two scum reads. I'm also not voting people just to prod them.

You have stated your thoughts and only voted people as prod votes all game, and then just decided I was scummy enough to leave your vote parked on.

In my eyes between those two, you look worse. But that's just me.

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whatever, since no one is listening and people who aren't already taking a side aren't even posting (hi SB and Blitz and whoever else)

I'm DJ Siren, 1-shot Friendly Neighbor+Commuter.

I can prove my role tonight.

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Coolios. ;/

Friendly neighbor + commut? They activate at the same time? Don't answer this, you don't have to.


Why did you claim though so early? Like, me, nekorex, and BBM appear to be the only people who think you are scummy.

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Completely unsure as to where my playerslot vote is right now so ##Unvote

You get spoiler tags if there's a bit of length to a point.

[spoiler=Mancer/Boron Playerslot]Mancer's RVS was very iffy; you don't vote someone then jump off them once they made a post. The idea is to make information from reactions to wagons and moving your vote so hapzardly completely defeats the purpose. Seriously that's what I see from newtime scum players who are trying to look useful but aren't.

He plain admits it here but one vote does not a reaction get. It's literally pointless and does not actually achieve anything. It looks like you're actually doing something but it does not actually acieve anything.

Look here. You literally can't say you were fishing for reactions out of bad play. Also Prims did hit the nail on the head. Saying you're going for reactions is likely to make the antitown players not react in the way you want them to. ergo defeating the purpose of RVS.

Furthermore it's fairly well established that RVS will (generally) illicit reactions and hence interactions can be formed. You don't have to say anything about "looking for reactions" because it's implied anyway.

I'm seeing your RVS as an attempt to look protown but yet not actually succeeding.

Okay well let's have a think. You voteparked Shinori with your random vote because you justified your vote reasoning. Let me help you.

I had proclaimed that it was a random vote. I was stacking votes to get reactions.

If you still reacted this way knowing that, I'll feel that you are a little bit too sensitive to it.

Umm, okay, then I'll wait for that. There's no one better to have a vote on anyway (since we're still in RVS anyway).

His response to you was valid. Don't get in over your head because YOU'VE GOT THAT WRONG! (okay sorry I had to)

Also while I'm here, stop justifying things as "oh it was RVS" (or similar wording). It's trying to shrug off responsbility for your actions which is antitown.

(Side meta point: This is very out of character for Mancer but this is weak)

(Also his post tone reads reasonably off from the normal, something is being forced here.)

Boron's follow up post here also feels forced. Justifying the "this is a reaction vote" by Mancer by saying he was overzealous isn't quite a good enough justification. You have time before you post, it's not like you're in a rush to post either. Thinking about what you say before you say it is a part of the game. When you don't, you can slip (as such). I'm not happy with the justification because it's weak at best.

Seriously dude. No. The game had been active for about 5 hours. You seriously expect most of the players to have actually posted by then? Nononononono this feels even more like trying to be protown but not actually contributing that much.

While I'm on the topic, other content posts look okay enough but I'm not sold.

To be honest, I don't see anything contradictory in what Boron and I have said.

Well of course you aren't, because people probably won't notice their own contradictions by human nature. And part of the game is for others to find those contradictions and find the scum.

shrug I'm not particularly happy with this playerslot right now. Early content reads slightly scummy.

-Neko's posts read lazy to me in general. Unsure if coasting scum or lazy townie. I'm slightly more inclined to lean on coasting scum early on in the thread because of not providing semi-decent amounts of content about topics at hand. Like yes, he's addressed some things although there are other things that he could be addressing.

It didn't really get a lot better but yet I'm not completely sold on the Neko = scum idea. More interactions are required.

Post ##128(right number I believe?) feels like you're voteparking on the Lucinawagon. There's no difference between a 4th vote and a 5th vote at this stage unless we're going for a lynch, but that would be too early.

Where to begin. Prims' reasoning for the Lucinawagon was actually pretty solid and had some good reasoning (look what I had to sub into ;/) . In terms of wagoning like you said, there is no difference between the 4th and 5th vote, so why not vote someone that you think is scummy? At that point it wasn't likely to lead into a lynch and it conveys a thought process.

Marth's vote on Prims isn't that great tbh. I'm getting slight scumvibes off Marth right now, although subject to change on further inspection.

Paperclaim is quite probably legit. I still think that the Paperwagon wasn't that great because people were mostly saying stuff like "active lurking"/people had binary thinking (see "this wagon is bad", which Paper explained nicely). The reasons for the Paperwagon seemed a little weak to me. What scum intent did he have with his posts?

Lucinallen wagon (ie me now): Not as bad as people make it out to be, although still a little iffy. I know what I am, and fmpov I know it's stupid but from a outside perspective it had something going for it and wasn't completely without redemption.


These are my thoughts from a half detailed half skim read. I know there's more I need to address (see spoiler below), but this took quite a while and I need a break.


Shinori general

Other Marth posts



and anything else that catches my eye

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finally I am done reading {this took much longer than I hoped for}

at Prims, I like the place where my vote is {which Marth placed that is} because you clearly over reacted to that one simple vote placed on you and I don't think you have done much in this game either. The only thing that seemed memorable about you other than over reacting to Marth's vote was your want to get a few quick lynches.

In other words not liking you

I didn't like Neko's push on Blade either, BUT Blade, why did you seem like playing this game like this is an OC game. I mean, if you had activated your role, I would understand that bit, but somehow, it seems from your posts that you are having convo elsewhere and making posts here only hen it is asked or necessary to do so?

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That ends that case then.

I really want to request SB and Kay to make more content posts since they have shown to be able to come online yet chose not to make any content posts.

Ability to come online =/= time to read the thread and post significant content.

mainly the tone and sarcasm in it. It's just unnecessary.

This could be a PR so I don't really wanna complain about that.

I've stated my thoughts and I've pushed on my top two scum reads. I'm also not voting people just to prod them.

You have stated your thoughts and only voted people as prod votes all game, and then just decided I was scummy enough to leave your vote parked on.

In my eyes between those two, you look worse. But that's just me.

"I'm terrible but Paperblade is worse" is neither good scumhunting nor a good defense.

##Vote: NekoRex because she hasn't said a single thing to look more townish.

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VOTALS (this should be correct)

Helios (1) - Balcerzak

MancerNecro (2) - Shinori, Manix

Manix (3) - Bananas, Elieson, Rocker64

NekoRex (4) - scorri, MancerNecro, Helios, Kay

Paperblade (3) - NekoRex, BBM, Prims

Prims (1) - Marth

scorri (1) - Kaoz

Shinori (1) - Paperblade

Not voting - Baldrick

18.5ish hours remaining!

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- My response to Bluedoom was hardly an overreaction, his case was shit and I reacted accordingly.

- Blitz is using bad justification to keep his vote parked on me instead of doing anything useful.

- Last time Blitz thought I was scum for overreacting it was because I seemed nervous to him. My response to Marth wasn't nervous, I addressed it because his vote was horribad and I felt the need to attack it, because it was scummy.

Pretty sure it's too late to get a wagon on them going, which means I'm probably just shooting them tonight.

Manix is buddying me too hard and complaining too much about how scummy his playerslot was instead of improving it. Not 100% scum but best of the possible wagons.

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