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Shining Force 2 Mafia: Game Over


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As much as I would love to target eclipse for being a bitch and Snike for smoking out my role and Marth for being a retard, I think they are all town

Yes, Sho, because pointing out the fucking flaws in people's arguments/personalities makes me a bitch. This also clears someone else, too.


totally worth ignoring phase end

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Before the mighty Elieson could even finish updating the OP, everyone had already decided on a lynch.

Sho says Helios is evil.

Let's lynch Helios then.



Fine by me.

The ballots tallied quick. Quicker. So quick that Helios never actually got to see them submitted. The poor guy. If only he knew what the Force was thinking...how they'd found out he was who he tried so hard not to be.

Helios was lynched. He was...


Dear Helios, you are Randolf.

You love to fight, but being a dwarf has gotten you into your fair share of trouble. You are short and scruffy, and often mistaken for a pushover due to your old age. You have great strength and defense, and have the

ability to promote using the Warrior's Pride to one of two classes.

During the night, you may respond to your RolePM with "Night X: I'll face anyone. Anyone at all! Bring it on!". The kill designated by your team will be modified and designated as janitorial. However, you must be the one to carry out the kill, as no one is as skilled in clean destructive force as you. You will receive the RolePM of the kill target.

In short, you are the Janitor*.

You are allied with the Other Guys. You win when all threats to you and your fellow Other Guys have been eliminated.

Talk to your team here.

Considering Day phase lasted like 2 hours, Night phase is starting now. Night 3 ends at 2000 GMT -5 (8 pm CST, 9 pm EST, etc) on 2/20/13 (or up to 24 hours early if I receive all night actions early).

Also I suggest submitting night actions to me in your RolePM as well as over Skype at "Elieson." (with the period) if you would like, as I can keep track of them in case SF crashes.

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And finally the OP is updated properly. Sorry for the delay, Phone posting plus Site crashing def hurt my ability to update properly.

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SF is STILL giving me grief. ASFDALKSFJSA.

Normally, when janitors die, they gorge out the role PMs of their victims. Helios' role PM doesn't specify that. Is Bizz's role PM meant to be hidden forever?

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I am very adamant about my last post and am going to be very unhappy if people don't STOP POSTING or start POSTING BETTER.

If I were Elieson, I'd be handing out modkill threats to some of you guys for instigating drama.

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great job guys, you lynched a scum in less time I wasn't around

I got no new ideas, I will just wait for the next day to make a meaningful post (my ideas are still the same and that is about it)

though, I do have to say, the kills are probably switched and @someone who asked why I thought there were 2 maf kills every night, it is because I looked into Balc's role and thought it would make more sense for maf to have a kill every night too.

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For the mafias to be able to kill every night, both of their kills would have had to be stopped N1 and one of their kills would have had to have been stopped N2. That would be an extraordinary amount of luck for town.

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It would still need either a Docsave or a Hookblock on both N1 and N2.

I think town did a pretty good job with the D1/D2 lynches, though we did admittedly luck out with the Helios copscan. But we can't really know whether we'd have lynched town or mafia without it on D3.

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For the hook thing to work, we'd need a town hooker. Whether we have one or not is up for debate, and I kinda think going into that territory isn't gonna help find scum.

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My action failed last night. Whether it's a town roleblocker, or the mafia had a roleblocker of their own (to mirror the Other Guys), or some other reason I have no way of knowing. I was really surprised when I came back to this thread and it was night again, but nice work on the lynch.

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Sorry for being away, I was incredibly busy for the last few days. Actually, in fact, I'll be really busy on Mondays and Wednesdays from now on, but it's only two days a week so I can still play (and it'd be too mean to whoever subbed in to read 27 pages).

Anyway, good job with the Helios lynch. If the setup is 15-3-3, then it should be down to 13-2-1, assuming that Bizz is Town. If we eliminate the last of the Other Guys, we should be able to get rid of the deaths from the even-numbered nights.

Also, I highly doubt BBM and Mancer are in the same faction. Mancer kept pushing BBM to post his full role PM. I think Mancer genuinely believed that there were no cons to having BBM post his full role PM. Had they been scumbuddies, BBM would likely have told him to shut up. It's possible for BBM to be Mafia, but that wouldn't fit Blitzy's theory of the Mafia faction being composed of bosses. Then again, I learned my lesson that the character setup could be very unpredictable so I'm not clearing BBM based on that.

I'm still convinced that ShoM and Blues are Town though.

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Well that was a pretty short day phase so no worries, lol. Bal, were you told specifically that your action failed, or is it possible that the person you targeted was targeted by another killing ability as well, causing you to protect them instead?

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No SB don't do it you have so much to live for.

But is this the best course of action? If you are what I think you are, you'll have a better chance of working later in the game, and I can see the advantge of having somebody scum daren't shoot.

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Boring Flavor because frustrating night.


Kiwi pierced your ears with:

"Speaking tires me... but here goes.

Wheeeee 3/6 scum down keep it up guys! That day phase was even shorter than the AitP game that just finished!"

DAY 4 has now begun. Day 4 Ends at 2200 GMT-5 (10 PM CST, 11pm est, etc.) on 2/22/13.

Edited by Elieson
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