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Shining Force 2 Mafia: Game Over


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Hrmm what is this.

I don't really am against a scorri scan tonight because we already have a good lead for day 6- Balc, that is. And we could use finding out a bit of what she's plotting. And if she's truly siding with town, we can always start to listen to her stuff later.

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Hi, I ingested some cabbage earlier, and now I feel like garbage. Sitting up is no fun. :(:

With Shinori outing that lie (which I think was rather silly), I'm slightly less inclined to go after scorri. This also tells me that either Marth/Mancer were bussing each other HARD, or that Marth is most likely town (as the N1 kill was stopped by. . .something that wasn't scorri, apparently).

scorri, remember that your win con must also be balanced with the town. The fact that you're NOW hinting at information while trying to be mysterious about it tells me that you're better off flipped, so I know what you're talking about. I think outing earlier would've been beneficial, as you could've used that one-time BP as a means of outing some vital information (like Shinori not telling the truth; it was obvious that you'd survive the first attempt on your life, anyway)

My thoughts on the game are what the heck was Marth thinking when he made that statement I quoted earlier (and why has no one responded to that), and I think scorri should be scanned for good measure, because hiding information is great if you're town and not great if you're an outed third party. . .and hi everyone and thank you for being present so we can talk.

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No seriously. Don't waste a scan on me. There are better targets. Well.. eh. Not really I guess. Shinori will show up as Leader which doesn't help much. I'm still thinking Rein is the final scum. Just sayin.

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I guess I should explain what I'm talking about, right?

Now... I claimed

[spoiler=this role]

Dear scorri, you are Lemon.

You are the lead general under King Galam (Granseal's neighboring kingdom), and when King Galam is possessed by a Zeon­controlled "Gizmo", Lemon's loyalty remains strong and he follows orders to kill without but a question. Eventually, the sword that King Galam/Zeon entrusts to Lemon becomes cursed, and causes Lemon to become a mindless killing machine. It also transforms him into a vampire (thereby making him immortal, but not affecting his appearance whatsoever). When defeated by the Force, the sword is pulled from his hand, and he regains his memory to learn of the horrors and massacres and genocide committed by his sword. He earns the name Red Baron (and is unique of his class), but is ashamed of it to the point where he attempts to commit suicide to repent for his sins. He fails again and again, and traces of his many suicide attempts can be found all over Grans Island. Eventually Lemon joins the Force to battle Zeon, as Zeon was the one who forced Lemon to hold the cursed sword and lose control of his mind and body.

Because of your time spent with the Force, you no longer seek to commit suicide. Instead, your will to live has grown strong. To this end, because you are still technically a vampire, and have proven yourself as unkillable by your many failed suicides, you are able to survive any attempt on your life. However, your body still has its limits, and if you attacked again, your body may simply be too damaged to be of any use to your soul, and you will no longer be able to end your life at all.

In short, you are Deathproof (One shot) Survivor.

You are allied with yourself. You win if you are alive at the end of the game.


Well, I'm afraid I haven't been completely honest with you guys. Ooops? My real role is the following:


Dear scorri, you are Lemon.

You are the lead general under King Galam (Granseal's neighboring kingdom), and when King Galam is possessed by a Zeon­controlled "Gizmo", Lemon's loyalty remains strong and he follows orders to kill without but a question. Eventually, the sword that King Galam/Zeon entrusts to Lemon becomes cursed, and causes Lemon to become a mindless killing machine. It also transforms him into a vampire (thereby making him immortal, but not affecting his appearance whatsoever). When defeated by the Force, the sword is pulled from his hand, and he regains his memory to learn of the horrors and massacres and genocide committed by his sword.

He earns the name Red Baron (and is unique of his class), but is ashamed of it to the point where

he attempts to commit suicide to repent for his sins. He fails again and again, and traces of his many suicide attempts can be found all over Grans Island. Eventually Lemon joins the Force to battle Zeon, as Zeon was the one who forced Lemon to hold the cursed sword and lose control of his mind and body.

However, you still hold the sword, and your vampirial mind no longer enters a trance when holding it. It turns out that because you held the sword before you were transformed, you were affected differently. Now you hold the Cursed Sword, but you can hear it now. It is a spirit, and has the power to free you from your vampirical life and leave you free to commit suicide and repent in your own chivalrous way. Your sword has told you to feed it 6 powerful souls, and you know just where to get them.

During the night, you may respond to your RolePM with "Night X: Follow your word, Cursed

Sword. Devour the soul of [uSER] and set me free!" Your Cursed Sword will, in essence, drain the soul of [uSER], leaving them with just their word and their vote, and [uSER] will become Role­less. Their role will be devoured by your sword, and added to your arsenal to keep yourself alive while you continue to obtain more.

As time progresses, and souls are devoured, you may end up with multiple roles. During the night, you may respond to your RolePM with the proper syntax for a single stolen role, and you may use it as if it were your own. These roles can never be removed**

**You may use a single stolen role, as well as your original role, on the same night. If you have a role with limitted use, or acquire it when it has been partially used, the role is not restored/recharged, and you may use it as if it was yours to begin with and you had used any number of its limited uses. If a limited use role is used up, it is still considered added to your arsenal, and counts towards the required win condition.

Also, because you are still technically a vampire, and have proven yourself as unkillable by your many failed suicides, you are able to survive any attempt on your life. However, your body still has its limits, and if you attacked again, and your arms or hands are injured, you may be left unable to hold the sword that will grant you your wishes.

In short, you are Deathproof (1x) Role Stealer. You win (by getting yourself able to be killed, I know it's complicated), by stealing 6 roles.

You are allied with yourself.

You win when you have successfully stolen 6 roles, and added them to your arsenal.

Now then. I've stolen 5 roles so far. And I'm getting another one today. Which means I win. And as you can see, I can use roles. So, I have some useful information.

-Sho's scan N0 was allied with "the other guys"

-Marth is clear

-Number claims is odd due to that meaning one scum team would be 2 and one scum team would be 3. Doesn't quite add up. Shinori showed up as leader on scan, but may be godfather? In addition, Elie told me he'd confirm when a faction was eliminated.

-Rein was 1-shot gov (sorry bout that, couldn't resist trolling with that role)

-Balcerzak was 1x strongarm

-Xinnidy is clear

-Baldrick is clear

Now. Bal was 1x strongarm. That doesn't seem like a CPR doc to me, does it to you guys? So good job figuring out that you should be lynching him.

Oh right. I was getting those odd messages throughout the game too. Here's the total info I have from my role/messages:

Roles: (thanks mancer)

Me: Role Thief 1x Deathproof

BBM: Announcer

Snike: Miller

Leder: Scummy Town Role

Sho.M.the.Tits: Alliance Cop (mine now)

Shinori: Leader

Manix: Some character/flavor claim (modsubbed)

Balcerzak: 1xStrongman (mine now)

Marth: Rolecop (mine now)

Prims: nurse, dead

NexoRex: Doctor

Mancer: Roleblock, dead

Kay: Mayor, dead

SB: Maybe Oracle?

Xinnidy: Town sided motivator

Helios: Janitor (dead)

Rein: 1-shot Gov (mine now)

Baldrick: Role Doctor (mine now)

Someone: Town Reviver

Proto: OC Networker

Eclipse: role proves alliance

And in case it wasn't clear, I was the reason for D5 ending like that. It was too much fun to resist~

Have fun with the rest of the game~

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Also shinori, claiming to be bulletproof that got shot serves absolutely no purpose for town. You have my vote once the day begins

Yeah I would have claimed or hinted heavily at doc or cop even though both cops ended up outting very quickly which would have meant be CCed quickly and I would have then been lynched. The logic of that would have sucked. So I decided to go for a role I kind of hoped wasn't in the game that would make me seem like a good target for scum to kill. Especially since I tried to hint at there something else in my role that would make scum want to kill me. Me claiming shot was probably stupid but whatever.

You would still rather lynch me even though we have an inspected scum? That's also plain stupid.

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Before things even bother to occur, Kiwi wakes you all up extra early with an important announcement.

"Speaking tires me... but here goes.
What the fuck is even going on.

Another fine start to a wonderful day. Or is it?

You all gather in the mess hall of HQ, but see two people missing. One is generally the guy who prepares the food with his magical powers. The other, a strange man who just can't seem to die despite his extreme desire to. Something doesn't add up.

...heh heh....

heh....heh heh heh....

I can finally die...I can finally die in peace...No more lives will I take in the name of evil any longer. I will repent for my sins against mankind. I will repent for my sins against King Galam. I will...rest in peace...

The voice is coming from the courtyard. You all run out to find out what the weird jabber is about, and there you find Lemon, laying on his back with his sword over his throat.

Everyone, I did it. I can finally end my life and pay for those lives who I have taken.

Oddly enough, no one seemed objected to it. Kiwi ran back inside to find his megaphone, but before he could announce the strange news, Lemon, with all his might, stabbed himself through his neck, finally dying after months of failed suicides and traumatizing wrongdoing under the psychosis of Zeon.

Someone walks over to Lemon's lifeless suit of armor and picks out the sword from his hand. But before it can be grasped, it floats out of his body, into the air.

I have granted the wish my host desired. My host's greatest wish.

And the sword dissipated into the air as though it never was. It left behind a pile of dust in the air that settled on the ground before Lemon's feet. It read...

scorri has achieved her win condition and is now ejected from the game. She was:


Dear scorri, you are Lemon.

You are the lead general under King Galam (Granseal's neighboring kingdom), and when King Galam is possessed by a Zeon­controlled "Gizmo", Lemon's loyalty remains strong and he follows orders to kill without but a question. Eventually, the sword that King Galam/Zeon entrusts to Lemon becomes cursed, and causes Lemon to become a mindless killing machine. It also transforms him into a vampire (thereby making him immortal, but not affecting his appearance whatsoever). When defeated by the Force, the sword is pulled from his hand, and he regains his memory to learn of the horrors and massacres and genocide committed by his sword.

He earns the name Red Baron (and is unique of his class), but is ashamed of it to the point where

he attempts to commit suicide to repent for his sins. He fails again and again, and traces of his many suicide attempts can be found all over Grans Island. Eventually Lemon joins the Force to battle Zeon, as Zeon was the one who forced Lemon to hold the cursed sword and lose control of his mind and body.

However, you still hold the sword, and your vampirial mind no longer enters a trance when holding it. It turns out that because you held the sword before you were transformed, you were affected differently. Now you hold the Cursed Sword, but you can hear it now. It is a spirit, and has the power to free you from your vampirical life and leave you free to commit suicide and repent in your own chivalrous way. Your sword has told you to feed it 6 powerful souls, and you know just where to get them.

During the night, you may respond to your RolePM with "Night X: Follow your word, Cursed

Sword. Devour the soul of [uSER] and set me free!" Your Cursed Sword will, in essence, drain the soul of [uSER], leaving them with just their word and their vote, and [uSER] will become Role­less. Their role will be devoured by your sword, and added to your arsenal to keep yourself alive while you continue to obtain more.

As time progresses, and souls are devoured, you may end up with multiple roles. During the night, you may respond to your RolePM with the proper syntax for a single stolen role, and you may use it as if it were your own. These roles can never be removed**

**You may use a single stolen role, as well as your original role, on the same night. If you have a role with limitted use, or acquire it when it has been partially used, the role is not restored/recharged, and you may use it as if it was yours to begin with and you had used any number of its limited uses. If a limited use role is used up, it is still considered added to your arsenal, and counts towards the required win condition.

Also, because you are still technically a vampire, and have proven yourself as unkillable by your many failed suicides, you are able to survive any attempt on your life. However, your body still has its limits, and if you attacked again, and your arms or hands are injured, you may be left unable to hold the sword that will grant you your wishes.

In short, you are Deathproof (1x) Role Stealer. You win (by getting yourself able to be killed, I know it's complicated), by stealing 6 roles.

You are allied with yourself.

You win when you have successfully stolen 6 roles, and added them to your arsenal.

You all rush in to find Sir Astral, and alert him of the exciting news! He and Lemon were good friends for quite a while,

especially during the era of peace between Granseal and Galam, for many many years.But no one could find him. Except Kiwi, who stumbled over his corpse while looking for his new and improved Megaphone.

Hey guys...uhh...come look at this.

You all gather around the dead body of Sir Astral, lying face first on the floor in front of his favorite rocking chair. It was obviously murder, and this could not go forgiven.

Baldrick has died. He was


Dear Manix Prims Baldrick, you are Sir Astral.

You are technically not an actual member of the Force, but you are the advisor to King Granseal and the Shining Force, and quite versed in the knowledge of ancient magical arts and ancient history. Because you know of the evils brought on to the world when Zeon was unsealed, you are aware of the Gizmo's ability of body possession, and are able to use your magical arts to combat it.

During the night, you may respond to your RolePM with "Night X: Begone evil spirits! Leave [uSER] alone!" [uSER] will have their RolePM temporarily protected from any negative changes that alter the wording of their RolePM (excluding Host­ designated modifications). If it was already changed, [uSER] will have their RolePM restored to original condition.

In short, you are the Role Doctor/Vaccinator* Vanilla.

During the night, you may respond to your RolePM with "Night X: Begone evil spirits! Leave [uSER] alone!" [uSER] will have their RolePM temporarily protected from any negative changes that alter the wording of their RolePM (excluding Host­ designated modifications). If it was already changed, [uSER] will have their RolePM restored to original condition.In short, you are the Role Doctor/Vaccinator*.

*D3 Announcement: You may target two players per night phase!

You are allied with the Shining Force. You win when all threats to you and your fellow Shining Force members have been eliminated.

Filled with the anger and misery of the now dead teacher you had all come to know and love, you set off to end this wrongdoing, once and for all.

Day 6 has now begun and will end at 0000 GMT-5 (12am CST, 1am EST, etc etc) on 2/26/13.

Edited by Elieson
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Night 5 Results:

You take a look at Balcerzak and are able to determine that he's allied with the Other Guys.

Also, you recieve a message:

Alignment: Town

Sadly I was unable to change my action after scorri revelation. Regardless If we are to believe scorri in my night 0 target being an Other Guy as well, that would be Eclipse.

My chose of target was made on the basis of me not thinking him a scum.

##Vote: Balcerzak

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##vote balcerzak

just putting this out there, i won't be on a lot tomorrow because of prior commitments

and i also want to throw SB into the lynch pot for reasons i will specify later (for one, i'm tired, for two i need more evidence)

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