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Shining Force 2 Mafia: Game Over


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Huh. The rules also deny the existence of a hidden player... All I can think of is a possible Traitor? IDK. At this point I might be in favour of a massclaim, just to narrow down the last scum.

Also, I totally forgot Blitz was even playing. >_> We also need a sub for Snike. I'm going to assume Blitz's Dayvig went through on Bal, and Elie let that happen because it resulted in a loss of the dayvig shot and also not what Bal intended with his tactical modkill.

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Huh. The rules also deny the existence of a hidden player... All I can think of is a possible Traitor? IDK. At this point I might be in favour of a massclaim, just to narrow down the last scum.

Also, I totally forgot Blitz was even playing. >_> We also need a sub for Snike. I'm going to assume Blitz's Dayvig went through on Bal, and Elie let that happen because it resulted in a loss of the dayvig shot and also not what Bal intended with his tactical modkill.

that was the point of me wasting my ability wasn't it?

the other was not to waste time, since I will be gone gain soon (once again for a while)

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Sho come on.

Also the mafia is probably among Rein/Cam in this case and I'd rather leave my vote on one of them and wait for answers since sleeping soon.

##Vote: Rein

Also gosh Elieson how many subs does this game even.

Guys come on.

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actually now that I think about it, if mayor was scum, it would be a good counter to put a governor to balance the mayor for the other scum group

but the bad news is, the same policy will apply for the town though.

so everyone, care to input thoughts on this?

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PoE let's go. This is all FMPOV, which is why I have myself listed as a clear.

Role Cleared

BBM- Yeah I can see my role PM.

Sho- He's given us a mafia member from both alignments, I don't think he's scum at this point.

SB- Cop cleared + general attitude wrt to dying.

Shinori- Cop cleared + just can't see his play from mafia POV.

Likely Town

Xinny- People from both alignments tried to go after her + I haven't thought she was scum all game.

Marth- Ehhh he hasn't given us particularly useful but he's contributed to a bunch of town clears and why would one team have inspection and not the other?

Neko- Doc, even more likely since we still need protective roles for Prims's role to make sense.

Eclipse- Attitude wrt getting lynched, though it could be WIFOM (Mystery comes to mind as a case of Eclipse WIFOM)





I would lynch someone in the last section today. I might even be in favour a massclaim at this point to help us narrow people down. Cam subbed in for Paulina, who didn't read scum to me. So I'd go for either Rein or Snike. I'd be okay with Rein first, if only because Snike isn't here to defend himself.

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And what does that signify regarding his alliance exactly?

But I'm guessing right now that Elieson is counting both factions as some sort of unified mafia if I have to take heed of Balcerzak's tactical modkill attempt post.

For the moment, I'll stay my vote, and wait for Marth's result. I hope he targetted one of Rein/Cam.

On the other hand, I'm ok with either of Cam/Rein claiming whenever they show up.

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So that means we find the final Mafia member. Now. . .

- Alignment cop that's not with the town is absolutely bastard in this kind of game, so this clears Sho.

- I'm clear on role, and am willing to demonstrate this via lynch; as such, even in a massclaim situation, I will NOT claim (otherwise, I'm playing my role incorrectly. . .yes, really)

- With Bal's death, I'm willing to believe Neko's claim of doc (in other words, not a lynch target)

- Dayvig seems a bit weird for a mafia role, so Blitz is rather low on my list of people to lynch

- Xinnidy is probably clear, given who was targeted (don't target me with your role, kthx)

- Rein on the same team as a mayor gives a lot of day control to an anti-town faction, and means that if he and Kay survived, the town would lose if it was 4-2 (and that's just silly)

- Marth outing Proto when most of the suspicion on the latter died down makes me think that he's not mafia

- Snike claimed miller, so eh

- That leaves Shinori/Cam/SB/BBM. Of these, SB volunteered to be shot, Cam's not that memorable, BBM's role has been graciously confirmed by the host, and Shinori admitted to lying about his role.

With that being said. . .


##Vote: Cam

This would kind of explain a certain case that caused me to go ballistic, and why Kay didn't react as violently to it as I imagined she would've if anyone else insulted Proto like that.

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I have to give it to Bal, that was great. Quite honestly, if Elie hadn't announced that their faction wasn't eliminated, I wouldn't have thought to look at that QT that closely.

Anyways, that means that both scumteams probably have 4 people. So... 12/4/4/1, which looks a LOT more balanced than 15/3/3/1.

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Blitz you have 4 move who the heck even wants to use you let alone remember.

On the other hand eclipse's points do make sense to me.

I feel that since we kinda never got any notice about anyone being redirected after SB then Bizz was probably Driver.

Things are looking less hectic, though scorri did mention something about a Reviver role and that makes me curious but eh.

The scum is probably amongst Cam/Rein though due to the points that eclipse said it's more likely to be Cam right now.


##Vote: Cam

Pedit: Oh wow fake quicktopic gg

Cam/Rein are probably still mafia though.

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##Vote: Rein

With 4 scum on each team, it makes much more sense for Blitz's point to be true- that one scumteam had the Governor to cancel out the Mayor. And I didn't get scumreads from Paulina. We can lynch that slot later, but right now, I feel better with this.

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Business has gone down a bit, so I can actively participate in this game a bit more. Here's my role claim, which counters the Scum mayor I see in the op


Dear Snike, you are Slade.

You are a thief that is originally met by the Force when captured by King Galam's lead General, Lemon, and thrown into jail. Unfortunately for you, your greedy treasure hunting ways are the reason why Zeon was released from his seal. Sarah absolutely hates this, and brands you as a selfish jerk, while the rest of the Force just seems to ignore you overall. In fact, they even met you for the first time in prison! Despite the hatred towards you for breaking the seal, you aid the Force by helping them break out of prison with your trusty Short Wire.

You are truly a good person, and are more interested in hunting for treasure than actual burglary. However, it's a tough point to prove, and until you somehow manage to prove yourself to the Force, all inspections on you will make you look like an evildoer.

During the night, you may respond to your RolePM with "Night X: The treasures I've found prevent you from speaking up, [uSER]." [uSER] will be in shock from the concern that they will be affected by your rare treasures, that they will simply be unable to vote. Even if they do manage to produce a vote, it will not count, even though their vote will still be displayed in Votals.

In short, you are the Miller Vote Canceller.

You are allied with the Shining Force. You win when all threats to you and your fellow Shining Force members have been eliminated.

I idled N0 and N1, at which point I asked for a sub.

If someone could sum up what the hell's going on right now, that would be nice. Otherwise, I'm going to go and read up.

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That actually amplifies the power of a scum mayor, because if you target somebody who's NOT the mayor, you make the mayor's doublevote all the more powerful. So that claim doesn't make me feel good about you at all.

Okay, what was the last phase you read Snike?

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That actually amplifies the power of a scum mayor, because if you target somebody who's NOT the mayor, you make the mayor's doublevote all the more powerful. So that claim doesn't make me feel good about you at all.

Okay, what was the last phase you read Snike?

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