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Folgore Rangers Mafia -- GAME OVER


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curious JB but what do you think about mancer claiming roleblocked but shinori not targeting him?

I was going to say JoAT, then I realised that there is absolutely no reason for a JoAT to target Mancer unless JoAT himself is mafia or Mancer's lying, lol.

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I was going to say JoAT, then I realised that there is absolutely no reason for a JoAT to target Mancer unless JoAT himself is mafia or Mancer's lying, lol.

Mafia JoaT. Not completely out of the question, and probably a lot more plausible than most of the other suggestions I've seen flying around. Still wouldn't mind a watcher report if there is one on Mancer.

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Just adding on, unless there's a Safeguard on Darros last Night, there's definitely two Roleblockers or Shinori is lying. I am definitely Doctor (as you'll find out from my flip), and I did target Darros last Niggt and failed.

I'll confirm some things with some calculations soon.

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Hmm, improbable that Shinori and SB, if they were hypothetical scumteam, would decide to out themselves right now.

I'll have to spend some time reading the thread again to see who I think is scum and inject my last reads into the thread before I'm lynched or not lynched.

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... I'd actually prefer not lynching Mancer today. I'd rather see what happens on D5 - Assuming this isn't some retarded JoAT which can use their abilities more than once, there should only be 1 roleblock on N4.

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If there is another doctor they should just claim. That way we have a definite proof on getting at least one scum.

If no other doctor claims we just don't lynch Mancer. Because a Jack with a one shot roleblock is plausible.


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okay mafia JoAT sounds plausible, however i'm still wary of how mancer is going about his defense.

Just adding on, unless there's a Safeguard on Darros last Night, there's definitely two Roleblockers or Shinori is lying.

Safeguard generally shouldn't be on investigative roles in general, but also with this situation, it was established in thread that the roleblocker was probably town so a SG on Darros would have been a Bad Thing for town.

I am definitely Doctor (as you'll find out from my flip), and I did target Darros last Niggt and failed.

Repetition makes the point staler. Curious as to why you might think it necessary to point out the bold? It's been established, through and through that you're a doc claim.

also re shinori/SB: shinori is probably town, but it says nothing about SB.

we could not lynch mancer today and have him be on shinori and if there's any funny business n4 then we could reevaluate. dunno.

also yes agreeing with clipsey that a hypothetical watcher should out a report on mancer (which if you weren't on the claimed doc, it's facepalm heaven)

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the cool thing about a watcher outing is that it'll confirm mancer as town/maf, or pick out a maf anyway (then doc on watcher, watcher on doc)


somehow I don't think we would have a fulltime watcher though because doc+watcher is broken as heck combination


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A mafia JoAT with a roleblock is possible but Mancer's been acting scummy even for Mancer all game and I'm not really seeing him being worth keeping around when the chance of him being town doctor is that small. If there's "another" doctor, they shouldn't claim, not until it's clearer what we're doing at the very least.

So, I'm not totally ruling out Mancer being town, but it's so likely that he's scum that I'd much rather lynch him than NL or lynch somebody less scummy.

As far as other scumreads, I'm also suspicious of Eli, Shin, and to a very small extent BBM. It's more like BBM is null and I think he shouldn't be. I'm kinda overlooking my suspicion of Shin because I'm sure Clipsey's extreme and conspicuous defense of him is not without cause. Eli keeps occasionally popping in and acting pseudo-useful, I need to ISO him when my connection isn't terrible to see how much good content he's posted.

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JB has a point

there was a claimed doc it was kinda expected that he wasn't going to die, but yet did

outing a guilty in that case was the best play he could have done

also outing guilties is generally decent cop play (the only time you hold a report and not out immediately is to gather reads between your scanned scum and others, or just subtly push the guilty report and see what happens. if they aren't getting lynched, you raise hell.)

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also mancer... why are you so concerned about being clear? like yeah it's nice and all (and if you're me, I can't be cleared because lolmiller) but it shouldn't be your absolute priority given town's job is to lynch scum, not necessarily be cleared

something still isn't right with mancer

maybe some quicktopic spam can get my thoughts in order

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actually i just had a thought -baseless spec-

town's kill protection could be the roleblocker instead of the doc... strongman would still go through anyway so uh

hmmmmmmmm there's a lot of possibilities.

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Manix, you're starting to flop all around. Hope that's not a sign of mafia-who-claimed-Miller.

I was just ranting my frustration that Darros did not decide to scan me, that's all.

What seems weird about me? That's a baseless conjecture, as you're always so keen to point out of others.

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sleep is hard

do i care if i'm flopping around? no because i'm trying to find scum over saving my own hide

let's get this simple question out of the way: do you think i'm actually scum or what? I want a definitive answer, and preferably before I wake up

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What seems weird about me? That's a baseless conjecture, as you're always so keen to point out of others.

pretty sure I said/implied that you're being super self-conscious with all this talk and it's pinging me

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I already explained why Sho was unlikely to be bussing Scorri, do you have a counterargument or even disagree?

also answer this. would be relevant.

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