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My Little Pony: Friendship is Mafia (Game Over)


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I had to take a break. I hate mafia etc etc. It's coming.

How is the game going WRT claims?

You're mason, Mitsuki's Role Checker, and various players are vanilla, fuck if I can keep track of them.

The way Mitsuki handled her role is awful. "Oh I'm going to target SB tonight by the way" good job now he knows to idle if he's scum, which means you conveniently don't have to factor your result in when building a case on him today.

If you think Mitsuki and I are the scumteam, I really don't see why this would bother you...

ill hammer him and we'll have a scum flip


yes we will

but it will be on d3 when you get lynched

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I was probably wrong about the hard Kay townread D1, her votes were all over the place. Remember when she made a huge wall of text, voted me and never did anything with it? Yeah that was a thing. Not big on how she bent on the kirsche lynch being acceptable at the end, Refa's late D1 effort wasn't anything to write home about, he just went "kirsche did some weird stuff but I'm not certain he's scum but I'll vote him I guess". It just seems very fake.

##Vote: Kay

Mituski might not actually be scum? Third priority maybe. What she had to say about Kay is reasonable. I think SB is town though #FuckHaters

Baldrick: i'm claiming town

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wanted to revive it because of how she handled the SB scan

i guess a townie could make that mistake. i kind of expected she'd know better as town though because it's something similar to what i've done as scum before in games i'm p sure she would have read?

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okay why would town!Refa, if that is his real alignment, drop his case on Kay entirely to vote me because i made a dumb joke post. last i checked he didn't suspect me at the end of day 1. the quickhammer would only be scummy if it actually happened (and honestly wouldn't even be out of character for me as town, but whatever)

he also still hasn't ISO'd me like he promised but is content making snarky replies when i post, so there's that

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Sorry for incoming wall.

BBM makes up for being gay and getting himself shot N1 as mason by talking during N1 so I have to do less reading :)

He thinks the scumteam is Prims and either Refa or Mitsuki. Prims because of the Kirsche quicklynch (specifically, going from “I don’t find kirsche scummy” to “I’m down with a kirsche lynch” in the space of about 15 minutes). Mitsuki is the most likely buddy in that case because of their interactions (Prims dropping the case on Mitsuki because continuing to push him is “suicidal” could have been planned in advance, and Mitsuki going from voting Prims to voting with him is also odd). He thinks Prims’ logic on Blitz and Kay is good so they're probably town either way.

For my own thoughts, Refa is the worst to me at the moment.

Kirsche case not great. Firstly, he should be lynched IRL for misusing waffling. Blitz was doing one thing that's scummy and one thing that's not, no waffle there. And attacking blitz for dismissing his suspicion on you for no reason does not contradict with thinking the votes on you were overplayed.

What is waffling is your verdict; you say your case bothers you because it's all about one of his cases, but it's fine because you can't dissect his case on you (why not? you can look at whether his case is justified FHPOV), and you temper your case by bringing up Not Me Over Me. That doesn't strike me as a town mindset; it you were genuinely suspicious of him it wouldn’t occur to you to say it imo.

Response to SB's case not great. What he says about kay is he agrees with blitz's reasoning, which is rather poor; he infers kay found proto's post scummy, which may not be the case as her suspicion is likely based on suspicion of bbm, and mitsuki's post is not necessarily worse than proto's in any case because she was being more open about sheeping. Nevertheless, the fact SB missed it does not invalidate that point.

As for the case on kirsche, it looking like bad scum play makes you look more townie, so it’s actually not a bad strategy for scum to come up with, especially as it can help secure a mislynch. Basically, it’s an infinite loop of WIFOM and makes me hate mafia even more. To be honest, I don’t like the way SB phrased that last bit, but the issue (for me, at least) is not the quantity of your reads but their quality.

Beyond what BBM has noted, Prims’ style seems very devil-may-care, his scum meta is usually to pursue high-risk, high-reward strategies. Plus he is making me second-guess myself on everything which he has done before as scum.

I’d make a proper case on him but reading him is giving me a headache and making me hate everything more than I thought was physically possible.

Mitsuki is a thing as well. The only thing I have to add on her is the strange choice of action and the opinion change on prims because scum can’t pretend to be urgent when it’s close to deadline. I’ll read her a bit later but she’s not a priority for me today; I’d rather lynch one of the other three atm.

The three I haven’t mentioned are at the bottom of the list more due to reverse PoE rather than me thinking they’re town.

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He thinks Prims’ logic on Blitz and Kay is good so they're probably town either way.

did i have logic for thinking kay was town. i dont think i had logic for thinking kay was town
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like right now I'm hard townreading Blitz and Kay after considering their general effort level + some recent deadline posts. Mitsuki is a dumb nerd but also probably town. Proto and BBM are masons and SB is playing less stoic that he does as mafia, so PoE b*tch

plus kirsche did some scummy shit so let's lynch him


##Vote: kirsche

I'm gonna feel dumb if I'm wrong but I don't think I'm wrong so HEH

like right now I'm hard townreading Blitz and Kay after considering their general effort level + some recent deadline posts.

like right now I'm hard townreading Blitz and Kay



fite me prims

or fite bbm i guess, whatever

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I'm hard scumreading Prims from his recent posts, gut. He's just trying to confuse people and not being clear at all with his intentions, which is very scummy and what he does as scum (and the opposite of what he does as town). He really put up a convincing act close to D1 deadline, because there's no way he's not scum.

##Vote: Prims

I think Prims > SB >/= Kay right now, yeah.

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