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SFMafia's Greatest Hits - Day 6


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My ability to read Mancer is foggy, since I scumread him 85% of the time. His first vote is a vote on zero, then he claims to have misread her as Gaius, while indirectly defending her in his second post. They're surface-level reads, but Mancer seems legit busy, which is why I'm having issues parsing it. The sentiment, however, feels like a vague bus. I think it's stronger on zero's end, because she keeps mentioning him.

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I'm about to go to bed but I want the following tomorrow:

- actual content and a vote from Gilgamesh

- actual content and a vote from Hannah

- a read on Gilgamesh from Weapons

having a sub or two would also be swell

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i plead the fifth @ the first question. my standing is i don't give a rat's hairy asshole about weapons / shinori right now because it's an argument that won't lead far. the idea of weapons being a lyncher has become more and more ridiculous because of how archaic and how universally despised that role is, so there's little doubt in my mind that shin's itp. whether or not weapons is scum from it idk and idc. my read on j is painfully null because through experience j is either very obvious town or very obvious scum, and him being neither concerns me.


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For real though, I will try and make a substantial post in a bit. Been chilling with friends a lot lately. Everytime I check the thread 2-3 pgs emerge.

I just love poking at Gorf.

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one more thing, my understanding of scum!j from paris mafia (where he was not seen as obvscum) is that he plays more "standardly" and diplomatic whereas town!j enjoys himself and plays to the beat of his own drum and i think scum!j would've churned out some content by now to blend in instead of making all the silly posts poking at people

granted gorf would know his meta much better than i, but i think he's town. is it bad he never really had a vote d1? yeah, but i don't think i've ever seen a game where he had one as any alignment so w/e

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Fun facts:

I actually crumbed not having a role in the beginning of the game.

I posted my result 2 minutes after phase began. Am I supposed to coordinate with my scumteam that quickly?

@Prims, it does not make sense to say my day 1 was my scum meta and then say I actually didn't have a role pm and eventually assimilated to my team. Do you think my D2 is scummy alone/why? It seems like you are trying to throw every reason you can make me look scummy. If you're town, I want you to reconsider scum/town motivations tomorrow. Also if you want to use Conspiracy as my scum meta, that's the game I was shot by SK for looking too town.

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one more thing, my understanding of scum!j from paris mafia (where he was not seen as obvscum) is that he plays more "standardly" and diplomatic whereas town!j enjoys himself and plays to the beat of his own drum and i think scum!j would've churned out some content by now to blend in instead of making all the silly posts poking at people

granted gorf would know his meta much better than i, but i think he's town. is it bad he never really had a vote d1? yeah, but i don't think i've ever seen a game where he had one as any alignment so w/e

but he has. read his later d1 where he had this weird affinity with eclipse.

also if j was scum i seriously doubt he wasnt obvious. nice try buddy.

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I've literally been sitting here for quite some time trying to find the perfect gif response but now it's just coming up as force. For Gorf's last posts.

Oh well, I'm almost done playing league with friends so I'll be around shortly.

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So, I am just gonna word vomit a bit with reads that come to mind and just go from there so I can help myself get more meat into the game.

Gorf/Marshy, since I made a profound claim on them, I will say I am looking at one of them being scum. I am leaning Marshy. (Marshy=YOLO/Omega; Gorf = AA) I am definitely leaning Marshy. He is just sitting in the background and also just not doing anything at all. Some people are saying that I am doing active lurking and I kind of take offense because that lumps me in the category with Marshy. Marshy has not been presenting anything new and he has also literally has been hopping on any wagon. Look at the "Lord Gilgamesh" vote as proof to that. (btw, that was totally out of left field that wagon) Just marshy is being "clichely scummy" if that makes any sense. There is just no reason to call him town. I will totally hardbody this slot out of the game. Gorf/AA is another story. I just have a gut feel on his slot. He's more than likely town, but I just don't care for most of his posts. However, his ZeroSabers push is what I would expect of GorfTown to do.

Also, Gorf, it's always consensual. You know it.

Eclipse has fallen off my radar (someone tunnel vision over one post/no vote?), but felt I should comment on her. My biggest thing is she's actually gone down to the "who is that?" place because other people have been talking more than her. Hell, I think I know more about Eury toDay than I do about Eclipse's thoughts. She stirred up a lot of dust yesterDay and now I am just sitting like "So where's the correlation reads?". My scum-read on her was also really tangible on Dand flipping scum, so now I'm not really interested in her.

I am steering very clear and far away from the Weapons/Shinori debacle at this time. If they fight it out to the death, I'll be on the sidelines with some popcorn. It does not interest me to deal with indies.

If you want town reads, just ask me. I'm dealing with scum-reads/feels currently.

I'm voting Hannah as of this post. Her D1 play was incredibly lack-luster and very touch and go. I gave her a deadline for her reads in a joking manner, but it was pretty serious for her to get some skin on the game and maybe pursue a scum-read. However, my metaphorical clock is done ticking so @Hannah: You said you wanted a GG gif, well you got it.


##Vote: Hannah


These are the two wagons/lynches I'd like to see toDay so yeah.

And Eury is still a zombie-tree stump. (P.S. I bought Steel Toed Boots)

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Ok so I skimmed the thread and uhhhhhh

Townreads: Eli/eclipse(Elie isn't being snarky and posting loads of stuff, eclipse because I don't feel like her posts are opportunistic)


I don't like Omega's... whatever he's doing because they're one liners that I can't comprehend but I don't know his meta.

Gaius could be possible scum based off of the Eury kill because he was trying to establish Eury as a firm townread D1 from the Eli vs Eury thing and he never followed up with anything on Eli. Idk about his dandragon vote because I haven't read the context of the wagon/lynch yet. I don't know why Prims thinks the way he handled Hannah was scummy though, I think it makes sense for him to clear up any confusion wrt her playstyle or wording I think.

Idk about Mancer because uhhhhhhhhh you may want to check out the flips in the ongoing Time Travel Mafia for details.

Also gosh this feels eerily easy but Gilgamesh's "I want to test Gaius' hammerer claim so I'm gonna vote dan" feels like BS too. CUT: OHHHH so Gaius is a hammerer! Actually whatever, I don't think its telling.

I want to lynch Shinori based off of a guilty claim and rolespec. Yeah I know its a cheap reason but regardless of Weapons alignment I think we benefit more from lynching Shinori, so is there a reason why we shouldn't do it today?

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Are the any questions I'll need to answer?

Also my role implies multiple kills a night so its likely Shinori is harmful if he is 3rd.

whyd you have to go ahead n replace zero instead of mancer :c

dont feel bad but im probably going to tunnel you unless someone makes me feel like a complete retard about my case on you. but thats probz not happening.


@j tell me more about hannah plz


your lack of calling me a retard tells me youre letting me roll with the zero case, right? why are your prime focuses this game the two easiest slots to gun aside from your own? like sure, congrats on exposing gilgamesh before it was cool but is everyone else so townie that you have your eyes set on the two inactive fags?

@j elaborate in full hd detail about what MUST be a townread on zerosabers.

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magnificance nice generic scumpool you lumped the three players whos names are being tossed around cuz of a lack of content. but i gotta ask what the hell do you mean @ your gaius scumread? you mean how he was tryna establish his position on em super duper early in the game ?_?

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Alright, finally got some time to write the post I promised (I conked at 12 last night, traveling sucks)

Starting with Elie's play by play commentary, there's nothing exactly wrong with it, but it feels like he's just reading through the previous day while commenting here, asking a question there. Would want to see some updated reads from him relatively soon. One question for you regarding me: Why am I townie for post 118? You seem to be townreading me for what I said after the dandragon flip. but I literally was the first person with an actual case on Dandragon barring Zero's wtf vote on him. I kinda drove that mislynch, so I'm wondering where you got the town vibes from a post I was scumreading him in.

S/O to dondont101 because that's my flavor for hammerer lol

Moving on. Prims I kinda got caught up with African speccing about lyncher, which partially influenced that post. It definitely is possible Weapons is mafia who wants some town cred for taking down the 3rd party. I don't understand what you wanted from me to do with Hannah? Like, I was literally just telling you that she is a competent player, I'm not gonna post for her. My first post of Day 2 has her as one my higher scumreads.

J, I don't have any major problems with the post you vote Hannah, but, "I do not want to deal with indies." Why so? They ain't gonna kill themselves, and they can be just as big a threat as the mafia. Do you think Shinori is a 3rd Party or not? Also, this is probably a really bad meta defense of Yolo (I have only played one game with him this could be awful bear with me), but I was mafia with him in Thousand Names, and he was much more cautious and calculating with his tone (which was masked with lots of slang lol). He's playing much more haphazardly and I don't see him doing that as scum. Something to note maybe.

Marthipan, would have to agree with Gorf that your read on me seems kidna off. You're saying I'm scum based on the Eury Nightkill, but all I ever did to defend her was say I thought Elie's read on her was forced, and I liked her Weapons ScumvTown intent post. ...thats it? You also seem to agree that Prims accusations on me were not exactly with the soundest reasoning, seems very waffly to defend one of your highest scumreads. You also haven't read my part in the dan lynch (which was leading it to be fair,

Han, you gotta post something girl. Your one content post on Day 1 had a lot of aversion to choosing sides, and you consolidated on Dandragon over zero because???? Need something from you ASAP.

Gilgamesh also needs to explain why he was townreading Hannah/Eclipse, why he quickhammered, and where tf he has been.

##Vote: Hannah

Will get to rest of PL soon, cross my heart and all that shiz.

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Sup marthypan :D I didn't recognize your name/avatar until SB specifically referred to you as marth so <3

After seeing Shinori's reaction and Weapons continuing, I've been the ITP that town should've lynched after being caught, so I'm more tempted to err on the side of weapons and his Roleclaim here. Marth claims that multiple kills are likely to exist and while I'm not sure of his towniness, it doesn't seem like fearmongering since mafia would be just as confused as town would be about this sort of thing. Worst case scenario, we rid town of 1-for-1, best case we nail 2.

@Marth, thoughts on D1 Dan-wagon (sans Rudy's hammer thing)? Rudy = Gilgamesh just for clarity, it's so much easier to type. Also, what are your thoughts on Mancer other than "idk"? I'm not really keeping up with Time Travel mafia but wouldn't want to use an on-going game for reads anyway.

I'm feeling a bit better about prims because he seems to be getting more frustrated than anything (a tell-tale-town-tell for prims). @Prims thoughts on Omega's alignment?

I'm also not really seeing the J v Gorf thing mainly because I feel like Gorf is painting himself red with his pretty bold and brash play and I don't really have much of an opinion on J. He's said some things I agree with though

One question for Rudy, why were you townreading Dan yet so eager to hammer (aka test Gaius's Hammerer)

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Starting with Elie's play by play commentary, there's nothing exactly wrong with it, but it feels like he's just reading through the previous day while commenting here, asking a question there. Would want to see some updated reads from him relatively soon. One question for you regarding me: Why am I townie for post 118? You seem to be townreading me for what I said after the dandragon flip. but I literally was the first person with an actual case on Dandragon barring Zero's wtf vote on him. I kinda drove that mislynch, so I'm wondering where you got the town vibes from a post I was scumreading him in.

S/O to dondont101 because that's my flavor for hammerer lol

It's more the way you said it, combined with what you said. You hard-defended him there, and I wouldn't expect mafia to tie themselves to a player so strongly that early in the game. Even if you turned around and cased him and pushed a (mis)lynch on him, the point remains that you tied yourself hard to dan and that's not what mafia does

I love it that was one of my most fun games

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theres not really all that much of j v gorf (yet), if anything it trickles down to me being uncomfortably null on his slot and him unreasonably scumleaning on me. most of the bickering between us is cuz i find it hilarious to pick on j and he likes to instigate me picking on him. kinda like platonic s&m.

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