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I don't know how to be insomniac/don't know how to use insomniac well so I am very sorry Dormio if I have disappointed you/not met up to your standards orz

tbh I'm just going to borrow Dormio's case and my still-not-good vibes on him and throw out there that I wouldn't mind a Paperblade lynch either.

I did read all his cases and mostly agree but idkk I still feel like Junko is town. Already stated why so shrugs. I feel about the same on Shin though, yeah.

I'm reading through Rein's content and he complains a lot about people posting too much and there aren't a lot of new ideas in what he's posting. He's got conviction on his Randa read and sticks with it, which is good, but he posts prods/small things about people like:

"Junko should give more opinions"

"I was iffy on Marth earlier but I think his interactions with Refa were pretty decent so I don't think I'd want to vote him."

"though a lot of people see stuff with Junko so maybe I'll reread him, I dunno we'll see."

He blends a lot in the background and he also never did reread Junko (he never explained the Marth/Refa thing either which I did ask about and still don't understand). He implies a lot that he's not into the game so I can't tell if this is unmotivated town!Rein or scum!Rein complaining a lot because he figures that's what we think he'll do. I'm not hot on his content so far though.

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tl;dr: mancer is scum, paperblade is probably scum, euklyd might be scum, bbm MIGHT BE SCUM IDEFK, junko is probably town, eclipse might be town, SB's randa vote was not great but didn't seem scummy to me, kirsche is probably town maybe (haven't really had any problems with him which is why I never mention him), Mitsuki is idk but role is legit, boron is idk, rein is idk, I like Dormio's role, I need to reread Marth, Refa, & SB but I have to get up at 6am. everyone else needs to exist more thanks

love via xoxoxoxoxoxoxo

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I'm doing the thing rein hates but scratch that Boron is still kinda leaning town for me


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Day 2

Quote Stefan Sephi'Roth Viata Way was chilling on this one tile in the Sand Zone when a stranger popped up. "Welcome, my friend! How odd for you to be lost in a place like this. Unfortunately, I already gave the Sol Katti to that Kancolle fellow a few hours ago. Game mechanics, and all that." The stranger didn't care. "That's fine. I have something much more powerful - a nightkill." Via reached for their backup sword (let's be real they probably have at least 20), but unfortunately, it turns out when you're about to attack somebody, it's proper to let that person attack first.


Quote - Stefan - Town Vigilante - killed Night 1

Meanwhile, Boron was found KOed on the ground, never again able to fill the Smash community with dead-horse memes and also be in a JRPG only Paperblade played. I could write death flavor, but this video sums it up fine already.


Sunwoo - Shulk - Town Jack of All Trades - killed Night 1

Somebody really doesn't like hot guys with swords. At least now Manix can co-mod without questioning his heterosexuality.

Non-flavor Stuff:

- Dormio's a bit late today - he is not allowed to post for the first 24 hours of the phase.

- Randa has been revived! He doesn't have his vote, though, but he can post in thread, use his role, be targeted... you know the works.

- A demonic voice echoed throughout the village. "NOW IT'S REIN TIME (to let somebody else do all the posting for me)." Reinfleche and Refa are now a single playerslot!

It is now Day 2. You have until 11PM PST on November 20th to decide on a lynch. With 17 alive, it takes 6 to lynch at deadline and 9 to hammer.

Fighting For They're Lives: (17)

Alive Without They're Vote: (1)
  • Randa - Dogi, Town Doctor, lynched Day 1, revived Night 1
In Over They're Heads: (2)
  • Quote (Via) - Stefan, Town Vigilante, killed Night 1
  • Sunwoo (Boron) - Shulk, Town Jack of All Trades, killed Night 1
Edited by Prims
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thanks to whomever gave me this PR

jk I only thank myself HEIL MYSELF also you guys suck for lynching without a claim

Rein/Refa did one of you do this to the other? Also you guys are confirmed same alignment to each other right?

Mitsuki can you use the watch thing again or was it 1-shot?

gonna look at people whose votes were just sheeping me tomorrow, pretty tired atm

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Well, that was unfortunate (RIP Bizz); I'm guessing they got roleblocked/couldn't kill while being killed because they were townreading Boron...so the two kills implies an ITP (I don't think this is likely TBH) or a second scum sided kill (like a 1-shot sort of deal which I see as being more likely).

Also Mancer, are you an active role and if so, going to use that role tonight?

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oh the heil myself is supposed to be at the end, lame

but still not as lame as you guys for lynching without a claim, whew

Refa why do you think that an ITP is unlikely? It's a 21p game, no harmful ITPs seems unlikely to me.


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Yes to both of the earlier questions; phone posting as well so no detailed responses on that front.

BBM, why didn't you vote Randa when you cased him?

As for the last one, just seems like too many kills. *shrugs*. It's possible, but less likely IMO.

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make peace with your motherfucking goddess

distant sobbing noises

(go town bc two hot sword guys dying n1 is UNACCEPTABLE)

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Heads up, i targeted boron last night but failed. I dunno if its bcuz she died or bcuz someone sg'd her/ rb'd me.

Refa, can rein use what i gave you n0?

Randa flipping town proves my point: paper used double standards to vote him over mancer/shin. The rest of d1 he doesn't have new scumreads and keeps justifying inactivity.

##vote: paperblade

too bad via died b4 they could vig mancer. He/paper shud be taken out of the game imo.

Phoneposting is hard i can only post more reads when i get on my laptop again.

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Didn't Levity claim to not have any active role thus allowing Mitsuki to grant her a Watcher shot?

I have an active role and I used mine last night. Will use it again tonight too.

Bluedoom, why do you think that Paperblade should be lynched?

##Vote: Bluedoom

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My lynch priorities this phase are Bluedoom > Junk > Shin > Dormio.

I'm not sure about this but could Dormio's Switch command have something to do with Levity dying last night?

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Marth that doesn't make any sense; why would scum!Paperblade want to use double standards to vote Randa over Mancer/Shin? This only makes sense if Paperblade is buddies with one of them, except associative reads without flips are lame.

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@Mancer- via said that they didn't have a night role so probably dayvig

@Refa well when I initially cased Randa it was more to just get my thoughts out there about him and why I'd be okay with his lynch, but I still was more interested in lynching Marth at the time. But then everyone just decided Randa was the best case and voted him so I was like sure why not.

except that was totally DUMB for you guys to lynch him without a claim

but totally okay for me to do that, HEIL MYSELF

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Heads up, i targeted boron last night but failed. I dunno if its bcuz she died or bcuz someone sg'd her/ rb'd me.

I successfully targeted Boron last night and my action wasn't a SG or anything

which means you were prolly blocked

heads up still not in a place where putting effort into the game and not on my test tomorrow would be a good idea but I do have a post I prepared last night

i need someone who'll read enough into me so as to think that me hardbuddying you right before you get mislynched is townie as fuck and kirsche fit the bill.

pretty sure you just described my past present and future job description

I do this literally every game why do you need someone to replace me </3

also I was gonna say what Dormio said about the Randa wagon being shit and the people on it being worth looking into but he beat me to it

also the two people who definitively pushed that wagon to have more momentum than the Shin wagon both flipped town so lol

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also BBM why were you so eager to hammer if it was DUMB to lynch Randa w/o a claim

like I can understand "man that thing spiraled out of control" but you were definitely there saying HEY GUYS LET ME HAMMER instead of anything else iirc

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wait I think I'm misunderstanding your post and that you point that out yourself

mafia is the best way to study for a religion test right

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Ppl pushing randa at deadline aren't scummy bcuz of doing so bcuz either they didn't want to lynch the other 2 wagons or it was past the point where they could push their case and sway opinions.

@bbm: apart from me actually feeling asso reads w/o flips, that's not necessarily true. It can be used simply as a reason to have a weak vote regardless of shin/mancer's align. If shin/mancer were excused for being themselves, why not randa?

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First off, this is because he's been really reactionary this game with his casing and stuff. I also don't like how he was around to talk about Dormio's kirsche case himself, but it wasn't scummy or anything until Refa made the case and then he suddenly jumped on, adding that Dormio was scummy for asking questions to get other players involved? And when I voted for him the first time for doing this, he basically OMGUSed me. As soon as I stop looking into him though suddenly I'm no longer a concern and have "townier looking posts". And then there's this:

"I don't find Bluedoom scummy, I just disagree with the way he went about casing Paperblade. Just because I disagree with someone doesn't mean I find them scummy."

Except what he said about me was this:

@SB: Making the first non-RVS vote doesn't mean that he's posted a lot of content. It just means he's the first person to have a serious vote. Furthermore, his posts right after that have either been a complete reiteration of his case on kirsche or prodding other players needlessly (mostly Boron but oh well). ##Vote: SB. right now because I don't really like his interpretation of Dormio's posts and I feel that he is scum trying to come up with an excuse to move onto one of the potential wagons (on me. Yeah, I admit, I get mislynched a lot, lol).

Basically, he thought I was scummy because he disagreed with the way I was defending Dormio (who he'd been parked on since ED1 at this point), and also for jumping onto a "potential wagon" when I'm 90% sure I was the only vote there? That's a terrible case.
Also with his Marth read in the quote I posted earlier, he was saying that he didn't find him scummy for casing Paper, but then he ends up twisting it around to use in his case on Marth later, and after that his next few posts are basically him flinging everything he can at Marth in order to try and force a case on him.
It's also really scummy imo how he's trying to play the demotivated townie card, like here:

Urgh, I'm not motivated enough to go through all the 12 pages or so again.....

This is basically what he did last game too. The issues here are even bigger, first off: it doesn't match up. First off, look at his postcount and tell me that comes from someone demotivated, and second, he can't even say "waaa my role sucks" this time because he's implied he actually wants to use it.

I liked Dormio's later posts and his case on Shin so he's less scummy to me right now.

Dormio's not made any posts recently so I don't have much other reads from him other than his initial case on kirsche. My read on him might probably depend more on the posts he makes later on in the day.

Back to Mancer in Contradiction Land, these posts with Dormio reads came 8 minutes apart. Nobody else posted in between them either, iirc.
There's also stuff like: "Also, what about my indecisiveness with my reads is more scummy than several other players? Even Refa has agreed to dismissing his scum reads." which looks like he's pushing the blame away, and this stuff about Boron too:

Mancer: I can attest to the fact that Boron likes making excuses to lurk and we've discussed using such excuses to pop away from posting as scum as well.

Refa: Boron isn't lurking, though.

Mancer: Exactly why I agree that she is probably not scum in this game.

I don't get why Mancer would say the stuff in the first quote without making it clear he didn't think Boron was scummy unless he was actually pushing Boron, so this is really off to me.
I also disliked his push on Marth for not claiming his role and calling it fake; it looked similar to the blatant craplogic he used in order to try and case Randa in Hard NOCs 2.
##Vote: Mancer
I'm also suspicious of BBM, Shin and Shinori (although the latter hasn't changed at all) but breakfast is cool.
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looking back an hour later the top of the post looks really weird because i initially put my vote at the top of it, oh well

complaints about lynching randa without a claim are dumb because none of his counterwagons had claimed either?

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Man if this is only a one shot then the reviver's dumb for reviving Randa- he has pretty much flaked from the game and I doubt he cares about more content anyway. If not they should totally revive one of the N1 kills in the future.

- I thought about it and Mitsuki might be town if the one who blocked me last night is scum. I'm still surprised she didn't die last night though. Also I read through her ISO and I've had no problems with her content. I was considering if it was possible for her to be scum and then her buddies avoid their watch/track targets but this is probably harder to get towncred off of so the role seems like a nerfed townie role lol esp since she can't even get results.

- Hate to break it to you, kirsche, but eclipse voting for people having bad play as opposed to scummy play is part of her town meta too. I had first hand experience with it in ICBINSFMM4 where she vigged me for being distracting town instead of having scummy play. She's probably town in this game too since she hasn't made lame excuses for some of her reads or anything.

- We shouldn't lynch Shin today IMO because I feel like he'd be another scapegoat lynch and we do not want that. Randa was enough already, Shin's just going to be a repeat of that. Shin's play is BAD but if he was scum that would be a horrible scumstrat for him to do. ( casing Dormio, voting Junko)

- Shinori's vote and unvote of me towards LD1 was AWFUL. Feels like no effort over there so if he doesn't effort into this game I think this might be lurkscumnori justifying his inactivity by hiding under the gamer excuse.

- I think the only problem I had with EUKLYD was is ED1 reaction to Roofa telling him that he was voting the miller because I can't understand a jokevote on the miller but there's lack of content after that but I haven't had any problems per say with whatever he has posted recently.

Wow I have more to say about BBM than I thought lol:

- I'm torn about BBM too because there are a lot of scummy things he's doing but why would he be blatant about it and admit to having a tunnel-y game as scum? I haven't seen scum! BBM do this before.But to list some points:

a) Scumreads on me, Randa and the slight one on Via do feel like a paper defence and less of a Dormio wagon defence.

He doesn't say he's townreading paperblade until people prod him about it, then when he does, he doesn't state why. What was so townie about his posts? It just feels vague here.

b) The only content he has so far feels like a paperblade defence content. Even the Randa case is the same thing.

c) I'm not sure why there was any need to harp on the fact that I used meta against Mancer? There was more to my case than that and it feels like its missing the point.

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