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CYOU'RE - Game Over


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Also Randa pls don't tell me you forgot to protect Refa last night. ;-;

No I protected Reinfa. And I can confirm I was not hooked, which means we have a strongman.

Also I hunger for brains and a better post restriction.

Also also Prims this is YOUR FAULT!!!!

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I'm a colourblind cop (I get Alignment A and Alignment B rather than Innocent and Guilty), except which result corresponds to which alignment is re-rolled every time one of my inspects dies.

Targeted Dormio N0 because I generally can't read him well and because I felt that Prims might put a non-town Insomniac after putting in town Insomniacs in both Spellcard and CYOR1.

Targeted Marth N1 and he returned the same alignment as Dormio, and because I thought it was more likely that I'd been wrong about Marth than that both were scum, I stopped pushing Marth.

My prize for following my PR the entire D2 was that I could either act twice or act once and have a BPV for that night. This was probably Paperblade since right before he started pushing me he said something like 'hmm I may have made a mistake'. Chose to act twice and I tried to target Euklyd and Shinori. However, instead of getting results on both of them, I got two results on Shinori- waiting to see whether this was a typo or what. Regardless, Shinori returned a different alignment to Dormio and Marth.

##Vote: Shinori

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@kirsche- Shin was my second-favourite lynch candidate out of the wagons at the time, not overall.

No idea why my justification for Euklyd over the other lurkers is bad because I look at Euklyd's posts and because everything I said about the other lurkers was valid. Poly flakes as town all the time, and something I didn't want to mention at the time was that I felt he was the person who PR'd me because I felt that he was the only one who was both complaining about the Randa lynch, who was likely to give me a hitler PR, and who hadn't claimed something else, and I was pretty sure the PR role was a town role. Bearclaw and Larsa had literally no content so it would be a cruddy lynch, and I felt that Shinori would start producing more content that was easier to analyze sooner rather than later (which he did).

Also, I made a Mancer case (#559) before I even talked about townreading everyone except Mancer and SB (#568), but didn't vote him because of Refa, so it's incorrect that I didn't look at Mancer's posts.

As for Shinori's 'one disagreeable action', it was something that he kept doing again and again which didn't make sense to me, and also it was pretty clear by that point that Euklyd wasn't getting lynched, so I tried to push something else.

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Why would you not target the confirmed town Doc or confirmed town hydra?

Also hunger for brains.

Also also this post restriction better be worth it.

Also also also Prims this is all YOUR FAULT!!!

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was waiting for BBM to post on the off-chance it would be something like that (or better yet, something that doesn't match up), thanks BBM
(was also doing homework, so it's not like I stayed up waiting for BBM)

hashtag yolo etc
can corroborate that BBM was targeted by a hijack, don't feel like elaborating
that being said any hijacker shouldn't claim since given the existence of a scum roleblocker they're basically conftown

assuming they're not a scum joat or something I guess? don't get me wrong if they are a scum joat they should definitely claim scum j/s

anyways. yaaay now I can make the post I was preparing:
how the fuck do did we have two town-aligned killing roles o_O
on a scale of 1-stupidly, how buff is the scumteam?

massclaim seems iffy, mitsuki lynch sounds fine
pedit: shinori lynch sounds nifty

also I agree with SB wrt Dormio / Mancer interactions
you could just as easily argue that Mancer was scum trying to "push" a buddy without actually getting them closer to being lynched
although iirc that might've been at a time when Dormio could've become a wagon? maybe?

pedit: thanks BBM

also also that whole "can't whine/gloat to dead people" rule sucks, even though it's reasonably certain that whatever reviver is/was probably 1-shot

also also also

Also I hunger for brains and a better post restriction.
Also also Prims this is YOUR FAULT!!!!

good to see people doing this
clearly it's because Reynardine and Coyote are so similar right

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not sure if I'm completely like, 100% convinced that BBM is town, but at the very least if he's faking then he's handing us scum on a silver platter anyways
##vote: Shinori

BBM why were you willing to risk one of your targets flipping and messing everything up?

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I tried targeting people whom I thought would survive for longer but in the worst-case scenario it would just confirm alignments for me so I'm not really sure what you mean by 'messing everything up'. Yeah I guess after Shinori gets lynched today (or Dormio/Marth if you guys think that's more likely) my alignments will reset and my N3 inspect won't be useful, but even if I die before I can out my N4 results, outing three results is pretty decent so shrug.

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I meant that confirming both Dormio and Marth as town (or scum) by targeting confirmed town would be better than risking one of them dying before figuring things out (and so making things not tie together), but on further thought that's probably not a great rationale anyways so nvm

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Yep, Paperblade targeted BBM on N1. Why? 'cause he targeted Randa on N2, and Randa seems to have that PR. He's also the only one that targeted Randa, too.

I said I'd get to BBM during D3, and I haven't, because I was busy. However, I didn't remember him posting anything that made me think he was scum (or lying about his role), so I'm willing to sheep him based on role. Not that I'm going to blame BBM for trying to get his N0 target lynched early - if someone's acting scummy, it's not really worth it to keep them around, even if it's a role that may need them alive (REFA!).

##Vote: Shinori

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@kirsche- Shin was my second-favourite lynch candidate out of the wagons at the time, not overall.

No idea why my justification for Euklyd over the other lurkers is bad because I look at Euklyd's posts and because everything I said about the other lurkers was valid. Poly flakes as town all the time, and something I didn't want to mention at the time was that I felt he was the person who PR'd me because I felt that he was the only one who was both complaining about the Randa lynch, who was likely to give me a hitler PR, and who hadn't claimed something else, and I was pretty sure the PR role was a town role. Bearclaw and Larsa had literally no content so it would be a cruddy lynch, and I felt that Shinori would start producing more content that was easier to analyze sooner rather than later (which he did).

Also, I made a Mancer case (#559) before I even talked about townreading everyone except Mancer and SB (#568), but didn't vote him because of Refa, so it's incorrect that I didn't look at Mancer's posts.

As for Shinori's 'one disagreeable action', it was something that he kept doing again and again which didn't make sense to me, and also it was pretty clear by that point that Euklyd wasn't getting lynched, so I tried to push something else.

-Fair enough

-If Larsa/bear would be cruddy lynches, then why does 2 posts make a Euklyd lynch so much better?

-I stopped reading your ISO at that point tbh, my bad.

-Ugh, I disagree with this line of thinking but you're almost surely town as I'm pretty sure there's a cop in the game (unless my miller modifier is just there to set up a cop fakeclaim?) so w/e.


##Vote: Shinori

Cop guilty etc. Mitsuki next on the chopping block. Guess I'll have to reread again yayyy.

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After sorta-reading BBM's ISO, I'm confident enough in my "probably not scum pulling a fast one" read. He starts picking Shinori apart late D2, and I can see why he'd inspect Shinori after that. Meanwhile, Shinori said something about BBM being bad, and never bothered to elaborate. I don't remember having any huge issues with BBM's really early content, either.

Normally, I'd think SB was town, but SB stands for Super Busser, and after that run of being scum with him twice in a row, he's pretty damn good at blurring associative reads. Worst thing I have on him right now is a lack of vote at the end of D2, but that's not enough to drive a case.

He's also scum for not updating Wretched Whispers, dammit, Peter wants to spend money :P:

I tried targeting people whom I thought would survive for longer but in the worst-case scenario it would just confirm alignments for me so I'm not really sure what you mean by 'messing everything up'. Yeah I guess after Shinori gets lynched today (or Dormio/Marth if you guys think that's more likely) my alignments will reset and my N3 inspect won't be useful, but even if I die before I can out my N4 results, outing three results is pretty decent so shrug.

If you want a guaranteed alignment, target kirsche.

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I considered that on N1 and I might have done it as a regular colourblind cop but since my alignments get reset every time one of my inspects dies I'd waste too many nights just targeting kirsche.

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Eh, that's fair. You're the one with the role, so I'll leave it up to you as to how you'd use it. If I had that role, that's what I'd do, since kirsche seems to be passive and a guaranteed alignment (in other words, pretty low on the kill priority with all the claimed roles floating around, and almost definitely not on the lynch one).

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Every time I read an "SB SHOULD look townie but he's pretty good at bussing idk" I die a little inside. Guilty is cool so I don't need to /effort as much, but I think that's L-2 or something so I'm not gonna let Shinori hammer?

I saw Shinori reading the thread earlier so he probably is scum who gave up rather than Euklyd, so that's cool.

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BBM's claim seems legit to me. Based off the Marth/Mancer interaction, I'd say he's probably town and so Dormio is as well.

I count it as L - 3. (4 out of 7 votes needed) I'd vote but Super Busser has me paranoid I'm missing a vote somewhere.

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Every time I read an "SB SHOULD look townie but he's pretty good at bussing idk" I die a little inside. Guilty is cool so I don't need to /effort as much, but I think that's L-2 or something so I'm not gonna let Shinori hammer?

I saw Shinori reading the thread earlier so he probably is scum who gave up rather than Euklyd, so that's cool.

You're good at blurring associative reads - take that as a compliment! :P:

It's also the reason why I haven't voted with the anonymous account, and won't, unless it's absolutely necessary for today's lynch.

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Read some ISOs and tried to lower my standards a bit.

Euklyd's "stream of consciousness" style of posting makes him look like he's saying a lot more than he actually is.
Early D2 he was fairly self-centred, like this post which squashed his three reads into a single sentence.
This post is his first real bit of content, it's a fair point but I don't like how he had to be pushed to vote.

Mitsuki had a weird interaction with Mancer. She scumread him early on, then dropped him based on a flimsy reason. On D2, her SB case the first point is tempered by saying she partially agrees with the Mancer case.

On SB, I noted he also dropped Mancer for a weak reason. IMO town would also try to play differently in order to not get MLed.
His D2 case on Mancer doesn't look like a bus, fwiw.

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##vote: Shinori

I don't think an early hammer would be the worst thing. Discussion seems to be stagnating, people seemed demotivated at the end of D2 and I think if we wait around for another 48 hours it's only going to get worse.

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well the fact that scum don't have a hooker means it's even more imperative for them to kill me, which means unless the hitman is infinite (lame af) they'll need to kill Randa first

I guess they could have ninja shots but if they have those the watcher isn't great until they're expended anyways

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