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Persona 3 Mafia - Game Cancelled - Mass Destronktion


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Scum didn't have fake claims, and if I recall correctly I don't even think flavor speccing was against the rules at one point. It's like it was arbitrarily decided that doing ANYTHING could result in a modkill.

I mean, fuck, he told Euklyd it was a modkillable offense to POINT OUT THE TOWN'S WINCON AND QUOTE THE RULES.

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In games with well known flavour it's generally the norm to provide the mafia with character safeclaims, or you can just have everyone claim their character and the mafia will be screwed because they're characters are the evil ones.

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@Boron To be fair, quoting mod communication is a legit modkillable offense. :Lilina:

@Refa it's not common to get fake role PMs, but they're usually given a role and maybe character to claim. To not do so risks massclaiming breaking the game.

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I've never heard of quoting the fucking rules that are already in the OP for everyone to see being a modkillable offense ;/

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I dunno, all eclipse games say that but 1) they're not particularly strict and 2) I don't even see why they say that, after postgame I couldn't see how on Earth they'd be breakable by flavourspeccing.

I don't have time to read through everything, and it's been a while since I checked the game, so I don't remember much. Anyway. . .the reason why I have those rules is because way back when most of you weren't around, people were being lynched over stupid shit like "your role PM has a grammatical error, therefore it's fake". The mafia's job shouldn't include writing verifiable fakes, and when I host my games, I don't want to have to sit around and think up of a convincing fake for everyone.

Likewise, I try not to design my games such that pure flavorspec will break them. Did that once. . .never a-fucking-gain. I attempt to learn from my mistakes.

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I don't have time to read through everything, and it's been a while since I checked the game, so I don't remember much. Anyway. . .the reason why I have those rules is because way back when most of you weren't around, people were being lynched over stupid shit like "your role PM has a grammatical error, therefore it's fake". The mafia's job shouldn't include writing verifiable fakes, and when I host my games, I don't want to have to sit around and think up of a convincing fake for everyone.

Likewise, I try not to design my games such that pure flavorspec will break them. Did that once. . .never a-fucking-gain. I attempt to learn from my mistakes.

I apologize for being off topic but can you tell me a game where the lynching over having a gram error happened. I have to see this.

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Sorry Boron, I should have made myself clear. Now I'm thinking of making a mafia game where all the rules are unnecessarily strict and modkills are given freely. Like that one game, except I'm not explicitly trying to get people modkilled.

@Junko something like that actually happened recently in Shining Force mafia starting here. Though that was a wording consistency error rather than grammatical.

Edited by Baldrick
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I apologize for being off topic but can you tell me a game where the lynching over having a gram error happened. I have to see this.

I saw a game (on a different site, many years ago) where the lone scum with any real power - a Cult recruiter - was lynched D1 for misunderstanding the town wincon (he didn't have it).

His "bodyguard" (no recruitment ability) managed to string Town along for like THREE DAYS by telling them that with the leader dead his wincon changed to town's. I'll PM you if I can find it.

re: fakes - imo it's also generally important to make sure that the fakeclaims aren't less OBVIOUSLY TOWNIE than other flavored roles. If you're making some...(trying to find a relatively common example here) Marvel Superheroes Mafia, you should give Doctor Doom a popular character like Spider-man as a fake, instead of telling him to claim some random nobody hero. Even if you don't give ALL the scum such claims, it's important to make sure that the most obvtown character flavors can't be obvtown on flavorspec alone.

A nobody fake like idk Moon Knight isn't going to help him survive.

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I apologize for being off topic but can you tell me a game where the lynching over having a gram error happened. I have to see this.

Read the postgame notes from Unicycle Mafia. The game, by itself, was fine; I don't want a repeat of many of the aspects within that game (such as the sheer number of fakes that were required, among other things).

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I haven't read postgame, but eclipse, please, please actually think over set-ups before you approve them. Between this and Healer Paper wanted to remove you from the checker list; I'd be inclined to agree but I don't know if you just flaked or what.

should I bother putting this game on the excel spreadsheet given that it was cancelled or what, I don't even know.

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I haven't read postgame, but eclipse, please, please actually think over set-ups before you approve them. Between this and Healer Paper wanted to remove you from the checker list; I'd be inclined to agree but I don't know if you just flaked or what.

should I bother putting this game on the excel spreadsheet given that it was cancelled or what, I don't even know.

You should put the winners as "lolPoly" or something. Like how Golden Sun and Hearts ended up on the spreadsheet but the winners were lol.

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Prims, it's been a VERY long time since I've checked this game, and I think some things got changed (what, I'm not sure, and I am in no mood to go back through my PMs and figure it out. I've had enough RL bullshit to deal with, never mind what else is happening on these forums). Someone else has PM'd me about the same thing - surely you could've done the same.

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To be fair to eclipse, Prims, I looked at the setup PM when Poly added me as an IO. If eclipse and Poly didn't have any other convos where they talked about this game, Poly barely explained anything to her. I didn't see anything about the sniper being the scum's only way to kill or the mason recruiter stuff.

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I just find it dumb when people go all "rolespeccing is bad" ( either player or gm) when its

usually a legitimate strategy that often is successful. Still waiting for the day we have a d1 mass claim

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Paladin, why did you use the vote changing ability like that D1? (o___o)

This game was painful because too many people were posting non-content posts constantly. Now that the game is over I'd like you to consider spamming less in the next games, as if you keep this up you'll be killing some townies' motivations and only scum will benefit from that.

I couldn't really follow what was going on in this game and I had no motivation to properly read +10 new pages of spam when I woke up/came back home. I did terrible, and part of it was due to the spam. I would have liked to contribute more, even if what I said was wrong, but I couldn't. I couldn't even bring myself to ISO properly some people just because of the spam, and I didn't even reread the thread.

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if/when Clipsey reads this ask her if she can ban me from, like, everything but my PMs or whatever

kay thanks

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I was still having fun so I'm kinda sad that you stopped this game.


Lol yeah and I would've hooked you N2.

Happy with my play because after roleshenanigans I was heading on the right track (i.e. Eury/Terra).

RIP Kirsche.


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I haven't read postgame, but eclipse, please, please actually think over set-ups before you approve them. Between this and Healer Paper wanted to remove you from the checker list; I'd be inclined to agree but I don't know if you just flaked or what.

should I bother putting this game on the excel spreadsheet given that it was cancelled or what, I don't even know.

I talked to Boron and Elieson and apparently Poly basically pulled a Psych and was very vague about half the things in the setup. This game still probably shouldn't have been allowed up though, I think?
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