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Battle City Finals Minimafia: FINAL D4 [FINISHED, Now with Postgame]


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"Greetings duelists. Welcome to the town of Domino. But more importantly, welcome to my tournament, elite duelists. I've added special rules to my tournament, just for experts. For example, you will duel using these new, improved Duel Disks. Another new rule that I designed for the tournament is that before each duel, both players must ante up their rarest card, and the loser of the duel forfeits his card to the winner. The competition will make Pegasus and his Duelist Kingdom Tournament look like a joke."

[spoiler=Sexy Preluding Video in here]

Battle City Finals Mafia

The Rules

1. Day is 48 hours, Night 36 hours. Night ends early if all actions are in, and when Host sees them all.

2. No Majority, No Lynch. 3 Hr Grace period, (or until phase-end, whichever comes first) for majority lynchee.

3. No screenshotting, etc, etc. No cheating or else.

4. NOC, no contact with others about in-game anything.

5. You can fake your Role, but you may not insert a retyped RolePM *See Rule 11*

6. No, you can not pull F*ck Tigers.

7. You will not know priorities.

8. Be active. Please. This is a quicker game, so be active when you can.

9. Standard hash-tag voting style. ##Vote:

10. Game is for 10 people.

11. No posting of RolePMs or quoting. Summarize flavor and roles only. Only Host may post RolePMs in the thread.

12. No hidden players. There are 10 players, and aside from subs, 10 players only.

13. If not performing a night action, please reply to your Role PM "##Night X: Idling"

14. Informed Observers have the ability to declare Intermission if Host is unavailable.

15. No Items.

16. If you're dead, please keep in-thread conversation to an absolute minimum. Do not post any relevant information when dead.

17. No Edits.

18. Modkill results in Day-Phase or Night-Phase Pause. Phase is resumed once Host has resolved.

19. Game starts on N0, No kills on N0.

20. If your RolePM contradicts any rules, just listen to your RolePM.

21. You have 36 hours minimum between post time. If this limit is reached, I will alert you and the thread, and will seek a replacement. You have 6 hours from that warning to post, or else you will be subbed out.

22. Ask me questions regarding rules I missed, publically if you would like. If it's important, I will post the clarification/addition of the rule in question.

23. If there is an inconsistency in your Role PMs, I apologize. This is my first attempt, and there may be variances from Role PM to Role PM. Since they cannot be posted except by me, this should not be an issue.


[spoiler=Players and Roles]

1. Manix, Marik Ishtar, Mafia Nonconsecutive Roleblocker, lynched Day 2.

2. Shinori, Odion Ishtar, Mafia Jack of All Trades, lynched Day 4.

3. Aere, Mokuba Kaiba, Town Rolecop, killed Night 3.

4. Bluedoom, Ishizu Ishtar, Town Tracker, killed Night 1.

5. Helios, Joey Wheeler, Town Neighbor, lynched Day 1.

6. Eclipse Iris, Yami Bakura, Third Party Lyncher Mayor, won and ejected Day 3.

7. Serious Bananas, Town Deathproof, lynched Day 3.

8. VP Viper, Mai Valentine, Town Neighbor, survived.

9. Cap'n Flint, Téa Gardner, Town Informed Townie, survived.

10. La Levedad, Seto Kaiba, Town Governor, killed Night 2.

Edited by Elieson
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In this and expecting some awesome roles and flavor from you Elie

in please

also, I will be gone from the 7th so only in if the game starts soon.

hey Elie, I think you missed some signups :P

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