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[Game Over on N5] Everybody is Mafia Mafia Round 2.2


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Minigame: Guess who submitted each of the 6 videos. Most correct wins a prize.

Alive or dead can enter. I will only accept answers sent to me in PM.

Edited by Elieson
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Night 4 ends and progresses straight into Night 5. Who died? Let's find out.

scorri, Mafia Saboteur Cult Recruiter Backup, forgot how to cat.

Dear scorri,

You are the Saboteur. You may cause a player's actions to backfire by using:

  • ##Sabotage_Role [uSER1]. Their non-factional kill will be redirected to themself.
  • ##Sabotage_Kill [uSER2]. Their kill will be redirected to themself.

You are aligned with the Mafia. You may submit your killing action during the night as ##Night X: Kill [uSER], where [uSER] represents another living player besides yourself.

You are the Cult Recruiter. You may recruit others to join your Cult by using ##Cult [uSER]. All culted members will be known to eachother as being culted members and nothing but culted members, and all roles remain unaffected by culting. If you die, the first recruit will lose their original role, but will inherit yours. The cult will have a quicktopic together and achieves victory when the cult represents 75%+ of the living players.

You are aligned with the Cult. You may submit your killing action during the night as ##Night X: Kill [uSER], where [uSER] represents another living player besides yourself.

You have a non-mandatory but encouraged character and posting restriction and may make all posts in thread as if you were:

*A cat*

Viata, Mafia Cult Watcher+Tracker+Follower+Voyeur, got transported to the world of Hamtaro.

Dear Viata,

You are the Watcher Follower Tracker Voyeur. You may use all four of these actions during the night, on different or same [uSER]s by using:

  • ##Watch [uSER]
  • ##Follow [uSER]
  • ##Track [uSER]
  • ##Voy [uSER]

You are aligned with the Mafia. You may submit your killing action during the night as ##Night X: Kill [uSER], where [uSER] represents another living player besides yourself.

You have a non-mandatory but encouraged character and posting restriction and may make all posts in thread as if you were:

*Pyro, from Team Fortress 2*

BigBadMarshmallow, Mafia Reflexive Safeguard + Redirector, is a BackstabbingBastardManiac no longer.

Dear BigBadMarshmallow,

You are the Reflexive Safeguard + Redirector. You may redirect all killing actions targeting one player to another by using ##Redirect from [uSER1] to [uSER2]. Both users will passively be protected from all non-killing actions

You are aligned with the Mafia. You may submit your killing action during the night as ##Night X: Kill [uSER], where [uSER] represents another living player besides yourself.

You have a non-mandatory but encouraged character and posting restriction and may make all posts in thread as if you were:

*Sceptile, from Pokemon*

WeaponsofMassConstruction, Mafia Commuter, should've wore ArmorofMassProtection.

Dear WeaponsOfMassConstruction,

You are the Commuter. You may avoid being targetted entirely during the night by using ##Commute. This cannot be used on consecutive nights.

You are aligned with the Mafia. You may submit your killing action during the night as ##Night X: Kill [uSER], where [uSER] represents another living player besides yourself. You may use this simultaneously with your commute.

You have a non-mandatory but encouraged character and posting restriction and may make all posts in thread as if you were:

*Some Guy who hates following PR, from himself*

Brokuni, Mafia Graverobber, got blown away by a gentle breeze.

Dear Brokuni,

You are the Graverobber. You may use a dead players' role by using ##Rob [uSER], where [uSER] must be dead. Then, copy [uSER]'s role syntax when submitting their role.

You are aligned with the Mafia. You may submit your killing action during the night as ##Night X: Kill [uSER], where [uSER] represents another living player besides yourself.

You have a non-mandatory but encouraged character and posting restriction and may make all posts in thread as if you were:

*Naoto Shirigane, from Persona 4*

CT075, Mafia BPV Horder, glitched out due to poor ASM.

Dear CT075,

You are the BPV Horder. You have two extra BPVs, and thus require extra attempts to be killed.

You are aligned with the Mafia. You may submit your killing action during the night as ##Night X: Kill [uSER], where [uSER] represents another living player besides yourself.

You have a non-mandatory but encouraged character and posting restriction and may make all posts in thread as if you were:

*Zengar Zombolto, from SRW alpha/OG*

I have no idea what that is

Night 5 has begun, and ends in 24ish hours (1300 GMT-5 [1pm EST, 12pmCST, etc] on 8/30/13). Edited by Elieson
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Night 5 will come to an automatic end.

Essbee, Mafia Vigilante, ran out of people to protect him and has been endgame auto-killed.

Dear Essbee,

You are the Vigilante. You may perform an additional kill each night by using ##Shoot [uSER].

You are aligned with the Mafia. You may submit your killing action during the night as ##Night X: Kill [uSER], where [uSER] represents another living player besides yourself.

You have a non-mandatory but encouraged character and posting restriction and may make all posts in thread as if you were:

*Colonel Mustard, from Cluedo*

Thus, Kay, Mafia Mason Hunter, is a machine of endless destruction and has been declared the winner.

Dear Kay,

You are the Mason Hunter. You may hunt for any member of the Masonship, and kill them in addition to your regular kill, by using ##Hunt [uSER]. If [uSER] is a member of the Masonship, they will die. If not, nothing will happen.

You are aligned with the Mafia. You may submit your killing action during the night as ##Night X: Kill [uSER], where [uSER] represents another living player besides yourself.

You have a non-mandatory but encouraged character and posting restriction and may make all posts in thread as if you were:

*Alai, from Ender's Game*

That was fun guys. Congrats to Kay for winning!

Edited by Elieson
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Scroll down in the spreadsheet to see:

  • Cult QT
  • Mason QT
  • Graveyard QT
  • Priorities list

[spoiler=Mod Errors]

  • Accidentally allowed BBM's Night 1 kill on Cam to go through, when it shouldn't have. Remedied Night 3 by restoring a BPV to Cam that he would've maintained.
  • Accidentally posted the link to the Mason QT with the night 1 Flip post, informing SB and Objection that Paperblade was Mason Backup Recruiter. Paperblade had planned to recruit SB anyway, so Objection was auto-initiated into the Masonry. Had Kay targeted SB or Objection with her Mason Hunt, they'd both have died regardless of BPVs.
  • Gave Viata derp results regarding BBM's N1 shot occurring.

Edited by Elieson
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[spoiler=Biggest Mod WTF Moments]

  • Boron X Vashiane Lovers. Boron died the same night that Vashiane had commuted, and since the commute blocks anything and everything, Vashiane lives despite her lover dying
  • Objection firing the gun that had been given to him N2, on N3 (even though Boron flipped Fabricator), blowing himself up before he could kill scorri!Cult.
  • BBM Backstabbing literally everyone. Next time, I'm not making such a ridiculously OP role.
  • Kay hitting Masons with her Mason Hunt on both N1 and N2, and shooting Objection (who was a Mason) N3 with her regular shot, (and technically Mason Hunting SB on assumed N5)
  • Cam just. Not. Dying.
  • SB's claimtome speech. "Claim to me or I double-shoot you". What a bully!
  • Marth claiming Cult to Paperblade N1. Also, Marth cult'ing Blitz, not telling culted!scorri about it, and scorri making Blitz shoot himself
Edited by Elieson
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  • BBM Backstabbing literally everyone. Next time, I'm not making such a ridiculously OP role.

This is a good idea though; my role could have let me make almost anyone win if I hadn't cared about winning on my own.

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I knew bbm was going to kill scorri tbh but I don't like being backstabbed as itp and probably won't play any more of these games if more are hosted idk. I kept forgetin to send in my action

I didn't mean to be mean or get upset or anything but bbm's grudge thing was annoying and the rein/jb thing I didn't like eiter but i used it as a distraction

I tried to get bbm killed early but that didn't work out lol

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I've already said cult is the worst in these setups and I stand by that. Everyone's just mad they couldn't join the dream team, anyway, so we pretty much have the moral highground

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I trolled Paperblade and Strider by not having my lover die on the same night I did. All according to keikaku (Cam I blame you for this).

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It's not my fault Blitz decided to persuade people not to kill me? I fully expected to die N1, and my plan was to say nothing but Sceptile syllables and then shoot Manix and redirect a kill to him on N1. That got boring pretty quickly, but I still didn't backstab anybody until N3.

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