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Everything posted by Ishi

  1. Quite honestly its my second favourite right behind part 3 because its always a challenge and can really affect you in the long run if you aren't promoted or close by the end of part 1 giving the brigade chapters in part 3 a challenge as well. It just doesn't get my number one because the plot to it is very bland IMO but gameplay wise its great and very fun which contributes to radiant dawn being my second favourite.
  2. Unless your making money off it Nintendo will mostly not care that's why hacks aren't law suited on sight.
  3. To be honest I'd recommend the Europe ROM its far more stable than the available american ROM for record I have about 4Gb ram and I hardly get lag unless the screen zooms out and there's 40+ units in shot the only big difference region wise is simple text changes like senitals are lancers and Astra is Astrum minor stuff like that.
  4. Welcome your probably the first new member in a while that didn't join mainly because of awakening or FE14 hype which is good as there are far to many people who only play awakening. Enjoy your time. And above all enjoy dem hacks.
  5. Ishi

    Valentines Day

    I think its premium foolishness one should respect a loved one fully everyday not on one day and less on the rest.
  6. Thracia and genealogy should be seperate they both have extremly different levels of difficulty.
  7. I recently bought the eshop fire emblem and just gave up with it because the eliwood normal mode is ridiculously easy. I just stick to my emulator for hard modes cuz screw unlocking it all again.
  8. Tres tres crazy fans can get extremely crazy at times it really upsets me when they do especially when its about people who should be respected for extreme skill not hated.
  9. Male:Sigurd that hair is the best of all time Female:White hair and gets 3 portraits throughout her game
  10. I'm not to big of a fan of Sigurd his typical lord nature is meh and he's to good of a unit his son however is better with requiring training and having a stronger personality in my opinion.
  11. Honestly this game I really hope has 0 characters of awakening there personalities really got on my nerves and seeing someone return like owain or someone obnoxious like that would be a big letdown for the game I don't even want similarities in these characters I want brand new less obnoxious characters.
  12. This place isn't the worst for criticism but it's here nevertheless as far as the awakening thing goes it's pretty much both ways some fans can get pretty defensive when someone says they prefer the style of the older games compared to awakening but like you said some tend to bash the awakening fans maybe when FE14 arrives the splitting will narrow a bit though I do have my doubts.
  13. Ooh sweet Back in the day I looked frantically for one never found one but this is nice now... To bad I have the original GameCube ones and prime 3. Still I might buy it prime 2 crashes occasionally for me.
  14. Virion meets petrine he'd probably get a flame lance to the face or perhaps midia, astram would make "heads role"
  15. Ishi


    The future is amongst us!!!
  16. They should most definetly remain hidden when I play a Fire Emblem game for the first time I enjoy seeing what units are good and what are bad take Ward for example in FE 6 my first time I used him up until chapter 14 before removing him, it adds so much more uniqueness to the game imagine how boring it would be if right from the start of your first play through you knew who was bad and who was good everyone would end up using the same characters.
  17. Oh yeah they definetly made them harder and more intelligent I remember in project M they tried to make it harder because they were so easy in brawl but in the end they would simply dodge in air to their doom now they dodge and hurt everything if only we could fight something as tough as amibo difficulty without an amibo cuz damn Walmart seems to never sell that shit and I don't want to drive 3 hours for one at eb games.
  18. Now now let's not forget archsage Arran with all that magic he shouldn't be able to die to illness.
  19. Hmm yes smoking is rather a big problem course not as big as back in the day but still big in all honesty a good way to break addiction is with new addiction take my friend for example he smoked for 6 years but slowly got into gum and coca cola and now doesn't even touch a smoke so maybe get him into other stuff. Also there are those nicotine patches and stuff I heard they work well athough you may have trouble convincing him to use it.
  20. Well im not 100% sure about this but wasnt the most recent wario game a fail so perhaps they just wanted to ensure top sales and not place anything to the public that would possibly steer some sales away because believe me there are some people like that, mind you not much but they exist.
  21. They look to much like default Eirika and Ephraim but its a start some more practice and I'm sure you'll get better.
  22. Let's not forget Roy's quite the ladies man supporting 6 female characters.
  23. Branch+Thirdteir=badassery and huge variation in classes but Nintendo is a little bit retarded so most likely we will see the exact same thing as awakening.
  24. Sweet I'm may order one because Nintendo fuckin hates canada and discountined the shit for ever. Although recently i purchased 360 controller for windows and a GameCube controller wired to classic controller output.
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