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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. no Have you ever heared of the boardgame (Die Siedler von) Catan?
  2. Even once is too much. ... I'm sorry! How do you mean that? The start of selling Christmas sweets is normally in early autumn (September), at least in my country. Is it even worse in the US? BTW I only buy them when Christmas is over because then their price is reduced dramatically. ;) Christmas chocolate... one of the most delicious things ever.
  3. I have watched such a video once and never ever will do it again. Opinion of LPs with live facecam?
  4. Watched the series about 20 years ago and played a game for the Gameboy. Nowadays I have no relation to this series anymore. Favorite Turtle?
  5. Which DK games shall be mentioned? Only classic platformers or the arcade games (Mario vs. DK) too?
  6. Honestly I get sick when I hear christmas songs in November already. So you have my opinion about the topic. Current christmas mood: 0/10
  7. I totally forgot to add sth. for unnecessary: + 10 defense throne boost is ridiculous Most bosses are made to get killed by Grafcalibur. This requires to capture them which is effortful... and the chance to do it (if they haven't equipped fenrir) is pretty low. Wasting warp and rewarp just to steal it is really the last thing you want to do.
  8. [spoiler=Chapter 2 part 5] Lachesis gets the paragon band which gives you doubled experience. I'll pass it around. It's recommendable to do it before you start an arena with someone. The only catch: It costs 40000 gold... and most units don't have enough money for that. Ethlyn visits the arena and gets a level up. Sophia gave her the critical skill which was very helpful. She could reach round four. useless stats Anphony mobilizes against Grannvale. meanwhile in Agusty Mr. Superdouche ???: I need to find Prince Lewyn as quickly as possible. You said you know his location. That's the only reason I'm here. Chagall: Apologies for the delay, knight, but I just recieved word of a lead for you. I trust you've noticed we're currently contending with a Grannvale invsion? They have taken Prince Lewyn captive! My scouts report that their ary is arresting and executing anyonre and anything which stands in their way. Time for a fairytale. fooled ???: Our queen, Rahna, cautioned us against clashing with other nations on our mission, but she may have no choice. Should Grannvale's troops cross our way, they'll be confronted withut hesitation. Chagall: Oho... This is even better that I'd hoped! Best of luck on your hunt. Her name is Erin. It's a very odd translation here because her original name was Fury. Anyways she and her squad will head towards Grannvale's castle, the castle where you started. Make sure to have someome here who guards it. Otherwise you'll have some turns time to warp / return someone there. Levin should guard because he can talk to her. Idc for Sylvia levels tbh. Anphony sends some mercenaries, archers and mages. Also their ballistas will give you a warm welcome. The boss isn't very special except for his sleep stave. Deidre could silence him... but she would be in attackrange of the ballistas. And you know... she has negative evasion. The best strategy would be to silence him and then return / warp Deidre out of the ballista ranges. Also two packs of cavaliers are moving towards my party. lance cavaliers and sword cavaliers - really weak Now, it's finally time for Arden to prove his only usefulness in this game: He has to reach this spot. Then this happens: ... Then he should turn into an other class. Arden: But I'm still just me... Back to the ol' grind, I suppose... Hang on? What's this little ring thing? Ooh, maybe it's one of those magical ones. I keep hearing about. That'd be grand, wouldn't it? Let's try her on... Hm... Hwooooarh! W-what's this power I'm feeling?! Is this what Alec feels like all the time? I don't know why this game decided to give a free pursuit ring to the slowest character of my team. Anyways he'll get rid of it immediately and pass it to an unit who can benefit much more from it. Lex attracts the lance knights. The cavaliers ignore him because they can't do any damage to him. Only the duke knight attacks him who could do actual damage to him. The A.I. is pretty clever right here. Time to take out the first wave of cavaliers: Lex and Fin take out this duke knight. He doesn't give you more experience than the non promoted ones. Adept's activated. Midir and Cuan kill together. Cuan is become tankier. One lance cavalier survives because I haven't enough units here. The footies still need some turns to catch up the cavs. Ethlyn gets attacked and takes serious damage. Ugh... that's the "reward" for killing this cav. What I said about Sylvia, applies to Alec as well. I don't give a shit for him because he's trash. Noish attracts the sword cavs. Noish pokes all sword cavs. He can crit one of them. His level up is alright. Now I'm finishing them off: adept Lachesis kills this one with the thief sword who had 8 HP left and grabs money. Holyn kills a cav. Midir and Fin kill the last one. good It's an important stat... so I give her that... Here are the enemies next to the boss. They only move, if someone is in their attack range. The mages are nasty because none of my physical units has any resistance. Cuan is going to attract the first merc. Jamke will attract and kill the first of Erin's squad. You won't get anything, if you leave them alive. wrecked again adept Everyone's moving. Fin and Midir got hit by the ballista. nice Levin leaves the castle so he can reach Erin in the next turn. Beowulf is guarding Grannvale now. I really hope Erin will go for the unit who can't counterattack (Jamke)... and not for Levin. killed with the brave lance Cuan and Ethlyn kill this merc. I've to send Ethlyn back to Grannvale because she could get attacked by multiple enemies... and die. Getting out of any mages's attack ranges has the highest priority. Levin kills a peggy and gets a typical level. Good! Attacked the right person. Levin recruits Erin. Levin: What, this? I'm a bard now. You know, walking the land, spreading songs and cheer? What do you say: perfect, or perfect? Erin: Er... Perfect? But why, milord... Aren't you supposed to be held captive at Evans? I got here as fast as I could, but... Levin: I'm imprisioned at Evans, am I? Where'd you heard that one? Erin: King Chagall of Agustria said so. Levin: Chagall? Hah! Hate to break it to you, Erin, but you've been tricked! It's noce and all that you're so ready to trust, but you wouldn't last ten seconds out there in the city. It'd eat you and innocence alive. You might end up like Sylvia... Erin: Sylvia, milord...? Levin: Oh, Sylvia's... Er, it's not important. Point is, what are you doing all the way out here? Erin: Isn't it obvious? I'm here to find and bring you home, milord. It's been two years since you fled Silesse. Her majesty is hravely worried about you. Please, milord. Come home with me. Levin: Do you have any idea what that'd do to SIlesse, Erin? If I go back, I'll have no choice but to take the throne. It's my late father's will, but my uncles wouls never accept it. Just one false step and whe'd have a civil war, just like here. And it's always the common folk who suffer for it! If there are people who want to be kings or whatever, great! Out there, though? I'm free, and I like it that way. I don't want a thing to do with that throne. For the good of Silesse, just give it to one of my uncles. Erin: I can't allow that, milord. You know as well as I that the kings of Silesse must bear descent from Forseti, the wind god. You, milord, are sole living scion of his lineage. Neither or your uncles bear it. You milord, are Silesse's future! Yourself and youe uncles aside, all Silesse wishes to see you claim the throne. And... and your mother, the queen, was in tears when she sent me... Please, milord... Come back. Levin: Erin... Ugh, don't you start crying too! Gimme a break... I can't stand to see a woman in tears... Okay, fine. I'll think about going home. Just... Give me some time to muster the nerve, alright? Erin: Thank you. In that case. I'm starting with you until you're ready, milord. I'll send a messanger beack to Silesse to report that you're safe. Levin: Wow, you're persistent. I'll grant you that. Alright. I think I'll stay with Sigurd's army for now. He's a pretty neat guy to work with, not to mention his army's full of beauties! Hey, Erin, you could stand to get to know some of the ladies here. Maybe stylishness could rub off on you a bit! Hey, I'm just kidding, Erin! Relax a bit! Don't take everything so seriously! ... He, nobody in the world's sweet as you Don't you ever change a thing. Erin: Y-Yes, sir... I mean, no, milord... The other peggies become NPC who fly directly back to Castle Silesse. I continue taking out the remaining enemies: expectable Note: I don't remember, if I said it before, but don't give her too much experience. You'll see later, why. Cuan, Lex (both with one shot) and Fin (brave lance) can take out the three mages without getting a counterattack. Everyone except for this merc could be defeated in this turn. Excellent! The merc attacks Noish who does some nice counterdamage. The NPCs kill him for me. Hey, Dew can take two ballista shots. Beowulf gets a level up in the arena. The reward for onerounding the knight. ... what level ups :C I can take out at least one ballista. Ok level. Goodnight! Aww... so close. 1 HP left. 45% hits - nice - Obtains sleep. Now, I've the time for some talks: Sigurd can talk to Sylvia. All these talks are onesided. Some of them will give you a reward to one of the two. Sylvia: Come on, sir! Don'tcha know who I am? I'm Sylviaaaaaa! You can call me Sylvie, if ya want, though! Sigurd: Look, I'm sorry, but I really don't have the time to look after children. Be a good good little girl and run lang to the castle, alright? Sigurd shows her the icecold shoulder. Sylvia: Sigh... Oh, well. Back to being a lone, delicate flower, sprouting in a battlefield... My beauty is nothing to the tide of bodies... Sigurd: Ugh... What in the world is... Beowulf can talk to Lachesis. Obviously he doesn't know to whom he's actually talking. Beowulf: Oh, er, sorry 'bout that, ma'am. The name's Beowulf, a hired blade. Lachesis: What do you want? Beowulf: Uh... Well, I just wanted to give ya a quick heads up about fightin'. See, war ain't the fun and games you're used to. And someone as green as you... Well, you're just gonna get in the way. He comes up with classic cliche of a princess. But Lachesis is a badass princess and teaches him manners. Beowulf: Heh. You really are Eldigan's sister. Shoulda known you wouldn't be a pushover. Lachesis: What's that? Do you know my brother?! Beowulf: Oh, yeah. Eldigan and me, we go way back. I'd never've been so nosy if he hadn't asked me to keep and eye on ya. Lachesis: Is that so? Oh, I'm sorry for snapping at you so. Beowulf: Eh, I've seen a lot worse in me time. Hey, how about a quick battle lesson? Eldigan thought it's be a big help. Lachesis: Why, thank you. I'd like that. Ths is the only conversation which gives you reward. Lachesis gets +2 strength, +1 skill and +2 defense more talks. Erin: My name is Erin. I'm a royal knight of Silesse. I wish to join your army, so as to keep an eye on Prince Levin. Sigurd: Er... Prince Lewyn? What are you on about? Erin: My lord Lewyn is the rightful heir to the Silessian crown. He is a scion of Ced, the Wind Crusader, and is the sle inheritor of his power. Sigurd: Wait, THAT Lewyn?! Heh... I knew there was something about him, but I'd never have thought to be Silessian royality. Any idea why he's pretending to be a bard? Erin: That's a long story, sir, and I'm hardly the most qualified to tell it. Perhaps try asking him later, but for now... Sigurd: Fair enough. It's hardly my business, anyway. I'm glad you're here, Erin. A pegasus knight among us would be a great help. Wouls you mind aiding us in battle? Erin: Yes, sir! I'll do my part. Now Sigurd is curious about Levin. Sigurd: As I understand it, you're a bard, but you also wield wind magic? That's unusual. Levin: Something like that. I guess it's a hobby. You're that Sigurd fellow, aren't you? It's obvious what your little hobby is: war! Clearly you've got so much spare time, you spend it starting war after war! Sigurd: Come again? Yu seem angry, but - Levin: Don't play dumb! Think about the people of all the countries that you're flattening! You come bargin, swords flashing, and all you do is ruin the lives of normal folk who're trying to make a living here! Sigurd: You're right. My apologies, Lewyn... I didn't even think about that, but I can't stand knowing I've done this to them. Levin: Words are just words without actions backing them up. If you really feel so bad, then why not pulling your army out? Sigurd: Mm, you're right... Very well. I'll consult with my troops and arrange a retreat. Levin: Wait, you're serious about this? Sigurd: Of course. I've been mulling over retreating for a while already, and just gave me the answer to all of this. I've had enough of the war approach. I think I'd rather seek a diplomatic answer. Levin: Yeah, no. Trying to get through Chagall now would be a total waste of everyone's time. Levin is testing Sigurd, if he is still behind his motivation for this war. Levin got him. Sigurd questions himself and doesn't know anymore what the right way is. Levin denies any form of violence, but he also knows that diplomacy won't work against Chagall and they still have to use military power against him. useless Alec can talk to Sylvia. I have to give him the bad news that this liaison won't happen and he'll become single. Alec: Heh, I guess. I'm the only decent guy around here. Glad I found you. (rather the only bad guy) Sylvia: Thanks! Me, too! Alec: I guess we'll be here a while, so hoew about dinner sometime? Bet that'd be nice. Sylvia: Ohh, yeah! Maybe I'll dance for you too! I think Alec has the same impression... or rather fear as I have. Time to seize: Sigurd: Good. Mackily is ours. That leaves the capital, Agustry... Oifey: Indeed, sire, but don't get too careless. We've been informed that Agustry still hosts a sizable defensive force. We ought to take the utmost care. Sigurd: Mm, you're right. Who knows what that Chagall has up his sleeve... I'm going to end this update with a level up. You can swap skills only in a castle. You have to do: Sell the ring / scroll in the pawn shop. The unit who shall take the scroll has to buy it back in the pawn shop for the doubled price. Note: Scrolls are VERY expensive. A pargagon scroll costs 40000 gold. BTW an unit may have 50000 at max. The best time to do it is in the first turn of a chapter part.
  9. Honestly a similar style like the character in my avi. / sig. only a bit shorter... however that means my hair must grow... a lot... For now using hair gel on my fringe. same question
  10. necessary everyone has to escape fatigue (but it must be implemented in a different way. There should be an experience limit for each unit depending on their level. A lower leveled unit must have a higher limit than a higher leveled unit not to disadvantage units who join with low level and need much training.) capturing thief stave not necessary stupid traps in 24x requirement of door keys / lockpicks or enough warp / rewarp staves to beat the last map removal of guaranteed hit / miss status affects last the entire chapter generic caps
  11. 1 Kaden 2 Sakura 2 Setsuna 4 Beruka 5 Keaton 6 Percy 7 Felicia 8 Niles 9 Scarlet 10 Selkie 11 Oboro 12 Sophie 13 Hana 14 Hinoka 15 Silas 16 Selena 17 Anna 18 Velouria 19 Azura 20 Peri 21 Saizo 21 Kagerou 23 Caeldori 24 Forrest 25 Midori 26 Arthur 27 Effie 28 Kaze 29 Flora 30 Benny 31 Elise 32 Shura 32 Azama 34 Mitama 35 Ryoma 36 Mozu 37 Ophelia 37 Soleil 37 Nina 40 Shigure 40 Dwyer 42 Hisame 43 Shiro 43 Kiragi 43 Asugi 46 Laslow 47 Xander 48 Gunter 48 Yukimura 50 Jakob 51 Takumi 52 Nyx 52 Charlotte 54 Izana 54 Fuuga 56 Lilith 56 Kana 58 Mikoto 59 Odin 60 Rinkah 60 Reina 62 Rhajat 62 Siegbert 62 Ignatius 65 Hinata 66 Subaki 67 Hans 67 Iago 69 Garon 70 Camilla 71 Leo 72 Hayato 72 Orochi
  12. I can't really say about NM since I only play on HM... but on HM I like to give beastfoe to Jill because she can earn a free kill in each turn. Otherwise I'd rather give to Leonardo as well, because front units with beastfoe have a massive survival issue (same problem I mentioned in my previous post). I guess in NM beastfoe on Nolan works too since the Laguz have only A-strike and with the defense boost of Tarvos he should take three tigers without problems. Beastfoe works even better combined with vantage to get a free kill.
  13. Epilogue @ Augestein People voted for Gheb Saga. Since Gheb FE was crazy I don't expect anything else from the sequel.
  14. Idk if it was only a thing in Hector mode, but Ursula moved in HHM. As for the other modes Idr.
  15. Honestly I don't want to become as old as Castro. And I don't really expect it. Three of my four grandparents died young (<75), my left grandpa is the only real exception (>80). One of my two aunts I have a close relationship (mid 50s) has dementia already and my mom (50) is a heavy care case since last year for the rest of her life. I really don't want to know, how I am in 20-30 years... I really don't! I'm fine. I just have to accustom on a new sleep rhythm, that's it.
  16. I wished I was able to sleep in daytime. Yesterday I got awake at 00:30 AM and today I got up at 4 AM (what an increase) because my mom is heavily sick atm and very noisy, so loud that no one is able to sleep. Honestly I don't even know when I slept well the last time. I always get up at 4-5 AM, even in weekends.
  17. I don't say anything about Nolan's survival. Sure, he has a support... but his evasion is already abolished against enemies with swords. This is the generic problem, if you have a powerful and fast, but fragile unit like Nolan in the front. The more enemies you can kill, the more enemies can attack and kill you. This strategy will kill you in 3-6 and 3-13. It's sth. I've learned not to do in HM.
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