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Everything posted by Sentinel07

  1. To give my two cents on the Xander issue. The game does have some inconsistencies in story telling, which does kind of hurt Xander a bit. Personally, I think he really is a man who wants justice, but is unsure if such a thing is realistic, hence his "justice is an illusion" lines. Honestly, I kind of wonder if Xander, Camilla, and Leo all somewhat bought into the idea that Nohr had to flex it's muscle against other nations in order to live, even as the expense of the people of those other nations. One thing I'm curious about is how they all felt about Garon killing Sumeragi because I don't think it's ever brought it up around them.
  2. As much as I like End of All, I think Alight (Storm) might be my overall favorite.
  3. Well no duh Lucina. You have no sense of style and no sense of humor as your friends noted on multiple occasions.
  4. Really like acting getting to hear from them and see how this came to be. Still would like an international release date soon.
  5. Hidden Truths Part 1 and 2 will explain that when it comes out.
  6. Agreed. When it comes to fanservice, more need to be like Hyrule Warriors. .....which reminds me that I still want Fire Emblem Warriors to be a thing.
  7. There is no change. The ending is the same regardless of who you marry. Same applies for Conquest.
  8. I really like the majority of characters. I think the only ones I have any complaints about are... 1. Nina- Her gimmick got annoying very fast. I have no idea how she got ranked as the most popular of the female children. It's annoying having a girl that incapable of speaking to guys, and makes it even worse by her fantasies of gay men. 2. Solei- Okay, I've got mixed feelings on her. Her supports with Laslow were pretty sweet....but her supports with her mom made me wonder if she has a compulsion disorder. I have a problem with characters that can't take a hint.
  9. For clarification, are you referring to Offspring Seals?
  10. Uh, have some of you forgotten that mentioning Valla outside of it would kill you? I don't see how Azura could have used that crystal to show the Nohr siblings without them demanding where it came from, and I doubt they would have had time to bring the siblings to Valla to show them before Garon and Iago got suspicious. I take Corrin going along with the plan as meaning that he didn't think there were other options.
  11. Yeah, I agree. While I didn't know specifics, I did know that people constantly criticized Conquest's story as being some kind of unsalvageable garbage, so I kept waiting for the story to get to that point. Except....it never did. Most of it felt reasonable, and I honestly got more invested seeing Corrin trying to do what he thought was right, only for Garon's power and influence to halt him at every turn. There are some plot conveniences, but then again, all routes could be criticized of that.
  12. I already know I'm going to conflict with the majority when I say that I actually really liked Conquest's story, despite how everyone shits on it at every opportunity.
  13. I think it would have been nice if Camilla and Hinoka got weapons as well, if nothing else to add some variety. I mean, adding Corrin's Yato, 3 of the 5 weapons are swords. I don't really think Sakura or Elise need one though. I think they're good the way they are.
  14. I think I've grown to prefer this direction. They made her less like a typical anime girl while still maintaining her awkward clumsy personality. I like it a lot now.
  15. .....I don't know what world you live in to think Percy sounds 5. At minimum, he sounds 13 to me.
  16. Okay, I finally saw Effie's lines. You know.....I think the voice is tolerable. While I still consider it one of the weaker ones, I think I can get used to it. In all honesty, I think the her lines are more at fault than the voice.
  17. Okay, count me in with the crowd that Antony Del Rio HAS to be in this game. Because I refuse to believe Percy is voiced by anyone else.
  18. Marisha Ray. She also voices Mikoto and Oboro in this game. Outside of this, she voices Margaret in the Persona 4 series.
  19. Okay, Sophie is Stephanie Sheh. No question about it. I'd recognize Orihime anywhere.
  20. Elise sounds like Laura Bailey at certain points, though I don't think it's her.
  21. Dwyer sounds like a zombie....though I guess anyone would if they slept that much.
  22. .....I'm really starting to get the feeling that I'm the only one who likes the majority of this cast. I think Effie is the only one I'm even questionable on.
  23. Beruka sounds awesome. I love it. Can't tell if it's Stephanie Sheh or not though. Sometimes it sounds like her and sometimes it doesn't.
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