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Everything posted by Sentinel07

  1. I don't know how credible it is but the Valla page on the Fire Emblem Wiki states that Nohr and Hoshido give up land from their northern territories, which might possibly be land that we see get cut out on the map since the World Map doesn't show the continent in it's entirety. Granted, I don't know if it's a credible source.
  2. That's whats so utterly stupid about Xander and Ryoma's behavior towards Corrin. They don't allow him to learn from his mistakes, even after the Anthony situation. They basically just say. "Never change Corrin. If you screw up, we'll clean up your mess for you." Stupid over coddling big brothers.
  3. Actually, judging how there's a crowd cheering at the coronation, I think the place Azura crowns Corrin is a new but similar palace built in New Valla. Corrin refers to both Xander and Ryoma as Kings at that point so it had to be some time in the future, and couldn't be in Old Valla because of it being sealed away following Anankos' defeat.
  4. As far as we know, pretty much no one from Old Valla is alive, as they were all pretty much Anankos' undead army. Guess they just felt like restoring Valla in their old world. No real explanation given.
  5. Yeah, it really is sad that, in a series with villains like Travant and Lyon, they chose the most cliche and cartoonish way to portray Garon. Especially so in Revelation, which showed how dedicated Intelligent Systems was to keeping him as villainous as possible. Didn't even get a chance to regain his old self for a moment like Sumeragi got with his children.
  6. Well, it probably helps that Vigarde's subordinates weren't morons. His generals (well, the sane ones anyway) all questioned his behavior. Dussell and Glen even going so far as to suspect that not everything is as they thought it to be and take action. Selena also had a pretty good reason for her loyalty to the King. By comparison, the Nohrian siblings throughout Conquest do nothing to even question the goals of their father until the very end. They just think he's "rough around the edges" as Elise puts it.
  7. I was confused about it at first as well since they did a poor job of explaining. But basically, they rebuilt Valla using land from Nohr and Hoshido. The original Valla is sealed away for good. So, it's essentially New Valla that Corrin rules over. Azura does join him in this as well.
  8. I would honestly consider Jakob and Felicia to the "main" retainers so to speak for Corrin, given that no matter what, they never fight or side against him.
  9. I've played every localized game on Normal mode. Comparatively speaking, I think Conquest might be the hardest of all localized games. Not even Radiant Dawn gave me this much trouble. Birthright is probably slightly harder than Awakening.
  10. I should mention something. Xander visits the Rainbow Sage in all routes. Even in Conquest, he mentions that he met the Sage sometime in the past. As for the unknown knight, I'm fairly certain it's Gunter.
  11. You know, after thinking about it for a while, Conquest's story somewhat makes me remember Alucard's words from Castlevania: Symphony of the Night. "But you must always remember, that the only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing." In a way, this almost sums up Corrin and the Nohrian siblings. All they really try to do is damage control throughout the story. In the grand scheme of things, they do nothing until the final 2 chapters.
  12. I normally like the childhood friends trope but Silas is so obsessed with Corrin in some cases that it's borderline creepy. This game's d***-riding on Corrin often ranges from kind of cute (Hinoka, Elise) to completely creepy (Camilla, Silas). The fact that he became a knight solely just so he could see Corrin again also rubs me the wrong way. I would liked it much more if he became a knight for the greater good, with reuniting with Corrin being a nice side effect. I dislike this whole trope the Japanese seem to like in certain games where characters will have a life decision based on one person. Heck, in this same game, Effie becomes a knight solely because of Elise. But yeah, him and Azura are pretty much the "boring" tier for the character cast in this game for me.
  13. I'm more surprised that Treehouse actually left that in of all things. I think most people actually expected them to change that yet they left it. :) It's kind of stupid that neither Corrin or Azura mentions it though. At no point is it ever mentioned between them that they know they are cousins.
  14. This is a problem I have with both Robin and Corrin. Both are portrayed with way too much player empowerment. Robin is portrayed as basically being perfect, able to come up with the perfect strategy for every situation which kind of takes any tension out. Not even Soren, as great a tactician he was, was portrayed as perfect as Robin. Kris seems to be the only Avatar where he/she isn't portrayed as perfect in every way. Just a common soldier that became a great friend to Marth. That's it.
  15. Let me put this way. You're missing A LOT if you skip out on Revelation.
  16. Ah, I see. Do we know the rewards? I'm already aware that the first 3 maps offered 4 taker skills between them.
  17. Okay, I've just gotten back from vacation. Do we know what the rewards are for beating the last 3 maps? Also, what's the final boss of this? Still Anankos?
  18. Wow. I wasn't sure what to think when I clicked on this topic, but dang, your summary was brilliant. Well done indeed.
  19. Just to throw in my two cents, while I get that the actual content of the support seems to have been misunderstood, I still think the writers of the game deserve full blame for making such a character to begin with. There were multiple ways they could have handled Soleil's character but instead they just made her awkward to understand. It's why I can't even blame Treehouse for the change purely because of all the ruckus it caused. Misunderstood or not, it's still a poor character trait. Hopefully Intelligent Systems will take better care in the future to actually THINK about the kinds of characters they're thinking up.
  20. I'm starting to wonder if this might be the first Awakening/Fates DLC that I won't be able to beat. I just gave it a few tries a while ago and got wrecked with most of the options.
  21. So, does Part 2 take place after Conquest like how Part 1 is after Birthright?
  22. Boy, if he thought doing Chrom's confession line was awkward, then this will be fun. :D
  23. By the way, do we actually have a formal name for this DLC? Around here and the Fire Emblem Wiki and such, I've seen Recollection of Bubbles, Memories of Foam, and Ephemeral Memories? Do we have a consensus or something?
  24. Hmm, if Anna only mentions the Top 2 winners, then I wonder what the in-game reason is for Shigure and Midori. Make's Xander's inclusion in the other DLC all the more interesting since he's neither Top 2 nor a neutral character.
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