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Everything posted by Sentinel07

  1. I've grown to like Rhajat and Caeldori more than Tharja and Cordelia. For Rhajat, she fixed a lot of problems I had with Tharja. She seems genuinely nicer (while still preferring to be alone) actually going out of her way at times to be helpful, her reasons for crushing on Corrin are more believable than Thara's crush on Robin, she actually wants her parents to be proud of her (compared to Tharja basically committing child abuse). I could go on. As for Caeldori, I actually kind of like how perfection is something she actually wants and strives for. As opposed to Cordelia who kind of resented that very fact about her. As a result, Caeldori really comes off as more enthusiastic and I like that about her. As for Asugi....honestly I never cared for Gaius or him. However, I do like his attitude a bit more than Gaius' more reserved one (though that's likely because Gaius has seen more than Asugi has).
  2. I can't help but wonder if people are exaggerating about Hinoka. I mean, sure she probably has the least amount of impact of all the siblings, but hardly enough for you to forget her. It's kind of sad to because I think personality-wise, she's one of the better ones.
  3. While opinions on story and characters vary, you are without a doubt the very first person I've seen around here (or anywhere else) criticize the gameplay. Even long time Fire Emblem fans admit that that Fates' overall gameplay ranks among the best in the franchise.
  4. I think the level design across all 3 routes are pretty good, but I liked Conquest's the best.
  5. Whatever the case, it's complete irony that their attempts at making a "simple" story arguably ended up as one of the more convoluted stories in the franchise. Even Radiant Dawn, which was kind of overstuffed, was more straight-forward than Fates was.
  6. I kind of wonder about that. We know that Slime Garon was his idea, but I wonder if it was executed the way he intended it to be. There's so much we don't know.
  7. I say don't listen to people like that. Like what you like. Heck, if I just went with other's people's opinions when it comes to other franchises, I would have missed out on some that would become favorites for me. Star Fox Adventures, Kirby's Epic Yarn. The fanbases for both of those games would tell you to stay away from them, but I'm glad that I did because they're some of my favorites on the GCN and Wii. So yeah, don't listen to the elitists. :)
  8. I think it might be more that they need to think long and hard about the EXECUTION of their stories rather than just trying to find a good writer. Path of Radiance and The Sacred Stones have two of my favorite stories in the series and both of them boil down to very simplistic concepts that were executed well. From what I hear, it sounds like IS just hired a famous writer and then took his story and did whatever they wanted with it.
  9. I agree 100% with you. Even though I don't agree with the reasons for them being in the game, I've come to enjoy Rhajat and Asugi actually more than their Awakening versions. Heck, I even find Caeldori more interesting than Cordelia. Rhajat seems to fix almost every issue I had with Tharja. Even her crush on the Avatar is handled a lot better.
  10. Out of all Normal modes across all the localized games, Conquest might just have the hardest. I had an easier time in Radiant Dawn than I had in Conquest. It's a real doozy.
  11. Pretty much the majority of the battle and map themes for me. When it comes to RPG's, those always stand out the most. I think Alight and Condemnation are probably my favorites along with You of the Light.
  12. Here's some. 1. Niles- I personally was exhausted of this character before the game came out because no one in the fanbase would shut up about him. However, the more I played the game, the more I've found that he's probably one of the better characters in the game. He actually nails the niche of a character being blunt yet not being an ass about it (take notes Soren and Jakob). Heck, he even apologizes when he knows he went too far. 2. Nina- I was apprehensive about her at first because of her freaking yaoi obsession, yet I was actually pleased to see that it's not brought up in many of her conversations. It's something she keeps to herself, which I can appreciate over characters who can't take a hint of when not to act like bozos.
  13. I suppose that's all true. I guess what I'm saying is that I like the old style of a protagonist having a weapon like Rapier or Reginleif or whatever to start and then the legendary weapon coming much later.
  14. There's one small thing I thought of that I'd like to see. If the Avatar has a special weapon, I'd like to see them earn it later instead of receiving it at the beginning. One thing I really liked about the older games is that protagonists typically had to work for their special weapons. Marth has to go through hell and back and get the Falchion back from Gharnef. Eliwood and Hector have to pass some challenging ordeals to get Durandal and Armads. Ephraim and Eirika had to take Renais back before they got Seiglinde and Siegmunde. Make them EARN stuff. I didn't like the whole Yato thing proclaiming Corrin as a destined hero before he even did anything.
  15. The whole political marriage thing sounds quite intriguing, though also pretty complex. I'd really be curious to see how that would turn out.
  16. I always see many topics around here wondering how you would personally improve the series. More often than not, getting the Avatar system out is a common idea many share. I'd be lying if I said I didn't share that opinion. However, it's pretty clear that that will not be the case. There's little chance Intelligent Systems will remove it. They'll take the series in the direction they want to go, though they have shown that they're not adverse to fan reception, given how Fates improved on many of Awakening's complaints. So, with that in mind, I'd be curious to hear thoughts on how you think the Avatar system could become a lot better. Personality? Gameplay? Whatever works for you.
  17. I enjoyed it a lot. It left me wanting more in the end. Honestly, I kind of wish that, instead of children being shoehorned into the main story, Heirs of Fate had instead been a new mode unlocked after beating the main story and it would take place years down the line.
  18. There really isn't much point in looking at the cast list. The people at BTVA stopped doing that a while ago because they went nowhere. It's commonly agreed that Subaki, Siegbert, Iago, and Kotaro all share the same VA, but there are currently no leads on who. It's likely that it might be a really unknown name, much like David Stanbra (Xander's VA)
  19. As others have said, it's more his ego stating that they will die. As far as he's concerned, everyone will either worship him or die.
  20. From what I can tell, I think the reception to Felicia's voice has cooled down. I'm seeing a lot more people becoming more receptive of it after the initial impressions. Judging from what I'm reading, this was Julianne Alexander's first time voicing for a video game. I'd say she did well for a rookie. There are plenty of VA's that have been in far more games yet have done far worse.
  21. Something tells me you put more thought into this than Intelligent Systems. :)
  22. From what I keep hearing from around the net, you pretty much have Azura's Japanese song to blame. The company that the singer works for copyrighted it and it couldn't be used internationally. Thus, they basically had an incomplete voice track and no company is going to use that.
  23. Yeah, and that's most likely why the story has gotten so much more focus compared to previous games. That's what happens when you put something on a pedestal, because it's going to get analyzed to death.
  24. I can only hope for that to be true. If they want fanservice, do it in DLC like Awakening did. Don't shoehorn older characters into another game especially if their role is ultimately wasted in the end.
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