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Everything posted by Sentinel07

  1. I'll be very curious to hear if Jamieson Price's voice is exactly the same that Virion had in Awakening. Virion had one of the more controversial voices, with Dan Woren being the initially believed choice and then people shifted to thinking it was Paul St. Peter. Honestly, this is curious since I've never really really heard of Woren or St. Peter ever not returning for a role. So if Virion sounds exactly the same (and if Gregor is in the game and Paul still voices him), I'm guessing it's going to change some people's opinions.
  2. I continued to vote for any favorites I had until the end. So I got: Day 1: Nino (The Blazing Blade) Day 2: Ike (Path of Radiance) Day 3: Mia (Path of Radiance) Day 4: Joshua (The Sacred Stones) Day 5: Haar (Radiant Dawn) Day 6: Nephenee (Radiant Dawn) Day 7: Eirika (The Sacred Stones) Day 8: Felicia (Fates) Day 9: Franz (The Sacred Stones) Day 10: Marcia (Radiant Dawn) Day 11: Rebecca (The Blazing Blade) Day 12: Amelia (The Sacred Stones) Edit: Apparently there were 13 days judging by what I'm seeing here. Guess I was a day late to things. Oh well. Probably would have used it on either Ewan, Jill, or Beruka or something.
  3. Pretty cool to see Natalie Lander in more roles. And finally we get one of the VA's for the original characters. Really want to hear Sharena.
  4. Honestly, I'd really like it if they did one video focusing on the new original characters. I'd very much like to hear more about them as well. At the minimum, I just hope we get more videos in general.
  5. I think they're going to label all of the Shadow Dragon characters in Mystery of the Emblem as far as the videos are concerned since the original Mystery of the Emblem was an enhanced remake of the first game.
  6. Honestly, there's a growing sentiment that Daivd Stanbra might still be Xander, and I think I agree. I was so convinced that it was a recast at first, but the more I've listened to the trailer, the more the inflection sounds very similar. I think it's still David. Also, on Behind the Voice Actors, there's a growing idea that "Conner Kelley" might be Julianne Alexander (Felicia and Setsuna) given that Catria's "Here I go!" line almost sounds like a deeper Felicia.
  7. It's interesting because Connor Kelley was in Fates' voice cast and it was a name no one could find a connection to. I wonder if Catria's voice will ring any bells compared to Fates' characters. Man...what is up with Xander and getting all these voice actors with weird aliases for him? First it was "Nigel Oakenshield" and now a pseudonym?
  8. Well, that seemingly solves the mystery of whoever Subaki's VA was, as it sounds the same as Fates. But man Yuri Lowenthal...counting being one of Male Corrin's voices, that's 3 main protagonists he's got now. Good to hear more from Sarah Blandy though, and really happy to see Briana Knickerbocker back as Sakura. She was one of my favorites from Fates.
  9. My criteria was voting for MVP characters that have personalities I like and served me well over the years. I'm not changing that now.
  10. Well, I'm no expert but I imagine the alias is more just because of union laws or something. I mean, Stephanie Sheh and Paul St. Peter still use aliases from time to time but no one is fooled after years of hearing them.
  11. Honestly, if Nowi had a better outfit, I'd probably think better of her character. In fact...I'd probably even tolerate Tharja more if she had a better outfit (despite her many character flaws)
  12. Yeah, they really need to combine votes for duplicate characters. It doesn't make much sense like this.
  13. Some pleasant surprises in there. Nice to see Eirika, my favorite female Lord, at 2nd best among the non-Awakening/Fates characters. Seeing Lute up there is surprising. Happy to see Felicia up there as well. Really underrated character in my opinion. And it's kind of funny to see Micaiah above Female Robin. :D As for the males, Ike is essentially dominating the poll with 2 versions in the top 5. I guess that Japanese poll from the other year wasn't joking when he beat Marth. Seeing Hector get so high is a pleasant surprise as well. Edit: Though....perhaps Owain's popularity is not as big as I thought. He's losing to Donnel and Dorcas of all characters. He's even losing to nearly universally hated Male Corrin.
  14. And looking at this...sigh...I will never understand the love for Tharja and Camilla. Seriously, both characters' most distinctive trait is an unhealthy obsession with the Avatar. It makes me question what kind of fanbase this is sometimes. Surprisingly that Ike's votes have been split between 2 versions and they're both have more votes than Marth. Hector in 3rd is quite the surprise. And my favorite female Lord, Eirika, ain't doing too shabby either. Very nice that she's got some fans.
  15. I think it's still Natalie Lander for Elise. Voice sounds the same, there's really no info on "Liv Strander" anywhere, and I don't think it's a coincidence that Strander rhymes with Lander.
  16. You should already be used to Shanna since they used that in Awakening.
  17. Hopefully sometime they make a trailer advertising the new characters. I really want to hear their voices.
  18. Well it obviously does more than that considering she took out the enemy she was facing with it.
  19. You know...I just noticed something. Stephanie Sheh's voice for Tharja is more like her Rhajat voice this time, compared to the more lighter voice she had in Awakening.
  20. Sarah Blandy is quickly becoming a favorite actress for me. Not only was she great as Midori and Kagero but now she's voicing Nino, my favorite mage in the series? Nice! Edit: Also, I gotta say, Senri Kita's artwork for Ryoma is divine.
  21. I'm more than happy to see Lyn up there, even though I prefer Eirika as far as female lords go. Frankly, as long as Tharja and Camilla don't make the Top 3, I'm happy with just about anyone.
  22. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AWOcLSD_D1I Lyn can be heard at 2:48 of this trailer. Sounds like she's voiced by Wendee Lee.
  23. I kind of wanted to do an MVP's sort of list, with characters that have done excellent for me over the years and have nice personalities to boot. So far I have:Day 1: Nino (Blazing Blade)- Favorite MageDay 2: Ike (Path of Radiance)- Favorite LordDay 3: Mia (Path of Radiance)- One of my favorite MyrmidonsDay 4: Joshua (Sacred Stones)- Favorite Navarre Archetype characterDay 5: Haar (Radiant Dawn)- Figured my list needed a veteran instead of a teen and he's a beast. Probably will do Eirika for being my favorite female lord. Might do Myrrh as well as she's my favorite Manakete. Don't know if I'll do any antagonists. If I do, it'll probably be either Camus or Lyon.
  24. Ike is my favorite by far. Eirika takes 2nd place for me. Partially for nostalgic reasons (Sacred Stones was my first) but aside from that, I find her to be a good example of the naive princess trope, certainly better than others (Corrin!)
  25. There is the possibility that they may have intentionally made Fates a February 2016 release so it'd be in the same month as Awakening's release and have similar success. Kind of like how news is out that Super Mario Odyssey is pretty much complete yet it's not coming until Holiday 2017. Likely an intentional action.
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