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Everything posted by Sentinel07

  1. I just realized that I never even gave my own thoughts. As I said in a previous thread, if I gave Awakening's cast an A, I'd like Fates a B+. I liked the majority of voices, finding no problem with many of them. Effie's voice is really the only one I'd say I disliked, though I blame Treehouse primarily for that since I'm sure that Kris Salter (the voice director) and Marisha Ray (Effie's VA) were just following how they wrote her. At the very least, Fates deserves credit for bringing in a lot of new and nontraditional VA's (Sarah Blandy, EG Daily, Roger Rose, Angela Marie Volpe, Briana Knickerbocker, Imari Williams, David Stanbra, Stephanie Lemelin, etc.) I mean, I see people always complaining all over the Internet about getting tired of the Yuri Lowenthals and Laura Baileys of the world, yet whenever newer talent does come in, it's often criticized.
  2. Well, it's not a surprise given how much the story was hyped up from Intelligent Systems. This was the first time they actually advertised who they got to write the story (Shin Kibayashi) and even spent most of an Iwata Asks column commenting that they thought Awakening's story was too cliche and wanted to do better. So yeah, they put their new story on a pedestal, and any time you do that, the backlash is going to be especially bad if it doesn't work.
  3. As far as I know, it's never specifically said how things were between Nohr and Hoshido. Sure, Azura suggests that Hoshidans may be complacent, but it's never outright said if they ever refused aid to Nohr. We really have no idea how things were before Garon murdered Sumeragi.
  4. At the bare minimum, I think the Avatar needs to stay away from being the central character. On a personal note, I would prefer something similar to Mark (and Robin I suppose), where the Avatar is just the Tactician and nothing more. Because really, that role best suits the player's role in this. I mean, I'm not particularly fond of Robin, but at least his biggest thing was being a great Tactician, which is basically what the player strives to be.
  5. To be honest, Player Worship is one of the biggest concerns I have going forward, since Avatars are pretty much a sure thing to come back in the next game and beyond. Intelligent Systems has had the Avatar worshipped by all characters in all 3 games that it's appeared in, and it's gotten worse in each game. It's done nothing to improve the story as well as the IQ levels of the characters.
  6. Ugh, Intelligent Systems should have hired you. This is EXACTLY what I imagined Conquest to be like when I heard of the tagline.
  7. I already like what I'm reading. I'm quite intrigued. :)
  8. As others have said, Anankos and Valla as a whole did the story no favors. So much more could have been done if they had just focused on making Birthright and Conquest as good as they could be. I'm not sure how Corrin's dragon powers and Azura's singing would have worked without Valla, but it probably could have been done. And I often thought of Dragon-Takumi as well, though I always thought of it making a good Conquest Endgame boss. We never saw the Dawn Dragon used at all.
  9. Among the folks at Behind the Voice Actors, it's a common belief that it's Natalie Lander. They're just waiting for another opinion before officially adding it to their list.
  10. By the way, Laura Bailey didn't voice Elise.
  11. The circumstances aren't all that different at all. In all 3 battles against her, she fights against Corrin for the sake of the Ice Tribe. Following all 3 battles, she's regretful in each one for going against Corrin, yet somehow Birthright is the only one where she's suicidal.
  12. I initially felt nothing because of how sudden it was. And now it's grown into dislike since now I know that Flora's actions are basically the same across all 3 routes, making her sudden suicide in Birthright extremely out of place.
  13. Well, from what I read, it's territory from their northern territories. And the map cuts off near the top so maybe that's where New Valla is situated. And I guess it might be a nice place for the Hoshidans and Nohrians who didn't have to have any place in the war-torn countries and wanted a fresh start.
  14. Yeah, I was confused at first because they don't really elaborate on it all that much, but supposedly, Xander and Ryoma give up land and a portion of their population to make a New Valla.
  15. Aside from the 2 festival maps we're waiting on, who knows if there will be more. Game's been out in Japan for a full year. They got to move on eventually.
  16. I like both, but "maiden" has a better delivery from the VA.
  17. "That all you got?!" Oh wait, wrong game. Um, "Bombastic Beatdown Blow!" then. :)
  18. Yeah, that really sucks. Taking all of the depth of the villain out and putting them in optional DLC's was an awful idea.
  19. It's kind of funny that Royal Royale is the ONLY piece of DLC you can't cheese with Phoenix Mode. Even Heirs of Fate can be done easily in Phoenix mode.
  20. I was also pleasantly surprised that Anankos' reasons for overtaking other realms wasn't just out of a desire for destruction. He was searching for the kind of Valla he had before, where it was peaceful and he was still worshipped as a god. It's....kind of sad honestly. Would have been nice if some of these details from Hidden Truths and Heirs of Fate actually made it into the main story.
  21. I gotta say, the story in the DLC surprised me with how much it actually intrigued me. The Future Past and Heirs of Fate really got better stories over their main ones.
  22. I gotta say, as much as I don't care for Rhajat or Tharja, she's got much better critical quotes than Tharja. She just sounds so....fierce. Can't help but like it. But in any case, "I want your skull as a trophy!"
  23. "Watch out, I play rough!" for sure. Kind of surprised the laugh is winning. I don't really consider it that good (especially compared to her dad).
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