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Everything posted by Sentinel07

  1. I don't have a problem with that. I mean, I know a lot like to think the 3DS should just exit right now, but it's got a huge user base. Perhaps Nintendo would be wise to not abandon it so quickly. The Switch and 3DS may both be portable but I can see a place for both. It's not like both systems do the same thing despite both having portability. I mean, I am certainly not abandoning my 3DS anytime soon. I love it too much.
  2. Yeah but why even have the Echoes name if that were the case? They could easily just call it "Fire Emblem: Shadows of Valentia" and call it a day. No one would have batted an eye at that. Having a separate subseries would make sense, so whenever you see the "Echoes" name, you'd know it's a remake.
  3. Honestly, if Echoes is going to become it's own subseries, I feel like we shouldn't number it. Obviously Shadow Dragon and New Mystery of the Emblem are a thing but things were different back then.
  4. Trying to put in newer mechanics into older games is a tricky business. It might work but it might not either. Just because it was very good in Fates doesn't mean it'll be balanced well for Echoes. I think it'll be fine if it doesn't have it.
  5. I was thinking the exact same thing. It's odd not to just go with "Fire Emblem: Shadows of Valentia" instead of adding the Echoes name. I like the idea of remakes having their own name so everyone knows exactly what it means if it's called Echoes.
  6. Honestly, in regards to the Avatar, my personal feeling is that they should go the Atlus route and make the character silent with dialogue choices. To me, that's really the only way to make the character more accessible and give the player at least some level of control. If Intelligent Systems really wants us to think we are these characters, then they need to look at how other companies have already done a far better job at it.
  7. Hyrule Warriors needed the New 3DS to even be playable and even then it was quite the downgrade specs wise. Fire Emblem Warriors will likely be even stronger than Hyrule Warriors was, making the idea of a 3DS version even more of a downgrade.
  8. Maybe a little, but I'd lean more towards no. Casual mode and some real advertising did most of the work. Awakening was the first time Nintendo put real effort into advertising Fire Emblem.
  9. I honestly would not be surprised to see the 3DS get a Fire Emblem remake. The 3DS has enough time for one more game, and a remake takes less time to make. Edit: And please, no guest characters. Last thing we need is shoehorned characters for the sake of fanservice.
  10. We should get a topic section for Fire Emblem Warriors so we can talk about this stuff there like the other games.
  11. I would say the odds of FE15 are very low, but not impossible. It's been over a year and a half since Fates released in Japan, and if Monolith Soft can have a new trailer for a game not too long after Xenoblade Chronicles X came out, then a teaser for FE15 might be possible.
  12. The good news is that Intelligent Systems has been pretty receptive to critcism. They actually did improve on a lot of things people had problems with in Awakening, such as the broken Pair Up, and they at least addressed that the bland story was a concern. Of course, how they ended up handling Fates' story is another matter, but hopefully they continue to be receptive to constructive criticism. Though, it'll really be telling if they allow fanservice to rule the day. And for the love of god, definitely get a new art director. I don't care who the character designer is, just replace the director. I don't want to see panty armor anymore!
  13. That's certainly fair. I just enjoy talking about what ifs. It makes for nice discussion at least.
  14. This is a piece someone on Youtube did regarding how they would fix certain things regarding Fates' story. I just thought I'd share this here for anyone who is interested, since the guy in this suggests a lot of points that I agree would have benefited things a lot.
  15. Okay, I love that support idea. That is brilliant!
  16. Well, the Herons have an actual royal family compared to other Laguz tribe. This is just speculation on my part, but I imagine they might have a more Beorc-like line of succession given they are not beings of strength.
  17. I actually can't believe I forgot that fact. PoR's theme of challenging inheritance was another theme I really liked, possibly my favorite out of everything PoR tried to convey.
  18. For me personally, I just love how it's a brilliant execution of a simple concept. There's nothing super original about it, but there doesn't need to be because it's so well told. For one thing, the world building is fantastic. You really get a sense for each nation, how they operate, how the people are, etc. The themes of racism and genocide that it touched on were quite daring as well which I appreciated. I also think it's structured well, with very few contrivances randomly inserted in to move the plot along. That's what Fates' plot suffers from: random plot points that make no sense and are only there to move the plot.
  19. Yeah, I'm really beginning to think the negative reaction to the story is part of it. I mean, sure, creating a manga is a lot of work, but you'd think they'd still go with it with Fates' sales success. Granted, I'm actually hoping that the reaction to the story is what caused it, because in that case, perhaps Intelligent Systems will take greater care in the next game.
  20. Yeah, this all seems to be something Fire Emblem has moved away from in recent games. In the majority of games before and especially in Path of Radiance, there were always many cogs at work. Heck, even in Shadow Dragon and it's light story, there are many things going on that you're not involved in and you really get a sense for how things are going. But both Awakening and Fates have traded those in for character-focused drama instead, and now they have very little happen that doesn't involve your protagonist. Fates is the worst of the two, putting every single tiny thing around Corrin's existence.
  21. Honestly, I don't think the Festival DLC is coming and I think Fates DLC is done as a whole. I get the feeling things shifted to focusing on Fire Emblem Mobile, possibly even already translating it for international release (assuming it has much dialogue or whatever) and that cut Fates' time in the sun down a bit. So I think they'll be moving on to FE15 once Mobile comes out.
  22. Eh, I don't that would be a good idea. I'm always wary of forcing new game mechanics in to a game that was made without that in mind. Trying to force in Pair Up to the Tellius games would require a ton of redone animation work.
  23. There's a Fire Emblem Mobile game in development, but that's most likely a new game of sorts. No news beyond that.
  24. I would love to see Shadow Dragon and Mystery of the Emblem remade together (since Mystery of the Emblem still remains without any sort of international release). Given how conservative they were with Shadow Dragon on the DS, I'd love for them to actually try to improve on some things (like adding supports). Genealogy would also be something I would like to see. Supports shouldn't be too hard given the game's rather small cast. Binding Blade would also be good, and I'd even be okay with Gaiden getting a remake. Sheesh, I feel like an argument could be made for a lot of games in this franchise.
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