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Everything posted by Sentinel07

  1. Yeah, I agree. There isn't much strategy to that one. You're not really forced to deal with the enemies to be honest and you can lead straight for the Blight Dragon. I think Path of Radiance's final chapter did it better. In that, you actually have to strategically make your way through the enemy gauntlet before getting to Ashnard.
  2. I like how the GBA games handled it with a good strategic map against the main antagonist of the game with a more simplistic map against the giant final boss. At the very least, if the boss is human (like Julius, Nergal, Lyon, Ashnard) then I think it should be strategic, but for giant monsters like the Fire Dragon and Fomortillis and such, simplistic maps are better.
  3. One of my favorite examples of world building in the Tellius games is that one base conversation where it just involves four random Crimean villagers. They don't even have names revealed to us, yet their conversation gives a lot of insight into just how these constant wars are taking their toll on the common folk and about how much their views towards Beorc and Laguz have been changed. That's where the Tellius games excel. They cover characters, and even random nobodies, so well that you get a sense for just how they're all being affected, for how these countries operate and how the wars have changed them. It's simple yet beautiful how alive the world feels. That's what makes the Tellius games great to me.
  4. You know, is it just me, or is it extremely bizarre how little the reaction from the cast was to Anthony's transformation? I mean, this is the only instance in the whole game of something actually transforming into a Faceless, which you'd have to think would be kind of horrifying to witness. Yet, the battle starts immediately afterwards, no character has any unique dialogue in the battle with Anthony, and after it's done Corrin just apologizes for falling into the trap. It's just...weird how little reaction this here to this event.
  5. Yeah, it would have been nice if they actually gave Marth a class to promote to. And multiple romance options would DEFINITELY have been nice if not for the fact that the game throws his engagement with Caeda in the player's face.
  6. Well, it's certainly a testament to how utterly naive Pelleas was. At least, on the bright side, it's actually an example of how a naive character suffered consequences for their naivete and wasn't cuddled for it, unlike a certain Fates character.
  7. They don't sign it willingly, or at least not in full knowledge of it. Pelleas made the unfortunate mistake of believing everything Izuka told him, so when he told Pelleas that the parchment was just something to finalize Daein's independence, he believed it.
  8. If they had just taken the time to dub it in English (and leave the songs in Japanese like Stella Glow did), I would have bought it.
  9. I'm in the majority it seems. Good, but flawed. 1. They need to get a better art director. I don't have a problem with Kozaki's designs, but for the love of god, get an art director that isn't obsessed with panty armor (or female knights and cavaliers showing off their butt for that matter). 2. Get a writer that doesn't rely on anime contrivances. No more "You'll come back to life because your bonds are strong" or stupid crap like that. 3. Improve the world building. Honestly, if they just fix these, I will have little problems going forward.
  10. It's gotta be well over 2 million by now for sure.
  11. That is a possibility, though given the series' newfound popularity, I think such a game would have no problem getting localized.
  12. Honestly, in my opinion, I think they should take a page from Atlus and just make the Avatar silent with dialogue options. I just feel like that's the best way to give the player some control, without the problem of having to write for multiple personalities as some have mentioned. At the very least, that would keep us from any more Corrin problems. And as games like Devil Survivor show, you can have support-like conversations even if it's just one character that's doing most of the talking.
  13. Honestly, I think DLC is done for both Japan and USA/Europe. There's nothing to indicate the Festival DLC's are coming to America. I get that they have a lot of dialogue, but you'd think there would at least be a release date hinted at by now. I feel like everyone at Nintendo has moved on from Fates, probably focusing on Fire Emblem Mobile.
  14. As some others have said, it depends on the situation. I think FE7 handled both a human and monster boss perfectly. Nergal is the cause of everything right to the end, and you can't call the Fire Dragon a random boss because summoning dragons was Nergal's endgame from the start. Both Path of Radiance and Fates: Conquest are good examples of human bosses with considerably challenging maps. Anankos was pretty good, though I felt like it was wasted potential. His attacks didn't use any stat-effecting effects and he never used Dragon Vein, two things Fates is known for (and the guy originated the whole Dragon Vein thing to begin with).
  15. This is zero point for the kids being there. From what I can tell, it's obvious that they were not originally planned for the game, but Intelligent Systems caved to put them in to avoid offending any Awakening fans who fell in love with the kids machanic.
  16. I'd actually like to see some conflict between the Avatar and their child. Both Morgan and Kana follow the same route. They idolize the Avatar and want to be like them in every way. There's no tension or conflict, and I honestly enjoy aspects like that. Heck, it's part of the reason why I like Ryoma and Shiro's supports.
  17. I don't see the point unless they added significant content or something. They'd just be better off making a new game for the NX, and I imagine FE15 is likely in pre-production by now.
  18. I pair Owain and Severa always...and I keep it that way with Odin and Selena. No issues here. :)
  19. When it comes to main characters, they really need to stop having every single thing revolve around the main character. To me, Corrin feels like they were trying to replicate Marth in a way, except SD's plot didn't bow down to Marth. He was simply one of many cogs at work, while Fates has essentially every single plot point revolve around Corrin. You know, in a way, I think Intelligent Systems has begun to treat both Fire Emblem and Paper Mario in the exact same way. Earlier Fire Emblem games as well as the first 2 Paper Mario games had wide overarching stories which many appreciated about them. However, looking at Awakening/Fates and Sticker Star, the stories have become increasingly more episodic.
  20. Eh, if we don't get the Scrambles, I won't be losing any sleep. I prefer chapters that give a certain challenge. The Scrambles are just a glorified popularity contest. I never really used Summer or Hot Spring Scramble for the same reason. Just never felt worth it.
  21. Senri Kita does have my favorite art style in the franchise so I would be all for her return. :) To be fully honest, from my perspective, if Intelligent Systems is going to insist on this whole "the Avatar is the player" thing they keep trying to have us believe, then I think they need to take some lessons from Atlus and make the Avatar silent with dialogue choices (battle quotes are still good of course). That really is the best way to handle it.
  22. Well next one is likely coming for NX unless support for the 3DS continues beyond the NX launch. I really want to see Tellius-style Base Conversations return. Those had some nice hints about upcoming chapters as well as some good world-building. In fact, I'd appreciate some world building in general. I would like to see a new artist or at least the return of an older one. No hate for Kozaki, but I'd like to see a different style. I hope and pray for a new art director though. One that doesn't have a fascination for panty armor. As for gameplay, I don't really have to many specifics other than bringing back magic variety. Bring back Light magic and have more Dark magic variety. And while you're at it, put some effort into the magic animations, because Fates' sucked. What the hell did they do to Fimbulvetr?! And if the Avatar thing must return (though I wish it wouldn't), let it be a side character and let the main characters do their job.
  23. I'm fine with Heirs of Fate and Beach Brawl having fixed units. To me, the problem is simply that the ones that actually do allow you to use your own units are kind of stupid. Awakening had Champions of Yore, Lost Bloodlines, Smash Brethren, and Rogues and Redeemers which were alot of fun to replay over and over (be it for EXP, the special items, or just plain seeing convos between old and new characters). Fates has nothing like that, just these one-off chapters for a few special classes and one new character (Anna).
  24. That's why, even though I don't think the overall voice acting is as good as Awakening, I'm happy for the route they took. They involved a lot of new actors and nontraditional ones too. There are so many people out there who say they're constantly tired of the Bryce Papenbrooks and Laura Baileys of the world...yet lay heavy criticism when new actors are brought aboard and plead for the old ones to come back. In a way, it seems a lot of people have little patience when it comes to voice acting. Always quick to judge. Brianna Knickerbocker in particular I want to hear in more games. I think she's one of my favorites out of Fates' cast, even doing better than other more established ones.
  25. Honestly, I believe this a big one, especially with how Female Corrin has been promoted more with the Conquest path, the one where most of the complaints about Corrin being whiny and sub-servant are.
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