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Everything posted by Sentinel07

  1. Don't see the point. Since they acknowledged their problems with Awakening's story, I just hope that take the criticism of Fate's story to heart and figure out the root of why the stories have not been good of late.
  2. In terms of character, it's not even close. Seeing how badly Corrin is written has actually made me somewhat appreciate Robin when I cared little for him before. At least Robin was a character that was allowed to grow. He learns to face everything regarding his life, from his satanist dad, to the fact that he's basically the Antichrist. He had to face everything and had to grow from it. Corrin on the other hand is the opposite. He never grows at all, partly from his own naivete (which is no excuse since other protagonists like Marth were also naive but had to learn), partly from his overbearing brothers, and partly because of the game. Seriously, the game outright keeps Corrin from learning the harsh truth about Anankos and Lilith, something that could have lead to some interesting drama and perhaps character development. Instead, Corrin is deprived of that. Xander and Ryoma are both moronic brothers, basically saying that Corrin is free to make as many mistakes as he pleases because they'll clean them up for him.
  3. Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?! Someone get this woman a 3DS! Pronto!
  4. I can only hope you're right. I really REALLY do not want there to be another child system (unless there's a Genealogy-style timeskip). Sadly, I'm more afraid that IS is going to succumb to thinking the fanservice the children system provides is more of a priority.
  5. On a personal note, if there's another Avatar and a kid thing in the future, I hope it's a kid that actually has conflict with the Avatar. To me, that's something I dislike about both Morgan and Kana. Both in a nutshell are overly doting and what to be like their parents, where as you got other kids in the game that tend to have more conflicts with their parents, which is rather natural as kids get older.
  6. I'm not a fan of either kids, but I'll give the slight edge to Kana for being a genuinely nice kid. I hated Female Morgan's antics. I know everyone else loves them, but her antics around the other kids infuriates me. The way she treats Owain and Inigo, not exactly respecting Laurent, among other thing.
  7. Assuming there is more DLC after this, they might just pair the Scramble maps with them depending on how close they are to being done.
  8. It's pronounced the way it is in Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World for anyone who has played that. It's "Geh-noon-gah-gawp"
  9. Technically, Camilla stole it and then Beruka and Selena just got it from her.
  10. Just thought I'd share this since I saw it around. http://i.imgur.com/Hxv96ji.jpg Really nice I think. Nice that we're finally getting at least some more artwork.
  11. Huh...you're right. The localized one sounds a lot better.
  12. Is there a difference between it and the JPN original?
  13. Funny enough, I felt like, depending on the route, the opposite family got interesting development. In Conquest, Camilla nearly falls to insanity, Leo is torn between how he truly feels, Elise wonders what she can do to stop all this, and Xander's fight has some real emotion behind it. In Birthright, Hinoka is torn about all her thoughts of wanting her brother back, Sakura basically had to learn to fight because war was brought to her doorstep, Takumi honestly has legit reasons for his actions, and Ryoma's fight is all emotionally filled like Xander's. Just.....if only Garon had been more like Arvis, or Travant, or even Lyon. That alone would have solved so many problems.
  14. And he learns to regret how he acted, which you are completely ignoring. Sheesh, how blind can you be.
  15. Disliking Leo for how he acted at the beginning of Forrest's paralogue is pretty petty. He's not perfect. He didn't have a good initial reaction to Forrest's hobbies. However, by the end of that same paralogue, he apologizes for his behavior, wanting to make up for his past judgments.
  16. I'm rather surprised at how I actually like Niles now. I figured I would never like him because of the whole "sadistic" and "flirty" labels others seemed to like him for. Yet, looking at his supports, he actually does something well that not many others do. He's actually blunt without being an asshole about it. He'll even apologize if he thinks he went a bit too far. Take notes, Jakob and Soren. That's how you can pull off being blunt without being a jerk about it. Aside from it, I actually turned out to like Charlotte. She's actually a pretty nice (if a little rough) girl beneath her facade.
  17. Whether or not the next FE comes to 3DS might depend on what the NX is. We keep hearing of it possibly being a console/portable hybrid, but we'll have to wait and see if that is intended to replace the 3DS. If not, then I can see FE coming back for one more go on 3DS.
  18. I'd be surprised if FE15 wasn't at least in pre-production at this point. I imagine development on Fates is done by now, with any DLC just waiting to be released (assuming there's anymore beyond what we have now)
  19. Well, Zelda tried the 2-game thing once with the Oracle games and then went back to normal despite both games being popular so who knows. I personally hope not, especially since the Special Edition proves that both routes can fit on one cartridge. I just hope that, if they do continue, they listen to fan feedback and do a better job.
  20. Wow, that Tharja design is actually tolerable. I wish we got that.
  21. You referring to whoever wrote the story for Sacred Stones? If so, that was Kouhei Maeda, who is one of Awakening and Fates' directors.
  22. According to the developers themselves, Toshiyuki Kusakihara, the art director, was in charge of the armor designs and then Kozaki did the characters in the armor. So if you're not fond of the fanservicey armor designs, he's the one to blame. Kozaki has shown he can do characters brilliantly judging by the sketches he's posted of characters in casual looks. That all being said, Senri Kita does remain my favorite. I wish she and Taeko Kaneda would return.
  23. Well, we know 2 facts for sure. 1. Hinoka didn't exist in the draft. 2. Slime Garon was his idea. I'd certainly like to know what else.
  24. It basically just depends on how you feel about the Camus archetype, since Selena and Xander are both a part of that. I can't really explain it. It's just a gut feeling I have, but I honestly had no problem with Selena while Xander to me just comes off as a moron. I'm not sure why, maybe it's just something in their demeanor's or something.
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