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Everything posted by Sentinel07

  1. 1. Battle Preparations. At least allow me to reposition characters. 2. Lesson feather count to get to 5*. Even going down to 15000 would be nice. 3. Exchange Badges for Great Badges. I seriously have more Badges than I'll ever need. At least let me trade them for something useful. 4. More orb events of course.
  2. I've certainly noticed and I actually like it. Is it frustrating? Of course it is...but guess what, this is a STRATEGY RPG! Don't want to lose EXP? Then be a good strategist and keep your units alive. If anything, I wouldn't be opposed to seeing this mechanic make it into the main series. It keeps the strategy in place while also allowing you to not permanently lose units.
  3. Yeah, it's truly a mystery. I mean, it's not like it's something he's already done before....
  4. I can't believe they actually put that in. :) I bet some are surprised Treehouse even allowed such a line given it's implications.
  5. Glad they realized that. Training Tower would be a pain if the normal levels came back.
  6. Getting to hear Cassandra Lee Morris in a FE game. Now I NEED to get Julia!
  7. We have voice actors for the new characters! Ephraim: Greg Chun Eirika: Kira Buckland Seliph: Christian La Monte Julia: Cassandra Lee Morris
  8. I'm not trusting anything that doesn't come from Nintendo's own accounts.
  9. Wonder if it might be something to do with the Choose Your Legends vote.
  10. To be honest, I don't think it's too much of a far-fetched idea. It'd make for an interesting Paralogue chapter at least. And heck, I'd at least finally get to hear the characters in English.
  11. I'll be looking forward to when Camus is released. Hope to see the Black Knight sometime.
  12. Well getting 5 5*'s like that would go a long way to balancing your luck out. :) Seriously, you'd need worse luck than Arthur to go 120 rolls without a single 5*. I don't think I've gone more than 15 without a 5* showing up.
  13. Hey, if you're loaded, must as well use it on something. :)
  14. Yeah, this game should get some kind of exchanges for things. Like extra SP can become orbs, or feathers, or great badges. And I would certainly be okay with converting regular badges into great badges. I have more regular badges than I'll ever need honestly.
  15. I like Sharena enough that she'll be the first of the OC's I promote to 5*. ....once this game actually decides to give me some great badges that is.
  16. Well, Seliph's kind of stands out as he still looks similar to Genealogy's 1990's style while Ephriam, Eirika, and Julia have all these intricate details on their clothes and armor.
  17. Because it's obvious. Anna's voice is distinguishable, Sharena is the higher voice, and Veronica is the emotionless one. Ray Chase's voice is also pretty destinguishable so that's why I know that's him. No way does it sound like Ike, especially considering how he sounded in Fates. Also, the same set of 5 voices just repeats over and over. There's no other than just those 5.
  18. The five voices you hear saying "Fire Emblem Heroes" are the voices of the original characters. Alfonse is the softer male voice and the Mysterious Man is the deeper male voice.
  19. Just in case this hasn't made it here yet, but I guess there was some presentation or something. Seriously though, Ephraim and Eirika look awesome.
  20. Speaking of trying to get 5*, I hope some day they might add some kind of exchange rate to trade in regular badges for great ones. I've been grinding the 8th Stratum for a while and I seem to get regular badges more often still.
  21. All right! I beat him on the Hard map! Thank you Camilla. Spending all of yesterday and today grinding you up to Level 37 was worth it. Catria did a good job at the mountain chokepoint as well while Takumi sniped them.
  22. I definitely agree that the Narcian map feels a rip-off. Fight him at 4* but only recruit him at 3*? What's the sense in that?
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