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Everything posted by Sentinel07

  1. So they're calling it the World of Shadows. Interesting. That strengthens my belief that Echoes may be the start of a subseries.
  2. Welp, I'm not getting those Attack and Speed seals. I wasted enough time the first time around with trying to level Sophia. It's a pain in the ass and it ain't worth it.
  3. Seriously? Those are the same characters they give away in the special maps every day. Care to give us some characters we don't get every day, IS?
  4. That was actually my 2nd guess.
  5. Clair looks more like the Etrian Odyssey artist (who did Raigh) to me.
  6. Well, I'll be curious to see the overall reaction to Faye. If Tharja and Camilla are any indication, the fanbase seems to love obsessive characters. Granted, Faye isn't obsessing over an Avatar character like the others.
  7. Well, Zephiel's map looks interesting. It'll be curious to see the enemy arrangement.
  8. She's likely for the next banner. Guess they're focusing on Alm's army for this one, so Celica's army will get the next banner.
  9. I don't think we've ever found out voices through datamining. At least not specifically. Though I do think there are voice clips of Lloyd out there.
  10. Well Alm, Lukas, Faye, and Clair just got confirmed for Heroes so it looks like they'll likely be the first ones we get confirmation for as far as English voices go. Edit: Okay, some English voices have been confirmed. Just in Heroes, but I imagine they'll reprise them in Echoes. Alm: Kyle McCarley Lukas: Greg Chun Clair: Alexis Tipton Faye: Amber Connor
  11. So I guess they decided to focus on each army first. Guess Alm's army is first and Celica's will likely be the next one. Edit: Also, is it just me or does Alm look like something out of Sword Art Online? His art reminds me of that.
  12. Looks like as many of us thought, Shadows of Valentia is getting the next banner. Looks like it'll be Alm, Lukas, Faye, and Clair. Interesting first choice of characters.
  13. Wow, that song sounds beautiful. Can't wait to hear more of it.
  14. Looks like the last 2 pages are recounting all the earlier games. From Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light up to Thracia 776.
  15. Sheesh, Japan is getting all the good trailers of late. Would be nice to see some of these in English for those who could use it.
  16. Well, it's nice to see NoE doing their part to keep the game fresh in people's minds up to release. Seriously, step up your game NoA. You haven't done squat.
  17. Very good to hear. Can't really disagree with the score given the details of the game I've heard about. Hopefully it translates well to international scores as well.
  18. Yeah, putting Lucina in instead of Lissa almost makes me think they actually want these gauntlets to be complete blowouts.
  19. To be fully honest, that would be the simplest solution. That would get rid of bandwagoning, so there would be zero incentive to pick the "obvious winner" and you can just go with whoever you want. Personally, I'm surprised people are enticed enough by such a poultry reward. I mean, 500 feathers per win for only 1500 total? You can easily make up that amount and more through the Arena and other things.
  20. Didn't Splatoon's Splatfests have some sort of system where the team that heavily outnumbered the other team got less points per person or something like that? Perhaps something like that here. The more a team outnumbers the other, the less overall points a single person can get.
  21. I would not be surprised to see an Alm vs. Celica gauntlet. Even if not for next month, it could easily be for June since Echoes will be out everywhere by then.
  22. I imagine Echoes characters will be in the next one or the one after. Either one I think.
  23. One thing I'm really loving about the artwork is how even characters of the same class have many different details about them. I mean, Pegasus Knights for example. All characters in a particular game typically have a similar outfit, with the only differences really being color palettes. Yet, with the Pegasus Knights in Echoes, each character has a varied look to them, even having different designs to their clothes and armor. It's a sort of individuality thing that I really like with Hidari's work here.
  24. Well, there will likely be 2 more banners this month. One of them will surely be for Shadows of Valentia. Perhaps the other could have Ike.
  25. Yeah, this really goes against all those who were criticizing Nintendo for "not advertising" the game. I mean, it might not be the huge mass marketing Fates got, but it hardly looks like Nintendo is sending this game out to die. It's getting respectable trailers and showings from them.
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