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Everything posted by Sentinel07

  1. Honestly, I really like the idea of some supports being locked until a certain point in the game. That way they can reference more stuff and connect to the main plot better. That was something I didn't like in Awakening and Fates. Due to the grindy nature, they couldn't really reference the plot at all and were essentially completely disconnected.
  2. From what I'm reading, the common speculation is that Silque is voiced by Bonnie Gordon.
  3. Keith Silverstein is in this game, credited as "David Sylvain".
  4. Well, they're consistent at least. They pronounce it the same way in Heroes.
  5. Wow, never thought I'd get to hear Caitlin Glass, Ian Sinclair, and Monica Rial in a FE game. That's awesome! Looks like Keith Silverstein (who many thought was Saber) isn't in the credits. Nor is Kyle Hebert (who I thought was Valbar) Edit: I stand corrected. Keith is apparently in this under an alias.
  6. I'd say their chances are okay at least. They were in Cipher so obviously Intelligent Systems recognizes them. I'd be curious to see the weapons and skills they'd bring. And if they do come, they better come with an English voice actor, because I passed on TMS for that very reason.
  7. Wow....Lloyd's artwork is awful. He looks like a zombie.
  8. I would definitely be curious to see the Blade, Wolf, and Raven tomes in the main series games. And of course, now we have Owl tomes.
  9. I'd love to hear Carrie in a FE game. She's become a real favorite of mine lately.
  10. On another note, I'm shocked to learn that Genny's voice is Eden Riegel. Looking at all the preview videos, I never would have pegged that voice as hers. She's got more range than I thought. That's pretty amazing.
  11. To me, she sounds cheerful enough without being too high-pitched which is exactly how I like it. The JPN voice is too high for my liking.
  12. Don't see the problem. All the English voices sound perfect to me.
  13. Huh, interesting theory. I guess that makes me appreciate Brynhildr's animation a bit more.
  14. I'll get the Deliverance and Classes DLC for sure. Probably Cipher as well. As for the grinding packs, we'll see.
  15. To play Devil's Advocate here, I think it depends on the content itself. I mean, let's take Awakening for example. The DLC mostly revolved around maps centered on previous FE games, and the rewards were things that would be useful towards the harder DLC, such as Future Past and Apotheosis. I think a lot of people liked how that was handled, prices aside. For Echoes, it kind of depends on what the point might be. I mean, the 4th tier classes sound pretty cool...but will there be anything worthwhile to use them for other than making Chapter 6 easier? That's the big thing I think for some people.
  16. Kind of looks like HAKO to me. Either that or perhaps a new artist.
  17. I'm quite happy to see this much positivity regarding the English voice acting this time around. :)
  18. Good to know where they're headed afterwards. I was curious as to whether or not they might try more remakes on 3DS or not. This makes it sound like it's the Switch from here on.
  19. Yeah, because that certainly worked out well last time. The "adjustments" they made only made the final result even more lopsided. Camilla destroyed Minerva a lot more than Lucina destroyed Ephraim.
  20. I'm guessing it would be wise for a unit to snipe the Red Sword at the start and hopefully draw the Green Mage Cavalier over and kill it as well.
  21. Welp, they definitely don't care about how much of a joke the Voting Gauntlets are. They just did the same thing they did with the previous two, putting an overly popular female character against a group of not-well-knowns. More wipeouts are coming.
  22. https://twitter.com/FEHeroes_News?lang=en It's confirmed as a story chapter.
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