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Everything posted by Sentinel07

  1. Just to name a few... Arvis, Ishtar, Julius, Valter, Selena (FE8), Black Knight, Petrine, Lyon, Limstella, and Berkut.
  2. After seeing Alm and Celica, I am all on board for more main character couples like that. :)
  3. Brand new start demands a brand new world. And for pete's sake, remember to give it a name this time. I'm still baffled by how stupid IS was on that with Fatesland.
  4. Corrin's popular because of the ability to marry anyone's favorite male or female characters. No one likes their personality.
  5. To be honest, there's kind of a reason why Xenoblade X's story feels a bit lacking. It was originally supposed to be as story-heavy as previous Xeno games before it, but Takahashi felt like trying to do that would bog down game development, as it was Monolith's first ever HD game. So, he intentionally lightened the story to not be as concept-heavy and had the development team focus on gameplay above all else.
  6. Supposedly they had already begun development on this game before they began work on Echoes, so there should be something for them to show. I don't think it would have to be something big. Just a small preview would suffice.
  7. Yeah, Echoes really showed me how much I don't like Awakening/Fates' limited voices compared to actual full voice acting. Heck, more often than not, the limited phrases barely matched what the characters were saying. I'm expecting full voice acting for the main story at minimum. As for supports, not sure.
  8. My answer for both is Genealogy. I want it the most because one thing that impressed me so much with SoV is the expanded lore and story. Genealogy already has a cool basis for a story so I'd love to see that expanded. And the reason why I think it SHOULD be remade is because it's pretty clear that it's a long-time fan favorite in both Japan and international countries. It's been a long time coming and it deserves it. IS should stop trying to deliberately avoid it. Edit: Personally speaking, I don't want to see any games that made it West to be remade until the Japan-only games make it over. I'd happily accept Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn getting a second chance as well as Sacred Stones, but the Japan-only games should be first. They deserve it.
  9. Eh, agree to disagree. The one thing I would change is make them Radiant Dawn-style where the battle music at least continues where it left off during each battle instead of starting at the beginning every time.
  10. Honestly, it's kind of hard to compare those directly though. The softer tone used in Echoes suits the fact that it's a map theme perfectly, while Smash is a fighting game so naturally the tone is going to be more upbeat.
  11. I would say it's highly likely they'll keep the same music systems for further remakes. They're not going to remove music and rightly so. I personally prefer the separate battle and map themes. Heck, if anything, Echoes showed how much I missed it.
  12. Any English footage would be enough for me. They gotta have some if they're really expecting to get this out this year for us.
  13. So, same artist who did normal Lucina and Alexis doing the voice again. Neither being a shocker.
  14. By the way, it looks like a new difficulty setting might be coming too. An "Infernal" difficulty seems to have been spotted alongside the usual Norma, Hard, and Lunatic.
  15. Well, I have a ton of good 5* units all maxed out, though I just hope getting the new character will be at a reasonable score.
  16. Kind of curious that it's a limited time event. Didn't expect that.
  17. Where are you seeing info on the Masked Lucina and all that?
  18. I don't mind power of friendship in other anime/games where something like that is more typical and expected. Persona for example, thrives off it's focus on friendship and I quite like it a lot there. However, I don't like it as much in Fire Emblem because everytime Intelligent Systems has used it, it feels forced, like it's only there to manufacture drama. The whole "bonds" thing possibly bringing Robin back to life for example is stupid. It would have been much better drama-wise and story-wise if Robin dealing the final blow truly ended his life, as that would be a lot more powerful and impactful. Another instance where I don't like this is the Heirs of Fate storyline from Fates, where Shigure says they can join in the last battle if they sacrifice their memories of the events. Stuff like that makes zero sense to me, even though this is a fantasy series. It feels like a plot device purely there to manufacture drama, something it didn't really need.
  19. It's basically just art style difference and little more. As far as the characters are concerned, it's the same as usual.
  20. I wouldn't say it was a requirement though. A couple years ago, Atlus published a strategy RPG named Stella Glow which had English voice acting and Japanese singing. They could have easily kept the singing the same and gave players options for English or Japanese dubbed dialogue.
  21. Phew....took me like 10 tries or so, but I finally beat it. Splitting them up using Hector and Michalis at both chokepoints at once turned out to be the difference, with Reinhardt and Ninian helping as well.
  22. How can you get Nino to kill Camus in one round? For some reason, my Nino is not doubling Camus despite having a lot more speed than him.
  23. Okay...anyone got any tips for Lunatic? Camus is destroying me easily on Lunatic. I try to tank with Michalis but the AI just switches it up and sends in one the axe cavaliers instead.
  24. Eh, you can relax. This is nothing I don't already know. :) And like all of you said, what KT thinks may not matter in the end because Nintendo would probably make sure it gets a dub with how much they've done with it in Heroes and Echoes. So no, I'm not freaking out or anything, just that I have twinges of doubt.
  25. It's mostly just super paranoia on my part. I've heard some around say that Koei Tecmo has been a bit skimpy on English dubs these days, and them commenting on the "massive script" makes me hope that they don't forgo an English dub just to save time. That's what happened with Blazblue, which had an English dub in every game until Arc Systems went against it for the last game just to save time and get the game out faster. Stuff like that has made me a bit paranoid these days.
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