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Everything posted by Sentinel07

  1. Ike and Elincia should have happened. I don't care what others say. AranxLaura is definitely a curious miss since they practically hyped it up in Base Conversations.
  2. I completely agree. I always thought that was one of RD's dumber endings, so much that I never did it after my first playthrough. I saw zero romantic intent from Elincia. But then again, RD as a whole sucked with romance. I don't think it had a single pairing I liked.
  3. I still hope for something from Echoes at least with it being the new "latest" game technically which I would imagine KT would have to been aware of for some time. Perhaps it could serve as the Wind Waker equivalent to the story and come in later.
  4. Yeah, I think I should have clarified that more. To me, Caeda just barely covers the basics of her trope, while the majority of Pegasus Knights (and Wyvern Riders for that matter) that come after her do a lot more.
  5. Minerva deserves a lot more popularity. A nice, cool, and composed character that has plenty of story relevance.
  6. I'll never understand voting for Caeda. Not only does she have a dull personality, but she has less story importance than the two characters right below her.
  7. Uh, he still talks the exact same way in RD. It was only that he was more serious in regards to the Renning and Izuka situations.
  8. I'm pretty sure he is actually her brother and that the Zacharias identity might have been a disguise. I mean, he's clearly Emblian royalty given he's succumbing to the same madness as them. Future story chapter more likely, like with the Askr royals.
  9. Doubtful he'll be a GHB, especially since those have been exclusive to legacy characters. More likely a future story chapter will involve recruiting him, like with the Askr royals.
  10. Yeah, it was pretty obvious. That being said, I'm still pretty intrigued on where this might go next. I'm hoping Chapter 13 isn't too far away.
  11. The only way I will ever truly like S-rank supports is if the variety is expanded. One thing that really drew me in when I played Sacred Stones (my first FE) was the variety in relationships between character endings. Aside from romance, you had Kyle and Forde's knightly bond, Ross and Garcia's father-son relationship (that didn't need a 2nd Gen to work), Amelia and Duessel's master and protogee type of relationship. Heck, there were even non-romantic male/female support endings like Forde/Eirika, Cormag/Tana, and Saleh/Myrrh. However, since S-ranks came in, it's been completely skewed towards romance, and I think that's a disservice to many characters, as it throws other potential relationship endings out the window. I like romance as much as the next guy, but the variety in human relationships drew me in on the support system to begin with and I want to see that come back.
  12. DC/QR is definitely what I'll be doing, since I have a Hector and Leo and don't care for either one.
  13. So, decent HP, good Attack, typical speed relative to other cavaliers, same defense as Camus, and higher Resistance for a cavalier. Looks good to me. I'll make him my top blue cavalier one way or another.
  14. Eh, I don't mind it. It's a very thin story which isn't surprising given the platform. Still, it's intrigued me all the same as to where it'll go.
  15. Yeah, that was pretty much the game's worst kept secret. And of course they would end the chapter on that question of all things. I hope Chapter 13 comes next month.
  16. Welp, guess I'll be clearing out some of my more useless 5* and sending their skills to Berkut. I don't care what others say. I will make him great no matter what it takes.
  17. It's HP that needs to be higher for the boost skills and he's got a good amount of it plus good Defense and Resistance.
  18. Okay....I'm never going to a reddit thread ever again. Berkut seems to have very good stats and have a niche of his own, yet everyone is being complete brats about him not having Distant Counter as if that's a freaking requirement now!!! It's almost making me dislike Camus for how fervent people are on him.
  19. Well....that's a bummer. Another unimaginative name. First Legion's Axe, Clarisse's Bow, and now this? Boring. Wonder if maybe the reason why he doesn't have "that" weapon is because he got it as a result of what he did in the last chapter. Edit: Good news, he's still got Ian Sinclair as his VA so I can look forward to more beautiful voice acting.
  20. It's now confirmed that Asatani Tomoyo is indeed Berkut's artist.
  21. In Genealogy's defense though, it did the marriage/children system a lot better than Awakening and Fates did.
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