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Everything posted by Sentinel07

  1. Well, I gotta say, I'm glad for the Rise of the Deliverance pack. Gave me a lot of new insight on Fernand. Granted, I already liked him as an antagonist, but after playing those maps, I'm glad there's more context to him.
  2. If the game hopefully gets an English dub, I wonder if they might try to replicate the idea of siblings voicing Shion and Liane.
  3. https://www.gamecity.ne.jp/fe/index.html The website for this game is up, as well as giving us a look at this game's Anna.
  4. The idea of too many swords would unbalance the weapon triangle is hilarious. IS apparently doesn't have that problem in Fire Emblem Heroes, which is flooded with sword units (and red units in general)
  5. It's just that, in regards to Hyrule Warriors, I'll never forgive how they made Link and Zelda's relationship completely shallow. Took out any kind of depth normally found in the mainstream games and gave them perhaps the blandest "destined lovers" thing I've ever seen in a video game.
  6. I'm honestly not sure what to think in regards to the bond conversations because...well...Koei Tecmo hasn't exactly been known for good writing. I mean, Dynasty Warriors and Hyrule Warriors both have some pretty cringy dialogue.
  7. To be honest, the Weapon Triangle really isn't a big twist. The Warriors games introduced their own variant a while ago which pretty much functions similarly.
  8. I'm pretty confident it'll be English dubbed. I would imagine Nintendo would make sure of that considering Echoes. And it certainly better be dubbed because if it isn't, then this goes off the list just like Tokyo Mirage Sessions.
  9. I'm hoping for some Echoes representation at the very least. It deserves it.
  10. Good. Very good. Hopefully the Echoes team will get to work with another remake, preferably Genealogy because that seriously needs an update.
  11. The Memory Prism between Clive and Fernand seems to imply that his family are good people that are trying to make things work but Desaix is putting pressure on them for some reason.
  12. In my opinion, Berkut is not only one of the better villains of the 3DS era, but one of the best antagonists in the series. His motivations are fairly human and realistic, not to mention they make sense given the kind of environment Rigel has. His slow descent makes sense with how much it goes against everything he's been taught in life, including losing the throne that he had been lead by everyone to believe was his to lose. I could go into much bigger explanation but I think that's enough.
  13. Kind of like their excuse for having no English voice acting in Tokyo Mirage Sessions. They talked about "reimagining a Japanese concert" when it's painfully easy that they did it to cut costs.
  14. Not surprised one bit that they seem to be using a structure similar to Fire Emblem Heroes. Brand new original land engulfed in war and previous FE characters are summoned in to help.
  15. Yeah...that's probably the low point of Alm's dialogue to me in this game. He's trying way too hard to shrug the whole thing off.
  16. So, with this, all characters that the game started with will be playable. It'll be curious to see what's next.
  17. So I'm guessing either he was planned to join Alm's army at some point or that he's got some Prologue DLC to be playable in like Fernand or something.
  18. I rank Echoes' OST as my 2nd favorite in the franchise, only behind the Tellius games.
  19. Heh, and you people were all worried that they would "canonize" pairings.
  20. Honestly, I think Heritors is structured better than Lost In Thoughts. Feels like there is much less use of overextended words in Heritors. I mean, I like Lost In Thoughts a lot, but let's be real, it's got some awkwardly structured parts, while Heritors seems to flow better.
  21. Getting caught in battle in those floors was a royal pain, especially since it was always 2 or 3 groups at least. Thankfully, I had Gray as a Yasha and he provided a decent wall to keep enemies away until I could retreat out of the battles and continue on.
  22. It was nice for Grima to get some actual context for a backstory, compared to his non-existent one in Awakening.
  23. I'm currently playing through Chapter 5 again, since I wanted to do a better run compared to my first run. Honestly, I'd say my ultimate opinion on Celica is that she is not dumb at all, but she is naive and ruled by her emotions. Jedah basically preyed upon and manipulated both of those aspects. On another note, I know a lot of people have been taking issue with Celica's lack of a reaction to Jedah's words in Chapter 5, but to be honest, I actually have kind of an issue with Jedah here rather than Celica. First of all, why the heck would he brag about a Duma-controlled world right in front of the person where he made a "deal" with to unseal Mila? That makes no sense. Secondly, the whole "fear and chaos in Duma's shadow" thing doesn't make sense. While the Duma Faithful certainly seem to be that way, Duma himself isn't about a world of fear.
  24. I agree with pretty much everything you said. Well said indeed. And yeah, I do think she absolutely convinced herself that sacrifice was the only way for anything to work, even with Jedah throwing out his evil plans into the open. Like you said, I think she pretty much just broke, wanting for the conflict to just end already.
  25. The Memory Prism between Fernand and Clive outright states that Fernand's family is trying to care for their people, but Desaix is putting pressure on them and likely threatening them. So yeah, not their fault that villagers spoiled rotten by Mila got themselves into a rage and killed everyone. While it doesn't make Fernand's decision to let Zofia rot any better, it at least gives him some context and how he came to his decision instead of being a jerk just for the sake of being one.
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