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Everything posted by Sentinel07

  1. https://twitter.com/FEHeroes_News?lang=en Yet, according to them, it's a story chapter and calling it a paralogue was a mistake.
  2. According to what I'm reading everywhere, it's a new story chapter, not paralogue.
  3. Actually, that's pretty universal. Intelligent Systems hasn't exactly kept it a secret that they view Ike as the strongest character in FE.
  4. Well, I'll definitely roll for Ike. Not sure about Mist. I'll have to think about that. I'm not too sure about Titania. I'm not the biggest fan of those weapons.
  5. Who knows. Perhaps he didn't feel like coming back. They obviously prioritize him given that they brought him back for Fates, so perhaps he lost interest. I don't think he's even a full-time VA.
  6. Path of Radiance finally makes an entrance. Ike: Greg Chun (replacing Jason Adkins) Mist: Sarah Williams Soren: Kyle McCarley Titania: Misty Lee
  7. Not even exclusive to the crossovers. Even in Awakening's DLC, he's referred to as the strongest.
  8. Personally, I think Celica will be next. I know some think they'll hold off on her for the international release, but I don't think that matters as much to them. I think they care more about pounding while the iron is hot in Japan and keep the momentum going from that.
  9. I think I heard something about being able to retreat after 3 turns or something.
  10. They might not have wanted to run the risk of unbalancing the game. Always kind of tricky to try and force in concepts that a game wasn't made for. I'm no expert in game design but they might have decided that it wasn't worth the risk to try and squeeze it in.
  11. Also, looks like Duma's Ordeal and Mila's Ordeal are the localized names for the amiibo dungeons.
  12. In any case, I love how flashy the skill attacks are. :) And on a minor note, I think Cindy Robinson voices Nuibaba. Sounded exactly like Aversa.
  13. My Reinhardt, Nino, Eirika, and Ninian carried things rather easily. First time I beat a Lunatic GHB on the first try.
  14. There's nothing wrong with just doing small things for a bit. This isn't meant to be a game you play for many hours a day.
  15. Well, for a while, I've believed that Echoes could be a subseries, but now I'm not so sure. It might be the weirdest example, but in Fire Emblem Heroes, the world where the Valentian characters showed up is called the World of Echoes in Japan (World of Shadows over here). Given that, it sounds like they're tying the Echoes name to Gaiden specifically so I don't think we'll see another one. Doesn't mean there won't be more remakes, just that I don't think they'll carry the Echoes name.
  16. Well, the good news is that Heroes has had consistent amounts of content that I imagine will continue for a while, and Intelligent Systems has been excellent with communication, adressing many things people had problems with. People were skeptical about Mario Run from the get go, since it really doesn't offer anything that regular Mario games don't have, and the price tag was a bit much for the small amount of content it had. If anything, one thing Heroes has the advantage in is that it offers a somewhat different FE experience compared to the main games while still not alienating some values of the franchise.
  17. I'll give it a good year at the bare minimum. I think it has enough momentum for that. Whether it'll go much longer than that is another story.
  18. Welp....never mind then. That killed that hope.
  19. Time for another batch, courtesy of the new trailer. Alm: Kyle McCarley Lukas: Greg Chun Clair: Alexis Tipton Faye: Amber Conner
  20. Sounds perfectly fine to me, but whatever.
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