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Everything posted by Sentinel07

  1. Exactly. PR was pretty much the intention from the start. Not much different from how in Radiant Dawn, Izuka wanted to rush putting Micaiah in charge just because the troops liked her. The fact that Alm turned out to be an alright leader in the end was more or less good fortune honestly.
  2. I certainly would not mind another scenario with controlling two armies over two separate stories like this.
  3. Lyn is definitely one of them. Who knows on the other.
  4. I've personally always had a weakness for childhood romances. I'm not sure why. Maybe just the idea of a boy and girl that know each other better than anyone else falling has just somehow appealed to me. I couldn't care less about how many say it's "unrealistic". So yeah, I got zero problems with Alm and Celica. I dare say it's probably my favorite romantic pairing in the franchise right now.
  5. Thing is, that's kind of something that all Zofians are taught to believe: that Mila is a panacea for everything. As a priestess, Celica likely held these beliefs close to her chest. She believed that Mila really could save everyone, so in her mind, even the slightest chance of Jedah being truthful and getting Mila back was probably justified.
  6. I honestly didn't mind it at all. One thing that the game is pretty consistent with is that Celica really has a problem with letting others in, including her friends. As a noble, she thinks she alone should bear the weight of events like this, and that commoners (which includes her friends) shouldn't have to deal with them. And I also agree with one of the other posters here that Jedah is...surprisingly detailed for a dark sorcerer. He really went into detail as to why she was needed, and a lot of what he said was actually true. He only really lied about letting Alm and her friends off the hook.
  7. Honestly, I feel like vomiting anytime I hear someone wanting to ship Saber with either Celica or Genny. Sorry but a man of his age (34) with girls less than 20 years old is borderline pedo in my opinion. Edit: And those of two who think Forsythe and Python are gay really need your eyes checked. That's crazy talk.
  8. I can't vote. I can honestly say there's not a single playable character that I dislike. I've enjoyed both casts equally.
  9. As someone who didn't play Gaiden before, I honestly love this game. Sure, it's got some archaic mechanics and sometimes questionable maps, but neither of them detracted too much from my experience. And I will agree that the story, characters, art, and music makes up for a lot. All of these just have a certain charm to them. I feel that this is a game where the presentation does make up for perhaps one or two gameplay faults.
  10. I think there is one thing you're all forgetting. Right when her route starts, she has a dream of Alm getting killed at Rudolf's hands. That was probably what put her in a tizzy above all else, because she thought Alm would be on a path that would end in certain death for him. That plus her naive belief that the Temple of Mila would solve everything.
  11. It's nice that they made him less stereotypical in the English version. I've kind of gotten tired of the "feminine man" thing I've seen in many JRPG's. The English version does just enough with Leon to make it reasonable.
  12. I would be down for that. Although...if Binding Blade really turned out to be the next remake, then it would be a sure sign that they're deliberately skipping over the Jugdral games.
  13. Honestly, after just beating the game, I didn't mind the maps at all. They're certainly nothing intricate, but I had fun all the same.
  14. I made a similar mistake in Chapter 4. I decided to check out the battle with Zeke first, and killed most of the units there while keeping Zeke alive before retreating. I figured that would work fine. Yet, Tatiana wasn't in the dungeon cell,so I completely missed out on both of them.
  15. In regards to how many uses you get, I think you have to remember something. This game has dungeons, and the counters don't reset until you go back to the World Map. That's probably why they point in a decent amount of uses. Sure, it sounds like a lot for one Story Map, but when you have dungeons that can easily have at least 5-10 battles if not more, I think it's fair.
  16. I think it's an excellent mechanic. It's entirely optional, yet does not have infinite uses so it's perfectly balanced. Very much reduces the frustration from getting hit by an unlucky critical or something.
  17. He's a good man, but he's got a lot of conviction in his profession as some of his lines from Blazing Blade suggest. "We, the brothers Reed, dispense the Fang's justice."
  18. So, they thought the biggest weakpoints were the story and characters. Oh boy, I can just see those thinking the biggest weakpoint is the map design seething at the teeth right now. :D But in all seriousness, I'm glad they decided to mostly faithful in terms of game mechanics. I want to experience what made this game different, and I feel like I wouldn't get that if they changed everything to be like the modern games, mechanically-speaking.
  19. She sings the ending theme too? That's pretty cool. If it's anything like the little bit I heard in one of the Nintendo UK videos, I can't wait to hear the whole thing.
  20. So you're trying to say a story is meaningless without a self-insert? I'd say that's a pretty limiting viewpoint.
  21. To be fully honest, if Intelligent Systems wants to continue with Avatars, I think they seriously need to take a look at how Atlus has handled their characters and make them silent. Let's be real, calling Robin and Corrin avatars is misleading in a way. The player has little to no input over the characters other than their appearance. If there's one thing I've come to appreciate since playing Atlus' games, it's that there's value in a silent character, as it allows the player to pretty much take control of the character's growth without it overshadowing other characters.
  22. Well, whatever the case was then, Echoes' versions of their endings pretty much slam the door shut on that theory. Not to mention the fact that neither Genny or Saber's endings change if one of them dies.
  23. There's nothing that implies Genny and Saber hook up, especially since their endings aren't linked.
  24. You know guys, there's a possibility that they may not use actual pairings at all. It could be 4 people that aren't really related in that regard. But as for characters, I don't think Lucina or Tharja will be in it. Lucina had her time in the Spring banner and is going to have a CYL variant probably not too long after this, and we already know from previous datamines that Tharja was (and probably still is) planned to be in a Christmas/Winter theme event. Honestly, I don't know how I feel about the idea of using characters that aren't in the game yet. Characters I'm seeing mentioned like Seth, Sigurd, and such like that...I'd much rather see them in the game properly before any potential variants.
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