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Everything posted by Sentinel07

  1. There is no indication of changing weapons at this time.
  2. I think that's exactly it. Bonds have always been a FE thing, but usually they weren't talked about all that much. They were kind of more of a background thing. Awakening and Fates on the other hand pretty much put them into the focus.
  3. Really? Lissa sounds exactly the same as always to me.
  4. Ah, so kaya8 finally did a male character. Looks good.
  5. Well, looks like my Alm will be getting a cool new skill by the time this is over.
  6. All right, beat it! This was my lineup: Map 1: Ephraim, Boey, Lachesis, Takumi Map 2: Xander, Spring Lucina, Sharena, Michalis Map 3: Hector, Nino, Eirika, Catria Map 4: Alfonse, Anna, Shanna, Elise Map 5: Masked Marth, Karel, Bride Cordelia, Ninian Edit: Nino ended up being my tank for the Archer. She had just enough defense for it and, thanks to the boost from Eirika, had more than enough power to take it out.
  7. Anyone got any tips for Map 3 in Squad Assault? So far I'm up to. Map 1: Ephraim, Boey, Lachesis, Takumi Map 2: Xander, Spring Lucina, Sharena, Michalis But Map 3 is a real pain. I can't get to those Cavaliers.
  8. At least it's nice that they gave some fair trade-offs in Squad Assault. The enemies have no skills, only weapons, and it's the same ones every time. So it's merely just trying to find the right combination of units.
  9. Perhaps Berkut will be one of July's GHB's if they keep the Echoes theme going this month.
  10. They increased the base values for Normal and Hard mode, up to 30 and 35 respectively compared to Lunatic's 40.
  11. I don't why everyone says Alm, Faye, and Boey suck. They've all been great fighters for me. Oh well. I do get a kick out of making great units out of characters everyone quits on. In any case, I'm glad to see some love for Echoes. That game seriously needs more appreciation.
  12. Well, this is fortuitous for me. I have Alm, Faye, and Boey all ready to go!
  13. Outside of just more characters, I want more main story chapters. Seriously, despite how light the story is, I'm honestly begging to see what happens next.
  14. Priscilla beating Lissa is probably the closest we've had to any kind of upset. Anyway, good luck Elibeans. :)
  15. Um, no offense, but that sounds like it might be an indicator of bigger problems. I mean, I sometimes stress eat as well, but hardly something to make me sick.
  16. I think Elise has been the only character that has had good fortune with the bonus. Hasn't been screwed yet.
  17. Ah dang, Lachesis didn't get the bonus. I think Elise has been the luckiest character so far in terms of the multiplier bonus.
  18. To be fully honest, I've never viewed the victory reward as being good enough to bandwagon for in the first place. I mean, it's a rather pitiful amount of feathers. Only 1500, which isn't even enough to upgrade a 3* character. If it was bigger than that, it'd be more tempting to bandwagon...though in the end I still prefer going with my favorite.
  19. Honestly, even the "own merit" thing is questionable. Sure, characters like Lucina, Camilla, and Tharja and such are popular already, but many just bandwagoned on them just because they knew they would win even if they didn't like the character. So really, it goes both ways. This ain't a fair contest no matter which way you slice it.
  20. But characters didn't actually fight in the swimsuits. They just tried it on and then went back to normal for combat.
  21. I don't care if they keep this around a month, so long as they at least bring in another banner alongside it in a couple weeks. I won't be spending orbs for the Summer banner. Seeing characters actually fight in swimsuits is just too strange for me. Yes, even more than brides since at least that was a real class.
  22. They better at least bring in a new banner midway through July. That will suck if that's all we get all month.
  23. Winners were Lachesis, Elise, Lissa, and Priscilla.
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