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Everything posted by Sentinel07

  1. A few things that I think are pretty cool about his weapons/skills. 1. Him having the Cursed Lance directly references his backstory in Sacred Stones. 2. He has Luna, referencing how the "Pierce" skill was exclusive to the Wyvern Knight class. 3. His Panic Ploy still negates Ephraim and Eirika's buffing prowess.
  2. Hopefully Valter's appearance means Sacred Stones will FINALLY have a proper introduction as it still has not had it's own world introduced.
  3. I think Female Corrin is blue and Elise is green.
  4. Female Corrin....on a wyvern....with a blue tome.... Intelligent Systems....why do you do this to me? Why?!
  5. Someone on another website suggested the idea of maybe the Askr trio alone could get 6* versions, kind of like how the protagonists always get some kind of power-up as the story goes on. I think it would work honestly. They're units everyone has so no one gets screwed over. Plus, they could use the buff.
  6. I have no clue. From all the footage I've seen, I have no clue who Rowan and Lianna's VA's are.
  7. Dungeons were definitely a lot of fun, as were Archers. Honestly, this game has kind of made me wish Archers would be this way from here on. I enjoyed their versatility here. As for the maps, I honestly don't mind them as much as other fans do. Sure, I wouldn't call many of them outstanding, but that's not a deal-breaker for me. The only way I'd hate a map is if it was completely unfair and Echoes doesn't have too many of those.
  8. To be honest, Fire Emblem has had some mainstream popularity in Japan pretty much since it started. Nintendo doing a piss poor job of handling it internationally like waiting until the 7th game to bring it over and then barely do any advertising until the 13th game kind of false started any international momentum.
  9. Easily one of my favorite OST's in the franchise. There's not a single remix that I think is worse than Gaiden's. Oddly enough, I've seen quite a few people saying Twilight of the Gods was better in Gaiden than Echoes, but I don't get that. I think the NES version feels emptier compared to Echoes' version. I don't have a specific place for it, but it's in my Top 3 somewhere along with Path of Radiance/Radiant Dawn (They share the same style practically) and The Sacred Stones.
  10. If that translation is anything that go by, I'll be looking forward to hearing it in English. :)
  11. Honestly, as long as it meets their expectations, not much else really matters.
  12. Hmm.....possibly, but given that it's Thabes and that's where Naga was laid to rest, I'd be more inclined to believe it was Naga's blood.
  13. Well, considering the Choose Your Legends banner shouldn't be too far away now, you'll get your wish.
  14. Marth is in and Young Tiki is more or less confirmed. I think any beyond those 2 is questionable.
  15. To be honest, the voice acting doesn't sound bad to me at all. The script is just cheesier (and very repetitive). Anyway, glad to get a better look at Lucina's gameplay. Looks fitting to me. Similar, but it's still got some differences to give it some uniqueness. Lissa looks fun too.
  16. I honestly don't mind the TT getting another Echoes theme. But when the Alm/Celica's army banners are done, I do want something new there.
  17. In other words, definitely no chance she would know anyone. Honestly, that's part of why I find Tiki's words there strange. Heck, the idea of her knowing anyone besides Marth actually clashes with how Shadow Dragon established that she had no memory of her days before her centuries-long sleep. It's like whoever wrote that support didn't have a clue.
  18. That fan theory had always made little sense to me. How would Tiki even know who Sigurd was? I don't think she was even alive back then.
  19. YES! Thanks to a combination of Masked Marth, Sharena, Nino, and Ninian, I was not only able to beat Lunatic and even beat Infernal, which is a first for me! :)
  20. I'm pretty much stumped on Lunatic right now. I've tried it about 5 or 6 times already and can't even take down one single unit. Those buffs are outrageous.
  21. Welp, sadly "Pride and Arrogance" doesn't play when fighting Berkut. Wasted potential there.
  22. Well, whatever the case may be, I don't find Mathilda's ending out of character one bit. I would imagine war has a tendency to put one's life and priorities into consideration. After fighting a continent-wide war and even fighting a GOD of all things, I would not fault anyone, be they man or woman, to decide to devote themselves to other things in life. Perhaps Mathilda decided that she had enough fighting for one lifetime. Who can say for sure but I wouldn't fault her one bit for it if that were the case.
  23. Isn't there a thing against spouses being in the military together or something? I remember back in the Fullmetal Alchemist manga that a lot of people wanted Roy Mustang and Riza Hawkeye to get married. However, Hiromu Arakawa (the mangaka) said that the reason why she didn't have them marry was because Riza would be forced to leave the military if she became Roy's wife.
  24. So, a Firesweep Bow Cavalier, two mages (one mounted), and an axe cavalier. Joy. Looks like units will be split up similar to the first battle against Berkut in Echoes.
  25. Honestly, this is pretty much my opinion as well. There really isn't a character I dislike, though Faye could have been better. So, I guess it's Deen by default since I really feel no need to recruit him over Sonya.
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