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Everything posted by Sentinel07

  1. Lyon would definitely be my top choice at the moment. Either him or the Black Knight.
  2. His voice was probably the only reason I ever used Percy in Fates.
  3. All right, time for more new ones. Klein: Edward Bosco Sanaki: Erin Fitzgerald Reinhardt: Chris Smith Olwen: Erin Fitzgerald Eldigan: Greg Chun Lachesis: Christina Valenzuela
  4. That's why I think giving the option would help. Either take your chances in the gacha for a 5* or get him easily at 2* and have to spend time leveling him to 5*. I think it's a trade-off they should consider.
  5. I’d say it’s a possibility. They were included in FE Cipher so there is a chance. I personally wouldn’t mind it. I’d get to finally hear the characters in English.
  6. I’m pretty sure they’ll keep it going and change it up soon. Honestly, I do hope they add even characters normally exclusive at 5*. I mean, getting Ryoma at 2* would be a pain, but at least I have him and have time to level him up.
  7. I think people need to calm down a bit. We already know we’re getting story updates at least bi-weekly, be it either story quests or Paralogues. I mean, I bet many people have been grinding this game constantly since its release, which really isn’t the point. This is a slow burning game. You’re not going to get everything immediately. For a game that hasn’t even been out a full month, they’ve been fairly consistent with adding content. They already said that they got more ways to play coming in the future. Add that with more characters coming to the roster and there will be stuff to do. This is a game best played in small bursts, not grinding all day like you would a mainstream game.
  8. Pretty sure there was an interview on GameXplain where it was said by one of the developers that story updates are planned to be bi-weekly. I’m guessing we can expect either a story chapter or a Paralogue chapter every two weeks.
  9. I doubt we'll be seeing Xander for a while. His exclusion so far is basically plot related, as he's willingly serving under Veronica presently. Judging by the wording, I imagine the next GHB will be a blue unit, being either Ursula or Camus.
  10. I have 4 orbs. I've been trying to get Eirika but the game seems to love giving me Red 5* characters that aren't her. I'm going to give this banner one last run for a Red 5* and then I'm done with it, regardless of who I get.
  11. Do you have Takumi and/or Camilla? Using both of them in addition to Nino made it a cakewalk for me.
  12. Well, not for this game at least. Unfortunately, it's not too much of a surprise. He's been extremely busy of late with other roles he's gotten. Plus I think he's been spending more time with his family as well. So, he's had a few roles recasted over the past year or so.
  13. I'll just bring over the response I had from a similar thread. Well, definitely lower the feather count to get to 5*. 20,000 is ridiculous. Either change that or have more special events like the retweet event. Other than that, just continue to keep adding story chapters and characters. Though personally, I wish they'd keep doing two banners and split the pool between them, so you get a greater chance of getting one you want. Oh, and something else that just came to mind. When summoning, I think the Focus % should keep going up until you get one. I hate that it goes down when you get any 5*, even if it's not a focus. Seriously, I don't know how long I've been trying to get Eirika, but the Red Orbs have just giving me two 5* Corrins, and 5* Lilina. It's kind of infuriating to know that any 5* resets both percentages. Reset the 5*% one if you want, but the Focus percentage should stay up.
  14. Given that I've been grinding mostly on Red Orbs to get Eirika, I've seen more than my fair share of units that won't go away. Raigh and Stahl seem to be the ones that show up the most.
  15. Well, definitely lower the feather count to get to 5*. 20,000 is ridiculous. Either change that or have more special events like the retweet event. Other than that, just continue to keep adding story chapters and characters. Though personally, I wish they'd keep doing two banners and split the pool between them, so you get a greater chance of getting one you want. EDIT: Oh, and something else that just came to mind. When summoning, I think the Focus % should keep going up until you get one. I hate that it goes down when you get any 5*, even if it's not a focus. Seriously, I don't know how long I've been trying to get Eirika, but the Red Orbs have just giving me two 5* Corrins, and 5* Lilina. It's kind of infuriating to know that any 5* resets both percentages. Reset the 5*% one if you want, but the Focus percentage should stay up.
  16. Lyn's voice in Brawl is awful. Makes her sound twice her age. At least she sounds her age now.
  17. No, but she has a very....how should I say this...a very posh way of talking. You look at the majority of her roles in anime and such and she kind of has that same tone in most of them. Liam O'Brien isn't too different. He often has a very feax-British tone in many of his roles as well.
  18. I don't think that was the intention. That's just how Mela Lee sounds like most of the time.
  19. Feels like plenty to me so far. I've almost been playing non-stop since it came out and I'm still not done with all the Quests.
  20. That's far from the truth. Male Kana may not have the best voice, but saying he sounds like an old lady is a huge overexaggeration.
  21. I wouldn't know about Lon'qu or Olivia since I don't use them. Lilina's voice isn't too different from my expectations. Perhaps a bit squeakier than I thought, but it's in the general area. Overall, I love the voice cast, with only a couple standing out to me as eyebrow-rising. There's Raigh, in which Sam Riegel sounds way too old, and Peri, where I think Cindy Robinson went overboard on the "cutesy" thing.
  22. While I'm enjoying Heroes a lot, personally I'd be all for a 3DS adaptation. Heroes is nice for the quick play nature of mobile games, but a 3DS adaptation could allow for more depth with gameplay and story. Obviously the summoning mechanic would have to be reworked but I think it could work. And hey, it's not like there's no precedent for mobile games becoming console/handheld games. Kingdom Hearts coded was a mobile game before being remade for the 3DS.
  23. Well, characters that I don't find good so far are: 1. Roy- He's okay stat-wise, but his skills do him no favors. Triangle Adept is not really worth it, and he has no purple special to make up for it. 2. Alfonse- I don't get what they were thinking with him. He really has no defined role. He's not strong enough to one-shot enemies and his speed often guarantees that he'll get double-hit. This wouldn't be so bad if he was a tanky character, but he doesn't have the speed for that. 3. Hana and Fir- Both characters for me seem to suffer the same problem. They play very much like they are in the main games, but I think they're hurt the most by the fact that there is no dodging in this game.
  24. Nope. I quite like the Summoner's role here. Effective and out of the way.
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