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Everything posted by Sentinel07

  1. I suppose we'll find out in a month. :) Honestly, I just really hope that, like you said, Sharena gets something that could be used as an alt.
  2. I decided on Nino. Got rid of the Attack flaw and HP asset. Total net was 2 point of HP and 1 point of Resistance lost, but 2 points of Attack and 1 point of speed gained. A pretty good trade-off I think.
  3. Honestly, I don't think Peony is the girl Sharena kept swapping with. Looking back at the dialogue (even going back again to look it over), Sharena doesn't specify the girl she did it with, despite apparently remembering a lot more. From her tone, it doesn't sound to me like Peony is the one, otherwise you'd think Sharena would have said as much. Peony also doesn't seem to have the same problem Sharena has, as we can infer that her feeling sad at hearing the word "sister" is likely because of Triandra (as indicated from the Book 4 Part 2 trailer). Perhaps this is just me, but there doesn't really seem to be any build-up to the idea that Peony is the one Sharena was swapping with, though I suppose we might find out for sure next chapter, or the one after with certainty.
  4. I think both Caspar and Bernadetta should have gotten their own Paralogues. All they really do in-game is piggyback off of Mercedes and Petra. Both characters have potential given their personal stories. Caspar's could have been an opportunity given his family, and Bernadetta's home, Varley territory, is never visited in-game plus her own family drama.
  5. Fairly standard FB. Nothing extraordinary, but still entertaining. Certainly a little more focused on comedy this time. Ilyana and Gatrie were mostly for giggles (not like they had much character development in the Tellius games either), Shinon doing his thing, and Jill naturally having the more character-focused ones. All in all, it's pretty close to how they were in Path of Radiance. Though, I did get a good laugh at Thrasir taking Gatrie's words to heart...and then thinking about Alfonse. 😄
  6. I feel certain that at least SOMETHING happened with Sharena, even if they go the route of her not being a changeling. It would feel anticlimactic and kind of a waste if that whole story lead to absolutely nothing but brief angst for Sharena.
  7. Well, that was a heavy chapter. I don't think I can recall a time when all 5 chapter segments had significant story bits, not to mention no dialogue at all from the banner units. Honestly, it's much better this way. A lot more progress was made.
  8. Very nice. A lot of highly requested Tellius characters here. Also good that Ilyana is out of alt hell. Not quite sure if I'll draw on it, given my low orb count thanks to the dancing banner. Petrine as GHB is awesome though.
  9. About time. Genealogy was so long overdue for such a banner. I'd love to go for Sigurd/Deirdre, but I'm low on orbs after going for Bramimond. Might have to take a raincheck on this one.
  10. That's what I was talking about, the modern world nightmare from the Part 2 trailer. I really hope there are maps on that and not just a trailer thing.
  11. Honestly, as far as mythics go, I'm just waiting for the day we get either Nemesis or Seiros. Who knows when they'll come, but I'm going all in whenever they do.
  12. As far as maps go, I really do hope that shot of the modern world from the Part 2 trailer actually does become a series of maps. 😄
  13. I think part of the problem is that Heroes tries to be both an original game and a crossover game at the same time, and ends up feeling underdeveloped in both areas. Dragalia Lost has an advantage in the sense that it's a new series and doesn't have to account for anything else. It's free to develop its world and characters in a deeper and more organic way. In Heroes' case, it also tries to set up its own world, but also tries to involve the literal hundreds of FE characters and worlds from the mainline games. Honestly, I feel like one way they could have avoided this is by not tying the new chapters and banners together. Dragalia Lost doesn't concern itself with making sure every new character has an appearance. Heroes on the other hand wastes a significant part of each chapter just showing off new banner units.
  14. Bernadetta and Nino atop the women's division. Men can be whichever. I don't mind whoever given most of my big favorites have already won.
  15. For me, I've just accepted that there are certain flaws they're not going to correct, so I might as well just roll with it. As long as the plot at least intrigues me, I'll be fine
  16. Honestly, I found Claude's supports to be very intriguing, and some of the villain's words kind of stuck with me. Obviously, we're supposed to see these schemes as "cowardly" or "evil" or some such, yet you can't deny their effectiveness. The support with Iago in particular stuck with me a bit.
  17. Can only wonder how things will go from here. I'm still hoping that we actually do get some maps based on our world as shown in the trailer. I really want them to actually make those real. 😄 Hopefully they also really get a move on with these plot revelations. Got 3 chapters left and they're still being ambiguous on Sharena as well as Peony and Triandra's relationship.
  18. Just gave the chapter another look and something I had glossed over before. Freyr mentioning a mortal princess making her way in by mistake and should never have been involved.
  19. Well, that was quite a chapter. Didn't expect that turn at all! Though, that middle section of the chapter confirmed one thing that I believed before, that children who essentially had nowhere else to go were specifically targeted. I should probably give the chapter another read though to make sure I understood it all.
  20. Part 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O3QuaKmAh38 Part 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z3V1Apq8SXc Part 3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oyDH_qzVTrw
  21. Really hoping they don't make Peony Sharena's changeling since she's already got the whole "Triandra's my sister" thing that we'll inevitably get soon enough.
  22. Honestly, the previous CYL Paralogues don't have that much interaction. It's not much more than the typical "We'll join you should you summon us" shtick. That video they did last year showing all 4 heroes conversing was a much better method. It'd be better if they did that again. Plus, we're getting a Forging Bonds with CYL this year, so that should give you your interaction.
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