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Everything posted by Sentinel07

  1. Fates had a union dub, hence why actors like EG Daily and Paula Tiso were in it. However, they've gone back to non-union dubs since, and you're not going to find actors like them in projects like that. Hence, the recasting.
  2. My opinion regarding the voices pretty much remains the same. I think the voices themselves are fine, but the elementary school-level script makes them sound worse than they really are.
  3. Man, beating this on Lunatic is a real thorn. Firesweep weapons are proving difficult to overcome.
  4. There does seem to be one difference though. Nintendo was pretty quick to do English versions of the character reveal trailers when Hyrule Warriors was coming. Heck, Japanese and English versions would often come around the same time. Yet, there is so far no English equivalent trailer for Cordelia or Female Robin despite their trailers being released for quite a while by now.
  5. That's all true. Besides, it's not like we actually get to see these things happen. It's mostly all in text. Though, that first point particularly infuriates me with how they basically handwave it. They don't even show Corrin and Azura coming to that realization. It's literally never even brought up aside from Mikoto's one mention of it. Kind of makes that plot point pretty lame.
  6. Honestly, I found the boss fight with Anankos to be very disappointing. It was basically all spectacle and no bite. To me, a good final boss tests the player with many of the things they've encountered throughout the game. RD's entire endgame does a very good job of throwing many different things at the player over it's many maps, and the battle with Duma is quite exhillerating. But Anankos' fight....for how much it's built up is exceedingly barebones. There's pretty much no strategy to it, Anankos throws nothing special at you, and it really comes off as missed potential (like Fates as a whole). I mean, for example, Anankos is said to be one of the progenitors of the Dragon Vein ability. Why the heck does he not use it? Why does his attack have no kind of special damage to it (with how Fates introduced buffing/debuffing). Why does the map have no obstacles and is instead barren? The only praise I can think of is that they fixed some of these problems in the Heirs of Fate version of the fight. As for Anankos as a villain....honestly I think he might be my least favorite villain in all of gaming. Now, I'm not saying Anankos has the worst personality and backstory for a villain. There are plenty more villains who do worse at that, but what makes Anankos the most intolerable for me is what he represents. Basically, he represents everything wrong with Fates' story. Any sense of tension and drama between Nohr and Hoshido is just played off as something he does, like he's one big "easy" button for the writers to blame everything on. Why is Garon causing war? Anankos made him. Why does Takumi become the final boss of Conquest? Anankos did it. And so on and so forth. Basically, Fates had the perfect set-up for a morally gray story that explored what war is like for two countries, yet Anankos single-handedly diffuses any of that for the sole purpose of giving the player one big enemy to kill and everything is fine. In a way, it's almost ironic that, at the end of Heirs of Fate, he asks the characters to forget he was ever a thing. I sure wish I could forget. And....rant over. :D
  7. Now I wonder when will be the "right moment" for Genealogy to be remade. I honestly can't help but wonder if they're intentionally avoiding it.
  8. Boy, that reminds me of how pissed off I was at Ike's out-of-character ending in Radiant Dawn. And I'm still angry as a matter of fact.!
  9. I would say the "war trauma" probably isn't a basis for the crush itself, but maybe played some kind of role later on. Alm did say he was beginning to worry about the war getting to her when she mentioned killing enemies in his name.
  10. Did he really say that though? I mean, I know he said that marriage would be boring if it were in every game, but that came across to me like explaining why it's not in Echoes, since it's characters actually have canon relationships that shouldn't be messed with. I mean, don't get me wrong, I would be happy if marriage didn't return as a gameplay mechanic. I'd much rather see that returned to support endings like in the old days.
  11. Guess I'm kind of late to the party here. Perhaps I'll do the other characters later. Faye: I don't hate her character, though I wouldn't say I like it either. Seriously, all they would have needed for me to just be okay with her was give her some conversations that actually delved into other aspects of her lifestyle. They do that and I wouldn't have thought much of the Alm obsession. Nomah: Not much to think here. He's likable enough, if not a bit unmemorable. Berkut: My 2nd favorite antagonist in the franchise, only behind Lyon. A very human antagonist with a reasonable backstory that gives pretty good reasons for why he became the power-obsessed man we see in the game. It's been a while since I was that emotionally invested in a FE villain, and he just hit all the right notes for me. His descent into madness was both intriguing and tragic, as we see him lose everything he valued and he's pushed to desperation. At least in the end, he was finally able to realize those mistakes he made, urging Alm to create a world where people won't end up like he did. I could go on for a lot longer, but that I think that's good enough. Plus, his design is excellent and his voice one of the best I've heard in any video game.
  12. Very interesting read. I found it kind of funny and interesting when Kusakihara said marriage would get boring if it was in every game. I like the fact that it sounds like they don't want to make the same game all over (considering Fates was basically Awakening 2.0). Makes me hopeful that Fire Emblem Switch will be more of it's own thing. That being said, some of my thoughts regarding some things they said: 1. They mention it being wrong if Marth showed up out of the blue in this game. Wish they had that mentality when they shoved Owain, Severa, and Inigo into Fates with no good reason for them to be there. Hidden Truths raises more questions than answers. 2. Kusakihara's quote about "building character relationships" possibly not being important to old FE fans is completely wrong. Pretty much everyone likes the Support system. The divide lies in the execution of it. For me personally, Sacred Stones was my first taste of it and it wowed me with the variety of character relationships it had, from romantic to platonic to master/protogee and beyond. Much of that was lost in Awakening and Fates, and now it's completely skewed towards romance, leaving all other relationships to the wayside. Plus, the "marry anyone" system doesn't work, especially it forces two characters who have no reason to talk to each other to have a conversation (Lon'qu and Nowi for example). 3. The mention of "Alm pursuing a path of power". Boy, they missed that part completely if that was the case. Alm never strays from the humble man he starts out as. There's never any intention of him wanting more power.
  13. After I completed a playthrough, I put it down as my 4th favorite game in the franchise. As of right now, that remains the same. Admittingly, the gameplay is rather average, but the brilliant presentation, battle animations, music, and all of that keep me invested all the same. It's what brings me back for more playthroughs because I want to experience the story all over again, despite how everyone claims it has "zero replayability" and junk.
  14. Must have heard different lines than me. His English voice is perfectly creepy and intimidating. His Japanese voice sounds generic by comparison. Not a twinge of creepiness in that one.
  15. Sounds like Tempest Trial is coming back (obviously), though there doesn't seem to be any info on it.
  16. I don't think there's reason to worry. Echoes had it's first chapter be a Paralogue and then it got a main story chapter later. SS could conceivably get the same.
  17. You know, I just realized something. With Innes having Jun Fukuyama and Xander Mobus, he has the same VA combination as Joker from Persona 5.
  18. Yeah, at this point, I'd say it's save to assume IS is aware of how unbalanced Xander and Camus are.
  19. They've only been giving Legendary weapons to characters that have some relation with them canonically, like how Jeorge is actually given Parthia even though it's a weapon anyone can use. And yet we have both Raigh and Sophia in the game but neither have Apocalypse despite how either of them can wield it in Binding Blade. So yeah, with the fact that Excalibur doesn't really have a story connection with any character, it might be left out.
  20. Lachesis's voice is fine if you compare it to her artwork in Genealogy. It only looks out of place in Heroes because the artist made her look like a loli.
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