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Status Updates posted by eclipse

  1. Yo~! It's been hectic, and I hope it improves~! How 'bout you?

  2. You are absolutely insane. I'll see if I can catch you.

  3. You are awesome. Thank you~!

  4. You can always outrange Conrad, so use that to your advantage. As for capacity, I find that half-decent armor, relevant accessory, and potions are enough.

  5. You can check the base growths on this site. Combine it with class growths and you've got a unit's growth rates. There's some seriously hilarious things that can be done with reclassing (like 22 Speed Swordmaster!Wendell).

  6. You can forge Javelins/Hand Axes so that they're, uh, less underwhelming. I use them to weaken things, then feed them to someone who needs the experience.

  7. You can if you want. I've got no objections.

  8. You can knock the Brutes out, but it takes a long time. Get them to the top of the map, and start shoving.

  9. You can't screw around with Move, for one!

  10. You did it twice. ;/

  11. You didn't really ask one. :P

  12. You get until the new year.

  13. You have a horse to your name. Granted, his offense sucks, but he's on a horse.

  14. You keep missing games. Were you interested in mine?

  15. You made it! Congratulations!

  16. You wish~! :P

  17. You're back~! I'm glad you're all better~!

  18. You're cool, and I like that. Which reminds me, he's gone.

  19. You're gonna play a little guessing game regarding who is what. I think you'll like it~!

  20. You're unbirthday isn't today. Aren't you lucky? :P

  21. Your avatar is adorable~!

  22. Your avatar is awesome~!

  23. Your avatar is sexy, especially since it's a shoulders-up shot. Where'd you get him from?

    1. Bluedoom


      Actually I was surfing on another forum and found a user with this avatar. At first I was like "Wow that is such a beautiful face" and then said user posted a story about how she found this on an FF fanart site. Didn't know that Kuja's race was unisex, haha.

  24. Your paltry little defenses will be nothing, NOTHING against what I have in store for thee!

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