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Everything posted by Rewjeo

  1. There's a difference between can't and won't, for whatever reasons you may choose to believe.
  2. At this point in time there should be no problem avoiding offspring. But morality and religion are different things. Atheism =/= only goes through life making choices based on logic.
  3. I think FE4 at this point fits more into the underappreciated than the overhyped section. About 90% of what I see about the game's quality is people saying it is overrated or even terrible, and the remaining 10% is discussions of things within the game without judging the game as a whole. We are well beyond the days of people singing its praises.
  4. I do like Silesse, but I miss Silesia. Although, Silesse is closer to the kana (in fact, Google translate says that Silesia in Japanese is Shurejien, not Shirezia). Those districts are just such painfully obvious references that it bugs me to see them mess them up. I'm kind of confused about Rebin->Lewyn. Looking at it, I can guess that it comes from the British Isles. Is that a mythological reference we missed as a fandom?
  5. Of all the FE games (and TRS) there is only one where you don't end up fighting some kind of dragon/deity/both at the end, and that's FE9. And a lot of FE9's major plot pieces don't get resolved until FE10, anyways, where you do fight one. It's more or less the same with the takeover thing, too. Of the games I've played, assuming I remember the plots correctly, only 7 and 10 don't involve you actively fighting a rising empire on its way to world conquest.
  6. I really don't know how I would rank FE stories. They generally have their good bits (Barhara, some Nergal stuff, Eirika route Lyon come to mind) but I find FE stories (and characters) generally bland. I would say that this one beats Marth's games (except maybe the stuff added into FE12, although I haven't played it in English yet) and FE6, ties FE7, loses to FE10, and I think Jugdral/FE9 had better stories IMO but I haven't played them in a long time so I'm not sure.
  7. Is there a list of these anywhere? The only ones I know of are the ones I've caught in discussion on the forums. Some of them seem pretty good to me. Seliph in particular wins for elegantly handling the whole Celice/Serlis problem. The ones that bug me are Ced (I feel like he's gonna stay Sety for a while, just like how I still read "Caeda" as "Sheeda"), Silesse (Sety of Silesia had such a nice ring to it... although I'm pretty sure I was pronouncing Silesia wrong, anyways) and Leonster. I mean, you have Connacht, Munster, Leinster, Ulster - you know, Ireland. Why pull Leonster out of nowhere? It doesn't help that I can't help but read it as Lee-on-ster, although this is English, where any pair of vowels can make any sound ever. Oh, and Raquesis. Like Leinster, they're abandoning the obvious reference and leaving us with a comparatively bad-sounding name, IMO. I personally like Holsety more than Forseti, too, but given the mythological reference... Edit: Is Quan Cuan? Isn't the romaji Kyuan? Quan definitely makes me want to say Kwan...
  8. While certain games have been overhyped in the past (namely FE4 and FE7) I don't think any really are right now. The Jugdral games used to be divisive, but now not so much. The Elibe games also have a pretty big mix of supporters and people who think they're mediocre. FE8 and FE10, which used to be viewed as "inferior" to FE7 and FE9, too seem to be getting a good amount of love. From what I've seen, the DS games are getting kind of left in the dust, but that's it.
  9. Huh. I typed "Shouzou Kaga" into Google and in the little bio thing that pops up it says "Born: 1950." I'm confused as to what he did after Berwick Saga, though. I don't know Japanese well enough to really read that whole article (without putting a lot of time in, at least) but Berwick is the latest thing he did on the list of works. Other than FE and Tirnanog stuff, all he has is Super Famicom Wars (Nintendo Wars, right?) from 98 and "Trade and Battle Card Hero" from 2000.
  10. A quick Google search indicates that he was born 1950, which means this announcement came out around 2000.
  11. TRS~FE5 (depends on how much of a challenge I want) >FE10>FE8>FE12>FE4>FE9>FE11>FE7>FE6>FE2, although FE2 is only down there because of how poorly it has aged. If the game even bothered to actually tell me how much damage I would do and what the % chances of hitting were, I'm sure I would like it more.
  12. In the event you want some real names... Jeigan is Wodo in Japanese, so... I'm not sure. Word? Wordo? Wodor? Waldo, while technically imperfect, is also an option. (Edit: Ward. Right.) Shield is Reon in Japanese, so I would go with Leon. Technically you could go with something like Reorn if you wanted, though. Fork is Aderu, so I guess Adel/Adele/Adelle... Or you could go with Adder, although I would expect that to be Ada in Japanese. Bow is Shirokku, which I'm pretty sure is Shylock. Red is Tian/Dian in Japanese. Dunno what to do with that. Healer is Izeruna in Japanese. Nothing jumps out at me... Izelna? Izaluna? Make it up? Purple is Erubato, so Elbert. Crossbow is Kurisu, so Chris, or whatever fun spelling you want to use. Kryhss, if it suits you. Does anyone who knows Japanese better want to verify these? I'll be the first to say that I am not infallible in this area.
  13. What's the diphthong that goes with ae in Latin? I suppose it's worth pointing out that, prior to SD, she was referred to as Sheeda in the fandom. Other than maybe Sheda, I would say that that's the "best" romanization unless you want to go for Cedar for whatever reason. Personally not seeing her as a Shidda or a Sheeder.
  14. Given a medieval-ish society, it would hardly be surprising for a gay man to have children. Homosexuality has not been the most accepted thing at, well, any point in time. So Priam is Paris's localized name? Huh. I've never associated that name with anything but Troy, so it'll be weird getting used to that. I definitely would have preferred Paris, given the Ike connection. Priam seems really random, other than being Paris's father.
  15. Technically it's not *cutting,* but simply snapping the blade. Any metal that's soft enough to be cut would be too soft to make an effective weapon. Also, there are certain soft metals that have a tendency to burst into flame in the presence of water or even plain old oxygen... I personally would avoid using a cesium sword at all costs. Francium, too, I suppose, except that doesn't really exist.
  16. If Shiida is based on anything English, I would say it's "Cedar." As far as Anglicizing it goes, you could get Sheed, Seed, Shid, or Sid for the first syllable and duh or der for the second syllable.
  17. I haven't played FE13 yet, and I'm leaving TRS out. My favorites would be 3. FE8: Largely nostalgia, but I do enjoy that the difficulty makes it easier for me to try a "challenge" run on a whim. You can't do that so easily with, say, Lunatic FE12. 2. FE10: To be honest, it has one of the stories I enjoy more in the series (until Part 4...), and I enjoy the many armies and the chapter designs and mechanics more in this one. 1. FE5: I find this one to just be a lot of fun strategically. Unlike certain other games that just pump up stats of enemies, I found the challenges here more fun to deal with. And least favorites 3. FE2: This one is just dated. I mean, can't you at least show me how much damage I'll do with numbers? 2. FE7. I don't know why, but there's something about this game that bugs me. I think I just associate it with something negative that happened when I played it through the first time. 1. FE6. It's just... not fun. And when you look at what Kaga managed to make instead, it's really an insult to the series.
  18. Rewjeo

    Valentine's Day

    Valentine's Day was pretty cool in elementary school when everyone gave everyone candy. Now it's probably the holiday I am most apathetic about. I can't think of any that I care less about, but, then, it would make sense for me to forget them if they exist.
  19. Since FE2, if you count hidden difficulty levels.
  20. You're confusing theory with hypothesis. A hypothesis is an idea that, as of yet, is unproven. A theory is a substantiated idea. Or maybe a collection of ideas. In any case, it's an articulation of a human understanding of a process. Theory doesn't mean it's not true, it just means that we cannot say a+b*c=evolution. That would be a law, and, by its nature of being a process, evolution cannot be more than a theory. And, unless we actually figure out time travel, we cannot prove how humans came into existence since we are humans. We would have to exist before we existed in order to do that. But we can look at the evidence we have to figure it out, just like we do with evidence around us constantly. On top of the Neanderthals thing, what about dinosaurs? Terror birds? Archeopteryx?
  21. You said you took AP Chemistry, right? Well, think about quantum theory. Mind boggling stuff. No sane person would believe that except that it has been demonstrated over and over again to work. Evolution is much the same way- we believe it happened because it works, and nothing else does while also explaining the evidence for evolution. And, given how incredibly vast the universe is, it's really not that unlikely that life like humans would appear somewhere. Us having this discussion is dependent on that happening. I personally find that a very freeing view, myself. You can be nihilistic or look at it as "I get to be my own person." The way I see it, what I think matters is what matters. I don't have to live my life according to some predetermined course. Of course, as SlayerX said, that has to do with atheism and not evolutionism. Evolution does mean that there is no god, it just means that one is not necessary. Edit: This really isn't a topic I should open in a new tab and come back to later w/out refreshing :/ Anyways, animals are a whole lot smarter than what most people give them credit for. Just keep that in mind. Creationism and evolutionism are contradictory, yes, but that doesn't mean that evolution and God are mutually exclusive. As far as "could it hurt to worship God"- perhaps it could. We don't know anything about an afterlife, so who can say what will or won't hurt you? But that description you gave of God gave me my own little realization- that is exactly how I think of my dogs. Other than how silly that may sound on the surface, that is rather interesting...
  22. The Bible may have been unchanged now for a long time, but as a text that has been censored and translated several times, never mind the part where much of it would have been passed down orally long before being written, even assuming that the general ideas it expresses are the same as the original always is dangerous. Firstly, out of curiosity, do you object to the idea that species change over time due to their environment, or just that the current species evolved from other ones? Evolution is a theory. A theory, unlike a law, is not set in stone. In the case of evolution, though, there is no evidence contradicting it and a mountains supporting it. There is no alternative to it supported by evidence and there seems to be nothing imperfect about the theory. In fact, humans have witnessed it through our history, although chiefly through our own doing rather than nature's. We have seen animals in areas thrive or disappear due to the changes we make in the environment, we have willfully changed domesticated animals for millenia, and now we are changing the nature of microbes with how we treat diseases. While we cannot for sure know that evolution happened, the only other explanation is that the universe was intelligently designed (edit: or just spontaneously came into existence) with all of this evidence planted to convince us of it, and there is no evidence to support that. It is simply possible that it happened that way.
  23. So, um, life got really busy and stuff. So here is a new chapter after a very long time. My goal is to write at least 500 words a day, regardless of how busy I am, so these should start being more frequent. We'll also see where this goes, since I've just created four new characters that didn't exist in the last draft and I'm only through Chapter 1. Edit: Oh, and disclaimer: some of this is the result of tired-writing, which has its flaws. Please point out problems so I can fix them.
  24. Crusader Kings 2. Brilliant story creator with brilliant mods. One of the best games, IMO, to come out in the past few years. Edit: Here's a little snippet from one of my games to give you an idea of what some of the more, err, WTF inducing stories are like. [spoiler=Family Pasta Bowls]I nominate the Maelwyn family (Britannia 479 AD mod) for most messed up family pasta bowl ever. Here's a little chart I made. But I realize that I missed quite a few relations, so I'll just talk you through it. Cai II had a son named Gruffydd and a daughter named Sibyl, amongst other children. Gruffydd had a son named Cai III, who married his aunt Sibyl. Cai and Sibyl gave birth to Norwenna, who then married Gruffydd. Norwenna and Gruffydd then gave birth to Dinas. Let's take a look at relations starting at the youngest and moving up, shall we? I *think* I got it all. Dinas: Norwenna's son; Cai III's grandson and half-brother; Sibyl's grandson and great nephew; Gruffydd's son and great grandson; Cai II's great great grandson, great grandson, and grandson Norwenna: Cai III's daughter and step mother; Sibyl's great niece and daughter; Gruffydd's wife and granddaughter; Cai II's daughter-in-law, granddaughter, and great granddaughter Cai III: Gruffydd's son and father-in-law; Sibyl's husband and nephew; Cai II's grandson and his grandson's grandfather Sibyl: Gruffydd's sister and daughter-in-law; Cai II's daughter and "granddaughter-in-law" Then Gruffydd is Cai II's son, and I think all their other relations are covered elsewhere. I would have used screenshots from the game, but posting that many seemed like too much work when I could just explain it.
  25. I agree that marijuana being illegal clearly isn't working, so something needs to change. I'm also of the opinion that people really shouldn't smoke it, but that's a whole different issue from whether or not it should be legal.
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