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Everything posted by Rewjeo

  1. Have any of you ever tried defending against a knife? Honestly, it's harder than defending against a gun, assuming you're close enough to your opponent. If you go after their hand, odds are your hand is going to get cut up BADLY, and anyone who knows how to use a knife at all will go for major arteries, and there isn't a whole ton you can do to stop them short of running, and in a big crowd that can be hard. Then there's also the part where someone could very, very easily have more than one knife on them, so grabbing one hand or getting one knife away from them is not going to necessarily help. I agree gun law could use a reform. I don't think firearms should be banned, however.
  2. Also, milk is bad for adult cats. Most animals can't digest lactose once they're adult. Could you accidentally leave part of a turkey sandwich out there that the cat would happen to go for?
  3. Let me see if I can remember what level I promoted units at the last time I played this game and had no trouble beating it... Franz, level 14 Artur, level 10 Gerik, level 10 Kyle, level 18 Knoll, level 10 Eirika, level 13 Ephraim, level 15 I don't regret promoting any of them at the time I did, and indeed I wish I could have promoted all of them (except Gerik and Knoll, obviously) earlier.
  4. There also wouldn't be as much of a need for homemade firearms as for homemade alcohol. You drink alcohol and it's done. You shoot a gun, and then you shoot some more, and there are already so many guns out there that it wouldn't be hard for them to end up on the black market. Add onto that the fact that America has massive borders with both Mexico and Canada, and I don't see much in the way of a shortage of guns following a ban. The UK is entirely islands, and while there are obviously many possible ways to smuggle in firearms, I don't think any of them really compare to the massive border we share with Canada that I can't imagine can be completely controlled, never mind the issues we're already having with bordering Mexico.
  5. See, these things get posted in FftF, and I'm never quite sure who's trolling who...
  6. So, as has been said in this thread before, the issue is the people, not the guns. American culture, in some way, promotes violence, at least relative to certain other cultures. Mind you, there is then the whole Honor Killings topic where other cultures openly promote violence, but I digress.
  7. Crusader Kings 2, currently. I feel like I come more from the "Strategy" part of "Strategy RPG" than you all...
  8. Rewjeo

    CK2 Elibe

    Hey, I was actually just about to head over to that topic on the CK2 forums and comment when I opened up SF and saw this here. Now, I'm afraid that, between time constraints and my lack of ability in regards to modding CK2, I can't be of much help, but I do have some thoughts on this. The Elibe games were never my favorites, so I'm rather shaky on the lore there, but I'm curious as to how several things would work. [*]Valor and Missur. I don't remember much indicating any kind of centralized government especially in regard to Valor. Notice on that map you linked to that they are not shown as political entities, but rather unclaimed land. [*]Cultural names. Simply put, you're going to have to make people and places up to fill out the map. Going along with that, character portraits. Green and blue hair are not in CK2 to begin with. [*]I guess, along with the whole "making up people" thing, is it possible to have CK2 autocreate characters like counts or dukes the way it makes mayors/courtiers/etc. appear? [*]In regards to Elibe hacks, what were you thinking of using as "canon?" The big ones, to me, seem to be Elibian Nights and FE7x, but I'm not much in the hacking realm. [*]Religion? Unless I'm mistaken, I recall Sacae not following the teachings of Elimine the way other regions did. Some other thoughts on my part: [*]I wouldn't try and do the different starts. There's only so much information from the various sources, so you may have to piece together information from the different games to make a working mod. What would you do about The Western Isles with a start date during FE7? [*]I would suggest smaller kingdoms. It's not like they aren't in vanilla CK2- take Bohemia or the Iberian kingdoms. A lot of them just have two duchies. So why not go with three-four duchies for each instead of 8-10? Ostia, Pherae, Caelin would be good for Lycia to establish the FE7 lords as important characters, and perhaps you could throw Laus in there to have some more conflict going on. Maybe make each island a duchy for the Western Isles? [*]Perhaps Valor could be done as a kind of independent duchy for the Black Fang? That's all off the top of my head.
  9. There's a *slight* difference between a nuke and a gun being used. With a gun, you may very well only have to shoot someone in the arm to get them to leave you alone, and at worst you have to kill one person who is threatening your life and could very well kill other people. With a nuke, your options are basically annihilate your entire area or to not use the nuke. Anyways, though, I would say that I'm more concerned with social reform. People shouldn't have to be incapable of killing people to not kill people. They should be decent enough to generally not kill people. Like getting rid of guns, though, it's not the most feasible thing to do...
  10. A guy killed his former boss, attacked the police when they showed up, and so he got shot by the police and died. As far as I have read, no one's quite sure how the nine people got injured, (did the shooter fire at them, or were they caught in the crossfire?) but this could have been remarkably similar even with guns banned. The man, say, stabs his boss, charges the police. Police fire, and probably pretty frantically because you don't have a lot of time to stop someone who's running at you with a knife, people still get injured in the crossfire, two people are still dead. Or maybe the "shooter" actually shot at the people who were injured, and now he charges into a crowd of people with a knife drawn. That could very well end up worse than this.
  11. All Mary Sues->Everyone loves everyone->World peace, end to all crime, outpouring of help for those in need, etc. also it means we're all really good at that stuff. It doesn't seem to me that we're all Mary Sues.
  12. What is "Regular Show?" By the way, *insert 'witty' answer here* would win.
  13. Unless I'm mistaken, dolphins (and their close relatives) are unique amongst whales due to the fact that they no longer have bones for rear limbs at all, simply a tail. In comparison, humans have lost their tail and only have rear limbs. That would not be a very similar structure. I wouldn't exactly say that a fish/dolphin transitioning to a human-like upper body is likely, but humans and dolphins basically took opposite routes with their lower body structure. Thinking about this more, an aquatic hominid seems to me to be the most likely scenario, but I'm imagining something more like LoZ Zoras than Disney Mermaids here. A hominid getting a full on tail doesn't seem possible to me given the timespan involved (a quick google search suggests that whales took ~6 million years to go from living in semi-aquatic environments to being fully aquatic, and homonids have only been around ~3 million years and evolved to live on the African plains, which isn't really semi-aquatic) and a whale's front fins becoming ape-like doesn't seem particularly likely to me on the grounds of "how does it help?" A hominid's rear limbs becoming more sea lion-esque seems... possible, at least. But, well, we would know about them if they existed based on them having lungs and probably living close to shore if they evolved from hominids. A mermaid is not going to be some deep-sea intelligent life form.
  14. Well, if anything like this exists, I don't think it would be like the Disney mermaids... I imagine it would basically be an aquatic creature with a tail fin but human-like front limbs. A whale's front fins separating into multiple digits again doesn't strike me as unlikely within the situation. More likely than a homonid (whose defining feature is that they walk upright) losing its legs and growing out a tail or having its legs fuse into a flipper.
  15. Because clearly anyone who tries to get low turn counts is doing it precisely because it isn't fun. It's not like anyone does it because they enjoy challenging themselves, especially in games they know inside and out at this point so that playing them normally is simply too easy at this point.
  16. Well, I suppose that if everyone knew what would cause the tragedies (and therefor were not ignorant about it) then tragedies wouldn't happen. Unless everyone involved chose to make it happen, but at that point it's not really a tragedy anymore.
  17. Japan, as far as I've studied, has had a very long history of people not being able to own weapons. In America, there are already so many guns out there that it would take a LONG time before regulations would make them as hard to get as in Japan. America also borders other countries by land and things move through those borders illegally.
  18. Maybe it's related to what kind of file you patched.
  19. This. TRS is in English now. Out of those up there, Sigurd. I don't find any of the FE lords (or characters in general) especially compelling, but as a unit...
  20. See, here's the problem with Schrodinger's cat: wouldn't the cat observe whether or not it's alive? Also, there's the multiverse theory which explains the, well, multiple universes. Personally, I like that more than "the universe splits with every decision made!"
  21. I have a feeling we're going to reach a point in time where the majority of kids are considered bad on the basis that they won't exist without grinding.
  22. Well, that trailer... didn't do much. Anyways, I doubt I'll buy it unless it drops to ~$1. Not paying five bucks for units that won't get much use.
  23. I want to care when something happens to them. Maybe I'm sad when they die because of their tragic circumstances or maybe I just really, really want them to die because they're a sadistic psychopath, but as long as I care, that's good in my book. The more I care, the better.
  24. Do you really think this guy wouldn't have just gone and acquired guns illegally if he couldn't get them legally? This past week has sucked.
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