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Everything posted by Rewjeo

  1. Mind you, anything we would spell with an "o" would go to an o sound in Japanese. For instance, Robert is Robato. So Krahm is just as likely an English pronunciation as Chrome. Japanese's alphabet is quite limited compared to the English alphabet, so you can only take the Japanese pronunciation into account so far. Gimle, going by the kana, could actually be Gimray.
  2. After you select your difficulty, there are two options which I believe say クラシク and カシュアル. The former is Classic and the latter is Casual.
  3. Your eyes don't make you everyone's #1 favorite person automatically? For shame.
  4. Not really. Some units are very good at certain points but are ranked poorly because they don't contribute well overall or are ranked very high for things your ordinary player won't find useful. Anyways, don't focus on the long term so much when playing higher difficulties in FE. Generally, the earliest part of the game is the hardest and you're given good failsafe units later on. Just focus on making it easier now and you probably won't screw yourself over for later as long as you don't do really stupid things like kill everyone off.
  5. Balancing this game entirely will be basically impossible on the grounds of availability unless you make growth rates basically nonexistent so you have leave behind your earlier units in favor of new ones. Assuming you want to allow us to keep basically one team throughout the whole thing, I'll come up with some quick ideas. Some of them will probably suck. Deal with it. I'm coming up with them on the spot. Try making Franz and Seth the cavalier duo and nerf them from there as necessary, maybe. Eirika's probably pretty good. Try making Gilliam a soldier with a fair but more SPD and then give it some promotion options, maybe? Vanessa and Moulder are probably good as is, considering that it's hard to nerf their utility. Maybe nerf Garcia a tiny bit and then make Ross a level 1 Pirate/Fighter Give Neimi kickass offense. This may need to change somewhat in light of other earlygame units getting nerfed. Either buff Colm's combat or make it harder to replace him via keys. Artur and Lute are probably good. A slight nerf might not be a terrible idea for Artur. Lute needs either a buff or a nerf depending on playstyle. Natasha's in the same boat as Moulder. Either hurt Joshua's earlygame or his lategame. He's not great right now, but with so many earlygame units getting nerfed, he could become pretty awesome if he isn't touched. Ephraim could use a pretty substantial nerf. Maybe take Ephraim and his knights all back to level 1 (with bases to match) and then weaken 5x enemies to match them? Bump Amelia up to at least a level 1 cavalier. You may need to go farther from there. Tana's probably in a pretty good spot. This may change after you make changes to others, though. Looking at Gerik's group, I'm not entirely sure what to do with Innes. He might be good. As for Gerik and Marisa... maybe drop Gerik's level some and then bump Marisa up to level 10? I don't feel particularly good about those solutions, but at a glance even a 10/1 Marisa would only have as much STR as a level 2-4 Gerik, although she would have +1 MOV, +15 CRIT, and like +5 SPD compared to him. Dozla's probably pretty good. Hard to say where he'd be after you edit other units. Give L'arachel at least the opportunity to insta-promote. I'm not entirely sure what to do about Saleh... I'd look at decreasing weapon levels (especially staves) as well as lowering durability or maybe screwing over his growths so he isn't very viable by endgame. I like my prepromo sages, so I'm not to keen to think of ways to make them not awesome. Ewan should probably be brought up to at least nearing promotion to tier 2. His 10/1/0 stats are still pretty bad for that point in time. Cormag could just use an all around nerf. Lower everything some. Rennac's probably in a similar position to Colm. Nerf Duessel. Nerf almost as much as Seth. Knoll... bump up instantaneously to Summoner perhaps with a good staff rank? Myrrh's probably decent as is. Syrene would probably like a slight buff in the combat area, but the general nerfing of characters in this game might make her a solid combatant as she is now. Again, some of these ideas are probably terrible. Just throwing them out there.
  6. I've heard that Astra works with any class/weapon, although I don't recall hearing about any other skills specifically.
  7. I've been told it's really fun to punch me before.
  8. Regarding the whole Franz aspect of things, I just started a Sethless run and, despite being STR screwed, I have a 14/3 Franz going into chapter 9 and I have been maintaining turncounts that would be very competitive within a draft. I believe I'm four turns behind the fastest draft run (without Seth) that I've seen so far, and that is with that person RN burning for the fast clear in the Prologue while I didn't. Those two remaining turns were in chapter 7, where I somehow forgot about the obvious Eirika drop. If you cut those out, then Franz would be at 13/3 going into chapter 9.
  9. Promoting him gives him more movement. If that really matters, you can promote him. After all, you don't need the Ocean Seal money in this game.
  10. I don't know what liking FE has to do with liking FF. I can say that, as a big FE fan, I don't like FF at all.
  11. You wouldn't want someone else's wife's corpse trying to seduce you for all eternity?
  12. Slize was actually going to mention that thunder can be directly overhead without rain before the thuds started going. I can fit more lines of dialogue in there to explain that stuff better. Also, I realize I italicized the thuds but didn't transfer that over. Oops.
  13. Update in my story! It's a new prologue start. If you have time, would you mind reading it and giving your thoughts?

  14. Hey, I wrote a new new new (however many times now) start to my story. I think you'll like this one more, and besides that your critique has been quite helpful before. If I didn't scare you off with my flowerstuffs before, would you mind checking it out?

  15. Okay, new start to new rewrite. I AM keeping the prologue, but I'm changing it up quite a bit. There should be more happening. This obviously isn't the whole thing, but I'd like to get opinions before I go too far with it. Some of it's rough, but hey, that's why I'm posting it here.
  16. I just saw your comment on my story... Thank you! I'm working on it. It's coming slowly, but as the school year ends it should pick up again.

  17. We don't know much about technology in prehistoric humans, and for a lot of that time they were not nearly as smart as the more modern human species and were focused on surviving in a much more dangerous world than ours. Technology has seen a ton of improvement since the last Ice Age, and that probably isn't a coincidence. Saying the Greeks and Romans didn't improve technology much is a joke. Architecture, art, military technology, boats, science, etc. etc. They had a massive impact on the modern world specifically because of all the things they changed about the world. And more specifically regarding the need thing: We, today, are in a vastly better place in just about every conceivable way than the Jugdralians, and yet we keep on advancing even farther. Certainly we don't *need* to, but we keep on doing it.
  18. A: Developing weapons that are even more powerful than magic seems mighty enticing, no? B: What about travel? Ease of life? Magic doesn't seem very widely available, and we don't know much about what it does outside of killing people. C: Is there any case of people not working on improving their technology (or magic) levels based on the fact that things are already "good enough?"
  19. I hate kanji. Also, maybe he actually wanted us to 宜しく in his direction.
  20. Right? No way Fiona could manage three damage on any enemy.
  21. It was even better when he joined you and had 0 AS. It's like "oh, hey, now you have this infinite use item. Too bad you've already done everything in postgame three times and this tome gets you ORKOd anyways!"
  22. "Prepromote" is just short for "prepromoted" rather than "prepromotion." It pretty easily goes either way.
  23. Well, it was a long time ago, Franz' first few level ups were very good for his offense (he moved towards his averages later), and I didn't do the obvious fast clear on chapter 7, so it was higher than it would normally be, but if you make good use of Franz, he can level up quickly, and it's much easier to get a 7 MOV combat god with him than with Vanessa.
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