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Everything posted by Rewjeo

  1. According to that link, supports (called "bonds" there) are "back."
  2. Another generally underrated unit. She at least has 8 MOV and flying, and unlike a lot of not-so-good units (Amelia, Ewan, Marisa, Knoll) her combat is at least passable, although still bad. 3.5/10
  3. 6 MOV is rather mediocre. Um, I would still like my units to be able to counter at range as well as up close.
  4. Myrrh is this awesome girl who turns into a dragon and kills stuff. Except she has low movement and pretty darn bad availability, so she actually doesn't get to turn into a dragon and kill stuff much. 3/10 Edited for grammar fail.
  5. Micaiah certainly does have flaws, and I don't remember exactly what happens well enough to offer an explanation as to why she was able to convince Nailah and Rafiel to fight for her. However, I think we've established that she's in a group of unusual beorc/laguz, so she doesn't have the same experiences as others. Beyond that, it makes sense to have the story focus on a rather extraordinary individual. It's not like we don't have cases in real life of individuals who seem beyond their surroundings, and that explains why she becomes queen. Soren's lineage won't get revealed in most playthroughs, Pelleas' background is drawn into doubt what with Izuka being insane, and Micaiah was the reason Daein became free again. Of course they flock to her. Of course, once it becomes clear she's branded, well that should be a problem. If IS ever did a sequel and Daein magically accepted that, then I would definitely agree that she's a Mary-Sue, but currently I think she is thought less of than she deserves and that she also could have come out as a better character with a better writer. That was sort of rambly. I apologize.
  6. No duh Micaiah doesn't act like the typical Daein citizen. She isn't your typical citizen. Do you think all Americans have the same biases? You can't say Muarim doesn't count. If the only laguz she got to know well were ones like Volug and Muarim, then that could explain why she doesn't dislike them. But even if Tormod would be *competent* at using swords, magic would be preferable for him 99% of the time and it would be nice if it was more 50/50.
  7. You know, Knoll can be pretty awesome in the desert since he can move so far and attack enemies from outside their movement range. IIRC, his phantoms can even ORKO the pegs if they dodge the counter so he can be effective at killing things.
  8. He could try Google translate. Of course, with it's amazing Japanese->English grammar abilities I don't know how well that would work...
  9. Duessel lost to Saleh? Interesting. You know, I thought Knoll was a pretty underrated character. Looks like people actually think MORE of him than I do. Whatever, I won't complain. I like Knoll. Sucks at everything other people can do, but (bar Ewan being a summoner... which won't happen often in any playstyle) has this cool unique ability that's pretty awesome, but not necessary. Don't feel like going into detail for now, at least. 3.5/10
  10. Well, do we know what relations she had with Laguz? Given that she lived in Daein, it wouldn't surprise me if the interactions she had with the Laguz in your party were the first ones she had seen much of. Doesn't Muarim figure out what she is and not treat her the worse for it, or am I mistaken? But if you're killing things well enough with magic and at 1-2 range, why switch to a sword? Or if you're bad with either one, why use it over the other? Ideally the magic could be like FE12's javelins/handaxes and be helpful at times but other times lack the oomph you need so swords are worth using.
  11. Erm, doesn't she know she's branded from the get-go? I feel like being discriminated against her whole life for something like that would let her look past laguz-ness. The one problem with a mage fighter is that, if Jugdral is anything to base it on, it's hard to make both worth using. Edit: Oh hey I'm Ena now. Yay.
  12. Taking into account WTA and Duessel's DEF/AVO, I'll give you a table for how much damage the effective weapons do before enemy stats. Armorslayer: 4, 33 HIT Zanbato: -2, 38 HIT Horseslayer: 1, 23 HIT Heavy Spear: 7, 23 HIT Hammer: 10, 8 HIT Those numbers don't scare me too much, especially when I'm maybe seeing numbers like that about three more times the whole game.
  13. Maybe it would summon lords only? That still gives you Alm, Celica, Sigurd, Celice, Leaf, Roy, Eliwood, Hector, Lyn, Eirika, Ephraim, probably Ike, and possibly Krom or even Marth.
  14. 6 MOV (at least until the boots show up) and I wouldn't mind better availability, but then, you know, 17 DEF and all A ranks... 7.5/10
  15. I feel like Rennac is the only unit you would have who would want either of those boosters...
  16. Marginally better than Colm while he's around, but then isn't around much, costs money/L'arachel to exist, and is still obsoleted by mounted units with keys except for a few valuable things in chapter 15. 2.5/10
  17. @bold: I assume you just mean as far as thunder's crit, right? Because thunder isn't effective against dragons in this game... @underline: Physical enemies far outnumber magical ones and he has the physical durability to never have to dodge. Besides that, it's MUCH easier to get him leveled up than Vanessa/Tana. Vanessa does something absurdly bad like 7HKO enemies to start with and gets 2RKOd back while the enemies have a better chance of hitting. Tana does better than that when she shows up, but your team will be WAY better by then than it was when Vanessa was first sucking so she's really not much better off.
  18. 7.9/10 Clearly anyone with a scar has issues in combat. Also I just feel like being difficult and it won't really affect his score much.
  19. Is there any confirmation at all that there are returning characters in this game? Or is this all speculation?
  20. 0/10 I guess you could argue he's marginally better than Amelia. But, well, that's saying nothing, and I would argue he isn't. He's more likely to hit than she is, but him hitting still won't do anything, and neither of them are every going anywhere. Tied for worst unit in the game.
  21. Wait. 20/1 Artur/Lute when Saleh joins? I'd call 15/1 generous, and at that point they're remarkably similar functionally. Except Saleh took 0 resources.
  22. I would guess MU isn't on the cover because it has many possible faces.
  23. 2/10 except I don't like her so 1/10 L'arachel is probably the most overrated unit in this game, IMO. First off, she only has 6 MOV, rather than 7, so her movement isn't much of an advantage compared to Clarine or Priscilla. In fact, it really isn't one at all. To look at your other possible healers, Moulder will have a way better staff rank so he has physic and if he's promoted he has 6 MOV, Natasha will also have a better staff rank and if she's promoted 7 MOV, Artur if he gets an early promotion (which I wholeheartedly believe he should) will have C staves and 6 MOV, Lute (who like Artur should be early promoted) will have the same staff rank as L'arachel but more MOV, and Saleh has the same MOV but a better staff rank. That makes her, like, the sixth string healer when you will never need more than two. Unlike the others (except maybe Moulder/Natasha) she is utterly useless in combat, as well. I don't just mean at first, either. Even after promotion her combat sucks. She joins late enough healing is not as much of a necessity, so she's going to be gaining EXP slowly. Getting her to 10/1 by chapter 15 would require you to go out of your way already, and at that point her combat is similar to a 10/1 Artur's... if he didn't have access to better tomes, been at that level like five chapters ago, and wasn't going to have an effective bonus against the monsters that start showing up soon. On top of being the worst healer and combatant (once trained) on your team, she also has the issue of having poor availability. Even if she wasn't outclassed, she joins ~2/3 of the way through the game which means she can't contribute all that much to begin with, and then healing isn't super helpful at that point. It's nice, but it's not like what Moulder is doing early on where our units are 2-3HKOd. I couldn't give her more any more than a 7 if she was your only healer at that point, and she is definitely not your only option.
  24. https://twitter.com/#!/NintendoEurope/status/172297306698297344 http://nintendo3dsblog.com/dlc-confirmed-for-fire-emblem-awakening-and-the-game-is-coming-to-europe-in-2012 Very good news here. At the very least we can play it legally in English, even if I end up having to get a European 3DS. This also makes it seem likely that it's coming to America.
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